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Witches: Do You Have Hidden Supernatural Powers
Witches: Do You Have Hidden Supernatural Powers
Witches: Do You Have Hidden Supernatural Powers
Ebook126 pages3 hours

Witches: Do You Have Hidden Supernatural Powers

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In the darkness of night, someone stands, waiting for the moon to rise, waiting to feel and absorb its power. Dressed in nothing but a dark hooded robe, the silent figure feels no fear standing alone in the shadows, just a surge of energy as the moon's rays break over the eastern horizon.
Witches, demons, and supernatural powers are not fantasy and fiction. There is a real world of people with paranormal abilities, you will find them here. Thousands of years ago many types of humans, including a powerful ancient race, mixed with modern humans. This ancient race had the ability to sense and manipulate energies of the earth and moon. Many people carry those genes, perhaps you do as well.
(Genisis 6: 1-4) The Nephilim, (demigods) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
I invite you, see if any of this ancient powerful race resides within you.
Excerpt from Witch
"When the door opened on the other side of the room, everything stopped, like time was frozen. It felt like liquid darkness had just gushed through a gaping chasm. Cold chills raced up my spine and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I desperately wanted to flee from the room, but I was nearly paralyzed by feelings of extreme nausea. I had not even looked at the door yet to see who or what was there, but I had just sensed an evil force enter the room."

PublisherLee Jackson
Release dateOct 19, 2015
Witches: Do You Have Hidden Supernatural Powers

Lee Jackson

Lee's mother had a ruptured appendix soon after she became pregnant with him. Doctors said that because of the poisons from the burst appendix, and the subsequent medication required by his mother, he would not survive. Defying odds, Jackson was born. He was a sickly weak child and could not even run until about the age of 10. Determined not to be a weak and sickly boy, he pushed himself physically, becoming proficient at climbing, jumping, gymnastics and even broke the world record in sit-ups. In school, he started out very slowly. The teachers continually advised his mother that he should be held back. She told them she would work with him, and to keep him with his peers. Eventually, he went from the bottom of the class to near the top, winning the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award Medal in high school. Next he wanted to develop his hands on abilities and joined the US Marines. He excelled in studies and broke academic records in the military schools he attended, but working in the field, his lack of hands on experience really showed up. Jackson gained the nickname of Murphy, because he broke everything on the helicopters when he tried to work on them. When he disabled a helicopter just by trying to change a light bulb, a special investigation was run on him because it was believed he was a Soviet spy whose mission was to cripple the Marine Corp Air Fleet. It seems that nobody could purposely repeat the accidental damage that Jackson had caused. He was suspected to be a high trained Soviet Operative. Having a completely clean background, Jackson was moved to the military intelligence unit where he was put in charge of Classified Material Control. Unlike doing the hands on work where he unintentionally grounded squadron helicopters, Jackson was proficient at his work in the intelligence unit. Within 3 months of being put in charge of Classified Material, he moved the inspection rating from failing to Noteworthy (highest rank given). After the Marines, Jackson did dozens of manual labor jobs before wandering out to California and attending college there. Not wanting to place a financial burden on his parents who were paying for the college expenses of 3 of his siblings simultaneously, he did not reveal that he was attending college, merely that he was doing work in California. His parents only found out he was a college student when they received the invitation to his graduation ceremony. Eventually, Jackson attended several different schools, colleges, and universities earning over 400 semester credit hours of college. If anyone asks him about his academic accomplishments, he just laughs and says the only thing that all the diplomas and certificates are good for is to wall paper an ugly wall, and that a moron with persistence can outperform a college graduate on most days. Jackson writes part time and runs several businesses in the USA and Japan, and plans on expanding into other countries with a growing economy. One of his life goals is to plant a forest in the desert. Book Series by Jackson: True but Unusual Series Inspirational Series Save the Planet Series

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    Witches - Lee Jackson


    A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.

