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Toll Call
Toll Call
Toll Call
Ebook409 pages8 hours

Toll Call

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

John Marshall Tanner will go above and beyond to protect his secretary from a stalker

John Marshall Tanner finds his secretary slumped over on the sofa, her arm draped across her face. This private eye has seen enough death that, for a moment, he thinks Peggy Nettleton has been murdered. Fortunately, after a moment’s panic, he realizes she has simply dozed off. Tanner has worked alongside Peggy for eight years, and if something happened to her, it would shatter him. Unfortunately, that grim nightmare is about to come true.
For weeks now, Peggy has been getting obscene phone calls from one of the most deranged minds in San Francisco. To set her mind at rest, Tanner goes looking for the caller—a decision that sends him down a path of madness and murder that could either push him into Peggy’s arms or separate them forever.
Toll Call is the 6th book in the John Marshall Tanner Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.
Release dateFeb 9, 2016
Toll Call

Stephen Greenleaf

Stephen Greenleaf got a BA from Carlton College in 1964 and a JD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1967. He served in the United States Army from 1967 through 1969. He studied creative writing at the University of Iowa in 1978. He wrote fourteen John Marshall Tanner books to date. Greenleaf lives in northern California with his wife, Ann.

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Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    OK, so by Greenleaf standards, this one is not quite up to par. It's far above the run-of-the-mill detective stories and still belongs in the class with Ross MacDonald whose writing his resembles.Tanner’s long-time secretary, Peggy, is getting some rather salacious phone calls. Then one night she’s pushed down the stars and Tanner intervenes. Unlike the other books I have read in the Tanner series, this one gets personal and perhaps a bit heavy on the side of psychobabble. Lots of speculation as to why Peggy might have "encouraged" the moron with a concomitant excessive dose of guilt, etc. I don’t remember Maugham's Of Human Bondage that well, but my goodness, Peggy seems unable to break with this guy. It’s never satisfactorily explained. I kept wondering, “now, why would you do that?” or “hey guys, cop time, bring in the heavies.”On the other hand, there is a plot twist at the end I just did not see coming.I like Ruthie. She’s a stitch who has the most crass similes and metaphors imaginable. "That warning's about as useless as a condom on a canary."

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Toll Call - Stephen Greenleaf


State your name, please.

John Marshall Tanner.

Are you a resident of the city and county of San Francisco?

Yes, I am.

What is your business, Mr. Tanner?

I’m a private investigator.

Licensed by the State of California?


How long have you been a private detective?

A little over ten years.

And what did you do before that?

I was a lawyer.

In this city?


How long did you practice law?

Approximately eight years.

Are you still a member of the bar of this state, Mr. Tanner?


But you no longer practice law.

That’s correct. But I occasionally accept a retainer.

Why is that?

It allows me to keep certain information confidential pursuant to the attorney-client privilege. I find that useful, and my clients find it reassuring.

I see. Now, let me turn your attention to this past October, approximately a year ago. At that time did you have occasion to discuss certain business affairs of the plaintiff in this case, Mr. Malcolm Halliburton?

Yes, I did.

With whom did you have that discussion?

With you, Mr. Stacey.

Pursuant to that discussion, were you engaged in your professional capacity to perform services for the defendant in this case, the Arundel Corporation?

I was.

And what were those services?

I was given a copy of the resumé Mr. Halliburton had included with his application for the position of vice-president of international marketing for Arundel Corporation, and I was asked to verify certain items of personal history listed on that resumé.

Were you told why?

I was.

What were you told?

Objection. Hearsay.

It goes to his state of mind, Your Honor.

The jury is cautioned that the answer will be admitted solely to show the state of mind of the witness, and not for the truth of the matters asserted. You may answer the question, Mr. Tanner.

Thank you, Your Honor. I was told that Mr. Halliburton had been hired by Arundel in 1979; that his contract contained certain bonus and incentive provisions which were highly lucrative; that over the next five years Mr. Halliburton had not performed pursuant to Arundel’s expectations in that certain of his activities were being investigated for possible illegalities, including embezzlement and bribery; that in view of these irregularities the company had decided to terminate Mr. Halliburton’s employment; and that shortly after his termination Mr. Halliburton had filed suit to collect the amounts he felt were due and owing to him pursuant to his employment contract. As part of its defense to that lawsuit, the corporation wanted to ascertain whether Mr. Halliburton’s employment application had been truthful and complete in all respects, or whether it had been fraudulent and misleading in certain particulars.

