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The Orchard: Hot Bottom Homecoming: The Orchard, #1
The Orchard: Hot Bottom Homecoming: The Orchard, #1
The Orchard: Hot Bottom Homecoming: The Orchard, #1
Ebook43 pages51 minutes

The Orchard: Hot Bottom Homecoming: The Orchard, #1

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About this ebook

               Lexi left the only town that she had ever known and headed to The Big Apple. Fueled by heartbreak and longing, she headed out into the world to prove to herself that she wasn’t as broken as she felt, that life could go on.

               Ten Years Later…

               With four year old Jax in tow, Lexi left New York and the husband who wanted nothing to do with them and headed for the one place she never thought she would return; home. After a failed marriage and a move across the country, Lexi was spent. She couldn’t imagine dealing with another thing, much less the one person who had destroyed her all those years ago, but there he was standing on her parents driveway.

               Cole Fulton had been the love of her life, she was sure that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together, just as soon as he returned from the Army. That all changed when he sent her a letter about reenlisting. She had written back in anger, telling him that she wanted him to come home. She knew that the language she had used would make a sailor blush, and she had a good feeling he would be furious, but she never in a million years thought that he would leave her. But he did. He stopped responding to her letters, he stopped calling, he just cut her out of his life completely. It had destroyed her. It took her years to build herself back up and even then there was a piece of her heart that never healed.

               Sparks fly when Lexi finds out that not only does Cole live here, but her job at the orchard will leave her working side by side with him. When Lexi loses her temper and lashes out at her parents and Cole, he doesn’t hesitate to follow her and teach her a lesson in respect the old-fashioned way. With a scorched bottom, Lexi finally sits down with the man who broke her heart and rehashes the past, and learns that there are definitely two sides to every story.

This is a novella of about 12k, and is part 1 in a 4 part series. All installments will be available in a bundle after the final installment is released.

Notice: This novella contains domestic discipline including the spanking of adult women. If such material offends you, please do not buy this novella. 

Release dateOct 20, 2015
The Orchard: Hot Bottom Homecoming: The Orchard, #1

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    Book preview

    The Orchard - Stephanie L. Smith

    Table of Contents

    Returning Home

    Returning Home

    Lexi scanned her surroundings, she knew that she was close, but it had been years since she had been out here, so it was tough to remember where exactly the turn was. The first eighteen years of her life were spent making this drive, she should be able to remember exactly where the entrance was. The rusted metal wagon wheel leaning against a large oak tree finally jogged her memory, it wasn’t far now. She found the turn onto that old dirt road and to her surprise, even ten years later it still looked exactly the same.

    Mommy where are we going? Her son Jaxon said from the back seat. She could feel her stomach sinking, how in the world was she supposed to explain this mess to him? He had already seen far more than any child should have to, she was going to have to figure out a way to explain this gently when the time came, but for now, it was easiest to just tell him they were visiting.

    We’re going to visit Nana and Papa remember Jax? Lexi answered as calmly as she could manage.

    Why do they live in a park? Will there be swings here too? Jax asked. These days if he was awake, he was asking questions.

    What do you mean sweetie? They don’t live at a park, what made you think that? Lexi questioned.

    If they don’t live in the park then why do they live in the trees? Jax asked, answering her question with another question of his own. That’s when it hit her. In his four years of life, the only trees her son had seen were at the park. Living in a city had provided him with lots of building and concrete, and the idea that trees only grew in parks. Lexi felt a pang of guilt that she had not taken her son to visit sooner, but then his father, Jack, had never wanted to. He insisted that it was too far of a drive and that there was nothing to do. He always told her that her parents would enjoy visiting New York anyways, what a jerk. Her parents did visit, twice a year without fail, but not one time in ten years had she come back to see them.

    Well mommy? Why do they live in the trees? Jax inquired again.

    They don’t live in the trees Jax, they live in a house. They live on an orchard though, so there will be lots and lots of trees. I don’t think they have swings, but they used to have some dogs roaming around, and I’m sure they still have horses. Lexi answered, trying to make their new home sound like something a four year old would enjoy.

    Well I do like dogs, like Jessie, Mrs. White’s dog. What’s an orchard? Jax asked.

    It’s where they grow apple trees, buddy. You like apples right? Lexi asked, knowing her son loved any kind of fruit he could get his hands on.

    Yeah! Jax said enthusiastically.

    That’s good because you’re going to have all the apples you can eat while we’re here. We can go out and pick them right off the tree too! Lexi explained as the house finally came into view. The drive down this long dirt road had reminded her that her cute little BMW probably wasn’t going to be a logical choice for a vehicle, especially if she found work in town and had to drive back and forth every day. Hopefully her parents

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