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Alien Yogi
Alien Yogi
Alien Yogi
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Alien Yogi

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#1 Climate Change Fiction book, which flings both science and spiritual dimensions to collide!

When a tiny boy Hari proposes a solution to the global warming disaster at UNO’s World Court, a troop of ruthless climatologists challenges his supernatural powers and forces him to go into dangerous worlds to prove it.

In this modern era, can a fragile kid like Hari ever be able to find the secret codes, drawn by avatars of God such as Jesus Christ, Buddha and Sri Krishna?

How did the communication that was received from the International Space Station to his drone, changed his course of action?

Are his army of transgenders, monks, PHC-Kids and nuns bold enough to fight against evil and stop the apocalypse?

Can he ever be granted American citizenship or alienated permanently as a celestial yogi?

A heart-pounding story that chills your spine and throws you into the world of fantasy!

Release dateDec 17, 2015
Alien Yogi

Sree Tadimarri

Sree Tadimarri is the author of several literary works including ‘Toli Pooja’, a poetic fiction book in Telugu language. Sree is also an IT Expert and he lives with his wife and two children in USA.

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    Book preview

    Alien Yogi - Sree Tadimarri


    The World Court

    June 1st, 9:30 a.m.

    Special Courtroom, United Nations Organization Headquarters, New York City.

    H ari Kumar, do you have any supernatural powers? Judge Rodi opened the sitting with a bold and dignified voice.

    Hari Kumar, an adorable nine-year-old boy was sitting in the witness stand as instructed. He was donned in simple white clothes. His head was shaved and his eyes were closed. He sat in yogic posture and a divine glow dazzled around him. From afar, he looked like an enlightened yogi.

    He heard the judge’s question, but didn’t reply to it. He could hear murmurs in the courtroom.

    The judge, Mr. Emershan Rodi from South Africa, wore a long attire with red and black markings that displayed the dignity of his rank. He possessed the highest crowning glory any judge in the world could be conferred. Although he was in late fifties, he was still considered very young to sit on this seat as an honorable judge of the panel.

    The audience was eagerly waiting to hear from Hari, but his reaction puzzled them. "Why couldn’t he just answer the question?" they thought. They looked impatient and wanted this case to start already.

    Unlike conventional court settings, the International Court of Justice has its own signature setting. The courtroom has a big dais, where all judges will sit. Then farther down the dais are rows of benches and, finally, the visitor’s seats.

    The first row of benches was assigned to U.S. Secretary of State Ms. Samantha Watson, Indian Foreign Minister Mr. Siddhartha Desh, Hari Kumar and his parents Bharat Kumar’ and Maya Kumar.

    The next few rows were occupied by ambassadors from all member countries of the UNO and the names of the countries the ambassadors represented were displayed in front of them. Behind the ambassadors, climatologists and scientists were seated. Farther down accredited journalists from various countries were seated.

    There were media reporters from different parts of the world busy jotting down notes that they believed would make some breaking news.

    Judge Rodi admitted to himself that this case stood as a once-in-a-lifetime court case of anyone’s career in law and he felt most proud to be judging it. May be fifty or even hundred years from now, people will discuss the case that changed everything on this planet. Before the date of this deposition was even determined, Judge Rodi read carefully everything there was to know about the boy, his mission, and all aspects related to his case.

    Meanwhile, outside the courtroom, New York City, the city that never sleeps, was buzzing. The city had witnessed numerous historic events in the past. But today’s event at the marvelous headquarters of the UNO would change the course of history.

    On this sunny and warm morning, hordes of people were gathered. At First Avenue, East 42nd Street, East 48th Street, and every other street nearby, there were people all over the place. The sun was lurking magnificently behind the gigantic buildings of New York City, shining its golden rays upon the massive building of the UN complex.

    Gentle and refreshing breeze over the East River was accompanied by small waves. It was as though the breeze was music and the water was dancing, trying to follow the rhythm of the gently sweeping air.

