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Becca Green has the perfect life. She's about to get her Master's degree in Computer Science from Yale, she has amazing friends, and amazing parents. Then Jayden Wright sudden appears, and can't seem to keep his eyes off her, or leave her alone. He starts asking strange questions, and starts telling Becca crazy things-her records are fake, she's adopted, and that her parents are going to sell her to werewolves. The last straw is when she visits her parents and find her father arguing with Jayden!

Then, during a camping trip with her parents at the start of summer break, her cabin is attacked by werewolves, and she learns Jayden was right, because she over hears her father discussing the details with one of the wolves. She escapes with the help of a second set of wolves, and Jayden finds and rescues her. She learns about the existence of wolf shifters and the two different sides: The Garmr, who are after her, and the shifters who want to keep her safe. She meets Jayden's pack-the Plains pack-and learns about them, but is forced to run when the Garmr send a pack after her. The book ends with Becca and Jayden approaching the Creede pack's location.

Release dateNov 29, 2015

J. A. O'Donoghue

J. A. O'Donoghue lives in Kentucky with her husband, her father, their two cats-Barry and Leia, and their pit bull/boxer mix-Gremlin. She adores the pit bull breed, and she and Gremlin enjoy watching Pit Bulls and Paroles on Animal Planet together. She also fights for Mental Health Rights, and receives treatment for Depression and Anxiety. She writes paranormal YA romance novellas and novels. She is currently working on The Lost and Found series and the In The Night series. Dragon's Flame, book one of the In The Night series will be out in Spring of 2017, and Lost, book three of The Lost and Found is planned to be out Fall of 2017. Other hobbies she enjoys are reading, knitting and crocheting, and is proud to be a fan of Doctor Who, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, and The Originals.

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    Stolen - J. A. O'Donoghue


    I could sense his eyes on me. I looked around the parking lot, trying to figure out who was sending a chill through my bones, when I spotted him. Through the dark distance, all I could see of him was the leather jacket, jeans, and a bandanna that had been rolled and wrapped around his head like a sweatband. The excitement over girls’ night drained from me as a coldness swept over me. At the same time, though, I wanted to go closer, to see more of him. The conflict had left me frozen in his stare.

    I had been so excited before I left the car, where I’d been swaying a little to the music I was playing to set the mood. Now, part of me wondered if I should just run back to it. However, I was closer to the bar and grill’s door than the car, which wouldn’t matter if I couldn’t get my legs to move.

    I took a step back towards the door, and he took a step towards me, his eyes glowing eerily in the street light. That’s all it took for me to take off toward the door. I kept expecting to feel his hands grab at me, but I never felt them. As I rushed through the door, I took one more glance back.

    He was gone.

    I shut down my laptop and closed it as the teacher announced the end of class. Make sure you read chapter eleven for Monday—I’m talking to you, Micky!

    I slipped my laptop into my messenger bag, rolling my eyes. I had already read chapter eleven. Twice. As I headed for my next class, I pulled out my phone, which had been vibrating nonstop. I rolled my eyes again as I checked my text messages. They were, of course, from Angela.

    Are you out of class yet?

    You’re coming out tonight, right?

    Hello . . .

    As I shook my head, I couldn’t help smiling. Angela had been my best friend since . . . well, since I was born.

    Keep it up, and I might have to stay late at work . . .

    Work was the part-time job I had at the Department of the Navy, or the DON, as I affectionately called it. I spent about twelve hours a week there either analyzing their security systems or doing tech work. Basically, whatever they told me to do.

    As I walked across campus to the parking lot, I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

    Yo, Bex!

    I groaned as a few other students shot me curious looks, and I turned to watch my second best friend, Isaac, run to catch up to me. He enjoyed the attention his antics drew, winking at a couple of girls, who giggled at him as he ran by.

    Way to draw attention to yourself.

    You know you love it. Isaac had been my best guy friend since we met freshman year. We had tried dating, but quickly realized that while we had a connection, it wasn’t the romantic kind.

    He swung his arm around my shoulders, and I plucked it off. No, you love it. I tolerate it.

    He shrugged. Same thing.

    It’s not the—never mind. Why weren’t you in class this morning?

    Because you take better notes than me? I raised my eyebrows at him. I slept in, not a big deal. It’s not like you haven’t skipped a few classes.

    Yeah, but I still get straight As.

    Isaac stuck his tongue out at me.

    Very mature. You’re setting such a good example for me.

