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Shadows In Replay
Shadows In Replay
Shadows In Replay
Ebook490 pages7 hours

Shadows In Replay

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With the fall of Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Saigon, South Vietnam in April of 1975, an illegal secret war began. Using Army personnel, the CIA unleashed "Shadow", covert operations designed to disrupt the newly installed Communist governments.

Now, years later, the President and the CIA have decided to activate the final phase in Cambodia, an area of continuous civil war. The key: only one man knows the identity of the agent planted within the Cambodian puppet regime. That man is Ross Kinkaid.

Yet Kinkaid himself is faced with difficult challenges of his own. Still haunted by visions of a failed mission deep within Cambodia, he struggles with the boredom of the 9 to 5 routines. Wishing also to avoid a scandal over his love for his married secretary, Sarah Baron, Kinkaid accepts the offer of active duty.

Soon Kinkaid finds himself embroiled in a complicated network of lies and cover-ups involving everyone around him. As he stumbles upon an opium export operation directed by members of his old unit, the mysterious Emerald Tiger thrusts Kinkaid into an assassination plot against the King of Thailand.

PublisherDerek Hart
Release dateJun 2, 2012
Shadows In Replay

Derek Hart

Derek Hart is the prolific author of 31 action and adventure novels, known for their historical accuracy, while still maintaining a high level of entertainment. Romance is also a vital part of Derek Hart's trademark style and his novels generally appeal to men and women alike. Mr. Hart authored Secret of the Dragon's Eye, his first novel aimed at all age groups, which met with instant success and outstanding reviews. The author has since followed with Secret of the Dragon's Breath, Secret of the Dragon's Claw, Secret of the Dragon's Scales and Secret of the Dragon's Teeth. The final volume of the 6-episode series, Secret of the Dragon's Wings, will be available in November of 2018. He has since started a new series, post-apocalyptic in nature, with Minerva's Shield and Nike's Chariot. The third installment, Apollo's Plague came out in November 2017. Abandoned was published in March 2018 and Game Over premiered in June 2018. List of published books: Secret of the Dragon's Eye Secret of the Dragon's Breath Secret of the Dragon's Claw Secret of the Dragon's Scales Secret of the Dragon's Teeth Secret of the Dragon's Wings Claws of the Raven Danger Cruise Favor for FDR Crooked Cross Factor Tracks of the Predator For Love or Honor Bound Tales of the Yellow Silk Element of Surprise Seas Aflame Ice Flotilla High Altitude Low Opening Tangles of Truth Shadows in Replay Flag of Her Choosing Tidal Trap Dangerous (Poetry) Executive Firepower The CARLA Conspiracy The Wreckchasers Minerva's Shield Nike's Chariot Apollo's Plague Abandoned Game Over Mercury's Wings Before the Dead Walked Books coming soon: The Samuel Clemens Affair Pearl and Topaz By the Moon Darkly Broadmoor Manor Neptune's Trident Operation Sovereign Primary Weapon Saturn's Fire Tails of Thaddeus Enchanted Mesa Eagle Blue Last Guidon Excess Baggage Container Carta Codex Shipwreckers Romeo Tango The 5x5 Gang Desert Salvage

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    Book preview

    Shadows In Replay - Derek Hart


    Dark clouds fill the sky,

    Shadows enlarge as the sun ebbs,

    Lightning flashes brilliant,

    Thunder rolls across the land,

    Steady beat of twirling blades,

    Once again they come in the night,

    To replay lives forever lost,

    Only her love can free his soul,

    Yet she slips away like the wind.


    May 4, 1974


    The heavy rains had turned streams into raging rivers, forests into thick green jungles, and steep poppy fields into the heroin dealer's bounty.

    The trail looked unused. Frangipani and thick shrubs crowded in on the path. Overhead, the mixed jungle and 200-foot-high hardwood trees formed a solid canopy that cushioned the steady thumping sound of a passing helicopter. After a few minutes, the abundant chatter of wildlife returned. A thick swarm of mosquitoes floated with the ebbing breeze.

    From both sides of the trail, men in black rose up out of the high grass. The freshly cut branches sticking from their caps and sun helmets gave living camouflage. They moved cautiously, giving the illusion that the foliage had legs.

    Suddenly, in a blinding flash and cloud of black smoke, the Khmer Rouge patrol was annihilated by a hidden claymore mine. Activated by a command detonator, it succeeded in its gruesome task. The explosion cleared the area of birds, which took flight in every direction.