    All shops and street vendors were busy selling doughnuts, coffee, hot dogs, and other food items people couldn’t really live without. All of a sudden Turtle Bay became the center of attraction in New York City.

    Back in the courtroom, Judge Rodi looked quite impatient and then coughed as if he were trying to clear his throat and prepare it for the most important question the little boy had to answer.

    "Hari, do you have any supernatural powers?" asked the judge in a rather angry and loud voice while looking at the little boy to whom the question was directed.

    The boy slowly opened his eyes and replied in a firm, determined, and calm voice, "Yes".

    As soon as Hari answered affirmatively, gasps could be heard in the courtroom. People in the courtroom were shocked.

    Without further ado, Judge Rodi presented the case to all attendees in the courtroom according to the protocol, in a loud and clear voice:

    "Dear members, excellencies, and ladies and gentlemen, this special courtroom was organized by the World Court, officially known as the ‘International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ acts as a primary judicial branch of the United Nations Organization and it is permanently located at Peace Palace, Hague, Netherlands.

    "However, due to the major significance of this case and the overwhelming interest in it by the general public and the media, as well as the involvement of multiple departments within the UN, this institution decided to set up a temporary court in the headquarters of the UN in New York City.

    "Also, in order to ensure that all the aspects of the case are inspected and discussed with equal amount of attention and to make sure it gets resolved in the most positive manner, the UN has decided to make this a three-day event. The countries whose interests are going to be discussed in this case are the United States of America and India.

    "The court was summoned after the applicant party’s (Republic of India’s) pleading in the World Court in which it accused the respondent party, the United States of America for violating its national sovereignty in two manners, which will be elaborated upon after the announcement of schedules for court events. Kindly allow me to present the same to you.

    "DAY 1 – The first court session is arranged due to the request made by the United States of America to the UN’s department ‘United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’ or UNFCCC. During this court event, USA aims to discuss the climate change phenomenon.

    "The reason for discussion of this topic came after a controversial nine-year-old boy Hari Kumar, who attended this court today, indicated that he has supernatural abilities. This boy reportedly claims that he possesses supernatural powers and can predict earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. With this skill, Hari Kumar believes he has predicted a huge disaster that will strike the planet Earth within five years, which means that this planet will experience devastating catastrophe very soon. Along with this problem, he also found a solution to this apocalypse. The primary aim of this court event is to furnish proof of Hari Kumar’s vast knowledge with assistance of world-renowned Scientists.

    "DAY 2 –An intellectual property violation of ancient Sanskrit texts will be discussed.

    "According to the allegation by the Republic of India, USA willingly allows Hari Kumar to help NASA in predicting natural catastrophes such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and many others, by utilizing the scientific knowledge coded in ancient Indian Vedic texts. However, ancient Sanskrit texts have originated in India and are an integral part of Indian culture and heritage, and misuse of these texts can be interpreted as an act of violation against India’s culture and heritage. Thus Republic of India has exclusive patent rights and it has requested a ban on using these ancient texts for any other purpose.

    "DAY 3 – Controversy over Hari Kumar’s citizenship

    The member country, U.S.A. claims that Hari Kumar is an American citizen. On the contrary, the Republic of India claims that by birth, Hari Kumar was born in India. Hence, he is an Indian citizen. Therefore, the Republic of India demands a thorough investigation in order to determine the boy’s actual citizenship.

    After a long talk, Judge Rodi announced that the court would recess for fifteen minutes, after which they would continue with the DAY 1 schedule – the solution to climate change.

    These three days will last forever, thought Hari. He knew that admitting having special powers would be considered as a brave act in the eyes of some people, including his mother; yet others like his very own father would consider his claim ridiculous.

    Hari looked at his father Bharat Kumar, who looked back with disapproval.

    Then he looked at his mother, Maya Kumar. This break was an opportunity for her to check up on her son and make sure he was doing okay.

    Just stay calm, advised Maya before adding you have nothing to hide anyway.

    I’m trying not to be nervous, Mom, replied Hari.

    I know, my brave little boy. Whenever they ask you something, just speak from the heart. You can never go wrong with that, added Maya.


