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Burning Sage
Burning Sage
Burning Sage
Ebook119 pages5 hours

Burning Sage

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A brilliant scientist with a tragic past, Sage Wilcot is about to realize her lifelong obsession: studying the volcano on the exotic Greek island of Santorini. But her dream could turn into a nightmare. The once-dormant volcano is waking up, and it’s shaking her world in the process. Rescued by Emmanouel—a gorgeous and immortal prince tasked with restoring the glory of a long-lost civilization—the logical Sage will soon be challenged into believing the fate, magic, and most of all, love.

Release dateSep 23, 2015
Burning Sage

Deena Remiel

It was the mystique of Arizona’s history and landscape that called to Deena and catapulted her career as a USA Today Bestselling Author. When she’s not writing urban fantasy or paranormal romance in the wee, small hours of the morning or in the deep, dark of night, Deena teaches language arts to gifted middle school students. She currently lives in Mesa, but New Jersey will always tug at her heartstrings.

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    Book preview

    Burning Sage - Deena Remiel


    A brilliant scientist with a tragic past, Sage Wilcot is about to realize her lifelong obsession: studying the volcano on the exotic Greek island of Santorini. But her dream could turn into a nightmare. The once-dormant volcano is waking up, and it’s shaking her world in the process. Rescued by Emmanouel—a gorgeous and immortal prince tasked with restoring the glory of a long-lost civilization—the logical Sage will soon be challenged into believing the unbelievable…like fate, magic, and most of all, love.


    Remiel’s stories pull you in, captivate your heart, and make you beg for more.

    —USA Today bestselling author Laura Wright

    "Deena Remiel’s Book Waitress series is a rare find. One part Buffy, another part Exorcist, with an extra large dash of hunky reporter, it’s bound to wind up on your favorite series list. It’s certainly on mine."

    —Rebecca Royce, bestselling author of the Westervelt Wolves

    Deena Remiel’s angelic world will make you swoon.

    —Erin Quinn, New York Times bestselling author

    [Deena’s writing] is always done in such wonderful layers. Intense emotions, beautiful descriptions, and wonderfully woven story. They all come together to form her addictive paranormal tales.

    —Kristina’s Books and More



    Deena Remiel

    PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


    Copyright © 2015 Debra Rosenblum

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

    ISBN 978-1-942886-87-7

    To my readers, who continue to believe in impossible romance


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    About the Author


    Chapter One

    Atlantis, 1521 BC

    Emmanouel shifted his chest plate to the right, then to the left, bristling before taking one final glance back at the marbled temples and columns guarding his home. The linen undertunic chafed his skin, and he’d have to meet the foreign dignitaries in armor two sizes too small. Who had time to have another made when more important matters were at hand?

    Stop all that fussing about! his fossilized father bellowed over the cacophony of activity surrounding them on the dock. You’re a prince, not a common dog scratching at fleas.

    It’s my aegis. I haven’t had time to requisition a new one.

    Ah, yes, you’ve certainly grown. In size, strength, and wisdom, I believe! Your physique could rival the gods, and your diplomatic abilities are the talk of the city. His father clapped him on the shoulder, grinning ear to ear. That’s my boy. You’ll make your brother a fine advisor when he becomes king. He turned and roared a command. Stephanos!

    Emmanouel cringed as a rather large and burly man, his friend since they were babes, looked over the side of the ship, acknowledged the king, and lumbered down the gangplank to kneel before his father.

    Yes, my king?

    King Kleitos pointed a gnarled finger toward the man’s chest. Take off your armor and give it to my son.

    Yes, of course, my liege. He bowed without pause and did as commanded.

    But Father—

    Emmanouel, give him yours, the old man continued in his usual autocratic manner, completely disregarding his son’s objection. Yours’ll do for him until another can be forged in Athens.

    This isn’t necessary, Father, Emmanouel whispered in his ear.

    What? Of course it’s necessary, he scoffed. You can’t go to Athens looking like a sham of a prince. In the future, plan ahead, ask, and your needs will be provided for. You may not be throne-bound, but you are and will be taken care of as befits your station.

    Thank you, Father. I am deeply grateful. The prince bowed and offered a humble smile as he arose, then suited up in his friend’s armor.

    Much better! Your negotiations with Athens are of a most serious nature. Don’t come home without a successful agreement or terms of war. And while you’re at it, it wouldn’t hurt to come back with an Athenian wife, as well.

    Emmanouel hung his head and shook it, amused by the king’s preoccupation with his second son’s love life. I am confident I can persuade them to find our plan mutually advantageous. As for the wife, if there is time and opportunity, I will make an earnest attempt. Maybe your energies would be better spent marrying off my dear brother. Shouldn’t he have a queen by his side?

    Don’t think I haven’t tried! Maybe you should bring a bride home for him instead.

    Emmanouel glanced around and drew in a thankful breath as he saw all was ready to cast off. It looks as though everything is in order. They’re waiting for me. Take care, Father. I know you’re tired and ready to hand over the throne to Alexis, but I want to see you hearty and well-rested when I return.

    He embraced his father with all the love and respect of a son who had admired him since the day he could climb upon his father’s throne. There was no one like him on earth. He’d ruled Atlantis fairly for thirty-five years. In his honor, Emmanouel would go to Athens and bring back their seal as proof of their agreement. There was no other option in his mind.

    The king extended his weatherworn hands to cup his son’s face. May Poseidon be with you!

    And with you!

    Emmanouel charged up the gangway. He paused to stand at the bow of the sleek sailing vessel in his new armor, exhilarated and anticipating great success on his voyage. He’d worked for months brokering this deal, until at last he was certain he had a solid plan that would benefit both parties. Atlantis and Athens would at long last end their animosity and become trade partners, bringing great prosperity to both cities.

    * * *

    Prince Emmanouel, pardon my intrusion, but we are heading to port. I thought you’d like to be on deck.

    He’d been pouring over his notes for the millionth time down in his makeshift study. He’d have King Cecrops eating out of the palm of his hand once the meetings began.

    Thank you, Stephanos. One thing first before you go.

    Yes, Your Highness, the captain replied with unaccustomed formality.

    As soon as our feet touch Athens soil, I will pay to have armor made for you in return for the kind deed you offered me this morning. You look downright ridiculous! That’s no way for a loyal soldier or friend to be treated.

    Thanks, but I think I want to keep the damn thing.


    Yes, I believe I’ve grown rather fond of not breathing or being able to move my arms.

    The old friends laughed easily, their camaraderie restored.

    * * *

    Ah! Emmanouel, my good man! So glad Poseidon has seen it fit to usher you safely to our port.

    Smiling, Emmanouel tromped down the gangway and stepped onto Athenian soil. The briny smell of the harbor reminded him of home. Senator Apostolos, a pleasure, as always, to arrive on friendly shores and on such a beautiful day. I do believe I’ve never seen the sky so blue or felt the breeze so—

    Hot! It’s downright hot! The two diplomats clasped arms in genuine friendship despite the vast difference in age and the tension dripping from sweaty soldiers on

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