    In time, two more shapes appeared further down the trail. Both were much taller than their victims, but were also dressed in black. Faces covered with sweat and dark greasepaint, they smiled grimly at each other. Joined by a third man, the group held a quick meeting.

    This is where we part company, said the taller American to the Oriental. It's up to you now.

    I will try, Sergeant, replied the Asian, adjusting his hornrimmed glasses. Will I ever see Americans again?

    Not likely, grunted the other U.S. soldier. Saigon won’t last long without us and I don’t give Phnom Penh much of a chance either.

    Don't trust anyone, said the sergeant. Especially not Americans. We're abandoning everyone in Southeast Asia. Remember, Lon Ming is your only contact.

    Yes, Sergeant, the Asian replied. Once beyond the Green Door, can I ever return?

    I don't know, the sergeant said, shrugging his shoulders. Nobody has ever tried.

    They all shook hands and the Asian disappeared into the dense undergrowth. Then the two Americans went in separate directions - one south, one north.

    The silence returned, suffocating and unfriendly. A humid warm air hung heavily, now unbroken by any breeze. Scattered across the path, the Khmer Rouge bodies bloated in the sun. The forest pulsated to strange, clicking insects and the muted singing of multi-colored birds.

    The American sergeant chose each step as if it might be his last. Right then, the vision of a cold chocolate shake flashed into his mind. He froze until it passed, smiling at the temporary loss of concentration. Sergeant Ross Kinkaid was close to his objective, a meeting with Cambodian forces near the Tamyong River.

    At the prearranged location, a small band of Cambodians crossed the flooding stream. Kinkaid waited patiently as a man about his age detached himself from the rest. The bank sloped down to the river in such a way that he could not be seen behind the vegetation.

    Kinkaid, the sergeant said, pointing to himself as he stepped out. You must be Lon Ming. He kept his CAR-15 pointed at the leader.

    Do you have the gold? the leader asked suspiciously in perfect English.

    Kinkaid undid a heavy bandoleer from around his waist, packed with 1-ounce bars of gold. The soldiers moved to surround him, weapons raised. He handed the belt to their leader.

    I could have you killed right now, the Cambodian said viciously, tossing the gold to another man.

    Well, before you do that, here's the photo of our new agent, Kinkaid said, the sweat dribbling down the small of his back. His contact name is Tiger One.

    You are not afraid? the leader inquired curiously as he snatched away the picture.

    No, actually, I'm scared shitless. Kinkaid laughed with a hollow rattle. But, you'll do whatever you feel is right. There was a pause. Before I fill your worthless carcass with holes. The sergeant's CAR-15 was still level with the Asian's chest.

    They stood staring at each other for some time. Then the leader smiled broadly and said, I am Lon Ming, Provisional Commander of Prince Sihanouk's Army. You took chances. What if I had been a Communist?

    Then I'd be dead, Kinkaid said. With a sigh, he held out his hand.

    The handshake was tentative. Kinkaid stood with his hands on his hips to look at Lon Ming. The Asian was good-looking, even by American standards. He was tall and his pleasant features were offset by a gleefully wicked grin.

    They began to walk together. A teen-aged girl who followed behind placed a two or three year old infant boy in Ming’s arms. One breast was bare, for she had been nursing the child during the initial confrontation.

    Ming commented on Kinkaid's raised eyebrow. She is my third wife, Sergeant. The first two were raped and butchered by the Khmer Rouge. He spit.

    Kinkaid was certain he heard a distinct click at that very moment. Shots were fired as he shoved Ming to the ground, covering the baby with his own body. An explosion showered him with debris. He looked around for the girl. Her eyes grew wide with terror, then snapped shut with the steady pop-pop of small-arms fire. She seemed frozen to the ground. While firing his weapon into the elephant grass to their front, Kinkaid managed to pull the girl to some cover behind a boulder. He punched in a new clip while trying to calm her screams, thrusting the crying baby into its mother's arms.

    God, she's just a kid, Kinkaid growled as he killed two of the enemy rushing their position. Using a gentle toss, he flipped a grenade at a giant anthill providing protection to the ambushers. As the smoke and dirt cleared, Kinkaid shook his head in wonder. He prayed he would never be bored.