    Globe on Fire

    Exactly after fifteen minutes, Judge Rodi returned to his bench. The court attendees were already inside, waiting for him.

    Due to the complexity of the subject and various allegations from both parties, there should be no time to waste,, said Judge Rodi and specifically asked U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. James Jonathan, to briefly present the climate change case.

    James Jonathan was a forty-year-old African American who wore a black suit, white shirt, and black tie. He was tall, bald, and wore glasses that made him look authoritative and smart at the same time. He stood up and started speaking.

    "Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen, by today’s standards, we can safely assume that bringing a child to the court and prosecuting him seems rather unfortunate. After all, we always imagine children doing kids’ stuff and don’t quite assume they have the power to change the course of history at such a young age. But, here we are discussing the case related to nine-year-old American citizen Hari Kumar, who is no ordinary boy in any means.

    "As you have already heard, Hari Kumar has some ‘special powers’ to predict various natural disasters- from floods to volcano eruptions. Although he is just nine years old, he is predicting a terrifying disaster to our planet by global warming within five years, which could endanger our very existence. Not only that, he has also come up with a solution to this problem.

    "The purpose of this case isn’t to doubt Hari’s abilities, but to bring his knowledge about global warming to the mass media attention, as well as the attention of the general public. I am sure that through testimonies by Hari and other scientists, we can safely arrive at a conclusion today.

    "Most of you in the courtroom don’t know about Hari all that well. You may have some information that was gleaned from newspapers or websites, but I feel it’s my obligation to introduce you to the real Hari and hopefully that will help you see him from a different perspective.

    "According to his mother, relatives, and school teachers, Hari Kumar was one of those rare gems that you get to know once in your lifetime. Hari started talking a lot sooner than other babies. Even in his early childhood years he differed from other children, leaving teachers intrigued about the special something this boy had. Some people might call it an X-factor. Very soon, it was firmly established that this boy’s intelligence was out of this world.

    "Since the time he became capable of communicating to his parents he often told his mom that he saw a flood somewhere or perhaps even fire in liquid state erupting from beneath the land. He would tell his dad that he saw cracks in the land and houses and buildings falling on people.

    "Hari Kumar has been a most exceptional student right since childhood. However, his educational prowess extended well beyond merely getting the highest grades in his class. He was something of a mathematical wizard. He could quickly predict the time just by looking at the position of the sun. He would often refuse to go to school as he feared what might happen to him there. The difference between him and other young boys of his age was that he had no interest in the things that piqued the interest of kids his age, such as playing video games and watching TV. Right from a young age he would read science books.

    "It was as though something had been brewing inside him for the longest time and now it was on the verge of exploding. Numbers flashed before his eyes and he was seeing patterns in them when nobody else was. And that’s exactly what he saw when he googled various satellite images from all corners of the earth. He saw patterns in those glacial melts and cyclones- patterns that arose seemingly out of nowhere. They all coalesced to form something that looked like the proverbial ‘Big Bang 2’ itself, except that this time around, the effect would be one of destructive and not constructive proportions.

    "However, this special connection with the universe had one powerful shortcoming: it scared the poor boy. His attention was fixated on spells of unexpected hurricanes that practically demolished people’s homes, severe droughts and floods that killed thousands of people, tsunamis that conquered entire countries, heat waves, snow storms, even never-ending rains. For most people, these natural occurrences are just unfortunate events or signs of disasters that won’t happen again at that same place, but young Hari was alarmed by these disasters. He constantly thought about them and reached a conclusion that, one by one, they will destroy the world and considering the fact that the world does nothing to prevent this, it can happen a lot sooner than previously thought.

    "Mr. Bharat Kumar ignored Hari’s behavior initially, thinking that his son was just making up stories or might have just had a bad dream. He once even tried consulting a psychiatrist regarding Hari’s schizophrenic behavior, but the answer he got was not the one he was looking for. Hari was completely normal. As Hari grew up he got used to these flashing scenes of destruction passing through his mind’s eye. Though he was very happy to play with kids in his age group, they would tease him for his abnormal behavior. That led to Hari staying strong and focusing on studies, while at the same time not sharing anything about his visions and dreams with anyone.

