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Defining HR Success: 9 Critical Competencies for HR Professionals
Defining HR Success: 9 Critical Competencies for HR Professionals
Defining HR Success: 9 Critical Competencies for HR Professionals
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Defining HR Success: 9 Critical Competencies for HR Professionals

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About this ebook

High-quality HR practitioners have advanced skill sets in the critical competencies needed to work our most pressing talent issues of today and to deliver HR strategy to enable businesses to evolve in the future. Now HR professionals are expected to be valued team members and contribute as business partners for the growth of the organization.

Defining HR Success provides an in-depth review and application of the nine critical HR competencies practitioners need to be successful within the field of HR and leaders of their organizations:
• HR Expertise (HR Knowledge) • Business acumen • Communication • Consultation • Critical evaluation • Ethical practice • Global and cultural effectiveness • Leadership and navigation • Relationship management
Release dateOct 1, 2015
Defining HR Success: 9 Critical Competencies for HR Professionals

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    Defining HR Success - Alexander Alonso

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, licensed professional should be sought. The federal and state laws discussed in this book are subject to frequent revision and interpretation by amendments or judicial revisions that may significantly affect employer or employee rights and obligations. Readers are encouraged to seek legal counsel regarding specific policies and practices in their organizations.

    This book is published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM®). The interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher.

    Copyright© 2015 Society for Human Resource Management. All rights reserved.

    This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Society for Human Resource Management, 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.

    Founded in 1948, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR membership organization devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 275,000 members in over 160 countries, the Society is the leading provider of resources to serve the needs of HR professionals and advance the professional practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India, and United Arab Emirates. Visit SHRM Online at

    Interior and Cover Design: Shirley E.M. Raybuck

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Strobel, Kari R.

    Defining HR success : 9 critical competencies for HR professionals / Kari R. Strobel, James N. Kurtessis, Deb Cohen, and Alexander Alonso.

    pages cm

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-1-58644-382-5

    1. Personnel management. I. Title.

    HF5549.S89426 2015







    Part I: Overview and Introduction

    Chapter 1. The History of Competency Modeling

    Part II: The SHRM Competency Model: Foundational Competencies

    Chapter 2. HR Expertise (HR Knowledge)

    Chapter 3. Ethical Practice

    Part III: The SHRM Competency Model: Business Competencies

    Chapter 4. Business Acumen

    Chapter 5. Critical Evaluation

    Chapter 6. Consultation

    Part IV: The SHRM Competency Model: Interpersonal Competencies

    Chapter 7. Relationship Management

    Chapter 8. Leadership and Navigation

    Chapter 9. Communication

    Chapter 10. Global and Cultural Effectiveness

    Part V: Building Your Road Map

    Chapter 11. Your HR Career Path

    Chapter 12. Finding the Resources You Need

    Chapter 13. How Does Certification Fit In?

    Chapter 14. How Can You Benefit from the SHRM Competency Model?

    Chapter 15. Never Stop Learning

    Appendix A: SHRM Research Spotlight: Developing HR Professionals

    Appendix B: Content Validation Study of the SHRM Competency Model


    About the Authors

    SHRM-Published Books that Support the SHRM Competency Model


    Human resource management, as a profession, is relatively young. It was just over 60 years ago that management guru Peter Drucker published The Practice of Management and first used the term human resources. Since that time, HR has seen substantial change, evolving from a primarily administrative to the strategic business function it is today.

    Yet one of our profession’s most persistent challenges has been fully articulating what is required to succeed in and deliver great HR.

    We knew it when we saw it. We could point to exemplary HR professionals who were business-savvy, well-respected and leading their organization’s strategy. They had meaningful relationships with people at every rung of the corporate ladder. They were seen as trusted advisors to the C-suite and the board. They had acquired the leadership mantle reflective of the role human resources plays in the success of organizations. We lifted these individuals up as examples of great HR and where HR needed to go.

    But simply knowing where HR needs to go is insufficient. To get there expeditiously, we need a roadmap that details how to get there and that defines HR success for professionals at every stage of their careers.

    SHRM has done that in the SHRM Competency Model. We surveyed businesses, educators, and over 32,000 HR professionals to identify the nine critical behavioral and leadership competencies every HR professional needs to succeed and grow. Among the key competencies you’ll find in this book are business acumen, leadership and navigation, global and cultural effectiveness and – of course – HR expertise.

    These competencies are relevant at every career stage, across all industries, and around the world. They are the behaviors businesses require from modern HR professionals. They are also the competencies demonstrated by the most successful members of the HR profession.

    In Defining HR Success, you will find information that will help you respond to the new, higher expectations of HR and advance your career to the level business demands. You will find a roadmap to becoming the HR business leader you aspire to be, and to achieving the positive results your organizations needs from HR.

    SHRM believes that people are the most critical lever of success in today’s fast-paced business environment. We believe that HR must continue to evolve, to lead and drive impact in our organizations. Most important, SHRM believes in you.

    Henry G. Hank Jackson

    President & CEO, SHRM


    The authors would like to thank the following for their contributions in elevating the HR profession:

    » Steve Bates

    » Brad Boyson

    » Tharanga Fonseka

    » David Geller

    » Lindsay Northon

    » Mark J. Schmit

    » Rachel Tenenbaum

    Your contributions helped make our research better and helped us achieve new heights for defining success in HR.

    For the HR profession — your insights represent the most wonderful window into the business world and we are grateful you’ve shared them with us.

    For the Society for Human Resource Management — thank you for taking the bold initiative to advance the profession and for being a true thought leader for today and for tomorrow’s HR.