    Chapter 1

    May 4, 1995

    Ross Kinkaid was bored. The telephone wasn't ringing, most of his contract proposals were closed, and the coffee was stone cold. He had reached that low point where the job was no longer a challenge. He wasn't motivated. He thought back to his days in the Army. Now those were interesting times, when living on the edge made all the difference. Life just weeks before the fall of Saigon, when his recon team was sneaking around the Cambodian forests.

    The obnoxious ring of the telephone startled him back to the present. Surprised by the cold sweat that had beaded up on his forehead, he slowly picked up the receiver.

    Mr. Kinkaid? the switchboard operator said. There are three gentlemen down at the front desk to see you.

    It didn't really matter who they were. Kinkaid needed a diversion. Thanks, Callie. He tried to sound cheerful. Send them up.

    Hanging up, Kinkaid wondered what bullshit this group would be selling. He put on his suit coat and straightened his tie. Clearing the pile of files off one chair provided three open seats in his cubicle.

    God, how he hated his little cell. You would think that after five years, he would have earned an office. After all, every state prison in the western United States ordered their food service from Carillon Systems, Incorporated. What did he get for his efforts? A lousy base salary, one percent commissions, and lots of headaches. At his age, though, he had seen too many job changes. So he kept on plugging away.

    He was suddenly aware that three people had entered his workstation. What Kinkaid saw gave his heart a start. All three men wore Class A Green Army uniforms. One was a specialist, one a major, and the man Ross recognized was wearing the three stars of a lieutenant general.

    Good god, David, exclaimed Kinkaid. Is it really you?

    I told you he would remember, laughed Lieutenant General David Yake. The other two smiled dutifully. The general took Kinkaid's hand, then sat down, as did his aides on either side. He looked very much the part of a general, with rows of service ribbons emblazoned on his chest and gold everywhere else.

    It’s good to see you again, Ross, he continued. This is Specialist Riplan, my driver, and Major Dougherty, my chief of staff. It's never been quite the same since you left.

    Kinkaid nodded his greetings. Well, he smiled painfully. Things just didn't go according to plan. But, it's good to see you, too.

    You didn't plan on Saigon falling, either, General Yake said firmly. But it did.

    What's that supposed to mean? Kinkaid asked while glancing at the other two. He shifted his weight uncomfortably.

    Our military involvement in Southeast Asia is at a minimum, said the general. "Most of our troops in Thailand sit on their hands. We're wasting our time. The CIA plays their covert cowboy and Indian games while the military sits on the sidelines.

    Right now, our eyes rest on Cambodia, or Kampuchea, as the Khmer Rouge call it. The word I would use to describe the situation in Cambodia is 'messy'. Three totally separate guerrilla armies fight each other, government troops, or the Vietnamese. Currently, U.S. support is behind the non-communist Khmer People's National Liberation Front, or the KPNLF. They field a force of about 20,000 strong.

    Kinkaid said belligerently, What does the fall of Saigon have to do with any of this?

    Everything, General Yake said warmly, ignoring the rudeness. This has all come about because your mission didn't work.

    The hell it didn't. Kinkaid raised his voice. He was standing now, fists on the desk, head jutting forward. That was almost twenty years ago. You can't expect anyone to still be alive.

    That might be true, Ross, said the general. But they were supposed to train replacements.

    How did you know that? asked Kinkaid. He calmed down a little, sitting back in his chair.

    I make it my business to know things that directly affect me, General Yake said. I'm assuming command of U.S. Army Pacific at Ft. Shafter, Hawaii in three months. I need to know why Washington has taken a renewed interest in you.

    What do you mean Washington is interested in me? Kinkaid asked nervously.

    The Pentagon is increasing operations in Thailand again, replied the general. The modern day equivalent of MACV/SOG - some of the same people. What can you tell me about SOG when you were with them?

    Kinkaid related his knowledge. MACV/SOG was a clandestine, unconventional warfare unit. 'Studies and Observation' was a cover name used to disguise their real function. 'Special Operations' would describe the mission more accurately. The unit was officially deactivated in March, 1973. That was the same month I received my transfer papers. Unofficially, certain teams remained active until the fall of Saigon.

    And substantially beyond, interjected General Yake. How did you get involved? I was already at Ft. Bragg when you got out of the hospital.

    Right place - right time, Kinkaid said. Colonel John Arkham, SOG staff recruiter, came to visit me the day I was checking out. The colonel had my medical discharge papers with him.

