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Syrian Witness: An Irish Eye in Syria
Syrian Witness: An Irish Eye in Syria
Syrian Witness: An Irish Eye in Syria
Ebook232 pages1 hour

Syrian Witness: An Irish Eye in Syria

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About this ebook

Declan Hayes recounts his experiences in government-held Syria during his recent visits . Although Dr Hayes has met leading Syrian religious and political leaders, his focus is very much on the women and children of the Syrian Arab Republic and the army which fight and die protecting them.

PublisherDeclan Hayes
Release dateJan 25, 2016
Syrian Witness: An Irish Eye in Syria

Declan Hayes

I am an Irish-born professor of Finance, who has published widely in English and Japanese on matters of economics, finance and politics. I have been heavily involved in Syrian issues for the last few years and my focus is exclusively on that conflict for now.

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    Syrian Witness - Declan Hayes

    Syrian Witness

    An Irish Eye in Syria

    1st Edition


    Dr Declan Hayes

    Copyright © 2016 by Dr. Declan Hayes

    Smashwords Edition

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    No copyright will be enforced. Use contents freely.

    All proceeds go to help Syrian orphans & other children in Syria.

    See web sites for donation or the book’s last page for more information.

    Table of Contents

    Abstract, Introduction, Acknowledgments, Caveats


    CHAPTER ONE: Syria: Playground for Murder Inc

    Surrender/ No Surrender on the Golan Heights

    Israel: In Bed with al Nusra

    Israeli Jihad

    Nusra/ISIS Game Plan

    Turkey’s Genocidal Crusade

    Turkey: ISIS Command, Control and Coordination

    Turkey: Highway to ISIS Hell

    Cartoonists get it in One (in above montage):

    Russia and even NATO get it over oil

    Turkey: Up Close and Personal

    American Values

    Pax Americana Does Over Latin America

    Raped and Murdered Nuns, Murdered Archbishops:

    Kayla Mueller

    The Chilean Job

    The Marshall Plan

    The North of Ireland: Peace in Our Time

    Pax Americana Does Over Afghanistan

    Pax Americana Does Over Syria and Iraq

    Hurrah for Hollywood

    Loose Lips

    The American Cure

    Orwellian Americans Speak with Forked Tongue

    UN: USA’s Perennial Whore


    Ruled Britannia

    Assad Ate my Homework

    The Silent Slaughter of the Alawites et al

    Moderate Zahran Alloush was not so Moderate

    Murder Inc: Saudi Arabia, the Turkmen, Qatar and Sundry Other Mafia Groups


    Tim Anderson’s Summaries

    Chapter Summary: Who are the Terrorists?

    CHAPTER TWO: Syria’s Moderate Murderers

    Dinner Time for the Moderates

    Christians are Dog Food

    Gang Rape Syria’s Children

    What am I bid?

    Lema Habeel

    Burnt Alive

    Free Syrian Army execute school teacher Roula Alzeir

    The Moderate Free Syrian Army Looting Idlib

    Free Syrian Army Do the Looting

    Ideological Links, Ideological Numbers

    War Crimes of the Free Syrian Army Godfathers

    Latakia: War Crimes of the Free Syrian Army

    Latakia Sex Slaves

    Hand in Hand with Child Rape Apologists

    Notorious Saudi extremist Sheikh Muhammed al-Arefe

    Bethnal Green Academy

    Omar Abdul Gabbar

    Radicalized Britons

    Doctors Differ

    Doctors for Death

    Chip off the Old Johnny Rebel Block

    The Rise of the Free Syrian Army Foot soldier: Rola Hallam’s Father

    The Tlass Mob

    Round Up the Usual Suspects

    Mr Omar Gabbar

    Mr Mahmoud al Akraa

    Mr Mahmoud al Akraa, the Muslim Brotherhood, the al Kurdi family and Hand in Hand for Syria

    Physician Heal Thyself

    ISIS Doctors: Be Not Afraid. The NHS Love You.