    Part I:

    Overview and Introduction

    The HR profession has been under attack for decades—from Why We Hate HR in Fast Company to It’s Time to Split HR in Harvard Business Review.¹ Why is this the case? The way in which human resources (employees) are hired, developed, engaged, compensated, and even terminated can have a huge impact on the success or failure of an organization. Yet the way in which HR professionals themselves are selected, developed, and transitioned varies widely across organizations, industries, and countries. In some organizations HR is treated as a key strategic function and accorded the resources and respect needed to be an effective part of the leadership of the organization. In other cases, HR is considered a transactional function with less thought or effort devoted to how the function can both serve the needs of compliance and strategically contribute to the success of the organization; this sense of disrespect is often rooted in business stakeholders even at the educational level.² And on this continuum of a transactional function to strategic partner is just about every possibility in between. It is daunting at times to help evolve a profession that has this much variability in practice. Over the years, however, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has, through its mission, created and executed initiatives to help the profession achieve new heights and evolve the way HR practitioners are viewed, supported, and developed. The SHRM Competency Model is one such initiative. The model defines what it means to be a successful HR practitioner, identifying the critical competencies HR professionals need to solve our most pressing talent issues of today and to deliver HR strategy to enable businesses to evolve into the future.

    Chapter 1.

    The History of Competency Modeling

    To understand the value of the SHRM Competency Model, a brief overview of the history of competency modeling will help set the context for the development of the SHRM model and provide you with a greater understanding of the model’s value to you as an HR practitioner and to the HR profession.

    What are competencies, and what are competency models?

    In a foundational review of competency models, Jeffery S. Shippmann and his colleagues, as delineated by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) taskforce on competency modeling and explored further by Michael Campion and his colleagues, noted a great deal of variability in how competencies are defined, often depending on the professional field of interest and the context of the discussion.¹ When conducting research on the HR profession, SHRM defines a competency as a collection of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that contribute to individual and organizational performance.

    A competency model is a set of related competencies linked together that describe the requisite attributes (that is, KSAOs) for successful job performance in a given domain, such as human resources. Competency models include a set of specific behavioral statements that define the competencies and describe what the job-related behavior for each competency looks like. Competencies can be either technical (or functional, capturing the what of the job that is being performed) or they can be behavioral (capturing the how you perform your job successfully). Both types of competencies, technical and behavioral, should be included in any one competency model (see Figure 1.1). Well-developed and easily implemented competency models typically have no more than 8 to 15 competencies, capturing both the technical skills and behavioral attributes that are needed for successful job performance.²

    Figure 1.1. Relationship among KSAOs, Competencies, and a Competency Model

    Where did the practice of using competency models come from?

    The practice of competency modeling was not developed by a single individual or at a specific point in time. Instead, the practice and our current conceptualization of competencies and competency models have evolved slowly over the past 40 years. The work of David McClelland is often viewed as the origin of the current competency movement.³ McClelland, in an attempt to understand academic achievement testing, presented competencies as an alternative to the then-prevalent approach that focused on traits and intelligence. Subsequent research by Richard E. Boyatzis focused on the characteristics of more than 2,000 managers, which were arranged into a management competency model.⁴

    The practice of competency modeling also grew from the use of assessment centers, as a method of assessing employee performance and potential to identify managerial-level employees who are ready for promotion or to determine specific training needs. Assessment centers function on the basic idea that a broad set of job-related KSAOs (called dimensions) are required across similar jobs.

    Competency models rest on the assumption that a broad set of job-related competencies can be used to understand and assess employee performance across a variety of jobs and organizations. For example, the competencies necessary for successful performance as an HR generalist in one organization may also be necessary for successful performance as an HR manager in another organization.

    The practice of competency modeling gained widespread popularity after the introduction of core competencies in 1990 by C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel.⁶ They defined core competencies as those needed by an organization to operate successfully. Although these thought leaders focused on competencies at the organizational level, which are different from individual employee competencies, they emphasized that an organization’s employees are the building blocks that give rise to the organizational-level competencies and thus should be the focus of change initiatives. In other words, an organization’s ability to operate successfully and achieve strategic objectives is an outcome of individual employee competencies. Today, HR departments focus on selecting for and training on individual-level competencies to support the attainment of desired business outcomes.⁷

    How Competencies Influence Business Outcomes

    When we speak about competencies influencing business outcomes, we are talking about both hard and soft outcomes. Hard outcomes are concrete and quantitative, such as job performance, profit and loss, or turnover; soft outcomes are qualitative and less tangible, for example, the satisfaction and engagement of employees or the reputation of the organization. Because competencies provide reinforcement of the link between organizational goals and workplace behavior, we need to consider these outcomes from two angles: the organization and the individual.

    We all crave work that keeps us interested—or engaged—in our tasks (a soft outcome at the individual level). The desire to be engaged is innate in almost all of us—especially on the job. When we find ourselves engaged in our job tasks, we are likely to see a spike in our productivity (a hard outcome at the individual level), which may affect pay or benefits. A surge in productivity at the individual level typically translates into cost-effectiveness for the organization (a hard outcome at the organization level⁸). We can then translate the hard outcome of cost-effectiveness into balancing the organization’s scorecard and ensuring that the productivity is aligned with the mission and vision of the organization (a soft outcome at the organization level). By informing employees that the organization is on track, the individuals on the team are more likely to experience a flow of self-esteem, perpetuating the cycle of positive business outcomes.

    How can an organization come to know the mediators of these outcomes? What are the drivers? Competencies help us answer these questions (see Figure 1.2).

    For example, at the core of any job is the

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