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- “I’m sorry Gracie.”
“Sorry for what? What are you doing?” I hold my hands up to ward him off as he comes closer. “Stay away from me.” Oh god, this is it. There will be no witnesses to my murder; they’ll only find my body parts strewn across the park. I open my mouth to scream, but his hand clamps over it, stopping me. Tears well up in my eyes and a sob escapes my covered lips. I don’t want to die, I’m not ready yet. He presses in, smothering me. Everything suddenly becomes dark, as if I've been swallowed by shadows.-

When she is taken against her will and held captive, Gracie Martin must find a way to escape, but not just from anywhere... from the Underworld of Greek Myth. Can she succeed against all odds, in a terrifying, mythical world, to find her way back to the man she loves? The REAPER is here...
This is PART 1 of a series.

Release dateOct 18, 2015

Dannielle Wicks

Dannielle Wicks is the author of the Hardest Mistakes series (Broken Sunrise, Book 3, & Twisted Stars, A Hardest Mistakes Novella, coming soon) and the Reaper Mini-Series. All of Dannielle’s creations can be purchased wherever books are sold.Dannielle lives in Kingaroy, Australia, with her fiancé, 3 dogs and a bird named Torak. Dannielle used to sneak notebooks into classes at high school, to read/write while no one was looking. Fading Away, her debut novel, is actually a reincarnation of some of the stories she used to write instead of doing her homework. She graduated from the Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE with a Certificate in Information Technology back in 2011, and now currently works full time in the Information Technology Industry.Dannielle writes mostly Young Adult fiction, but occasionally dabbles in the worlds of Sci-Fi, Murder Mysteries and Adult Romance.Since deciding never to become an adult, she has engrossed herself in the amazing world of young adult fiction and an unusual amount of TV. She adores Disney movies and can’t get enough of classic fairy tales. When she's not busy writing, she can be found sneaking a chocolate from the fridge.Dannielle is an active member and supporter of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which happens annually, every November, which just so happens to be her birth month!You can follow Dannielle on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook...etc. You can also find her on her website at

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    Book preview

    Reaper - Dannielle Wicks


    Mini-Series #1

    Copyright 2014 Dannielle Wicks

    Smashwords Edition

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    PART 1

    I lean up against the cold brick wall of the locker room and stare off into space. Tonight’s the night. Brendan has made a reservation at a restaurant across town after his game. He's going to propose, I can feel it. I'm so excited I can’t even think straight. I tap my foot against the cement impatiently.

    I'm so engrossed in my thoughts, I don’t notice Brendan standing in front of me until his lips touch mine and his fingers weave into my loose hair. He pulls away with a knowing grin and leans down once more to kiss me on the nose.

    Ready to go? I nod enthusiastically and practically skip to the car like a small child. He opens the passenger side door and motions for me to hop in.

    We pull out of the dark parking lot and cruise down the highway back into the city at an alarming pace. I guess he’s as excited as I am. I grip the edge of the seat as he turns a corner too quickly and steers us towards a large

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