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Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition
Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition
Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition
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Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition

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Recorded over six centuries ago, the teachings of the 14th-century Master-at-Arms Johannes Liechtenauer have been given new life by a world-wide community of modern swordsmen and women, fascinated by the elegance, efficiency and depth of his unique martial art.

Christian Henry Tobler was one of the pioneers in reviving the medieval Master's art, creating the first, published syllabus for training with the two-handed longsword back in 2004. This fully rewritten, revised and expanded edition brings to bear a decade of refinement, creating a definitive, "how to" guide for students. Containing a short historical overview of the art, students are taught stance, footwork, methods for gripping the sword, and step-by-step instructions for executing the core techniques of the Liechtenauer tradition. Additional chapters introduce students to wrestling, spear and armoured combat; demonstrating the arts depth and breadth. Heavily photo-illustrated, the book also makes use of decision-trees and training drills to aid in learning.

Used as complete, self-contained course, or a primer for studying the original medieval works themselves, this unique book will be invaluable to martial artists, reenactors, medieval historians, or anyone who has ever wondered "how did knights fight?"
Release dateNov 15, 2015
Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition

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    Excellent book! I am starting practising HEMA and this book really helped me.

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Fighting with the German Longsword -- Revised and Expanded Edition - Christian Tobler

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From many centuries, the sword was regarded as the Queen of Weapons. No weapon has ever been so imbued with legend, mystique, and symbolism as the sword. Capable in offense and defense, in spite of its obsolescence on the battlefield for more than a century, the sword remains a potent symbol of war, justice, honor and chivalry. There is something about a sword, whether an antique original or a cunningly crafted replica, that speaks to the hand, heart, and soul. When the sword is taken up, something deep within us whispers of ancestry, noble deeds, and adventure.

Many people are surprised to hear that medieval warriors practiced sophisticated martial arts. Movies, television, and books have created the impression that medieval combat was crude and wholly dependent on strength. Many members of the public believe that medieval swords were ponderous and heavy. They are shocked to hear that the average sword of the time weighed between two and a half and four pounds. Viewing such a weapon in a museum, one is struck by the nobility of its simplicity. The late, revered scholar of the sword, R. Ewart Oakeshott, who created a widely recognized typology for these weapons, writes of the magnificence of the medieval sword:

These swords are beautiful, with an austere perfection of line and proportion – surely the very essence of beauty – comparable with splendid and majestic pottery. A good sword has affinities with, let us say, the work of Chinese potters of the Sung dynasty – affinities whose impact is sharpened by the disparity in their raison d’être.³

Our medieval ancestors must have felt that too. For the warriors of the Middle Ages – the Age of Chivalry – the sword was already an ancient symbol steeped in legend. Vikings and the earliest of the medieval swordsmen named their blades in chronicle, saga, and chanson. The names of the swords wielded by some of these heroes, both historical and fictional (and those populating the grey lands that lie between), have come down to us through these tales: Hrolf Kraki’s Sköfnung, Roland’s Durendal, Charlemagne’s Joyeuse, and, most storied of all, Arthur’s Excalibur.

When one handles an actual historic sword, it is impossible to believe that the use of such an elegant weapon could have been crude or brutish. These weapons were crafted with skill and care, and many of the warriors who wielded them likely did so using very deliberate methods. In fact, we know that at least some of them did; dozens of fighting treatises survive from the late Middle Ages. We have record of several great traditions, with works surviving from northern Italy, southern Germany, England, northeastern France (Burgundy), Spain and Portugal.

This book is an introduction to one of those fighting traditions, the Kunst des Fechtens (Art of Fighting), the German school of Johannes Liechtenauer, a master of the 14th century. To those who are only familiar with the Asian martial arts, this study should be a pleasant surprise, for this martial art is one of sophistication, elegant movement and, above all, effectiveness, easily on par with its Eastern counterparts. In what follows, you will learn the basics of this art as seen through the lens of its primary and exemplary weapon, the longsword, and later with some of its cousins among the panoply of medieval weapons. Join me now as we take up the sword as our ancestors once did and feel the past come alive in our hands.

Notes Regarding the 2nd Edition

This revised and expanded 2nd Edition includes a number of interpretation changes. I hope students of the art will find the biomechanics presented here cleaner and a number of actions more intelligible.

