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Beyond Visions
Beyond Visions
Beyond Visions
Ebook66 pages41 minutes

Beyond Visions

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The Book Contains Poems in English on Spiritual subjects taking near to The God. Book will provide Noble inspiration to the readers. a valuable treasure for the life.

Release dateJan 18, 2013
Beyond Visions

Dr. Jagdish Patel

Dr. Jagdish Patel (D.Litt) made significant contribution to Electrical and Mechanical Industrial sectors successfully in India and Abroad.Receive many awards and Gold medals.On gaining spiritual knowledge being Mystic he decided to change the field and started writing mystic poems came out of his conversation with God. What he has written is not his but a blessings from God and wrote about more then 30 books of spiritual poems with a view to enlighten all readers that only spiritual luxuries you have you will carry to God after death not the worldly luxuries.Read and Read my all poems which will show you the path of mysticism an ultimate goal of life.God bless you with bliss.LIFE CHANGING GOLDEN BOOKS FROM DOCTOR OF LITERATURE BY Dr. JAGDISH PATEL

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    Beyond Visions - Dr. Jagdish Patel

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