    He was intrinsically connected with the world around him in a way that other people, even gurus, could never understand. Hari would elaborate this connection saying that when he walked over stones, he felt as if they were talking to him or trying to communicate. In his eyes, there was no distinction between living and non-living. Hari himself was puzzled by this notion and was consumed with that thought. He realized that the entire universe was a unique living thing that had the potential to change its appearance over time, while at the same time remaining eternal and beautiful.

    Mr. Jonathan paused for a brief moment and continued.

    "Your Honor, Hari isn’t just an ordinary child. He was born with a special gift, and this gift has the ability to save millions of lives. Hari realized that his special powers should not go wasted, and he decided to do something to prevent disasters from happening. He considers it his obligation to save the planet Earth.

    "To conclude my deposition, I can only say that if we don’t start listening to this boy, we will be faced with great danger. Even some of the most dubious individuals and organizations have agreed that Hari has special powers. Some of them even say Hari has a built-in-compass in his brain.

    Personally, and I’m quite sure it’s the opinion of the entire U.S. delegation, we shouldn’t just ignore this prediction about ‘Climate Change Disaster’. Judging by the boy’s predictions, it will be huge. What should concern us the most is the fact that five years’ time is very short to try and save the entire planet. The time is now, and it is a do or die situation. In order to successfully resolve this life-threatening event, we have to act immediately.

    Mr. Jonathan finished his deposition and thanked the judge and all attendees. He also looked at Hari and smiled at him. Hari found his smile soothing and reassuring. It gave him the much-needed boost to be brave and continue fighting for his beliefs.

    Then Judge Rodi looked at Hari and asked the boy to stand up and present the global warming issue and his version on the climate change crisis.

    Hari stood up with his case study folder and started talking.

    "First, I want to thank the Honorable Judge, diplomats, scientists and all other attendees of this court for giving me the opportunity to present my case and explain the vision I have been experiencing for quite some time. I feel honored for getting the chance to explain such a complex issue in the world’s most prestigious organization, the United Nations. Without further ado, I will elaborate my vision together with all catastrophes that will strike our planet if we don’t do anything about it.

    "According to the visions and patterns I have experienced, I see a disaster of massive proportions that will begin to occur on Earth five years from now. It will literally create mayhem, and every second we waste on ignoring this problem, we give more power to that disaster that will destroy millions of homes and billions of people.

    "The entire universe is comprised of five elements: earth, fire, water, air, and space or ether. Since the ancient times, scholars believed that these five elements are present in the entire universe in a balanced state. For example, if the ratio of water increases, then the entire world would be flooded. Scholars believe that even our body is composed of these very five elements. The entire universe, including the living and nonliving beings, only made it to this certain point in time due to the fact that these five elements were relatively balanced all these years. Although there were some changes, they were not large enough to cause a disaster that would strike the entire planet at once. However, things started to change and we have most recently witnessed some alterations in the ratios of the five elements.

    This global warming caused by the imbalance in the five elements will gradually accelerate as time progresses. The atmospheric conditions of the planet Earth will worsen, causing alterations of gravity. For example, according to the latest report from NASA and the European Space Agency, West Antarctica’s incredible weight loss can be felt from space. This has weakened the planet’s gravity. Changes in Earth’s gravity will cause a domino effect and the consequences will be disastrous.

    Hari stopped talking for a few seconds and observed the people’s faces. Regardless of their personal beliefs, whether they agreed with him or not, the audience seemed worried. Some of them were even flabbergasted. He continued.

    "The imbalance of five elements and change of Earth’s gravity also influences the changes of Earth’s axis, which is currently 23.5 degrees. When the axis changes and falls below fifteen degrees, our planet could easily deviate from the solar system, leading to the absolute disaster that nobody would be able to fix.