    He grinned. I do my best!

    Once I escaped Issac’s clutches, I got into my car and drove to work. My job at the DON was ridiculously easy—at least for me. The four hours I spent there three days a week was spent teaching people how to use their new systems or programs, as well as keeping their computers in good shape and updated. It was boring, except when they’d get a new piece of technological equipment in that I’d never played with before, but that excitement never lasted long.

    After work I went home and got ready to meet up with the gang. I touched up my mascara and lipstick, and pulled my mahogany hair into a messy bun, but left everything else as it was. I wasn’t trying to attract anyone tonight, or any night, to be honest. I had yet to have a good dating experience, between guys feeling intimidated by my intelligence, or me being unsure about how they would feel about my past dealings with the government. It drove Angela crazy, though I never understood why; it meant less competition for her.

    My phone chirped. Well, speak of the devil.

    Where are you? Please tell me you were not serious about that paper!

    I didn’t bother to text back as I pulled on my coat and grabbed my purse. I would see her in a few minutes anyway.

    I pulled into the parking lot of the club, making sure to park far enough away that my car didn’t vibrate from the loud music pouring from the building. I wasn’t really a club person—the music wasn’t my usual taste—but the volume was high enough to drown out the noise in my own head.

    Where are you? I sent to Angela as I got in line to have my I.D. checked.

    I’ll meet you at the bar! came Angela’s reply.

    I got my hand stamped and made my way over to the bar, where Angela was flirting with the bartender.

    There she is, Angela exclaimed once she saw me. Becca, this is Michael. Mikey, this is my bestest friend in the whole world!

    I didn’t have to ask Mikey how many drinks Angela had already consumed—this was her natural state. Interestingly, alcohol calmed Angela down, and sometimes she cried if she had too much. This was why she was usually designated driver.

    Poor Michael turned his attention to me. What can I get you?

    Just a Coke, please. I wasn’t much of a drinker either. I wasn’t against alcohol, but I enjoyed the fog it put in my head too much, so I avoided it when I could. Thanks.

    You might have to take the kids home tonight, Angela yelled to me over the music as we walked away, the kids being Meghan and Tory. I’m going to try to have plans. She nodded back towards the bar.

    Good luck. I laughed as we found our friends in the crowd

    As soon as I got home, I changed into a T-shirt and sweats, and then booted up my desktop computer using a coded external hard drive. While my laptop was reserved for school and work, my desktop was for my more . . . nefarious enterprises. After setting up a few safeguards, I opened the Internet browser and found a familiar forum. Then waited.

    It didn’t take long for the chat window I was waiting for to open.

    Anonymous: You got it?

    Web_weaver: You got the money?

    Anonymous: Yeah, yeah, it’s on its way.

    I checked to make sure the money had gone though, then sent over the password and encryption code. Then I broke the connection. I was used to the lack of small talk in this business.

    Before I logged out for the night, I got two more requests. One of them was a request for credit card information, which would take a couple of days. The other was from a repeat customer and business acquaintance.

    Banded_night: Got a client who needs to get into the state files. Says it’s for a custody battle that’s being sabotaged by the spouse. They swear that if they can get their hands on these particular files, they can prove it, and since they file that stuff electronically now . . .

    Web_weaver: I got you. This one might take me a day or two.

    Banded_night: All I need are the codes. You don’t need to search through the files.

    Web_weaver: Give me fifteen minutes.

    I switched around IP addresses to make sure my computer couldn’t be tracked, found the website, and then busted through a few firewalls. Once I found what I was looking for, I planted the virus using a phishing technique and inserted it in an email, hiding the virus in one of those stupid chain letter links. The virus wouldn’t harm the computer itself, it would just let my friend have access to the files he needed. He was good enough to do this work himself, but he liked using me as a buffer, ҆cause the work he gave me was usually pretty sensitive. Plus, I could get it done a lot faster than he could.

    I switched IPs again and found him at our usual site. After starting a new chat, I sent the information to him. He would know what to do from there. This wasn’t our first rodeo.

    Banded_night: You sure you can’t get me into the prison computers?

    Web_weaver: You know I don’t do that stuff anymore.

    Banded_night: But don’t you miss a good challenge?

    Every hacker had a line they wouldn’t cross. This one was mine.

    Web_Weaver: Either deal with it, or find a new hacker.

    Banded_night: No, no, we’re good. Thanks.

    Web_Weaver: Anytime.

    Finally, I shut my computer down and got

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