    Can you tell me what made you join SOG? the general asked.

    I guess it's all right to tell you, replied Kinkaid. The Colonel asked me how I felt about the war in Vietnam. He listened intently to me. I think he actually would have sat there as long as I wanted to talk. When I finished, the Colonel gave me a classified folder to read. Inside was a proposal approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Nixon. I asked the Colonel if President Ford also knew about the operation. He said yes. Then he asked me if I was interested in leading the insertion team.

    You said yes, obviously.

    No, actually I said maybe. It all came about so fast. I was uncertain about my health or my motivation. I wanted to meet the rest of the team first. That just made the Colonel that much happier. He shipped me off to Lopburi, Thailand, then our training base at Long Hai, South Vietnam, not too far from the Cambodian border. It was a trading center for Montagnard tribesmen, so there was plenty of intelligence on ‘Nathaniel Victor’. What I remember most was the hunting lodge we were billeted in. Spectacular.

    What about the operation? You inserted near Cham Nop, Cambodia.

    Five years ago, I got a letter from the Pentagon stating that the operation was no longer classified. That's the only reason I'm telling you anything now.

    I appreciate that, Ross. What happened?

    Kinkaid took a deep breath. On March 11, 1975, Sergeant Barry Lucas, Specialist Randy Tippet, nine Nung mercenaries, and I were dropped into the Elephant Mountain range in southern Cambodia. 'Operation Stay Behind' was to organize an underground movement. Their mission was to harass, assassinate, sabotage, kidnap, pervert, subvert, and manipulate any communist leader in Cambodia. Then, on to Laos, and finally, Vietnam. 'Pay Back' was the term used. Sergeant Lucas and Specialist Tippet were the volunteers to stay behind. No coming home. Ever. I've stayed awake at night thinking about that.

    Go on. The general seemed fascinated.

    No problem at first. Our bases were six giant caves in the mountains. We organized more teams of rebels to attack as soon as possible. Everything was set and I got ready to escape from Phnom Penh. Specialist Tippet and three Nungs escorted me through the mountains. We were ambushed by Khmer Rouge troops just fifty miles from the capitol. The rest of the team covered my escape, but I saw Tippet riddled with bullets. I was pulled out on April 11, 1975, by an U.S. Marine helicopter. Eleven days later, the last authorized radio message was sent by Sergeant Lucas. He reported that Tippet was dead and two Nungs, too. After that, we received unverified reports of attacks on communist installations, but almost all of them in Vietnam. I rotated back to Japan.

    The general became serious again. Have you told anyone else this story?

    Just my dad before he died, said Ross. Otherwise, no one. I just got so used to keeping quiet. You know.

    Yes, I do, General Yake said, nodding. And I don't want you to tell anyone anything about this - ever.

    How come? Ross was confused.

    Both aides and the general looked around. It seemed like a practiced circus act. He lowered his voice even more. Because the Delta station in Ban That, Thailand monitored a transmission. The call sign was Zulu Romeo Tango Wayne.

    Ears pounding painfully with the rush of blood, Kinkaid felt nauseated. He couldn't control or hide it. The general vaulted to his feet and put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

    Steady, Ross, said General Yake. It doesn't mean it's Specialist Tippet.

    Specialist Randle MacMillan Tippet was the best soldier Kinkaid had ever known. They had trained together for the special mission. In that short time, they became close friends. There was a certain cool assurance that kept the Nung mercenaries loyal to Randy. His secret call sign, known only to Kinkaid and MACV/SOG, was 'Zulu Romeo Tango Wayne'. It couldn't be Tippet, because he was dead.

    Before Kinkaid could respond, an administrative assistant, Sarah Baron, appeared in the doorway. She did not hide her concern, seeing that he was as white as a ghost. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, she said.

    Everyone stood up, and as Sarah stepped in, Kinkaid quietly introduced her. Gentlemen, this is Sarah Baron.

    General Yake's eyebrows raised, for she was immediately attractive. Her luxurious auburn hair demanded to be touched, but he refrained, of course. He also noticed the super-charged chemistry between Sarah and Kinkaid.

    My pleasure, Ms. Baron, the general said. And don't worry about interrupting. You have work to do. He faced Kinkaid. We'll finish this tonight over dinner, courtesy of the U.S. Army. I'll send a car here to pick you up around 1800 hours.

