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Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2)
Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2)
Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2)
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Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2)

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When Stacy Adams' secret is revealed, William hopes he and his new true love can make it out alive. Stacy is a werewolf hybrid with a powerful werewolf father who has shown up to claim his daughter.

Her father challenges the pack and makes Stacy's life a nightmare. She prepares to embrace her new self among the pack while many lives hang in the balance among them William's. This time Stacy must fight for what she holds dear and walk away from everything she has previously known as a human.

The story is a New Adult book with paranormal themes and contains strong sexual themes/language.
It is intended for readers 13 years old and older.

PublisherLuna Lance
Release dateJan 31, 2016
Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2)

Luna Lance

Luna Lance writes erotic paranormal stories, typically with themes about women who meet tall, dark, and handsome men ready for an adventure. Her stories unleash your inner beast and get your blood pumping immediately. If you want to jump in and enjoy a fun romp into something different, something unexpected, maybe something wild, you've found the right place.

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    Claimed (Werewolf Lords - Part 2) - Luna Lance


    Werewolf Lords – Part 2

    By Luna Lance

    Copyright 2016 Luna Lance

    All Rights Reserved.

    Published by Smashwords


    Smashwords License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author’s website and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved.

    Adult Reading Material

    The story is a New Adult book with paranormal themes and contains strong sexual themes/language. It is intended for readers 13 years of age and older.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Reality

    Chapter 2- Euphoria

    Chapter 3 - Home

    Chapter 4 - Art

    Chapter 5 – Living in Bed

    Chapter 6 - Instruments

    Chapter 7 – Devour Me

    Chapter 8 - Shields

    Chapter 9 - Death

    Chapter 10 - One

    Author Note: In December 2016, this story was re-released with a new name, Claimed (Werewolf Lords #2) instead of its former name, Chosen by the Werewolf Lord (Part 2).


    Werewolf Lords – Part 2

    By Luna Lance

    Chapter 1 - Reality

    Blackness. It kept me unaware of my surroundings, a buffer from the real world.

    Awareness came back to me gradually, like slowly pulling a curtain away from the haze that had draped over my mind. Flashes of memories and impressions flashed like a slide show: startling red hair and green eyes like my own, laughter, dark hair and overwhelming anxiety.

    The last thing I could recall seeing was his desperate blue eyes boring into my own. Now they taunt me as I remained locked in the darkness that held me as its unwilling prisoner.

    I could sense his presence in the back of my psyche, a constant hum that reassured me that all wasn’t lost. My desire to know he was real and not a figment of my imagination forced me to fight to follow him out of the safety of my mind, back into the reality of the unknown and uncertainty. His lilting voice and cool touch was the only thing that seemed tangible. He had been an illusion in my dreams before, but he was real.

    I knew William was real. He had to be real. Everything hadn’t been a dream. I had to find him to reassure myself that he did exist.

    Breaking free from the shadows, I rubbed my hand across my eyes. Staring at the ceiling, I took in a few deep breaths and reality slapped me like a bucket of ice water, making everything slam into place. It was all real: the fear, the confusion, my werewolf father, and William.


    Managing to pull myself up into a sitting position, my eyes darted around the room in search of him. I choked back a startled gasp when I saw him. He had his long arm extended, holding Tess by the throat, his normally handsome face twisted in rage as his strong hand tightened around the female werewolf's neck. Her feet dangled off the floor helplessly and her long fingernails scratched at his shirt sleeve as she struggled against him.

    You will do no such thing, Tess. One more word from you and I will end you. Are we clear? William hissed. His voice was filled with rage.

    Tess managed to nod as fear flickered across her beautiful features.

    What had I missed after I blacked out?

    William, I whimpered, my voice sounding hoarse and weak as I called out for him. I watched as his head turned slightly to focus on me, relief relaxing the harsh expression on his face. He immediately released his hold on Tess's neck, causing her to fall in a heap on the wood floor.

    He blurred to my side, crushing me against his chest in a tight embrace. I managed to wrap my arms around his neck, burying my nose against his chest. I inhaled the familiar smell of him: sandalwood and home. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was with him. Safe in his arms.

    Stacy, he murmured, his breath cool against my hair. He pulled away slightly and his blue eyes swept over my face. The hands that had gripped Tess's throat in anger moments ago were gentle as they traveled down the side of my face. He lowered his lips to press them tenderly against mine in a soft kiss. The familiar need for him ignited like a flame inside of me, my body recognizing the feel of his muscular, hard body against my own and wanting to reclaim it as mine.

    How long was I out? And why were you choking Tess? Did I miss some kind of werewolf throw down?

    I felt his mouth curl into a smile against my lips, and he leaned back to brush my hair away from my face. His mental voice was sharp as it entered my thoughts. It is werewolf bullshit. Tess overstepped her boundaries. It is nothing you need to worry about.

    Narrowing my eyes, I wasn’t sure if I totally believed him. I had only seen the end of their discussion and it seemed like there was more to it than Tess sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. Noticing we were still in the mansion in San Francisco, I started to regain my senses.

    I am happy you are awake. You were asleep for nine hours, William said aloud, his eyes continuing their visual scrutiny of my body. How do you feel, my love?

    How did I feel? Where do I begin? I had just discovered that my birth father was a werewolf and I woke up to see my werewolf lover ready to kill another woman. I think confused and overwhelmed were two words that best described how I felt at the moment.

    Weird and confused, almost like I’ve been asleep for too long. I could really use a glass of water. I rubbed my face with my hands again.

