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Summer Storm - Haunted by You: Basic Desires New Adult Romance, #1
Summer Storm - Haunted by You: Basic Desires New Adult Romance, #1
Summer Storm - Haunted by You: Basic Desires New Adult Romance, #1
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Summer Storm - Haunted by You: Basic Desires New Adult Romance, #1

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About this ebook

Dane Wright is a morose, moody individual who’s content to isolate himself in his Malibu beach house. For nine months, he’s shut out the world, along with his loved ones, to wallow in self-pity within the walls of his luxury fortress of solitude. When his parents go on a month-long Caribbean cruise, Dane is forced to take responsibility for his younger sibling, Megan, who is fast building a reputation for herself.

Megan is upset with her parents. They're making her stay with her brother for the summer and are threatening to stop her allowance if she doesn’t pull up her grades. So Megan seeks the assistance of geeky Summer Blake, who’s probably the brightest girl she knows at college. Knowing Summer's on scholarship, Megan bribes her with a glamorous vacation in exchange for helping her improve her grades.

Summer agrees. She’d rather sleep in a flimsy, makeshift tent in a woods full of bears than to go home for the summer. However, there are a few details Megan leaves out when she invites Summer to vacation at her brother's home; things that could topple the walls of the man cave Dane’s built around himself while shaking Summer's world.

The instant attraction between Dane and Summer is undeniable. However, Summer’s presence makes Dane experience emotions he doesn’t want to feel. And the sooner he can get her out of his house and life, the better.

Release dateOct 1, 2015
Summer Storm - Haunted by You: Basic Desires New Adult Romance, #1

Tori Del Rey

Tori is fun loving and see the world through the eyes of her charecters. She's cutting her teeth so to speak, on the butts of the menage cast of players, running around nude in her head. Waiting for her to dress them, package them and expose them fully clothed of course, well at least most of the time to the world. 

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    Book preview

    Summer Storm - Haunted by You - Tori Del Rey


    She felt good in his arms—right, as if she should always be there. He set her on her feet, and drew her into him. He hadn’t met anyone more uncoordinated than this stray Megan had brought to his home, this girl who invaded his privacy as well as his peace of mind. That is, when she wasn’t tripping over herself.

    He made a quick calculation of valuable breakables in his home and the chances of a collision. Nothing of real value sprung to mind. His grip tightened as she wriggled for release, he should let her go. But he didn’t want to. Pressed up against him this way, she fitted like a neat little package made to order. His arousal pressed into her stomach, he knew she could feel it too. The hard dick poking into her was probably the reason behind her fidgeting, but this only assisted in making him harder.

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    Chapter one

    Sorry! He gasped in shock as he stared at the sexy form of the unknown naked woman in his bathroom. Her back was turned to him. His first thought was how beautiful her butt looked, tight and firm like a ripe peach waiting for someone to take a bite out of it.

    Head bent, her towel swished around her legs as she dries the simmering liquid which, to his mind, danced down smooth flawless skin. He wanted to look away, but couldn’t. Her supple, tanned flesh wove a hypnotic trance, which teased and invited his immediate attention.

    I didn’t know anyone was in here, Dane said, stuttering as he backs away to the shriek of her stunned surprise, as she whipped around to face him. Her body was appealing, and transfixed him to the spot, making him unable to turn around and leave.

    He watched as the towel tumbled from her fingers to the ground, exposing ample breasts, which plunged forward. Her arms flapped like crazy as she scrambled to decide, which body part to shield.

    What caught his eye was the clumsy way her hands left her breasts uncovered and squashed them between the V-shape formed by her arms. Leaving her dusky brown nipples to beckon him, like heat-seeking missiles of promised pleasure. To cover the perfectly waxed bald mound of womanhood, she tried desperately to guard from him with both hands.

    Unable to take his eyes away from the vision before him, he moved in slow motion, retreating. It had him forgetting this was his house and he had no idea who this woman was. What he did know was she had his heart racing, goose bumps crawling their way to the surface of his skin.

    The thin material of his swim shorts did nothing to hide or disguise the growing bulge, tenting his lack of self-control, and was damn right embarrassing. It wasn’t like he’d never seen a naked woman before, yet the sight of this one unhinged him. He had no idea anyone else was in the house.

    His brain scrambled to make sense of what he was seeing. Had he entered the wrong house? He looked around the room. No, he was in the right place; his stuff was everywhere.

    His sister said she and her friend would arrive in the morning. He even had a wakeup call scheduled so he wouldn’t be late. This girl—correction, woman—was definitely not his sister.

    There’d been no evidence anyone was home when he came in, plus he established this was his bathroom.

    As the shock of seeing her, subsided. He began to feel irritated.

    What the hell was this woman doing taking a shower in his bathroom, and using his towel to dry herself? And why the fuck was he apologizing. What he needed to do was find out who she was and how the fuck she got into his house.

    He took a step forward unable to take his eyes off her beautiful twin assets. God, they were lovely. Naked like this, she left nothing to the imagination that was for sure.

    Who are you? he asked, to her back as she turned and bent over, staggering to pick up the lost towel.

    She muttered something, but he couldn’t make out the words.

    Did she even speak English? He moved toward her.

    How the fuck did you get into my house? His irritation grew with the betrayal of his body and mass confusion, teetering on the brink of him wanting to do something stupid like dragging her and shaking her to get answers. Foreign or not, she was in his house, not the other way round.

    He didn’t care how hot she was, he wanted answers. To think he even apologized for stepping into his own bathroom. Someone had some explaining to do and it wasn’t him.

    Other than the initial scream and her incoherent utterance, that lasted mere seconds after being caught with her pants down. She stayed silent, fumbling with trying to secure the towel around her. Dane’s patience slipped, he marched up to her gripped her by the shoulders and spun her around to face him.

    Answer me. Who are you, and what are you doing in my house? He shook her gently, but enough to hear her teeth clatter as she tried to speak. Her mane of thick Auburn

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