So essentially you were asked to verify the employment application.


And if you found any errors or omissions what were you to do?

Report them to you and try to ascertain the correct information.

How long did you work at this project, Mr. Tanner?

For two months, on and off. For a total of seventy-five hours, approximately.

Did you incur significant expenses?

Yes. There was a good deal of travel involved. I went to Durham, North Carolina; Providence, Rhode Island; Washington, D.C.; and to Massachusetts, Missouri, and Iowa as well.

Now, I show you a copy of what has been marked Defendant’s Exhibit D. Can you identify that for me?

That is what you have given to me and described as the resumé attached to the employment application that Mr. Halliburton submitted to Arundel Corporation back in 1979.

Tell me, Mr. Tanner. What items on that resumé did you find to be true?

Objection, Your Honor. No foundation.

Your Honor, plaintiff has previously admitted pursuant to Section 2033 of the Code of Civil Procedure that certain affidavits and other documents obtained by Mr. Tanner during his investigation were authentic and genuine. Those documents will be offered into evidence after Mr. Tanner completes his testimony, as providing the foundation for that testimony. If at this late date counsel for Mr. Halliburton seeks to challenge the authenticity of these documents, I assure him that we will move pursuant to CCP Section 2034(c) for an order requiring plaintiff to pay the expenses of any and all affiants and records custodians forced to travel to this court to authenticate the documents, and for reasonable attorneys’ fees as well. Are you making such a challenge, Mr. Kinlaw?

Our position regarding the documentation will be asserted when and if they are offered into evidence, Mr. Stacey, and not before.

May I proceed, then, Your Honor?

You may, Mr. Stacey. Subject to a motion to strike if a sufficient foundation is not forthcoming.

Thank you. So, Mr. Tanner. Tell us, for example, what you learned of Mr. Halliburton’s place and date of birth.

His resumé says he was born in Paris, France, in 1939. Actually, he was born in What Cheer, Iowa, in 1945.

How big a city is What Cheer?

In the 1980 census the population of What Cheer was eight hundred and three.

How about Mr. Halliburton’s education?

His resumé states that he attended Governor Dummer Academy in Massachusetts, then Brown University, the London School of Economics, and the graduate school of business at Duke University. It also states he was awarded the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Arts in Economics, and a Master of Business Administration. Actually, Mr. Halliburton graduated from high school in Moravia, Iowa, and attended Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in Kirksville, Missouri, on a football scholarship. He dropped out after two years when a knee injury ended his athletic career. Mr. Halliburton is still remembered by several merchants in Kirksville, as owing them sizable amounts for food, clothing, and other necessaries which were extended to him on credit during his college days.

Your Honor, move to strike the final portion of that answer as hearsay. I know of no affidavits on that point. The matter is also immaterial.

"Read the answer please, Mr. Reporter. Thank you. The objection is sustained, Mr. Kinlaw. The jury will disregard everything following the word career. You know better, Mr. Tanner."

I’m sorry, Your Honor. I got carried away by my intrepidity.

Continue, Mr. Stacey.

Thank you, Your Honor. So Mr. Halliburton has no college degree, to say nothing of a Master’s in Business Administration?

He has no degrees from the institutions he listed, and I found no evidence that he attended any educational institutions other than Northeast Missouri State and Moravia High.

How about his employment record?

His resumé states that he was employed by Exxon Corporation, and he was, but not as an assistant vice-president of bulk product marketing, as he represented.

In what capacity was he employed?

As a gas station attendant in Washington, D.C. The station was on Connecticut Avenue.

How about his other position, that of Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton, Incorporated?

That much is true. He did hold that position in that company. But the company did not have assets in excess of thirty million dollars and it did not have more than one hundred employees and it did not engage in the manufacture and distribution of computer software.

What were its assets and what was its business, Mr. Tanner?

Halliburton, Incorporated owned a 1973 Dodge Challenger and not much else. What it did was sell the contents of its trunk—which ranged from Gucci shoes from Mexico to Navajo jewelry from Taiwan—at various outdoor locations in the Washington–Baltimore corridor. Most of the locations were vacant lots.

I see. Was there anything at all on that resumé that was the truth, Mr. Tanner?

Well, Mr. Halliburton said he was a skilled and experienced salesman, and I’d say there was some truth to that.