    Moderate Walter Mittys

    Prof. Gilbert Achcar

    Christine Gilmore

    Paul Conroy

    Before and After

    Send in the Irish Clowns

    Donnacha DeLong

    Moderate Town of Men

    More crackpots:

    Moderate Walter Mittys Attacks on Me

    Moderate Sex Molesters

    Innocents Abroad

    Moderate Migrants

    At the tombs of Dr al-Bouti and Saladin

    Ireland’s Support for Syria’s Moderate Murder Gangs

    The Irish Brigade in the thick of it

    Mary Fitzgerald and Ireland’s Most Dangerous Mass Murderer

    Pin up boys

    The Hayes family

    Red Flag Windbags

    Mná na h-Éireann

    Soft Touch Ireland

    The White Helmets Moderate Murder Gang

    Chapter Summary: Moderates in Moderation

    CHAPTER THREE: The Moderate Media

    Three For One

    Internet Warriors

    Your Side, My Side and The Truth

    Charlatans of the World Unite

    Soros’ Ken Roth and Human Rights Watch

    Madaya: the Rebels Hijack our Heart strings again

    Hand in Hand for Syria check mated again in Madaya

    Marianna Mazeh

    Iraq: A million dead

    Michelle Obama

    Ruth Sherlock

    Femme Fatales

    Lament for the Fallen

    He Who Pays the Corporate Media Calls the Tune

    Book 2: Heroes of Syria

    Royalties, Donations and Other Financial Matters

    How to Donate

    Dublin Bank

    Fr Dave Option

    Marist Option

    Abstract, Introduction, Acknowledgments, Caveats

    These three small pieces of work are a distillation of my experiences from the Syrian crisis. In contributing to building a framework on how to move Syria’s peace process forward, they survey the main players destroying Syria. These players are identified as the NATO and Gulf State countries, their allies, their proxies, their counter gangs and the various well-funded NGO, media and other groups that aid their crimes. This volume is divided into three chapters to identify these players, with chapter one identifying the main state players, chapter two their proxies and chapter three the media and other non-state players aiding their crimes. Although there is a large degree of overlap between these three groups of players, this division allows us to help formulate policy responses to their crimes and that is the real goal of these three volumes.

    The situation in Syria is so dire that its message needs to be told in stark terms. Now is the time for actions to stop these ongoing sanctions and wars of extermination against the Syrian, Arab and other peoples. That being so, these volumes were produced on the old Hollywood maxim of: I don’t want it perfect. I want it done by Tuesday. Though all three volumes are rushed, the message, the core take away content of the three volumes, is not. They lay out who and what are at the heart of the Syrian nightmare and how and why we have to intervene on the side of the Syrian people against the invaders.

    This book is the first of three volumes, with the second saluting the civilian and other heroes of Syria who battle on against the odds, and the third plotting a way out of the morass. These heroes are numbered in their millions and include the countless Syrian women and children left widowed and orphaned as a result of the criminal policies of the USA, her allies and their proxies. They are our light in this great darkness.

    My hope is that these e books will help the Syrians to tell their own story of betrayal and defiance. Syria is the Stalingrad of our day, a disparate group of peoples resisting amoral foreign powers and their local agents and collaborators. Syria gives us simple and moral choices, to stand with the angels, with the Syrians and with all that is right, or to stand with the devils of Saudi Arabia and their hirelings. There are no moral shades of gray in this for any of us. We can choose to stand with the Syrian Arab Republic and civilization or we can choose the moral abyss that Saudi Arabia and those who stand with Saudi Arabia exemplify.

    Despite the carnage, despite the armies of paid Syrian shills and pseudo-experts that pollute the airwaves, outside of Patrick Cockburn’s work on ISIS, or Will Dalrymple’s From the Holy Mountain, Gerard Russell’s Heirs to the Forgotten Kingdoms and Tim Anderson‘s The Dirty War on Syria, there are few books worth consulting, let alone reading, making assembling a bibliography redundant at this time. Though I could add my 437 page defense against a threatened lawsuit by Hand in Hand for Syria and Robert Stuart’s filleting of BBC Panorama’s Saving Syria’s Children black propaganda program to that short list, works like them show there are many people out there proclaiming the truth if only we search for them. Those looking for more current leads can see who I follow on twitter and take it from there. Though some of them, like al-Masdar News, are very current with events on the ground, being in the line of actual fire, they do not have the luxury of taking a strategic overview. This volume is a start in that direction.


