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My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping: Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner!
My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping: Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner!
My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping: Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner!
Ebook57 pages37 minutes

My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping: Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner!

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About this ebook

It’s true: Puppies are really cute!
But do you know how to really make sure your puppy sleeps well and sound?

Having this knowledge will ensure that both you and your puppy are completely charged so you feel energetic and joyful to conquer the day!
Patricia Harris is here to guide you in every step of the way!
This is what you will learn:

How to Make Sure Your Puppy’s Health Is in Order – From A to Z!
How the Things Puppies Do during the Day Affect the Quality of Sleep at Night!
Things to Consider for a Puppy to Sleep Well: Other Pets, The Right Bed and More!
Psychological Preparation for Getting Ready To Sleep with Ease!
The Master Plan: A Step by Step Guide in Helping Your Puppy Go to Sleep!
Does your Puppy Needs to Pee At Night? Learn about the Proper Potty Schedule!
Methods of Helping Dogs Sleep – 7 Ways to Do It!
What to Do When Nothing Works – Problems & Solutions!
Common Questions Puppy Owners Have – Even the ones you we’re afraid to ask!
And much more!
And sleep well!
Scroll Up & Try It Today!

PublisherNuno Almeida
Release dateJan 18, 2016
My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping: Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner!

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    Book preview

    My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping - Nuno Almeida

    My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping

    Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & a Happy Puppy Owner

    Patricia Harris


    Effort has been made to ensure that the information in this book is accurate and complete. However, the author and the publisher do not warrant the accuracy of the information, text and graphics contained within the book due to the rapidly changing nature of science, research, known and unknown facts. The author and the publisher do not hold any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This book is presented solely for motivational and informational purposes only.

    Copyright © 2015 by Patricia Harris. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this publication or the information in it may be quoted from or reproduced in any form by means such as printing, scanning, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Puppy Health Check—How to Make Sure Your Puppy’s Health Is in Order!

    Chapter 2: How the Things Puppies Do during the Day Affect the Quality of Sleep at Night

    Chapter 3: Things to Consider for a Puppy to Sleep Well

    Chapter 4: Making Sure You Psychologically Prepare Your Dog to Get Ready to Sleep

    Chapter 5: What to Do When Puppies Need to Pee or Defecate at night

    Chapter 6: The Master Plan - A Step by Step Guide to Help Your Puppy Going to Sleep

    Chapter 7: Methods For Helping Dogs Sleep

    Chapter 8: What to Do When Nothing Works?

    Chapter 9: Common Questions Puppy Owners Have



    I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading this great book!

    A dog is man’s best friend. Taking care of one, especially from puppyhood, could give you a sense of happiness and fulfillment. A puppy could definitely make your day better, and awaken the child in you, making you playful and giddy.

    But of course, there are certain responsibilities that come with taking care of a puppy, one of which is making sure your puppy goes to bed at the right time, without any hassle.

    What You Should Know about Dogs and Sleep

    For starters, sleeping is of course, natural to puppies. However, the amount of time they spend sleeping, and napping, almost always varies. On average, a healthy dog sleeps around 14 to 16 hours in a day, which in the course of their lifetime would amount to half of it.

    Just like humans, a puppy also sleeps by entering a certain quiet wave that would then lead him to sleep. At this stage, he becomes oblivious to his surroundings, and his mind begins to relax. Then, after around 10 minutes, he enters Rapid Eye Movement, also known as REM, an activity that’s also inherent to humans. This is also one of the biggest evidences that show that puppies are also capable of dreaming.

    While puppies sleep more than humans do, they also wake up more frequently—which could be a problem, especially if you are trying to get your

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