He did a damned good job of selling himself to the Arundel Corporation.

Thank you, Mr. Tanner. Your Honor, I submit the aforementioned affidavits and other documents which support Mr. Tanner’s testimony, which have been stipulated as authentic and which have been collectively marked as Defendant’s F.

Any objection, Mr. Kinlaw?

Ah … no, Your Honor.

It may be admitted.

No further questions, Your Honor.

You may cross-examine, Mr. Kinlaw.

Thank you, Your Honor. Mr. Tanner, you’re a private eye, right?


For sale to the highest bidder.

Not always.

But usually?

Maybe not even that. I look at the bidder as well as the bid.

Come now, Mr. Tanner. You testify in court quite often, do you not?

I suppose I do.

And you get paid for it, true?


You’re being paid for the testimony you just gave, aren’t you, Mr. Tanner?

I’m being paid for my time, Mr. Kinlaw, not for my testimony.

At what rate?

Forty dollars per hour.

That’s quite a lot, isn’t it?

"I happen to know it’s only one fifth of what you charge for your time, Mr. Kinlaw."

That’s hardly the point, is it?

I don’t know. You brought it up.

I … Now, you’ve testified for Mr. Stacey several times before, have you not? In other cases?


How did those come out?

Won one, lost one.

Did you receive a bonus afterward, in either case?


Are you sure?

I am. And so is my banker.

I see. Now, you don’t know of your own personal knowledge or experience that Mr. Halliburton lacks an MBA degree, do you, Mr. Tanner?


And you don’t know whether he ever sold computer software for a living, do you?

No. I just know he didn’t sell it for Halliburton, Incorporated.

So as far as you know, the essential parts of Mr. Halliburton’s resumé may well be true, isn’t that right?

I guess it depends on what you mean by essential. He got his name and address right. And the color of his eyes. But I imagine the Arundel Corporation sees that resumé as a rather expensive hoax.

Move to strike as nonresponsive, Your Honor.



Proceed, Mr. Kinlaw.

Very well. Let’s turn to your previous profession, Mr. Tanner. You say you used to be a practicing attorney, but now you’re not. I wonder if you can tell me why you’re not a lawyer anymore.

There’s not an easy answer to that. A lot of it had to do with not liking to talk on the telephone, I think.

Come now, Mr. Tanner. There was more to it than that, was there not?

I suppose there must have been.

You got in some trouble, didn’t you? Trouble that resulted in a jail term.

What I got into was a situation in which I felt it necessary to make certain observations in order to protect my client’s rights. The person to whom I made those observations didn’t take them kindly. Since he happened to be a judge, he sentenced me to six months in jail for contempt of court. I served the time rather than apologize. After I got out I decided that since none of the reasons for my contemptuous outburst had disappeared, I’d try to get into a more respectable line of work.

More respectable? Surely you don’t expect me to believe that a private detective pursues a more respectable calling than an attorney-at-law.

"No, Mr. Kinlaw. I don’t expect you to believe that. But I think the jury might."


Just another day in Superior Court—predominantly boring, with intermittent flashes of wit or tension; periodically entertaining or even enlightening if either of the lawyers is any good; marginally productive; and in this case, since my client was a lawyer and his was a corporation, a day more profitable than normal.

It was warm and sunny—typical San Francisco summer-in-fall—so I decided to stroll back to the office instead of hailing a cab. Along the way I dodged the drunks and the ravers as I considered what to do with the proceeds of the Arundel account. I needed a few big-ticket items—a refrigerator, a couch, a valve job—and countless smaller conveniences as well—a floor lamp, a shower curtain, a belt. But what I needed more than anything was to patch things up with my secretary, so along the way I stopped at the Neiman-Marcus perfume counter and bought Peggy a quarter-ounce of Obsession, which the salesclerk assured me was the latest thing. I had no idea if the scent was to her taste, I just hoped the same thing the manufacturer hoped—that with that name and that label it didn’t have to be.

The little box—gift-wrapped in glass and paper worth more than the fragrance itself—was concealed behind my back as I let myself into the outer office, but there was no one there to give it to. I surrendered my contrite smile and did a quick calculation: it was Monday and it was afternoon, so Peggy was definitely scheduled to be on duty and Peggy always did what she was scheduled to do. I considered the possibilities, shrugged, put the little box on top of her typewriter, then went into my private office and sat down at my desk prepared to glide to the end of the day on the wings of my triumphant court appearance.

