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The Captain's Revenge: A Triangle of Love and Sex
The Captain's Revenge: A Triangle of Love and Sex
The Captain's Revenge: A Triangle of Love and Sex
Ebook107 pages2 hours

The Captain's Revenge: A Triangle of Love and Sex

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When Captain Robert Butler navigates treacherous weather, and lands on the island of the infamous pirate Alhambra Vega, he has to travel through rough terrain, and fight highwaymen to reach the castle of Alhambra.
Robert and his brother finally arrives, but on the day of the celebration of the Day of the Dead, where he learns that Alhambra is announcing his marriage to a beautiful woman.
After securing a position in Alhambra's castle, he institutes his scheme to kidnap the bride. Robert feels that this action will satisfy his taste for revenge for the death of his wife and baby. However, he is not prepared for what he discovers in his quest for revenge.
Release dateAug 4, 2014
The Captain's Revenge: A Triangle of Love and Sex

Rachel E. Rice

My name is Rachel E. Rice. I have been writing since I was a teen. I enjoy reading and writing romance fiction. You can contact me at: [email protected]; I have written several novels and short stories. My short reads are: The Captain and the Virgin; The Captain's Lady and the Pirate; The Captain's Revenge: a Triangle of Love and Sex; and two novellas: Book 1 Seduced by an Earl and Book 2: The Naked Countess. A historical novella set in 1960: Tamika Jade: The case of the Girl with the Rose Tattoo. My contemporary novels are: The Obsession series, which begins with Book 1: Warm Bodies, Cold Hearts; Book 2 in the series is Naked Obsession. Book 3 : Burning Obsession. These following books are erotic romances. Book 1: The Incredible Mr. Black. Book 2: Temptation in Black, and Book 3: Submission To Black. All books are available and books 4 Black Tie Affair and 5 Mourning Becomes Black was published in 2016. Coming soon Book 6, Fade To Black will be available in Jan. 2017. Because I enjoy writing in different genres, my New Adult novel: Finding Summer, is available for purchase as well as another stand-alone edition: One Desire. My Werewolf Series Book 1: Insatiable: The Lone Werewolf finds a Mate, and Book 2: Insatiable: A Werewolf's Hunger is available where all e-books are sold. Book 3 of the Insatiable Series is available as well as seven more books in this series. When I'm not writing, I am watching movies and riding throughout the U.S meeting people. I have a degree in education and I reside in Texas.

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    Book preview

    The Captain's Revenge - Rachel E. Rice



    Hate is a bottomless cup; I pour and pour.

    It had been over a year since Captain Robert Butler and his brother Phillip set sail for the Caribbean Island which housed the infamous pirate, Alhambra Vega. Robert’s ship, the Gold Star, the prize of his fleet, with three decks and a beautiful cabin in the stern dedicated to Rachel his lost young bride. The vessel was blown off course to which Robert and his crew had to stop for food and water along the route in search of Alhambra. Each island they approached and made land, the people spoke of the grand celebration of the upcoming marriage of Alhambra Vega.

    Robert thought it would be fitting to kill Alhambra and let him taste what he had to endure for the past year and more. Leave his bride mourning as he had mourned Rachel and his child. But he could not be that cruel to a woman. Maybe he would destroy every ship in his fleet and force him into poverty. That was a delicious idea that would sustain Robert’s hate.

    Chapter 1

    The Serenade

    Rachel woke from her sleep expecting the sun lying overhead, yet instead she spied the moon hovering in the starless sky over the dim sea. It was the sound of music that swirled in her brain, waking her from a deep sleep and taking her to another time—a time when she was a girl in her father’s house. She climbed from her bed and lumbered to the balcony, where an assortment of flowers in pots circled her legs. The balcony protrudes into midair like a small bird cage. It overlooks patios and courtyards with numerous fountains. During the day she can see servants scurrying, and carrying on with their daily chores. But night was quiet except for the laughter and songs of young men and young women in love.

    She was young, but where was her feelings of passionate love? Where was the sparkle in her eyes or the beauty of a lovers’ kiss that would hold sway over her heart and linger for days until the next warm sensual kiss had been placed on her hungry lips?

    Rachel enjoyed watching the courtship of the young men on the island. She wished she had met Robert under different circumstances, where she had known him all her young life. She carelessly glanced from her lonely balcony as her hands clutched the iron bars tightly to keep from falling. She peered down at the figure of a man standing in the moonlight.

    The figure stepped into the light and began to sing.