    "Now, I will try to depict all probable events of this disaster. Unbearable scorching heat will have a negative impact on the entire planet. Moreover, due to changes of Earth’s axis and gravitation, nighttime will be significantly reduced. We won’t see the Moon as often as we do now. According to my speculations, we’d only get between four to five hours of nighttime. The unbearable heat and prolonged daytime will only result with even more dangerous UV rays from the Sun that will strike every creature. The ozone layer that would protect us from these rays would cease to exist.

    "As both North and South Poles begin to melt under the Sun’s damaging UV rays, they will move farther a few meters and water level will rise.

    We will witness land rising in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It will resemble a bridge that connects China with the United States, but this bridge won’t be complete. Some parts will be detached, and both governments will start constructing the gigantic bridge that connects two countries.

    Hari took another pause. He didn’t want to keep bombarding attendees with too much information at once so his plan was to make a few pauses in order to let the info sink in. Also, it was a good chance to observe the people’s reaction to everything they heard in intervals. After a few deep breaths, Hari continued.

    "The domino effect that started with the imbalance of elements and altered gravity and axis, will also cause more frequent and stronger earthquakes in California, more precisely in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

    "By that time, these two populated cities will be empty. Nobody will live there, and people will have to migrate to other areas. Silicon Valley will be re-established between Texas and Oklahoma, while Hollywood may have to be moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

    "Due to earthquakes of devastating strength, the newly-built Hyperloop tunnel that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be completely destroyed. Simultaneously with these events, the water level will keep on rising and ‘touch’ the mountaintops. When this happens, the popular Route-101 will be drowned in the ocean.

    "Some areas, like the state of Washington and Alaska, will receive enormous amounts of freezing rain, which will cause floods. As a result, people will have to leave their homes in order to survive.

    "While some regions on the planet will be tormented by scorching heat, others will have never-ending rains. Areas like Canada and regions from Maine to Virginia will experience freezing weather with constant snow that simply won’t stop. Roads will be blocked. There will be no traffic. Moreover, schools, institutions, and stores will be closed, which means people who don’t manage to escape from this devastating destiny will starve as there will be no food supply. There won’t be Christmas celebrations as well. It will only stop snowing during three summer months but there won’t be sunshine or summer weather. It will be still cold in summer.

    "Other regions on the planet will be affected as well. For instance, one-fourth of China, or more precisely the region closest to the Himalayas will be flooded, while all other parts of the country will experience drought that will ravage the country and turn it into a desert. The air temperatures will rise up to sixty degrees Celsius.

    Tibet will be affected as well. Due to unbearably high temperatures, snow on Mount Everest will start melting. The quantity of snow on Mount Everest will cause it to move while melting, giving rise to devastating avalanches. In these avalanches, rocks will detach under the pressure of great quantities of snow. In turn, Mount Everest won’t be the highest mountain anymore. Its height will decrease by about one thousand feet.

    Hari made a pause, took his glass of water and had a few sips. In the meantime, he observed the people in the gallery of the courtroom. The audience still looked impatient. They seemed as if they wanted to hear more about what was about to happen according to Hari’s predictions.

    Hari continued with the remainder of his deposition.

    "In my visions, I have also seen devastating catastrophes occurring on the Indian subcontinent. Due to the ever-increasing water level, the Bay of Bengal will rise and reach to the Himalayas. Furthermore, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and northeastern states of India such as Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura will no longer exist as they will be submerged in water.

    "Farther east, all Japanese islands, except Hokkaido will be completely submerged in water.

    "The catastrophe won’t bypass Europe. Siberia and other parts of Russia that are known for freezing temperatures will become even colder now.

    "The same scenario is expected in Scandinavian countries. Iceland will no longer exist. Southern parts of Europe will be submerged in water as well. The Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea levels will rise, and the water will reach Germany and Austria.

    "The rest of the world will be hit by heat waves, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. To be more precise, all countries on this planet are endangered, and all of them will be affected by disasters of epic proportions. There will be no place to hide and wait for bad times to pass. However, as the disastrous year approaches, snow on Antarctica will melt. Although the water level will rise, during disasters that will strike all other places on the planet, Antarctica will emerge as a perfect place to live due to balanced climate.