I was slitting open the top envelope from the stack of mail in front of me before I noticed her. She was lying on the couch, one arm a shield across her eyes, the other a sash across her chest. One leg was stretched out straight but the other dangled awkwardly off the cushion, and that single ungainly image was enough to make me hurry to her side, propelled by the sudden, sweaty conviction that Peggy Nettleton was dead.

Perhaps it was Malcolm Halliburton’s hateful stare that had so attuned me to catastrophe, perhaps it was the persistent fog of dread that clouds my profession, perhaps it was merely a temporary tic of fear, but whatever it was I was firmly in its grip as I knelt by Peggy’s side and touched her shoulder. It was warm and yielding, definitely alive, a much more precious gift than the one I’d left atop her desk. I saw no blood, no blue-black smear of violence, and beneath my searching gaze Peggy’s chest ballooned with a placid breath. I pressed her flesh more firmly, then shook her till she stirred.

She groaned and rolled away from me, so covetous of sleep she convinced me she was imperiled only by a nightmare. I mouthed an inchoate prayer of thanks and went back to my desk, lightened of most but not all of the apprehension of the previous moment, uncomfortably aware of how vulnerable I was to fate and mischief. To subdue such musings I continued through the mail, which was entirely routine and thus unable to keep my mind from casting stark, bleak images of life without the woman on the couch.

Our history was neither complex nor fantastic. She’d answered my ad in the Sunday Chronicle—the one I placed when I was finally in a position to afford some help—and had sailed through the interview as though I were the applicant and she the jaded boss. She accepted my offer of employment only after establishing some ground rules: half-time only, no nights, no demeaning personal services such as fetching lunch or laundry, the immediate replacement of my manual typewriter with a new Selectric, and the equally immediate cleansing of the office carpet and painting of the office walls. I’d accepted her conditions gratefully, and she’d begun work the next day. Suddenly, somehow, it was eight years later and the rules were less precise.

It was a unique relationship, at least for me. She was my only audience, my only motive to verbalize a thought or express an emotion. The rare and random epiphanies of my life would go unremarked if not for Peggy, yet there was nothing sexual between us, though once I’d made a halfhearted try that was wholeheartedly rebuffed on the sensible ground that we needed each other as friends more than we needed each other as lovers. There was a whole lot of respect on each side of the association, and an equal measure of affection, and maybe in each of us there was a sense that, whatever heated little exercises we might have going on the side, this was the alliance in our lives that mattered most. It was not something I viewed as an achievement, but my best times were the times I spent with Peggy.

Her measured breathing continued to sweeten time, so I went back to my business. I’d worked my way down to an urgent appeal from the Native American Rights Fund when Peggy struggled to a sitting position and looked at me. Startled, she rubbed her eyes, groaned, and looked at me again. Hi, she said thickly.


I guess I fell asleep.

I guess so.

I’ve never done that before. I’m sorry. I …

I waved at her apology. Don’t worry about it.

No. I’ll come in early tomorrow to make up the time.

Don’t be silly. Go back to sleep if you want. I don’t have anything that needs doing right away. Except this.

I trotted to the outer office and retrieved the little package and went back and presented it to Peggy.

What’s this for? she asked, frowning. My birthday’s in June. You even remembered this year.

A little peace offering. So we can forget our little fight.

What fight? she asked, her words still slow and fuzzy. Oh. That. I tried, Marsh, but about midnight my fingers broke off relations with my brain and the strangest things started to show up on the page. I just couldn’t send out those reports with typos in them; it’s so … tacky. I—

It was my fault, I interrupted. I shouldn’t have pressed you. Thank God someone around here has standards. Another day didn’t matter anyway. I was unreasonable.

No you weren’t. I was incompetent.

I grinned. Let’s have another fight about whose fault it was. You take my side and I’ll take yours. Like those horse races where you ride my horse and I ride yours and the money goes to the one that comes in second.

Peggy smiled, yawned, and opened her present. Obsession. I’ve always wanted to try it. She looked up from the package at me. You can’t afford this.

Today I can.

She took a moment to decipher, then nodded. The Arundel trial. How’d it go?

Okay, I guess. As I left the stand, Halliburton tossed me a look that activated my acne, so I suppose I did what I was hired to do.