    The military men politely excused themselves, filing out in the same orderly fashion as they had come in. Kinkaid fought back the urge to run to the rest room. He felt Sarah's gentle touch as she dabbed a Kleenex on his forehead. When his color returned, she sat down opposite him.

    Are you all right? she asked, her concern apparent. You looked like you were going to pass out.

    Just some upsetting news, Kinkaid said, forcing a grin. I'll be okay.

    If you need to talk about it, Sarah said, as she gathered up his contract proposals, you can come around when Denise is on lunch. She was hesitant to leave.

    Kinkaid had learned the hard way not to stop by Sarah's desk when her supervisor, Denise, was around. In Denise's eyes, Sarah had no business talking to any man in the office about anything but business. Sarah was married and should behave as such. If you're friendly with Ross, you'll just be inviting trouble, she had once said to Sarah. Rumors destroy lives.

    Sarah returned to her word processor. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Denise staring at her. Sarah frowned and put her headphones back on. Listening to Gene Pitney tunes calmed her down. She began punching in a proposal. What Denise would never understand was Sarah's need for a male friend, someone who listened, but did not judge. She thought, in fact, that every woman needed such a man.

    Kinkaid sat uneasily in his chair, still feeling the lingering nausea. His imagination was running rampant with visions of patrols, sweat, bugs, and sudden death. He came out of the daydream and looked around the cubicle. The self-inflicted lie became so obvious. Walls decorated with memos and photographs of the U.S. Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Department of Corrections in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, hardly did justice to explain who he really was. He had become used to omitting sections of his life. There wasn't anyone at Carillon who was aware of his hobbies, accomplishments, parents, or previous employment. Kinkaid especially resisted revealing memories concerning his military service. He was never unfriendly, but always kept his personal life very private.

    Several fellow employees did know of his active participation with Vietnam veteran organizations. Kinkaid gave generously of his time and money. When asked if he had served in Southeast Asia, he flatly denied it, replying that he was merely paying back a portion of the sacrifice made by the men who did. Usually he got confused looks or a polite, 'That's nice'.

    Upon learning that Sarah's husband was a Vietnam veteran with the 101st Airborne Division, Kinkaid had made it known that he wished to meet Rick Baron. At the company Christmas party they were introduced. It had been an extremely uncomfortable moment for Sarah. Baron was a heavy drinker and she spent the entire evening worried about his behavior. Even though Kinkaid was genuinely interested, Baron hadn't been ready to discuss his army days. Instead, he bent everyone's ears complaining about his present job as an air traffic controller.

    The telephone rang, jolting Kinkaid out of his thoughts. It was the message center with twelve calls to be returned. As he copied the information, he caught sight of Sarah concentrating at her keyboard, printer blazing away. He got up because he needed to talk, but as he drew near, it became apparent that his approach had gone unnoticed. He silently sat at a desk across from Sarah and watched.

    She had her hair pulled back out of her face with a large, white banana clip. Ross thought to himself that Sarah was one of the few women he knew that looked good in eyeglasses. While she only wore the red wire-rimmed pair for reading, they were actually quite flattering. Ross studied her even more, losing himself in details.

    Her skin was fair. She had claimed that it neither tanned nor burned. As Sarah continued at the word processor, unaware that Ross was so close, she twitched her nose like a rabbit. He smiled briefly. Her body was very shapely, contrary to her dismissal of his past compliments.

    The clothes cover all my flab, she once said. After giving birth to two children and thirty-plus years of life, my body is in pretty sorry shape.

    Ross definitely was not convinced. Clothes didn't hide that much. After all, Sarah wasn't exactly clad in burlap bags. Though her work wardrobe was limited by the Baron's financial situation, Ross thought that whatever Sarah put on looked good. He was especially fond of a pink cotton dress splashed with large white and blue orchids. The fit was perfect and Ross couldn't help but admire her walk when she wore it.

    Beyond the initial physical attraction, which every male in the office had to deal with, Ross felt challenged by Sarah's quest for independence. There was also the tremendous chemistry between them. She immediately felt at ease with him, discussing topics that were never shared with her husband. At first, it was simple conversations between the daily work dialogue. Then, because of the shortage of free time, Ross began to write letters responding to her questions or problems. Each morning, before anyone else was in, he would leave an envelope at her desk in a prearranged spot.