In addition, eight more chapters appear here than in the first edition. The techniques Duplieren and Mutieren now have their own chapter, Breaking the Four Openings, as do the principles of the Vier Versetzen, Nachreisen, Indes, Überlaufen, Absetzen, Durchwechseln and Zucken, plus a chapter on the guard Nebenhut. This expanded lineup should help the student better understand concepts only briefly addressed in the previous volume.

The reader will also find some material considerably reworked, such as the chapter on Durchlaufen (formerly titled Wrestling Techniques), wherein I draw more closely from the wrestling at the sword examples described in the Liechtenauer commentaries.


An Ancient and Secret Art of Fighting

Young knight learn

to love God and revere women,

so that your honor grows.

Practice knighthood and learn

The Art that dignifies you

And brings you honor in wars.

Wrestle well and grasp

Lance, spear, sword and messer,

manfully handled,

and in others’ hands wasted.

Strike bravely and hasten forth;

Rush to, hit or let it go by.

Those with wisdom loathe

the one forced to defend.

This you should grasp:

All arts have length and measure.

– The Prologue of Master Liechtenauer

A fencing master, likely Master Johannes Liechtenauer, from the 1452 Fechtbuch, or fight book, Ms A 44 8. He holds a practice longsword in his right hand as he gestures toward a sword and a messer on the wall.

The Knightly Art

The Germany of the late Middle Ages was not a country in the sense that we now understand that word. The German lands made up the better part of the Holy Roman Empire, a collection of duchies, bishoprics, free cities and principalities, more or less under the suzerainty of the German Emperor. The imperial court rarely enjoyed strong centralized power, however, and rival nobles often fought each other or leagues of towns in bitter and continual conflicts. The roads were often dangerous; when travelers were not in peril from armed brigands, they might have to contend with robber knights.

On this violent stage, the fencing master was an important player. Fencing guilds, such as the Federfechter and Marxbrüder, were formed by burghers and tradesmen, while masters such as Sigmund Ringeck, Paulus Kal, and Hans Talhoffer sought noble patronage. Most of these fencers and masters had at least one thing in common: they had all learned the Knightly Art of Master Johannes Liechtenauer.

The memory of the German grandmaster Johannes Liechtenauer looms large over more than two centuries of the Kunst des Fechtens (Art of Fighting), the German martial art of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. We know little about this shadowy figure, save that he likely lived in the 14th century. His name might indicate that he came from Liechtenau, in Franconia, though other towns elsewhere in Germany shared that name.

We would know little of the man’s teachings were it not for a long succession of other masters who followed in his footsteps, for Master Liechtenauer encrypted his fighting art into roughly 350 lines of rhyming couplets, "in hidden and secret words, so that not everyone will grasp and understand it…"⁴ These verses are known generally as Merkeverse (Mark Verse); his treatise, composed of the verses, is known as the Zettel (Epitome). The verse seems to serve twin purposes: first, as the manuscripts say, to obscure the art from the uninitiated, and second, to serve as a series of mnemonic devices to those who understood his teachings.⁵ Concerning the former, if all that history had left to us was the Zettel, we could but guess as to what made up this medieval martial art.

Fortunately, the works of Liechtenauer’s disciples and successors provide us with a window into the great master’s art. In over two dozen manuscripts, these Fechtmeisters (Fencing Masters) deconstruct Liechtenauer’s art, presenting his verses and then explaining them to their reader, often some noble patron. The earliest of these manuscripts extant, Hs. 3227a, sometimes (erroneously) attributed to a cleric named Hanko Döbringer,⁶ has been dated to 1389, though this may be inaccurate.⁷ This work, included in a Hausbuch (Housebook), a type of medieval home encyclopedia, lacks the characteristic memorial God have mercy on him, often used in the Fechtbücher (Fight Books) to indicate a deceased master, so it is possible that Liechtenauer was still alive at this time. The last known treatises of the tradition appear in the 17th century, including the 1612 printed work of Jakob Sutor – itself an abbreviated redaction of the 1570 magnum opus of Joachim Meyer, the last of the great masters of the Liechtenauer School. Given these dates, we can assume that the tradition endured at least 250 years; Master Liechtenauer cast a long shadow indeed.

The martial arts system of Johannes Liechtenauer encompasses personal combat skills for fighting with and without defensive armour. The art includes the use of the longsword (a sword that can be wielded with one or both hands on the grip), the lance on horseback, the spear, the dagger, the messer (a falchion-like short sword) and techniques for grappling with an opponent with or without weapons. The Langes Schwert (Long Sword) figures centrally in his system.