Peggy gazed back at the tiny cruet as though it had been filled from the fountain of youth. Shall I put some on?


She opened the bottle, tipped the essence of something or other onto a fingertip, and dabbed it behind her wrists and ears. Want to smell?

I went to the couch, leaned down, and took a sniff. My nose wriggled in self-defense, and I suppressed a sneeze as I tried and failed to identify the scent. I doubt that it existed anywhere but on the flesh of wealthy women. You don’t have to wear it, you know, I told her. I didn’t know what kind you use.

But I like it I think, she said, inhaling. Then she grinned. My usual brand’s Norell, if the question ever comes up. In Trivial Pursuit, or something.

We exchanged flirtatious peeks, then Peggy closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch, giving me a chance to examine her more closely.

Tall, angular, she was darkly and archly handsome, with long brown hair that curled at her shoulders and black-brown eyes that were customarily narrowed in a dedicated skepticism. Below the eyes, her sharpened chin and nose seemed always to be accusing me of being less fervid than I ought.

At quick glance, Peggy had aged not a whit from the moment she first entered my office eight years before, but closer inspection revealed minor flaws. Her hair seemed limp and neglected, her cheeks two shades too pale, her eyes in danger of drowning in the big black pools that spread beneath them. Her shoulders sagged; her hands lay lax; a stocking puckered at the knee. Her entire aspect was that of an extremely efficient appliance that had recently been unplugged.

The contrast from a few short weeks before was so disturbing I asked a question. Is anything wrong?

I asked it casually, gently, my eyes back on my mail, all to belie my concern. But as usual I didn’t evade her defenses.

She opened one eye. What?

I asked if anything was wrong.

What makes you think anything’s wrong?

You do.

She closed the eye. Her smile was arid and forbidding, and succeeded a sigh. The perfume doesn’t give you a license to be candid, Mr. John Marshall Tanner. Her words were as stiff as steel.

You’re exhausted, I persisted. You’ve been on edge for over a month. Usually you handle my more boorish outbursts without a ripple, but lately you’ve been giving me exactly what I deserve. Which is your right, but not your style.

So? Anger barbed the word. "Maybe I’ve decided to become more assertive. They give classes in it, you know. Someone’s decided the world aches for more assertive women."

I ignored the snap. Maybe I can help with whatever it is. I’d like to, if you think I could.

She shook her head, her eyes still closed, as though that made me insignificant. It’s nothing. I’ve gotten myself into a situation, is all. Now I’ve got to get myself out.

That’s the kind of thing I do for a living, you know.

She hesitated, then shook her head. This isn’t that big a deal, Marsh. Really. I’ll be fine.

Great. When you are I hope you’ll let me know.

I was insulted and angry and she knew it from my tone. We slid into a huffy silence. Peggy seemed even more deflated than before, more churlish and reluctant. I wanted to help, but I knew her well enough to know she couldn’t be pushed effectively. Every time I’d tried it in the past I’d only solidified her obstinance to the approximate hardness of a diamond.

I guessed the problem was a man—she’d gone through several of them in the years she’d worked for me, not surprising in a city where the vast majority of men are either gay or married or revoltingly narcissistic, and not surprising in a woman who’d told me several times that her one failed marriage was more than enough, that since she was self-sufficient financially and had already birthed a child and was past the age of safely bearing more, there seemed little reason to revisit the altar or even the justice of the peace and even less reason not to sample a wide variety of what came in the box marked MALE. But whatever the problem, there didn’t seem to be a place in it for me. Not yet. So I asked if there had been any calls while I was out.

She shook her head, but for some reason my question prompted one of her own. Tell me something, Marsh.


When you go to all the trouble to change your telephone number, how does someone learn the new one so goddamned fast?


I spent the rest of the day fretting over Peggy. The new telephone number she’d given me a few weeks earlier seemed suddenly an ominous incident, but she dodged all my efforts to discover why she’d changed her number and who had upset her by managing to learn the new one. She had, in fact, voided my every attempt at conversation of any sort until it was time for her to leave for home. As we bid each other a carefully perfunctory good-bye her face seemed frozen in a timorous mask, as though where she was going was even worse than where she’d been, which was with me and my awkward, aimless questioning.

I was so concerned about her I considered tailing her after she left the office, in a blind grasp at some hint of what was gnawing at her. But Peggy usually stopped for a drink somewhere, then took the bus home. Even in the evening crunch there was no way I could keep her in sight without being spotted and running the risk that she would seal off the infected portion of her life forever.

