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The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set
The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set
The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set
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The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set

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Book 2 Description

Haylee is beginning to find herself while she is in college. She crosses paths with the mysterious man she met years ago and starts something up with him. She finds herself falling for him at every moment they are together. Amanda is doing well with Chris and their friendship is still going strong. They meet up over the holidays, where her parents are still distant to her.

Haylee doesn’t think Declan likes her as much as she doe him but time proves her wrong. Their relationship kindles like a fire and she can’t imagine herself with anyone else.

Book 3 Description

Declan and Haylee have been together for a few months now and their relationship is going strong. They have just graduated from college together. Amanda, Haylee’s best friend, has just learned that she is pregnant and she and Chris are getting married. Haylee’s parents buy her a condo as a gift and she moves in with Declan. Not too long after, Haylee and Declan get married.

Their lives are going perfect, they have a young baby boy and nothing could be better. Haylee has started a new job and Declan is doing well with law enforcement. She was just waiting for the shoe to drop. Declan dies suddenly of a heart problem and her world collapses. Her son becomes ill and she loses her job. Amanda steps in and makes her go to an interview, where she runs it with a part of her past she never thought she would encounter again.

PublisherViola Black
Release dateJan 26, 2016
The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set

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    The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 2 & 3 Boxed Set - Viola Black

    The Cheerleader and the Billionaire

    2 & 3

    Viola Black

    Copyright © 2016 by Viola Black. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the author.

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, incidents and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Name

    Chapter Two: It’s Called Getting to Know

    Chapter Three: Know You More

    Chapter Four: Say Hello to My Friend


    Chapter One: Remind Me What You Said

    Chapter Two: Serenity

    Chapter Three: Vows

    Chapter Four: Your Turn

    Chapter Five: You Again


    The Irish Lover

    Chapter One: Name

    The first thing I did was call Amanda and tell her I made the team, she has some weird satellite phone now. Turns out, she was in the Alps! I was jealous of course, she is doing something so amazing with someone who she is so in love with. Their round the world trip turned into an every summer thing, even during the year they would take impromptu trips everywhere. I was surprised, smart as Amanda is, she wants to be a photographer. I was thinking microbiologist or medical examiner. I quickly made more friends on the cheer team, I felt right at home here.

    Believe me, there was not a day that went by that I didn’t think of that man I met. I don’t even know what had me so messed up, he was just so easy to talk to, nice. That doesn’t come easy, I didn’t think guys like that still existed. Sure, I only talked to him for like thirty seconds but I just had a feeling, I kind of knew.

    When classes weren’t kicking my butt I was going to football games, spirit rallies and things of such. Senior year was a whole lot different though, I was part of these events. When they introduce the cheerleaders, they honor the seniors. We step up, do some fun trick and smile at the applauding crowd. The end of the fourth football game was the best yet, I went out to dinner with my girls and then came back to my on campus apartment. I talked to my parents for the first time in a while, it was nice hearing their voices. I ventured into the kitchen for something to eat but came up short.

    Of course there’s no food in here. I got lucky and didn’t get a roommate, maybe if I did she would shop more. I showered quickly, dressing in grey sweatpants and a t-shirt before I grabbed my keys and ventured to go shopping.

    I hate grocery stores. I never went back when I was at home, I had to learn once I got here. Eventually I got off the frozen dinner route and started cooking some things from scratch. I was leaning towards stir fry for tonight but I didn’t want to cut all those vegetables. I decided on grilled chicken stuffed with spinach and feta cheese. I grabbed a bottle of wine and made my way out the door. I don’t even want to talk about my twenty-first birthday…mainly because I don’t remember it.

    I was out the door and at my apartment in a jiffy, riding in the elevator alone.

    Hole the door! The male voice sounded so familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. I quickly pressed the door-open button for him.

    Thank you… my heart skipped about ten beats when I saw him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was him.

    No problem. I figured he didn’t remember me, he pressed the button to his floor and stood next to me in the elevator. I watched the rising floors, this was the slowest elevator ride I have ever been on.

    You look a lot more alive than when I last saw you. I gasped to myself.

    Uh…yeah. I averted his gaze nervously. Stop being nervous, what’s wrong with you? I was disappointed in myself. My mouth was going dry, I couldn’t find my words and my knees were shaking. In the small, enclosed space, I could smell his fresh clean scent. Like he had just gotten out of a hot shower. Now I was imagining him naked…great. I could barely keep my grip on the big brown bag I was holding.

    Do you have company? He nodded to the wine bottle in the bag.

    No, it’s just me. I’m cooking. I was saying too much, I stopped myself from rambling.

    Sounds very relaxing. He smiled at me when the elevator stopped at his floor.

    It was nice to see you again. He said to me and smiled before the door closed. I didn’t have a chance to say it back.

    Damnit! I screamed to myself, I still don’t know his name.

    Sadly, I cooked my own dinner and regretfully drank the whole bottle of wine. I watched television for a while as I went over my course notes, I finally realized what I wanted to do this year, way after everyone else. I declared a major in business and planned to go wherever that took me.

    I kept dozing off on the couch so I went into my bedroom and got ready for bed, dozing off into a dreamless sleep.


    Are you okay, Haylee? Sarah asked me after class. I always sit next to her in my eleven o’ clock lecture. I guess we had become friends in the past few months.

    Oh I’m fine…just thinking about someone.

    A guy? She pressed.

    Uh, yeah. I told her. She gasped happily. She was such a small, cute person. I guess she was about five-three, she had red hair. She was from the southern part of Dallas.

    Who is he? I grabbed my food from the teller, voicing my thanks.

    That’s the thing, I don’t know.

    Pray tell. She said, confused.

    Here’s the thing, it’s super weird. I met him two years ago, outside the gym. I talked to him for a few minutes but I never got his name. Then, last night, I saw him in the elevator. He lives in my building! She laughed.

    Darn, you are out of luck. What is his name? I giggled uncontrollably.

    I have no clue. We got on the campus bus and rode it back to my place. She lived in the complex right next to mine.

    Wow, what the hay? She laughed with me.

    So all you can do is hope to see him again?

    Yeah, all I can do is hope.

    I thought about putting myself in his way. Maybe taking the elevator to his floor and walking around lost, or using the laundry room that was on his floor. But I wasn’t going to chase him like that, first of all I am not a good liar and he would see right through me.

    I decided to go to the gym a little earlier to clear my head. The apartment had a great facility downstairs. I started out with cardio before I went to weight training, the stair climber was my favorite. Amanda’s weight lifting had rubbed off on me, I don’t do the crazy stuff though. Squats, free weights when it’s arm day, but no power cleans or full

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