    Over time, Ross learned that Sarah lived with her family in a house only a block away from her childhood home. Her parents still resided there. The office, her church, her parents-in-law, bank, grocery store, and favorite restaurant were all within easy walking distance. It was a good thing too, because Sarah had never learned to drive.

    What's this then? asked the company president, Allan White, startling Kinkaid out of his reverie. Don't you have enough to do without pestering the secretarial staff? His voice was full of good-natured bantering.

    Yes, sir, Ross said as he stumbled to his feet. He could see Sarah over White's shoulder. First, she was blushing, then giggling. Ross had been caught socializing, away from his cubicle again. I was just waiting for a contract, Al.

    Uh huh, White said chuckling. It seems like you're running for alderman, Ross. Now you get back to selling and I'm sure Sarah can manage to deliver your contracts on her own. Right, Sarah?

    Yes, sir, she replied with difficulty, barely controlling her laughter.

    I thought so. White put his arm around Ross' shoulder, walking him back to his area. How are your negotiations with New Mexico going?

    Still stuck on menu problems, Ross was heard to reply. The rest of the conversation was lost. Sarah smiled to herself and said under her breath, Just think how boring this place would be without Ross, Mr. White.

    What did you say? Denise asked.

    Nothing, Denise. Sarah hadn't realized she was that loud. Just spelling to myself.

    After Allen White had been satisfied with the New Mexico update, Ross flipped through the mail. Two signed contracts, with purchase orders totaling $14,000 got him of to a good start. Contrary to White's suggestion, Ross headed down the hallway to Sarah's station to bill the two finished contracts. He spotted her son, Bobby, talking to his mother.

    Bobby sported short, dark hair and those 'dreamy blue eyes' that made girls fall. Topped off with a mischievous smile, the women at Carillon always made a fuss over him, when he came to visit Sarah. Not that he didn't enjoy the attention. He ate it up.

    When Bobby came into the secretarial pool area, he was proudly wearing the orange belt of a crossing guard. Sarah smiled at his antics, but she was proud, too. It was his first real test of responsibility.

    Remembering what an honor it was to get that orange belt in his youth, Ross held out his hand to Bobby. Congratulations, Bobby. Did you get the corner at Ashland or Ravenswood?

    Ashland, Mr. Kinkaid, Bobby said. It's the busiest.

    Well, you'll do a great job, I know, Ross said seriously. He looked at Sarah and said, When you've had some time with Bobby, come by so we can finish the re-write on New Mexico's proposal.

    She nodded her understanding, then walked with Bobby and called the elevator. He was practically bouncing off the floor he was so excited. They hugged and she got a big kiss, then he ran down the stairs instead. Sarah stood watching the empty space for a minute, then meandered over to Ross' cubicle.

    So, what do we change this time? she asked.

    How was your weekend? Ross asked, not really interested in business at the moment.

    It was okay. Nothing special, she said, a sad smile saying even more.

    It's time you took some vacation, don't you think? Ross pointed out. We all need a break once in a while.

    I know, but I can't afford to go anywhere.

    If you could go to any place on this planet, all expenses paid, where would it be?

    I would go to Maine, in autumn. Sarah had her eyes closed. There are lobster boats, stormy seas with crashing waves, wind and frost, and hot soup waiting at home. I see myself on a wooden pier that's been weathered by time, listening and feeling peaceful.

    I know just the place, Sarah, Ross said. Camden, Maine fits the description. My family used to spend holidays there. Why don't you take a vacation to Maine?

    Because Rick always goes fishing in Canada, she responded bitterly. I have an aunt living in Bangor, but he refuses to visit.

    So, what's stopping you? his voice louder. You're an adult - so, go on your own.

    I can't, Ross. Who would take care of the kids?

    Your husband, damn it.

    Now, don't get so worked up, she scolded. I won't confide in you if you're going to get upset.

    Ross fumed with frustration. Look. A woman with all you have going for you should get more out of life. Don't you see? I mean, who are you?

    I'm just me, Ross, she said. Not much different than a lot of other women who are living their lives while feeling something is missing. We're a bit afraid of change or challenge...we love our families, but feel helpless sometimes.

    It's more than that, Sarah, he went on. You need to chase some of your dreams. There must be something you would really like to do, if you had no responsibilities.

    Yes. Sarah's voice was tiny.

    Tell me, Ross coaxed her.