An exposition of the techniques of unarmoured fighting with the longsword, Bloßfechten (Exposed Fighting), appears first in his verses and provides the fundamental principles and conceptual framework for the other two disciplines he treats, each focused on the fighting of duels: Roßfechten (Horse Fighting), which is mounted combat, and Harnischfechten (Harness Fighting), or fighting in armour. The longsword is an important weapon in these last two disciplines as well, but techniques for lance, spear, and dagger are also included.

The techniques for Roßfechten and Harnischfechten appear to be optimized for the judicial duel or duel of honor, ritualized affairs of last recourse wherein two antagonists or their champions fight in an enclosed space to resolve a legal issue or point of honor, sometimes to the death. This is not to say, however, that some or most of the techniques involved would not transfer well to the venues of self-defense, the maintenance of civil order, the battlefield, or friendlier tournament combat.

In the mid-16th and early 17th centuries, the German masters of the latter part of the tradition would ultimately discard the teachings that detail fighting in the lists in armour,⁸ as the use of the longsword declined as a weapon for battle or dueling and found itself more and more confined to sporting contests. In the 14th and 15th centuries, however, the longsword was still a potent weapon, as it had been during Liechtenauer’s lifetime, and we will fix our attention primarily on the techniques written down in those days.

Words and Pictures

Some of the 15th century German Fechtbücher, notably those by Masters Hans Talhoffer and Paulus Kal, are lavishly illustrated. Others consist primarily of text, with perhaps the incidental illustration. Common sense would seem to dictate that the illustrated manuscripts would be of greater utility than those with only text. Oddly enough, this is not the case. The finely illustrated manuscripts of Kal and Talhoffer generally offer only snapshots of techniques, with short captions accompanying them. They do not lay out the basic principles of the system, nor do they have the breadth of techniques covered in the text-only commentaries of Sigmund Ringeck, Peter von Danzig, or Jud Lew. While the illustrated manuscripts, which were perhaps written more to advertise a master’s skills to his potential patrons, are useful in their own right, we must turn to these text manuscripts to learn Master Liechtenauer’s art.

The texts often follow a similar formula: Liechtenauer’s verse is presented a couplet at a time, paired with a gloss or commentary explaining the couplet’s meaning. Sometimes, the manuscript begins with an exposition of the Zettel in its entirety. This pattern of verse and gloss appears in manuscripts from the late 14th through the 16th century.

In producing the syllabus for this book, I have drawn primarily on my research into several roughly contemporary manuscripts of the mid-15th century, plus one from the late 14th century and two from the 16th century. These manuscripts are all compendia; they are collections of various sections probably drawn from various authors. Modern scholars have named them after masters whose names appear in them, although this may not represent the primary author, even where there is one. In addition, I have consulted the illustrated works of Masters Hans Talhoffer, whose surviving treatises span a period from 1443–1467, and Paulus Kal, whose work dates to the 1470’s. Here is a list of the works from which this book derives:

Hs. 3227a (1389?): Perhaps the earliest extant⁹ manuscript of the Liechtenauer tradition. The manuscript is quite conceptual in its approach and includes many useful observations on basic strategy, tactics, and kinesthetic theory. It contains an incomplete commentary on Liechtenauer’s verse, plus other techniques for the longsword, dagger, and notes on Ringen (Wrestling) attributed to Liechtenauer. The manuscript, a late medieval Hausbuch, is more than just a fighting treatise, and contains herbal remedies, techniques for hardening iron, magical formulae, and other miscellanea.

The Ringeck Fechtbuch (early 16th century?), Ms. Dresden C 487: A treatise associated with Master Sigmund Ringeck, who is described as the author of the text’s longsword commentaries and as the fencing master to Albrecht, Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria. It also contains sword and buckler¹⁰ combat and wrestling (including a fragment of Ott the Jew’s¹¹ wrestling techniques), plus commentaries on Liechtenauer’s armoured combat on foot and on horseback.¹² Current scholarship now dates the Dresden compendium to the early 16th century, but its source material is likely from the first half of the 15th century. This manuscript is the subject of my first book, Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship.

The Von Danzig Fechtbuch (1452), Codex 44 A 8: Firmly dated to 1452, this manuscript is a large compendium comprising substantial anonymous commentaries on Liechtenauer’s Bloßfechten, Roßfechten, and Harnischfechten. It includes armoured combat, wrestling, sword and buckler, and dagger fighting after a Master Andres Lignitzer. Martin Huntfeltz is attributed for armoured combat, on foot and on horse, and dagger combat. A section on Ott’s wrestling is included that is twice the size of that appearing in Ringeck. Finally, another commentary is included on Liechtenauer’s armoured combat by Master Peter von Danzig of Ingolstadt, for whom the manuscript is named. A complete translation of this manuscript appears in my book In Saint George’s Name.