    There stood Alhambra underneath her balcony, strumming his guitar and singing then speaking in Spanish as he gazed up at Rachel, then her eyes met his. Was he courting her? She once read about gallant young men from far off lands who sang songs to their beloved by standing and singing beneath the balconies of the women who they sought to marry. Through song they declared their intentions. Was Alhambra truly in love, or was he keeping her as one would keep a song bird in a cage whose only purpose was to sing one song?

    Alhambra was dressed in black pants and a black vest with a red silk shirt. His song was sweet and bright as the silk shirt he wore. Rachel did not understand Spanish, but she did not mistake the tone of the song.

    It was a song of love.

    Captivated by the words and the melody and sweetness of his voice, Rachel leaned forward and smiled. The warm smile encouraged Alhambra, and he sung another song until he heard the soft cry of a baby, deafening the melodious song. Rachel caught up in the moment blushed at the attention. She had never had anyone court her and in such a wondrous way. Never had Robert given such care to her the way Alhambra had, she thought.

    Rachel shook her head to compose herself. There she was comparing Robert to Alhambra. It was impossible to make such a comparison. It was futile to make such a comparison. It was a horrible thing to make a comparison of Alhambra to the father of her child and the first and only man she has ever loved. She never had time to find out what Robert would have done, and that was due to Alhambra bringing an end to Robert’s life.

    Turning away and walking to the wooden crib which Alhambra hand made for little Robert, Rachel leaned in to pick up her baby. She cuddled him close to her, and sung him a lullaby that her mother once sang to her when she had been frightened by thunder from storms. She looked into her baby’s eyes and saw Robert once more. Her little baby, a reminder of what she had lost, and what she had gained, and yet she could not reconcile the feelings she harbored for Alhambra.

    She leaned forward to kiss her baby. She could feel her love of Robert. But will that be enough to carry her for the next twenty or thirty years, she thought. Rachel knew the answer. She could not hold out for one more minute. She was lonely and she wanted to be loved. Not sexual love, but true love, honest love, and protective love.

    Alhambra glanced up to see Rachel had moved to the inside of her room. He knew that the baby had commanded her attention. He knew that babies held sway over their mothers and he accepted that but he wanted some of Rachel’s attention as well.

    * * *

    Alhambra waited long enough until Rachel had put her baby to sleep when he knocked at her door.

    She felt the intensity and intent of the knock at the door. Rachel closed her eyes and took a deep breath; she did not want to open the door. She knew too well that Alhambra was waiting for her to bid him to come in. Instead she walked and opened it. He stood holding a small cedar chest.

    May I come in? There was a pause and silence. I have a present for you, he said presenting it with extending arms and a broad smile.

    Standing behind the door, Rachel stepped in front of the open door. You have given me more than I could ever want.

    I want you to have this. His eyes lowered and his smile increased and he appeared more handsome to Rachel. Looking up he said, This chest contains some precious gems and exquisite perfumes from the far East. I would never give this to any other woman. I give it to you to show my love and devotion.

    Rachel had never heard Robert say such words. Before he had a chance to do this he was gone from her life. Her heart beat quickly. Her heart beat loudly. Her heart beat intently. Alhambra saw that he was reaching her and maybe she would forget the love she kept for her lost husband.

    He reached for her arm and she gave it freely. His strong hands wrapped around her body, as he pressed his body close to her. Rachel felt the strong form that is hard muscles. She felt his heart beating incessantly against her breast. Alhambra felt the softness and the heat of Rachel’s body and his temperature rose to meet hers.

    Looking into Rachel’s eyes, he knew that he could have her at that moment. She saw Alhambra’s dark eyes smolder, and then his lips pressed against hers ever so softly. Alhambra’s kiss was intense, his kiss was desperate, but his kiss was gentle. Rachel felt his lips on her neck, down her breast; her desperation for love took hold of her and swept her into his body.

    The heat between them was so intense, that a cool breeze blew in from the open balcony; it caused Rachel to pull away. She stepped back, leaving Alhambra standing breathing loudly. The air was heavy. Alhambra’s chest heaved up and down and Rachel’s breathing finally quieted, allowing her to compose herself and speak.

    I’m not ready to give myself to you completely. I need to discover if I am indeed a widow. I have to find my husband’s family and show them his child. I have to do this before I can consider marrying you. Then there is my family.

    Alhambra eyes turned downward and then he lifted them and said, Will you wear my ring? I am not expecting anything

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