    If I could have one real talent, one wish, I'd love to be able to sing, she answered quickly. God, I wish I could. Music is so much a part of me. I can sit for hours on end listening. Sometimes I conjure up little plays to the songs - in my mind. They're real tearjerkers sometimes. Other times, happy ones. I always picture myself as I am, but in a movie, giving a terrific performance. She stopped and smiled, as Ross was totally mesmerized by her delivery.

    Wow, was all he said.

    It's strange that I can tell all this to you and feel safe, Sarah commented. If I talk to Rick about my dreams, he can't 'hear' me because he doesn't know how to dream. To him, it's silly sounding garbage.

    To prevent his true colors from showing, Ross pulled out the New Mexico file and began listing all the alterations in the most recent contract. So take this entire paragraph out and replace it with their version.

    It says the same thing, Ross, Sarah replied after reading the changes again.

    I know, but it's their wording. As she leaned down to make some pencil notes, Ross took a deep breath of her perfume and let her hair brush against his face. Closing his eyes, his imagination went wild, so that when she stood up again, he was breathing very hard.

    Are you sure you're all right? Sarah asked, the worry returning. You've been looking a little pale since those visitors left.

    I'll live, Sarah. Inside he was screaming. Get back to me when you've completed those changes. Also, we need to draw up a first draft for Oregon's new women's facility.

    Sarah nodded and went to the word processor, but turned twice to check on Ross. He waved both times, making silly faces like he was gagging. She laughed and realized again that Ross Kinkaid always made her days a lot brighter.

    And so the day went. Sarah and Ross took several more stabs at New Mexico, Ross on the phone, Sarah at the keys. Hours later, when the fax machine was 'smoking' from use, the contract was still left unfinished until a formal meeting could be arranged.

    Thanks for all your help today, Sarah, Ross said, helping her with her jacket.

    That's okay. You're always a pain, but still fun. She left in a hurry to get home in time to make dinner and help her daughter, Victoria, with homework.

    Ross waited at the entrance for only a minute before a white Dodge Diplomat pulled to the curb. His driver did not speak one word on the route to Jovani's Italian restaurant, but concentrated on the road.

    Chapter 2

    Lt. General Yake, now accompanied by five uniformed men, sat down at the banquet-sized table. The restaurant had set aside a room for the meeting. Two aides stood guard at the doorway while the other three took up positions around the room. When Kinkaid arrived, he was escorted to a seat next to the General. The table was elegantly set and crowded with various platters of sumptuous food.

    Are you expecting more guests, General? Kinkaid asked.

    No, Ross, Yake replied. This is just for us. An excellent feast for two old army buddies.

    So this is what those hard-earned tax dollars go for. The tone of his statement left some doubt as to whether or not Kinkaid was joking.

    The general didn't comment, but took a helping of breaded pork cutlet, ravioli, spaghetti and sliced melon. Kinkaid duplicated the selection, but not the quantity. They ate in silence for awhile, both relishing the taste of good food.

    So, Ross, the general said finally, after cleaning his plate. He started with refills. How do you like working for Carillon Systems, Incorporated?

    It's not bad. Kinkaid sat back in the chair. Not a challenge anymore, though.

    That's because you get bored too easily. General Yake covered half the plate with spaghetti. Only the Army could keep you busy with new challenges.

    That's true, David, but now no one shoots at me.

    You excelled as a leader under fire.

    How do you know?

    I've read your file.

    What, two missions, one that ended in an ambush?

    All exemplary.

    If you say so.

    The Army says so.

    The same Army that let the CIA run things.

    Not any longer.


    General Yake set down his fork and slowly wiped his mouth with a giant cloth napkin. His mood had become dark. Kinkaid sat up and took notice.

    Now listen, Ross. The general spoke with a definite edge in his voice. I didn't come to Chicago to visit the mayor, see the Hancock building, or cheer for the Cubs. I came to see you.

    Why? asked Kinkaid simply.

    To ask you to go active Army.

    It was too ludicrous for Kinkaid to believe. He sat dumbfounded, unable to respond. The general continued before Ross could object. You'll be re-instated, but as a sergeant major, with all the privileges that go with the rank. You'll be under USAP command, based in Bangkok, Thailand. I've assigned you to the Queen's Cobras Special Forces as top NCO with a 200-man U.S. Mobile Training Team. You will be an advisor on small team covert operations, reporting to Captain Richard O'Malley.