The Jud Lew Fechtbuch (c. 1450?), Codex I.6.4°.3: Another diverse compendium, this manuscript contains an anonymous commentary on Liechtenauer’s longsword verses. This clearly derives from a source common to the commentaries in the von Danzig manuscript. The manuscript also contains some of the same material attributed to Lignitzer and Huntfeltz in the von Danzig Fechtbuch, but the author attributions are at variance with those in that work, some of which are credited here to a Jewish master, known to us only as Lew.

Paulus Kal (c. 1470), CGM 1507: Paulus Kal was in the service of Ludwig IX, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Upper and Lower Bavaria. He is listed as a Schirmaister (Fencing Master), but this may refer to his qualifications, rather than his role in the Duke’s employ. The work may have been produced for the duke’s son, Georg. It includes armoured dueling combat on horse with lance and sword, and on foot with spear, sword, dagger, and poleaxe. Kal also includes unarmoured judicial combat with large specialized dueling shields and sword and buckler combat, as well as longsword, messer, dagger and wrestling. A number of his plates for armoured combat and longsword include snippets of Liechtenauer verse, which makes this illustrated work one of the more useful for studying the great master’s art. This volume also includes a listing of some of the masters of the Society of Liechtenauer, those masters who taught the founding master’s art.

Hans Talhoffer (1443–1467): The Swabian Hans Talhoffer is today the best known of the late medieval German fencing masters. He produced manuscripts for several nobles: the Swabian squire Leutold von Königsegg, the brothers David and Buppellin vom Stain, and Count Erberhard im Bart [the Bearded] of Württemberg. Talhoffer’s first treatise appeared in 1443, with others following in the 1450’s and 1460’s. Two of these codices, one from 1459 and the other, the best known to modern audiences, from 1467, appear strikingly similar to those of Paulus Kal, with Talhoffer treating the longsword, messer, sword and buckler, dagger, wrestling, and judicial shields, as well as armoured combat on foot and on horse. Some of his manuscripts begin with a recitation of Master Liechtenauer’s verse, occasionally embellished with some of Talhoffer’s own couplets.

The Speyer Fechtbuch (1491), M I 29: This compendium repeats much of the material in Jud Lew, with the addition of some introductory material by a master Martin Siber, plus the Messerfechten (Messer Fighting) of Master Johannes Lecküchner, a cleric who adapted Liechtenauer’s methods to this weapon sometime in the third quarter of the 15th century.

Joachim Meyer (1570): Meyer’s Thorough Description of the Free, Knightly and Noble Art of Fencing¹³ is significant not only for its sheer size and scope, but because he is the last of the great masters of the Liechtenauer tradition. Although his techniques for the longsword show evidence of its transition into a weapon at least in part intended for sport, rather than earnest combat, the clarity of his instruction makes him an invaluable source. The work also includes techniques for the rapier, dussack (here a kind of practice weapon, related to the messer, but often a weapon in its own right), dagger, staff, pike, and halberd.

This list is not exhaustive, as I have read all of the surviving 15th century treatises, but is rather intended a tool for cross-reference for those students eager to dig into the manuscripts themselves.

A Course of Study for Modern Students

In preparing this book, I have drawn on my experience in teaching Liechtenauer’s art over the last two decades, both to my own students and to many others at seminars, symposia, and re-enactment events. The masters of the Liechtenauer tradition wrote for an audience that lived with the sword. It was a vital tool and weapon then, whereas today it is a relic and a symbol of a bygone time. The audience of the 15th century grew up knowing the basics of swordplay: how to cut, parry and move appropriately, while we must learn all from scratch.

With this in mind, I have presented the material in this book in an order that is sometimes at odds with the way it is presented in the historic treatises. I have also taken care to assume that the student may be a novice and have included many basics not discussed by Liechtenauer’s disciples, such as how to bear your weight when on guard, how to move through the various stances, etc. I have evolved a set of drills, which show general cases for dealing with various types of attacks that you might encounter when facing an opponent. These basics will provide the groundwork for your study and occupy chapters 1–7. Although this material is organized differently than the often less detailed basics in the historic treatises, I draw heavily on the words of the masters to establish its validity.

