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101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball
101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball
101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball
Ebook55 pages37 minutes

101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball

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Are you a baseball fan? Are you familiar with the rules and terminology of America’s favourite game? Would you like to know more about the history of baseball and the famous players past and present? If so, you won’t want to be without 101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball.

Which player who holds the record for the most home runs in a single season? Who became the youngest ever manager of a baseball team at the age of 23? What is the name of the centre fielder nicknamed ‘The Silver Fox’? The answers can all be found in this exciting new reference book which will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about baseball including information about all the top MLB players, the teams and their nicknames, record breakers, winners, losers and a whole lot more.

If you are fascinated by the world of professional baseball and would like to find out more, 101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball is all you need.
Release dateMay 23, 2012
101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball

John White

John White was the author of twenty-five books as well as numerous articles and study guides. A much sought-after speaker, he lectured around the world at churches, conferences and leadership events. John White died in 2002, but his writing ministry continues, with over 1.5 million of his books in print.

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    101 Things You May Not Have Known About Baseball - John White

    Title Page



    John D. T. White

    Publisher Information

    Apex Publishing Ltd

    PO Box 7086, Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO15 5WN, England

    Digital version converted and published in 2012 by

    Andrews UK Limited

    Copyright © 2011 by John D. T. White 

    The author has asserted his moral rights

     All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition, that no part of this book is to be reproduced, in any shape or form. Or by way of trade, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser, without prior permission of the copyright holder.


    I wish to dedicate my book to my two sons, Marc and Paul.

    With Love From

    Your Dad


    I would like to thank Michael Aubrecht, Editor of The Pinstripe Press for his fantastic Foreword to my book and for his valued help. And thanks also to Martin Dempsey for his brilliant cover design.



    It is considered America’s National Pastime, but over the last century, baseball’s impact has grown well beyond the borders of the United States. Far more than just a mere sporting event, it has become a major ingredient of many cultures, and has often been responsible for bridging the gap between nations, enabling the poor to escape poverty and bringing people together in times of crisis. During war, following a natural disaster, or in the midst of economic hardship, the game has always provided an emotional escape for people from every race, religion and background who can collectively find solace at the ballpark. Therefore, it somehow seems fitting that the origins of modern baseball can be traced back to a divided America when the country was in the midst of a great Civil War.

    Although baseball, originally referred to as Town Ball, was somewhat popular in larger communities on both sides of the Mason Dixon line, it did not achieve widespread popularity until after the war had started in 1861. The mass concentration of young men in army camps and prisons eventually converted the sport formerly reserved for gentlemen into a recreational pastime that could be enjoyed by people from all backgrounds. For instance, both officers and enlisted men played side by side. Soldiers earned their places on the team because of their athletic talents and not their military rank or social standing. Union and Confederate officers endorsed baseball as a much needed morale builder that also provided physical conditioning. After long details at camp, it eased the boredom and created team spirit among the men. Often, the teamwork displayed on the baseball diamond often translated into teamwork on the battlefield.

    It has been disputed for decades whether Union General Abner Doubleday was in fact the father of the game. Many baseball historians still reject the notion that Doubleday designed the first baseball diamond and drew up the modern rules. Nothing in his personal writings corroborates this story, which was originally put forth by an elderly Civil War veteran, Abner Graves,

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