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Murder Vegas Style: Jim Richards Murder Novels, #36
Murder Vegas Style: Jim Richards Murder Novels, #36
Murder Vegas Style: Jim Richards Murder Novels, #36
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Murder Vegas Style: Jim Richards Murder Novels, #36

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About this ebook

Jim Richards has retired from being a P.I. but he can't seem to stay out of trouble. After sending his wife, Penny, and the female staff of his investigating firm on an ocean cruise, and the men are turned loose in Vegas, Jim is relaxing until she shows up. Once again murder rears it's ugly head. This is the thirty-sixth in a series of books about Jim Richards and his friends.

PublisherBob Moats
Release dateJan 10, 2016
Murder Vegas Style: Jim Richards Murder Novels, #36

Bob Moats

Detroit area resident, Bob Moats, has been writing short stories and plays for as long as he can remember. He has lost most of his original stories, typed or handwritten, in the numerous moves he has made from his hometown of Fraser, Michigan to Northern Michigan, to Las Vegas and back to Fraser, where he now lives. Moats became one of the causalities of unemployment a year ago, and had time on his hands to finally pursue a life long dream of writing a full blown crime novel. Thus was born the first book, "Classmate Murders". What followed was a series of seven books starting with "The Classmate Murders" which introduces the main character, Jim Richards, who has to admit he has become a senior citizen, reluctantly. Richards, one day, receives an email from a childhood sweetheart asking for his help, but by the time he reaches her, she has been murdered. His life turns around and he is pulled into numerous murders of women from his high school who he hasn't seen in forty years. Along with a friend of his, Buck, a big, mustached biker, they go off to track down the killer before he can get to one former classmate, Penny Wickens, a TV talk show host who Jim has just fallen for while protecting her. The killer is also murdering the women right out from under police protection, driving homicide detective Will Trapper crazy, and he slowly depends on Jim to help. There's humor, suspense, wild chases across suburban Detroit with cops, classic cars and motorcycle clubs; murder, mayhem, a good amount of romance and a twist ending. Jim and his crime fighters, continue in the other books, traveling to Las Vegas twice, back to Detroit and out to New York to solve murders involving dominatrix; mistresses; Bridezillas; magic and strip clubs. Book titles: Classmate Murders; Vegas Showgirl Murders; Dominatrix Murders; Mistress Murders; Bridezilla Murders; Magic Murders; Strip Club Murders and Made-for-TV Murders.

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    Book preview

    Murder Vegas Style - Bob Moats

    Murder Vegas Style

    Chapter 1

    THE MAN STOOD IN THE desert wasteland looking around. The mountains in the distance were always a sight to see. He looked up at the power lines probably coming from the Hoover Dam to the city of Las Vegas. Bringing the power to make Las Vegas the city of lights. It was deserted for miles around which is why he was out there. To dump a body.

    His partner came up and said, Dante, can we dispose of this guy and get the hell out of here? I hate the desert.

    Be glad I'm not dropping you off here, Mort. Get Jacobs out of the trunk and put him down here, he said pointing to the ground in front of him.

    Mort went back to the car and opened the trunk. The body was still fresh, since they had murdered the man just before the ride to the desert. He lifted the body and took it to his partner.

    Just drop him. We don't need to be formal.

    Mort put the body on the ground and stood looking at his partner. Can we go now? This place gives me the creeps.

    Why? Because of all the bodies that have been dumped out here? Vegas has a dark history of murder.

    I don't care, I just want to go. Mort went back to the car and got in.

    Coward, his partner said and went to the car.

    I HAD HOPED MY SURPRISE would go over well with Penny, my beautiful wife. I usually talked to her before I plotted anything. This was meant to be a surprise and I hope that she and the women of the Richards Investigating firm would like the surprise also. It was costing me a small fortune so they better appreciate it.

    I watched her come out of the hallway from her personal bathroom. It was nice that we had our own bathrooms so we didn't bug each other. She came into the kitchen as I sat at the snack bar.

    What do you have on your evil little mind? she asked as she went to the cupboard where she kept her oatmeal.

    I'm trying to figure out how to tell you I have a surprise, I said, blurting it out.

    She stopped and turned to me. You just can't keep things from me, can you?

    You know I can't. But I'm going to be strong and not tell you until I have you and the women of the firm in one room later today.

    The women of the firm? How sexist.

    Well, what else would I call them? Female employees, ladies of Richards Investigations? I defended.

    Okay, I get your point. You're not going to tell me now?

    Nope. Come to the office after your show, then you'll find out.

    She finished making her oatmeal and sat eating at the snack bar, staring at me.

    Forget it, I'm not saying anything right now. I munched on my toast and said, I'm going to get ready to go to the office.

    Why? You just retired this last month. Do you think they need you to help fight crime?

