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Finding Wilder: A Guardian Series Novella
Finding Wilder: A Guardian Series Novella
Finding Wilder: A Guardian Series Novella
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Finding Wilder: A Guardian Series Novella

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Nico Constantin is handsome, charming, and above all mysterious. When he and his brother Roman return to the quiet town of Oak Bluffs, they bring with them an unforeseen amount of supernatural baggage. And no one is affected more so than the innocent Celeste Wilder, who is simply trying to finish her senior year of high school. As the brothers struggle to keep her safe from her inescapable destiny, one thing is certain: nothing will ever be the same for any of them.

A companion novella to the best selling novel, Wilder: The Guardian Series, as told by the intriguing Nico Constantin.This is a small glimpse into the world of Celeste Wilder and the Constantin brothers. For the entire story read Wilder the first book in The Guardian Series next!

PublisherG.K. DeRosa
Release dateOct 25, 2015
Finding Wilder: A Guardian Series Novella

G.K. DeRosa

G.K. De Rosa has been an avid reader from a very young age. At the precocious age of two, while living in Italy, she had memorized an entire children’s book in Italian and expertly turned the pages at the exact right moments of the story. As she grew up, she always enjoyed literature, no doubt having been instilled with a love of story telling from her early years in Catholic school where she was greatly influenced by exemplary teachers who taught her the value of English and Literature. Though she did not pursue writing in college and instead went for the more traditional route of International Business inspired by her love for travel and all things foreign, after a move to New York City, she found her creative writing side calling once again. She began writing a restaurant review blog, City Lights and Tasty Bites, detailing her other passion – food! The hectic hustle and bustle of the city, combined with long commuting times gave her the opportunity to spend more time reading and rekindled a lost love. After reading countless books in many diverse genres over the two years in New York City, and returning to her home state of Florida, she felt compelled to write something for herself. She had always felt particularly drawn to Young Adult novels and having been an eternal romantic at heart, a fantasy romance was a natural choice. She currently lives in South Florida with her real life Prince Charming and their fur baby, Nico the German shepherd.

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    Book preview

    Finding Wilder - G.K. DeRosa

    Finding Wilder:

    A Guardian Series Novella

    G.K. De Rosa

    Copyright © 2015 G.K. DeRosa LLC

    All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, G.K. DeRosa.

    Distributed by Smashwords.

    Published in 2015 by G.K. DeRosa LLC

    Palm Beach, Florida

    Discover other titles by G.K DeRosa

    Wilder: The Guardian Series

    Wilder Destiny

    To all my dedicated Wilder fans without whom I would have never had the courage to create and continue the story of Celeste Wilder and the Constantin brothers.

    G.K. DeRosa

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7


    Author Biography

    Chapter 1

    It’s strange being back in Oak Bluffs after so long. And it’s even stranger that I’m taking classes – again – at the local community college. But it’s important to keep up appearances. Of course, I’ve attended some of the best universities around the world, and I can’t help but laugh at the irony of finding myself in an introductory European history class. Glancing at the eager faces of the young freshmen surrounding me, an attractive co-ed catches my eye. She’s rather striking with full pink lips and sun-kissed chestnut hair. She stares unabashedly at me as she chews on the end of her pen; her glance is somewhat insinuating. I toss her a smile, then turn my attention back up to the professor.

    Before I’ve even gotten out of my seat at the end of class, the attractive young girl appears in front of me.

    Hi, she says with a coy grin.

    I flash her my own million-dollar smile, and she’s suddenly speechless. I’ve always had that effect on women, and I can’t say that I don’t enjoy it. It has gotten me out of almost as many dangerous situations as it’s gotten me into.

    Finally, she finds her tongue and continues. I’m Dani Lynn, she says, extending her hand. You have to be new in town because there’s no way I wouldn’t have run into you by now.

    I am. My name is Nico Constantin, and my brother and I just moved to Oak Bluffs. I purposely omit the back part.

    We carry on with the usual getting to know you conversation, and eventually she invites me to her place for a party. Since I never say no to a party, I agree to come, and she walks away happy after we’ve exchanged phone numbers.

    Not bad for the first day at a new school.

    Walking into our stylish apartment, it occurs to me that perhaps we over did it with the place. It’s doubtful that the average college twenty-somethings would be able to afford such a nice space. Staring out through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the great room, I catch sight of the peaceful blue pond below and push aside my hesitation. The apartment was worth it.

    Kicking off my shoes, I stretch out on the black leather sofa as I grab the remote, noting that the 60-inch wide screen television was also totally worth it. As I flip through the channels, my ever-brooding brother walks into the living room.

    How was your first day? he asks as he takes a seat beside me. Roman and I have an interesting dynamic. As the older brother, he often takes the parental role, as he is right now.

    I decide not to give him a hard time about it and answer him honestly. You know, the usual – lectures, homework, and pretty girls throwing themselves at me.

    Roman shoots me a displeased look. He’s always had a more difficult time fitting in than I have, but it’s certainly not because he couldn’t. I would never admit it to him, but he might even be slightly more attractive than I am. We both have similar physiques, tall and well-muscled with classic features. However, where I have dark brown eyes, he has the most crystal clear blue eyes I’ve ever seen. If I were a girl, I’d be all over that. Still, his astonishingly good looks seem to elude him, and he ignores all overtures from the opposite sex.

    We’re invited to a party tonight, I tell him. All of Oak Bluffs Community College will be there. You should come.

    I don’t think so, he answers predictably.

    Why not? It would be good for you to get out.

    I have been getting out, Roman responds.

    Oh yeah, that’s right. I thought I had heard him sneak out of the apartment late yesterday evening. Where have you been going in the middle of the night?

    Nowhere important, he responds with a shrug, and I know the conversation is over.

    Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I apply a bit more gel to my spikey hair to get the purposely-messy look just right. I adjust the collar of my aqua button-down shirt and tuck it into the midnight blue Armani jeans I bought in Rome last spring. I douse myself with a

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