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Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary
Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary
Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary
Ebook37 pages32 minutes

Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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Finders Keepers is the second book of the trilogy projected by Stephen King. Mr. Mercedes was the first one, the novel received great appreciation and won the Edgar Award in the category, ’best mystery novel’ in 2015. In the ‘Finders Keepers’, the main character is a private investigator, Bill Hodges. The character is the continuation of the previous part who struggles to chase another deranged killer. Finders Keepers is a standalone and strong book; it grasps the reader’s attention and has succeeds in combining both the real world and literature beautifully. The reader who has read the previous book can instantly connect with the book.

This summary is aimed for those who want to capture the gist of the book but don't have the current time to devour all 350 pages. You get the main summary along with all of the benefits and lessons the actual book has to offer. Ant Hive Media reads every chapter, extracts the understanding and leaves you with a new perspective and time to spare. We do the work so you can understand the book in minutes, not hours.

Release dateSep 27, 2015
Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary

Ant Hive Media

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Stephen King's Finders Keepers Summary - Ant Hive Media

Stephen King’s

Finders Keepers



Ant Hive Media


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Please Note

This is a Summary & Analysis of the original book. Ant Hive Media reads every chapter, extracts the understanding and leaves you with a new perspective and time to spare. We do the work so you can understand the book in minutes, not hours.

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