    "Let’s not forget about other living beings, plants, and animals. Ninety-Five percent of them will die due to sudden changes of climate, which they didn’t have the chance to get accustomed to. On the other hand, some animals will manage to evolve and turn into creatures that will be able to survive in extreme weather conditions. But most likely, mankind will find it difficult to coexist with these new creatures in the same environment.

    "I am sure the question all of you want to ask now is: Why will it happen? However, the answer isn’t too complicated. Years of neglect induce various reactions from the planet, which cumulatively result in catastrophes. The biggest cause for this apocalypse is carbon dioxide emissions.

    "Though this event seems to be horrifying to us, the solution is still in our control. In order to prevent this catastrophe, we all have to act immediately and every nation should contribute equally. I hope we can discuss the problem and agree with my solution, which will protect mankind and the mother Earth.

    Finally, I want to thank all attendees in this courtroom, for listening to what I had to say. I presented my predictions, calculations, and concern through this deposition. Furthermore, I throw open a debate for any questions the attendees of the court or scientists in the gallery may have. Hari concluded his deposition after having delivered the best of what he knew and envisioned.

    The courtroom was in total silence. Some people were speechless because they were simply flabbergasted by the severity of future events, while others were still questioning the boy’s words in their minds.

    Judge Rodi ordered the debate session.

    Then the cough could be heard. It was from the scientist Samuel Bronhouse, one of the most reputable climatologists in the world. He was the first one to open the debate.

    On what assumption are you predicting these unfortunate events? Can you prove that everything you said a few minutes ago will indeed happen? asked the scientist.

    Sir, unfortunately, there is no proof which would tell us that these events will occur. Although I would love to prove everything from my deposition, the fact is, I can’t do so in any manner until the first changes happen and we start experiencing them. However, I would like you to consider my previous predictions as one way of proving future events. Most visions I experienced in the past came true. Moreover, most visions I have seen were also proven by various scientific organizations, which speaks a lot about their accuracy and reliability.

    As soon as Hari answered the first question, another scientist continued the debate. It was Jeremy Dosterfield, professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences.

    I have to admit, I disagree with all your predictions, and the reason is quite simple: they are not based on science or scientific facts. As a scientist, I believe in the facts and scientific proofs only. Furthermore, I also do not believe that a nine-year-old boy holds the key to the salvation of our entire planet. said the second scientist with a harsh tone and continued sarcastically. Do you even know what global warming is? Do you know the difference between global warming and climate change, or do you assume that both terms are mere synonyms?

    Although Hari expected strict conversation tones, negations of his predictions, and questions that doubted his expertise, he didn’t expect sarcasm. However, he tried to hide his feelings and remain calm.

    Dear Professor, I am completely aware of the fact that the idea of a nine-year-old child talking about predictions as huge as these might seem extraordinary and more like a scene from some Hollywood movie. However, other people of science have confirmed that I do indeed possess a vast amount of knowledge about this particular subject. That being said, I also have to add that I do know that global warming and climate change aren’t synonyms, and that they do indeed differ, Hari replied confidently in an attempt to satisfy the sarcastic ego of the questioning professor.

    "You envisioned climate change disaster. Is it a ‘one-day event’ like the infamous Doomsday of 2012? asked the third scientist, Tokoshi Harada, a famous climatologist.

    Hari wasn’t surprised; he anticipated this question and answered smoothly.

    No, not at all, sir. According to the visions I have had, climate change events will be seen and experienced over time. In fact, we are already experiencing some climate change events that affect the Earth in the form of floods, droughts, heat, or snow. Therefore, the events that will strike our planet won’t occur in one day. They will gradually develop and induce changes that will affect all living beings on our planet. However, based on my calculations, starting from the next five years, these worst events could happen rapidly, responded Hari most confidently.

    "Are you aware of the fact that climate change is a multi-billion dollar industry? Did you know the statistics about greenhouse gas emissions?

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