Soon after Peggy left I went home myself, fixed an early dinner of tomato soup and day-old pizza, and stewed some more about my secretary. It wasn’t so much that I felt she was a candidate for a serious predicament as it was my certainty that if one in fact confronted her she would wait too long before asking for help. Like many virtues, doggedness has a second side, and Peggy’s gritty self-reliance could make Pete Rose look like a shirker. During the course of the evening I debated and discarded a host of approaches to the problem, from confrontation to secret surveillance, and in the process I realized I still didn’t know all that much about the woman who had brightened my life more than anyone in the past eight years.

She had grown up back east—New Hampshire, I thought—and had gone to Bennington for a while before dropping out to marry a swashbuckler, as she called him, a structural engineer who had impregnated her in their third year of marriage and abandoned her the next. Her family was so upset when she left college that they cut her off without a cent, and after the divorce Peggy had gone to work as a self-taught secretary to support herself and her baby daughter, Allison. By the time she came to work for me, Peggy’s mother had died and her father had been put in a rest home with Alzheimer’s and Allison was in the corps de ballet in some avant-garde dance company in the SoHo section of New York. As far as I knew, Peggy had never heard from the swashbuckler again.

Matters had stood that way until a little less than a year ago, when her father had died and left her some insurance money, which in turn had financed her daughter’s move from New York to San Francisco. Allison had brought along a rather disreputable companion, an actor who was equally into drugs and sponging off his mate, and for that reason or some other a degree of tension had developed between Peggy and her daughter, a tension whose precise source was still a mystery to me, and possibly to Peggy as well.

The rest of my knowledge was made up of those quirky odds and ends that define us to the portion of the world that’s interested. Peggy had a cat she loved and a neighbor she was friends with. She worshipped Doris Lessing and Nadine Gordimer, loved Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler, collected copies of Matisse and Mary Cassatt. Her favorite color was red; her favorite flower the California poppy; her favorite place in the city the Palace of the Legion of Honor. She appreciated food and wine to the extent that a couple of birthday dinners she’d fixed for me at her apartment ranked among my all-time favorite meals. She liked to visit art museums in her spare time, though she bemoaned the great gulf between San Francisco’s public art and that available in New York and LA. She was a perfectionist about her work and about most other areas of her life as well, with the apparent result that sooner or later her boyfriends all fell short of her ideals and more than one of her female friends had ended up committing what Peggy had viewed as private treason.

Peggy demanded much of the world and more of herself, and I felt fortunate to have held on to her as long as I had. I think I had succeeded for eight years because my life was so spare and simple I was relieved of making the imperfectible choices that more ambitious men are faced with, and because I could make her laugh. Still, I was afraid that sooner or later I would make what in Peggy’s eyes was a mistake so basic and unforgivable that she would vanish from my life as suddenly as she had appeared, leaving me as desolate as a jilted spouse. In the meantime, though, I intended to continue to enjoy what amounted to a first for me—an important relationship with a woman that floated on friendship rather than on lust.

I fretted in forms that progressed from the abstract to the concrete until ten o’clock that evening, when my imagination was raging so ungovernably I decided to give Peggy a call, to make sure she was okay. I got a busy signal that relieved me, though not entirely. I tried again ten minutes later. Still busy. Twenty minutes after that her phone was busy yet again, and by then I was not relieved at all.

I put on my shoes and tucked in my shirt and got ready to drive to Peggy’s. There were plenty of innocuous reasons for the phone being tied up for so long, of course, but there were some fearsome ones as well, and it was those that were shoving me toward the flat expanse of the Marina District, where Peggy rented an apartment.

When my hand was on the door knob my phone rang. After a quick debate I retreated to answer it.

Marsh? Hi. It’s Peggy.

I kicked off my shoes and sagged back onto the couch. How are you?

My voice must have grown an irritated burr, because Peggy hesitated before she answered. I’m fine. Why?

I’ve been trying to call you. The line was always busy. I was starting to get worried.

About what?

I don’t know. About whatever’s been bothering you lately, I guess.

"Nothing’s bothering me, Marsh. Stop playing mother hen."

I’m not playing. The words were truthful, but more dramatic than I intended.

Peggy started to say something, stopped, then began again in a

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