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The Journey
The Journey
The Journey
Ebook95 pages38 minutes

The Journey

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About this ebook

The Journey is a collection of rhyming poetry written by King, in a way that anyone can understand.

Insightful and beautiful, each one reminds us that life is a journey, as King manages to connect us all with the emotion behind the event.

PublisherJoanna King
Release dateDec 15, 2015
The Journey

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    Book preview

    The Journey - Joanna King

    A note from the author

    Here is a collection of my poetry in which I have attempted to capture the many moments that occur within a lifetime. Some of these poems have been inspired by my own personal journey, and some have been inspired by the journey of others. My hope is that these poems will encourage and inspire you, and connect with you in some way. You may even find your own journey has been captured within these pages. If you do, know that you are not alone, many others have shared your experiences. Remember it is not about the destination. I hope you enjoy

    The Journey.

    Joanna King

    Thank you to everyone who believed in me. Your words of encouragement helped inspire me to believe in myself.

    The Journey

    I am leaving my old life

    So I can start again anew.

    I walk away because I know

    Those old roads lead to you.

    No good can come from staying,

    You will only keep me down.

    I’ll leave behind all those I know,

    And be free of this town.

    Though bones in cupboards rattle,

    I’m the one who holds the key.

    I was never meant to stay here,

    It is time that I was free.

    I will not give a second glance,

    It’s time to jump this track.

    It’s time to break away from bonds,

    That crush my soul and back.

    I hear my future calling,

    It is screaming out my name.

    I wasn’t meant to live this life,

    And I can’t stay the same.

    Do you feel disconnected?

    Like you never have fit in.

    That you were meant for more than this,

    And they are not your kin.

    Do you feel there is something,

    That you were meant to do?

    And all this stuff is wasting time,

    There’s more than that to you.

    They say life is a journey,

    And you know what? They are right.

    You have to give yourself a chance,

    Because you’re worth the fight.

    Believe you have the courage.

    Take heart you’re not alone.

    Those twists and turns within your life,

    Weren’t meant to set the tone.

    If you can hear my message,

    If this can touch your soul,

    Know that you can reach your dreams,

    And you can make you whole.

    It won’t all be plain sailing,

    Obstacles will block your way.

    But hold on tight to who you are,

    You will see light of day.

    I hope this gives you courage,

    These words of mine you hear.

    Because we all deserve a life

    To treasure and hold dear.

    The Face

    I went out on my evening walk,

    As I was apt to do,

    And passed an old forgotten house,

    No longer loved or new.

    My mind was rambling as it can,

    Just idly filling time.

    I saw a moon hung high above,

    I heard a church clock chime.

    When I had almost passed the house,

    I turned, and saw you there.

    A tiny little face that watched,

    And caught me in its stare.

    Surprised to find you watching,

    Not thinking it was true,

    I dared not blink for fear that I

    Would lose that sight of you.

    I stopped and faced that window.

    I think I held my breath.

    Transfixed to find that

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