Chapters 8 through 25 feature specific techniques culled directly from the medieval manuscripts, mostly from the Ringeck, Danzig, and Lew manuscripts. Chapter 26 summarizes these chapters and reviews them in the context of the basics of the earlier part of the book.

Chapters 27, 28, and 29 examine Liechtenauer’s art of fighting in armour on foot, Harnischfechten. After an initial discussion on the nature of armoured dueling, we will move to the spear, which is an excellent tool for learning the principles of fighting in armour as well as one of the fundamental knightly weapons, before concluding our study with the use of the longsword in armour.

The chapters have been organized in a way that reflects how I teach the system to my students. Please study each chapter in order and work through its techniques and accompanying drills. I begin by teaching basic concepts of movement and tactics and then progress to more complex actions as the chapters unfold; following my curriculum consistently will yield the best results.

All of the techniques are shown with right-handed fighters. This is not to say that left-handers cannot use the system; the masters specifically say they can. However, they too present the system from a right-hander’s point of view, and I have presented the material consistent with this. As we are all still learning these ancient methods, I advise the student to work through them right-handed and understand the concepts before attempting to fight left-handed, mirroring the techniques. Since both hands are on the weapon anyway, this should not present too much difficulty. I can say this from experience: I originally fought with the longsword for more than fifteen years left-handed. When I began studying this historic art, I switched to fighting right-handed so that I would not introduce any artifacts into my interpretation of the system.

Historic Works and Their Interpretation

The reader should be aware that this book, and any instructional work on historic fighting arts, is but an interpretation, my interpretation, of the fighting system of Johannes Liechtenauer, based on my research and translation of, and working through, the period manuscripts. Although I believe the core concepts of this interpretation will stand the test of time, and overlap greatly with the conclusions of other respected practitioners, some of the interpretations of specific techniques will not survive as our research continues to advance. Readers of my earlier title Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship, or the first edition of this volume for that matter, will note that I now interpret some techniques contained within those works differently.

Sometimes these differences are small, other times they are substantial. This has happened for several reasons. First, I simply know more about the system now, not only from further work with the Ringeck Fechtbuch (upon which Secrets is based), but through translating and working with its contemporary works. I have also learned a tremendous amount from the many students, scholars, and critics whom I have encountered since, whose questions have helped me to refine my understanding of the art.

The student is therefore advised to be deeply suspicious of any teacher claiming to teach a historic martial art just as the historic masters would have. Our understanding of these works is growing rapidly, but is imperfect and, given that there are no living masters to correct our errors, likely to remain that way. The process of learning is ongoing in this field, for student and researcher alike. For the true enthusiast of historic combat, this should be no burden but rather a great reassurance that there are many exciting revelations yet to come.


Many who do not understand the passion that drives people to study the sword may pose the question: Why study an extinct martial art? The reasons are, to borrow a phrase from the Von Danzig Fechtbuch diverse and manifold.¹⁴ Some practice this art for exercise or the thrill of sporting competition, some to touch a piece of the past that intrigues them, some as a part of academic research, some to flesh out their activities in historical re-enactment, and still others in the hope of resurrecting a martial art that may have some use even today. You can learn a lot about the culture and customs of the late medieval period by researching the Fechtbücher, and vigorous practice of this art is certainly a workout. There are modern applications for some of the fighting techniques of the system; the dagger and wrestling plays found throughout the corpus of German or Italian medieval works can be easily adapted for modern self-defense.

My own reasons for studying this art partake of all of the above, but also stem from a desire to use it as a tool for the development of character. This is a chivalric art, and my life’s path has been one of drawing elements from chivalry’s past so that they might find a place in our present-day world, so very much in need of the values of honor, nobility, and service. Our fight school, the Selohaar Fechtschule, operates under the umbrella of the Order of Selohaar, an eclectic chivalric tradition. I strongly believe that, in practicing the fighting arts of our ancestors, we can touch something vital about their lives and better understand the meaning of some of those values through that experience.

These are all valid reasons for studying historic martial arts, and if you do come to find Master Liechtenauer’s art even half as enthralling as I have, I hope that you will always find tolerance for those students whose motivations may be different from your own. Regardless of our respective backgrounds, opinions, and reasons for doing this, all students of the sword, and all martial artists in general, have something to teach each other.

The Qualities of a Good Fencer

Paulus Kal, a master in the service of Duke Ludwig IX (the Rich) of Bavaria in the 2nd half of the 15th century, created an allegorical figure depicting three virtues of fighting. The figure has a falcon’s head, the image of a lion over its heart,

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