    You said covert? said Kinkaid. That means CIA.

    Not on your life, the general snapped. You have two teams for support and the Thai government has accepted the idea.

    But it's been years, David, Kinkaid explained. My discipline is shot to hell. I'm not out of shape, but I'm too damn old. I'd like to remind you that I've been a reservist so long I don't remember how to salute.

    You didn't salute properly even after being in the regular Army for a year, the general said, laughing. Those objections are all just minor details. While this might come as a surprise to you, deep down I bet you're excited by the opportunity. Besides, the Army owes you this much based on your past performance.

    Oh, come on. Kinkaid was having trouble with the entire scenario. You sound like my recruiting sergeant. What gives here? What do you really want?

    Here's your chance, Ross, General Yake said emphatically. You can have all of the quiet of a peace-time army and the advantages of active combat training. Thailand's border overflows with refugees, Khmer Rouge rebels, and mercenaries of every description. Vietnam pushes from one side of Cambodia, we from the other. Some day we'll be shooting at the Vietnamese again.

    Right, said Kinkaid. And I'm Santa Claus. Why me? You still haven't answered my question.

    Damn it, Ross, the general tossed his napkin. Because you're an expert on Cambodia. You have combat experience. You speak five Montagnard dialects, and you're the only man who can find Operation Stay Behind - if it still exists.

    Kinkaid thought that was why Yake wanted him. That's what I figured. Just get me to walk into Cambodia like it was Sunday afternoon, snoop around for an army that no longer exists, and stop the Khmer Rouge to ask for directions.

    Not exactly. There was no humor in the general's reply.

    Kinkaid grew angrier. Maybe I should build a memorial to Randy Tippet or open a 7-Eleven in Phnom Penh.

    That's enough, Ross. The general's loud command brought his aides from the entrance. He waved them back. It will also afford you the time to look for your brother.

    Timothy J. Kinkaid, Ross’ older brother, had been shot down in 1971 over Cambodia. He was listed as MIA, but presumed dead. Ross had unsuccessfully searched the suspected crash area when in Cambodia in 1974-75. Later his main objective was Operation Stay Behind, so the time to look had been limited, and with no success.

    That's not a reason, observed Kinkaid. I may look stupid, but you're going to have to do better than that.

    Look, General Yake said, his tone changing almost to a plea. The U.S. Army is in desperate need of combat experienced men. We must build up our NCO levels to meet the demands. Your first-hand knowledge of what it's like to get shot at is so valuable, I'm here in person.

    If I agree, David, I'll want the kitchen sink, replied Kinkaid. Are you in a position to negotiate?

    General Yake frowned. You're talking to the U.S. Army. I'm not sure I like being blackmailed or coerced.

    I bet, said Kinkaid. But don't get too concerned. I have some specific conditions, none too difficult to fulfill. Then I'll spend a few days making up my mind.

    Okay, said General Yake. Understand though, I can't send you back into the field without physical conditioning. The Marines have a training depot about two miles from your office, on Elston Avenue. You'll report there for PT, weapons training, and to familiarize yourself with today's military. I've arranged for a private drill instructor.

    That's fine, David, Kinkaid said. But I haven't agreed yet. Let's start with my real mission. What are you expecting of me?

    Your first priority will be to impart combat knowledge to both the Thai rangers and your Special Forces detachment, replied Yake. You will have a few Vietnam veterans to draw from. Secondly, I want you to organize a native strike force to find 'Stay Behind', but you can't go along.

    Kinkaid flinched at the forcefulness with which Yake finished his statement. Still pulling that crap. Just like going back in time.

    The general had finally figured out that Kinkaid was spoiling for a fight. He said calmly, What else?

    "What's my tour of duty?'

    Two years.

    Full retirement afterwards?


    If I live long enough to collect, Kinkaid mumbled.

    Ross, to be a leader in battle requires the special ability to control fear, said General Yake. In one's self and one's men. Quite honestly, there is no practical substitute for being shot at.

    All the training in the world won't give anyone that knowledge, replied Kinkaid.

    The Army must draw on combat veterans for leadership roles, both officers and NCOs, said General Yake. Less than half of the graduating sergeant majors from Ft. Bliss have combat experience. You are a role model. You've gone out, done the job, and survived. An army without warriors is ludicrous.

    "How long do I

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