    Horace Mann

    First and foremost, I hope these Confessional Series Books inspire you to learn more, understand more, and become more. Without that, nothing has purpose.

    This book, "Witches is a collection of stories that speak of the unusual powers of Natural Witches" (those who are born as witches with inherited powers) and how many of them first discovered that they were witches. This leads to the question, do you, the reader, also possess any hidden powers? I hope these accounts will give you a better understanding of this unusual group of people among us.


    Changing World

    For witches who possess supernatural powers, trying to explain those abilities to people who have none, is like trying to explain vision to a man, who was born blind.


    The world is changing. It is changing in big ways that will affect people like never before. Some of us can feel it coming. It is like watching a train barreling down the tracks toward your stalled car. You want to try to push your car off the tracks, or get out of the way, but everything is moving in slow motion. Even though you know the outcome, you seem unable to avoid your destiny.

    There are things that will happen in the future. These things are unspeakable. We the witches among you have seen them.

    It is the witches, healers, prophets and others with special abilities that have always been blamed when terrible things happen around us. Floods, droughts or perhaps some type of personal disasters have always inspired the peasants with their pitchforks to follow a lynch mob to our doorsteps.

    To avoid this blame, I want you to know us and understand us. Know that even though we can see and feel these things that will be happening, it is not us who causes them to happen.

    The following are my stories and stories of other Natural Witches that I know of who have demonstrated powers, or gifts, that are common to witches. Many of these stories are of individuals who considered themselves perfectly normal, until the people around them were upset, frightened, or angry at the abilities they displayed. If you recognize some of these powers and abilities in your life, then maybe you are also a Natural Witch!

    Chapter 1

    Innocence of Children

    I think innocence is something that adults project upon children that’s not really there.

    Donna Tartt

    We have preconceived notions about good and evil, but there are some of us, like me, who can sense evil. We know when it is there, and it sometimes comes in the most unexpected forms.

    A 4 year old boy, accompanied by his quiet mannered mother, walked into the tutorial classroom of a private school where I was working. The classroom manager escorted them both in and announced that she would be assigning the new young student to my class. Immediately I felt an intense anger, great fear, and the desire to vomit.

    I need to speak with you outside right now about the class before we begin, I quickly told the classroom manager. We walked a few steps away from the class down the hall and I nervously whispered in the manager’s ear. Take that child out of my class. I cannot teach him.

    "Do you know him? What is wrong? Did he do something?

    No, I replied. I have never seen him before in my life and he did nothing but walk into my room, but, if he stays in my room I will quit this job immediately.

    Ok, relax, what is up with you today? I will just put him in the class next door, geez! Get back to your class.

    The 4 year old was placed with the teacher next door who was happy to have the sweet looking intelligent 4 year old in his group. It was only a week later that I met this teacher again and got the updated report on the boy.

    Holy shit that kid is evil. He does the most terrible things. You are so lucky you did not get him assigned to your class. I wish he would quit so I would not have to put up with him in mine.

    They say all babies are born innocent and pure, but that is not true. I can feel them, just like I felt the 4 year old come into my class. He carried evil around him, and inside of him. I am a sensor of spirits, and one of the witches who will be telling his story here.

    Maybe if you have free time, listen to the song Bad to the Bone. It is not unrealistic.

    Chapter 2


    Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. . . I think I’ve forgotten this before.

    Steven Wright

    Waking up, I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. It was one of those old types that had a flap that rolled over like a rolodex. It was at 6:59. Just a moment after I looked at the clock, the flap turned over and it changed to 7:00. I slowly got up out of bed and walked over to the bedroom door.

    I looked down the hallway, and there in the middle of the hall was a big basket of clothes. Evidently my mother had placed the basket there late at night after I had gone to sleep. It had not been there the night before when I went into my bedroom.

    Walking down the hall, I stepped around the big clothing basket and continued down the hallway to the foyer. I stopped and looked out the sliding glass doors of our house’s back entrance, and there, sitting on the porch, looking

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