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Infidelities: A Collection of seven short fictions
Infidelities: A Collection of seven short fictions
Infidelities: A Collection of seven short fictions
Ebook83 pages59 minutes

Infidelities: A Collection of seven short fictions

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nfidelities is a collection of 7 short stories about relationships. The spotlight is on love, lust and sex, but mostly desire. What happens when you look outside your main relationship? Do you just look or do you act, unable to remove dangerous illicit thoughts from your mind? Should you give into your desires, ignoring the consequences of your actions, for you and for those you claim to love? Can a marriage survive infidelity? Read the 7 stories herein and see what happens when seemingly respectable women, those with children and good jobs, living quietly in their lovely houses give into their desires. It’s not only the heat of the tropical settings, it is the heat of their passions that will inflame your own senses.
Release dateJul 3, 2014
Infidelities: A Collection of seven short fictions

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    Infidelities - Kat Quickly


    A Little Affair


    I kissed her. Properly. Finally. Well, she kissed me and I didn’t hold back. Well, I did. A bit. I didn’t kiss her the way she wanted. But, oh, I wanted to. When we were sitting in the pub I knew something was coming. She touched my hand a couple of times, kept looking at me, held my gaze: smiled. She’d grabbed my arse before we left work: I knew what she was thinking. Said she’d had another dream about me. Erotic again. She dreams about me a lot. I like that. I like that she dreams about me and tells me. I wonder how explicitly. She hints. I can guess.

    So I went for a drink with her and Cam. I s’pose I shouldn’t have. I know she wants me. Would I fuck her? Perhaps if we weren’t married. I don’t know. I think about it. I like holding her, touching her, the smell of her. She feels good. But anything else is too difficult. Judy would kill me this time. But we went for a drink - couldn’t hurt, not with Cam there too. But she played up to me, smiling, listening attentively to my woes, swirling her ice in - it sounds stupid - a very sexy way. I was really aware of Cam, like a chaperone, there with us. He seemed not to notice her attentions, but he’s used to her flirting: he has coffee with her every morning. Perhaps she doesn’t like me that much? Nothing special about me. Perhaps she plays us all like this? I watch her. She pays more attention to me than Cam: it’s my hand she touches; it’s my gaze she holds. She stays in her seat as Cam moves to go. So do I. Is she waiting for me, watching me? I expected us all to leave together. But Cam leaves and she and I sit still so we’re alone in the pub.

    Her drink is almost empty. She wants another. I don’t. I’m frightened what might happen if I drink too much. I offer to buy her a drink. She will if I will. I won’t. She doesn’t. I feel nervous. I should go. Judy and the kids. It’s eight o’clock. She won’t stay without me. We leave together. I feel better that we’re going. It would be too easy to stay. Outside the door she slips her arm around me, tucking her shoulder undermine. My arm goes around her. I don’t even think about it. We walk like this so often. I like the way she feels tucked in close.

    We stop at my bike. I put my helmet and gloves on the seat. She stands in front of me. Close. Expectant. We don’t often stand face to face. She’s quite short really. No heels. Her head fits neatly onto my shoulder. I know this from before. Before that scene in my office, when we used to touch too much. She puts her arms around me, around my waist. I know this is stupid. I should have got on the bike and just gone. I shouldn’t have put my helmet down. She’s waiting for something to happen. I put my arms around her. She looks up at me. She wants to kiss me. I want to kiss her. I’ve kissed her before, on her hair, on the top of her head. And a peck on the mouth, once. She wants more than a peck tonight. I bend down to her mouth and we kiss. Mouths slightly open, just enough pressure. She tries to move her tongue into my mouth. I can’t do that. She pulls away. Pissed off. I’m glad. No, I’m not. Shit. I don’t know what I am. I want her but her tongue at my teeth scares me. I can’t open my mouth properly.

    She rants and raves a bit. Understandable. Do I lead her on? Have I encouraged her? I don’t know. I do like her. I like the way she feels. But she’s married. I’m married. I know her old man. I tell her I like him too much - her too much. It’s not much of an answer. I put on my jacket and helmet. I can’t go any further with her. Although I guess I want to. Where would we go for God’s sake - her car and have it stink of sex and Gary know something was up? Because you know that smell – it’s like nothing else. He’d know. I hug her and leave. I don’t even look back to see the lights of her car or if she’s okay. She’s okay. She’s pretty tough really. Must be to like an arse-hole like me. I try not to think about her as I ride home. I lick my mouth tasting her lipstick. I don’t think about her body pressing into mine, her eyes on me. I put tomorrow out of my mind.

    I wipe my mouth carefully before I go into the house, remembering the shit her lipstick on my shirt sleeve caused last month.


    He kissed me. Properly. Not really passionately but it wasn’t a Platonic kiss. He held me and he kissed me. He just wouldn’t go the full tongue to tongue. I don’t know why. But as I think about it now it wasn’t all me. My mouth tingled from the stubble around his mouth, so the pressure was there. He tasted of beer and smoke - all sexy, making me think of years ago, times and guys before Gary. And as he’s so much taller than me and I wasn’t wearing heels and I wasn’t on tip-toe he must have bent to kiss me. So he kissed me as much as I kissed him.

    I can’t remember how tightly he held me or where his arms were I just know he stayed behind when Cam left

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