    Dr Declan Hayes is an Irish-born professor of finance, who has lectured in Australia, Japan, Mexico, England, Singapore, Malaysia and the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as his native Ireland over the last four decades. He is the author of a number of best-selling books in English and Japanese and he has contributed widely to newspapers, TV and radio shows in the USA, Japan, England, Ireland, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Lebanon and Syria.

    He has organized and led a number of peace convoys to Syria during 2014 and 2015. He also was present as an accredited international observer in Homs and Damascus during Syria’s 2014 Presidential election. He was the first foreigner to enter Ma’loula on Easter Sunday 2014 when the Syrian Arab Army liberated it and he was also the first foreigner to get into the Armenian town of Kasab after the Syrian Army forced the terrorists back across the Turkish border. He has further humanitarian projects planned for Syria for 2016 and 2017. His radio interviews on Syria and Palestine may be listened to here and Declan may be emailed here.


    Syria: Playground for Murder Inc

    By identifying the main players in the Syrian conflict, this chapter also identifies who gain by the slaughter of Syria’s innocents. It concludes that the main beneficiaries are the USA, together with its NATO, Gulf State and other regional partners in crime.

    The Syrian Arab Republic has these powerful long-standing enemies for a number of important reasons. Because, like Lebanon, it is secular, multicultural, diverse and pluralistic, Syria’s very existence negates the efforts of Israel to paint itself as an embattled and vulnerable minority, the region’s only democracy, surrounded on all sides by the stereotypical fanatical Muslim Arabs that appear in the comic book propaganda Fox News, the New York Times and the Guardian churn out. Because Israel, like the USA, wants only compliant Arab mini-states that will collude with their plans of conquest, the Syrian Arab Republic, its many minorities and all they represent have to be ground down and dispersed to the four corners of the world, just as those of Libya and Iraq were before them.

    Because, with the late Colonel Nasser of Egypt, it has stood four-square against the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood supremacists and solidly for Arab unity, Arab secularism, Arab solidarity and Arab nationalism, goals that are the antithesis of everything the Muslim Brotherhood criminal fraternity and its Western and Gulf State paymasters stand for, Syria must fall. Using this Mafia model rather than some political one past its sell-by date, it is really that simple. Further, given that the main Mafia forces arrayed against the Syrian Arab Republic have experience aplenty in ethnic cleansing, in genocide and in all the other hallmarks of the Iraqi and Syrian wars of extermination, Murder Inc’s end game for Syria is clear. Let’s roll out a few key examples, beginning with Israel’s collusion with the foreign al Nusra cut-throats on the Golan Heights to make the point that this is a Mafia-style shakedown on Syria.

    Surrender/ No Surrender on the Golan Heights

    Though the soldiers of Fiji have a fantastic fighting record with the United Nations peace-keeping forces, the UN ordered them to unconditionally surrender to the fanatics of the Al Nusra franchise on the Golan Heights. The most obvious beneficiaries of this abject and humiliating UN surrender were the al Nusra murder gang and its Israeli allies as the UN handed over a large part of the Golan Heights and its defenseless Druze population to them. Were Israel to oppose rather than to collude with the terrorists, this could not have happened.

    When the al Nusra’s UN High Command collaborators ordered the forces of the Philippines on the Golan Heights to also unconditionally surrender to the same al Nusra cut-throats, their soldiers phoned up Manila where they were ordered not to surrender under any circumstances and to instead fight to the last bullet. With the help of air strikes from the Syrian air force, these heroes escaped to the Irish UN peace-keepers, who were encamped nearby and, aided by the Syrian defense forces, they extricated themselves from a fate potentially worse than death.

    The UN’s behavior on the Golan Heights is but one in a rosary of examples showing that, despite the often heroic work of contingents such as these, the UN

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