    "Hey, it's still my firm. I feel I should be there to make sure everything runs smoothly.

    You just collect your booty and make a pest out of yourself. Everyone knows what to do.

    I know that. I just feel better being around my people, I said.

    Okay. I understand. I would feel lost if I quit my show and had nothing to do.

    You'd spend your days swimming in the pool, I said with a grin.

    Yes, I would, she replied. But there's more to life than swimming.

    I about fell off my stool when she said that. Fine, I'm leaving. Are you taking Willy or am I? I said referring to our toy Yorkie. He was sitting looking up at us hoping to grab a bite of my toast. I gave him what I had left as Penny said I could have him today.

    She finished up her oatmeal and put the bowl in the sink. I stood and went to my bathroom to finish getting ready. Willy followed me and waited. I heard Penny yell that she was leaving and I yelled back to remember to come to the office. But the front door closed before I could finish my statement.

    Always in a rush, I said to Willy. I got dressed and picked up the dog and went out to the car. I drove out and over to the office. Along the way I thought about how my retirement was starting to get on my nerves. I knew that I had to keep busy or I'd climb the walls. I knew that Trapper, Earl, Deacon, Lynn and Buck could handle the investigating. They didn't really need me, other than for moral support.

    I pulled around to the back of the building and saw Fred, our handyman, standing by the dog run with his dog, Henry. I opened the car door and Willy bounced out and over to Henry. The two dogs jumped around nipping at each other playfully.

    Hey, Mr. Richards. What are you doing here? Fred asked.

    First, call me Jim, and it's still my business, unless the employees have mutinied and taken over.

    He laughed and said, No, no mutinies today that I know of. All quiet on the western front.

    That's not something I want to hear. You do know that book was about the tragedies of war.

    I saw the movie but never read the book. As a homeless person, I didn't have many books to read, Fred said wistfully.

    Well, you're not homeless now, so read books. Especially mine. I laughed and then asked, Who all is in?

    Everyone except Buck. He's out rounding up his guards. Mac is ill today so Buck is doing the leg-work.

    Thanks Fred. Come on Willy, in the building now, I commanded the dog, who was ignoring me. Okay, I'll eat the dog treats myself.

    Willy suddenly stopped and turned towards me. I opened the back door and he flew inside.

    Have to bribe them, or they don't listen, I said to Fred and went in. Willy shot right up to the front of the building running into his dog door leading out to the main lobby. I could hear Lacey talking to the dog, and went through the glass doors to the counter.

    Good morning, Lacey, I said, smiling.

    Are you going to bug me today? she replied.

    No, but when Penny gets here I need you, Tracey and Lynn in my office for a meeting.

    Are we getting a raise?

    Don't hold your breath. Besides I just gave you a raise before Christmas. I have a surprise for you and the girls.

    That's sexist, she replied.

    What is it with you and Penny? What else would I call you?

    We're the more intelligent part of the company. Hardly girls, she mugged.

    Okay, have you and the Einstein crew in my office when Penny arrives. I smiled and went back through the doors to my office. There was a sign taped to my door saying Jim doesn't live here anymore, I laughed and took the sign down. I hadn't been in my office for the last week, so it felt strange. I sat at my desk as Willy stood next to me, begging for his treat. I obliged him and sat wondering what to do now.

    Chapter 2

    Iturned on the TV hanging on my office wall and watched Penny's show. She had spent many years between her local talk shows here and in Michigan and then going national with it. It was hard to go anywhere in the United States without someone recognizing her.

    The show ended so I figured Penny would come barreling in any time now. Although the show was taped earlier, she had been finished for at least an hour already. I wondered why she wasn't here, knowing she hates when I keep surprises.

    I heard a chattering of voices in the hallway coming towards my door. On cue, Penny led Lacey, Tracy and Lynn through the open door. She stood at my desk like a commanding officer with her ragged troops.

    Okay, we're here. What's your surprise? she commanded.

    Please, at least sit, I said pointing to the chairs. They pulled them over and sat in front of me, all staring. I felt like I was on trial and they were the jury. Solemn faces all judging me guilty. Okay, we've been in business for almost five years now, and I wanted to reward everyone for their undying loyalty to their job.

    They all sat still staring and now looking slightly interested. Reward? What reward? Lacey asked.

    Have any of you been to Seattle, beside Penny? I asked. Lynn, Lacey and Tracey shook their heads in unison. Well, I thought it would be nice to give you a trip on a cruise ship up the western coast of the U.S. and sail into Seattle. A four day trip with a two day layover in Seattle. All expenses paid. Just for the four of you, a ladies only cruise. I sat back waiting to hear their objections, but they surprised me.

    Are you serious? Penny said first. I expected her to object but she continued, Can I call Sarah and Dave to meet us there?

    "I already called them and let them in on my plan. They said they'd be happy to escort you

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