    William attempted to stand and I frantically grabbed his arms to stop him. I didn't want him to leave me. I was being irrational; scared that if he left the room I would never see him again. He focused on me with a look of confusion, his brow furrowing in concern as he read my mind. My eyes traveled over his beautiful face as he leaned closer to me, his deep set, blue eyes uneasy over the plane of his high cheekbones. His chiseled jaw tightened, the dark shadow of stubble on his face more noticeable than normal.

    William moved closer to me on the couch, his lips tickling my ear as he whispered to me. I am not going anywhere, Stacy. Let me get you a glass of water. I will be back in less than a minute.

    He blurred away and disappeared out of the room. He had barely left my field of vision before he returned with a crystal glass filled with water, kneeling down beside me and handing the water to me with a crooked smile, watching as I greedily drank the tepid water.

    Is there a reason why you are still here, Tess? William questioned harshly without breaking our gaze.

    I had forgotten all about Tess. Glancing over William's shoulder, I saw her lurking by the door, standing quietly against the wall. I couldn't read her future or feel her emotions, but her body language was easy to decipher. She stared at me with thinly veiled contempt. Jealousy radiated from her, filling the room with her resentment.

    I was just making sure Stacy had recovered, Tess muttered. She flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms defensively.

    As you can see, Stacy is fine. Leave us, William commanded stiffly.

    Tess huffed and turned on her heels, leaving the room in a blur and slamming the door behind her.

    We are alone for the moment. I missed you, my love.

    He took the glass from my hands and placed it on the small table beside of the couch. His strong hands gripped my face and his lips covered mine roughly, his tongue slipping into my mouth to entangle with my own. I could feel my body responding to him as he pressed me back into the cushions. His hands were everywhere, one slipping underneath my blouse while the other cupped my ass. His thigh slipped between my legs, his fingers brushing across my nipples through the lacy fabric of my bra.

    I pulled my mouth away from his, half-heartedly pushing against the solid wall of his chest. We can't do this here. William...

    His lips recaptured mine before I could say another word and I gave into the desperation of his kiss. Desire coursed through my veins as I felt his agile fingers unbutton my jeans and quickly pull the zipper down. Our eyes locked as he took one of my hands. He rubbed it against the front of the soft denim, his manhood hard and straining against the zipper. His striking face stared back at me, his blue eyes pleading for my understanding.

    I need you. Do not make me beg.

    The tortured moan that fell from my lips was all the answer he needed. He worked quickly, slipping his hands into my panties. His fingers rubbed urgently across my wet folds, letting two of them slip inside of me. He began stroking and curling his fingers as I rubbed against his hand.

    I could never resist or deny him, I would gladly offer him whatever he needed or wanted. I needed him just as much.

    His mouth was demanding and eager, his hips bucking against mine as he deepened the kiss. One of his hands threaded in my hair while the other kept up the rapid rhythm inside of me, his fingers relentless. I had started tugging on his zipper when William’s cell phone chirped loudly.

    With a growl of frustration, he pulled away from me and fished his phone from his pocket. His face tensed and his eyes narrowed.

    What? I asked. I watched as his shoulders tightened and when he turned to face me, his face was solemn.

    It appears that your father is eager to talk to you.

    I snorted and folded my arms across my chest. My father? He’ll never be my father. He watched me struggle with my abilities for years and did nothing to help me. I have nothing to say to him. I just want to leave.

    Stacy, William had just begun to speak when his cell phone twittered again, signaling another incoming text alert. He glanced at the screen, saying nothing and simply handing me his phone.

    Jacob: Please bring my daughter to the fourth floor.

    If you wish to leave, you must talk to him. He will not let us leave unless you meet with him, William advised.

    I handed his phone back to him and frowned. So we’re unofficial captives until I give him what he wants? Let’s get this over with.

    Stacy, this is the way this has to work. He sounded frustrated. There is no other way.

    Scowling, I exhaled loudly. It doesn’t mean I have to like it.

    I know. William took my hand, leading us down the hall towards the elevator. He pressed the up arrow on the panel and we waited as the doors slowly opened. We stepped inside and he reached across to press the button for the fourth floor, watching in silence as the doors closed and the elevator began its ascent. A mansion that had an elevator. How amazing, I mused.

    The doors parted and we walked into a dark, wood paneled room that was a living and office space. On one side, two large couches faced each other in the living room. The walls were lined with impressive artwork, most of which were probably priceless, one-of-a-kind masterpieces. The other end of the room was centered around a large mahogany desk with two chairs at each corner. My father sat behind the desk, silently observing us and rising to his feet to greet us.

    William and Stacy. Thank you for joining me. Jacob inclined his head in greeting. He walked around the desk with outstretched hands as if to embrace me. Shrinking back, I huddled against William’s side. My father dropped his hands and a wounded expression briefly darkened his face before a small, forced smile took its place.

    William, thank you for bringing my daughter to see me before you left. I would like to speak to her alone, Jacob said as he glanced between us both. By his tone, it was obvious they had discussed this and it was an order, not a request.

    I have no choice. I will be close by, I promise, William’s mental voice had a nervous edge to it.

    Straightening my back, I pulled away from William’s side to face my father. I stared at him for a moment, my eyes flickering over him before I spoke. I would prefer for him to stay with me, Jacob.

    He clasped his hands together in front of him before sitting down in one of the chairs that was in front of the massive desk. I would like to speak to you alone. I understand your fear, Stacy. I am your father and I assure you no harm will come to you. William, please leave us.

    William’s sparkling blue eyes turned into icy glaciers as he nodded towards my father. He leaned and pressed a kiss to my forehead while his mental voice entered my thoughts. I can hear you from the other floors. If you need me, call for me.

    He left the room and I stood alone, facing the man that was my birth father. His vivid red hair stood out in stark contrast to the bronze color of his tanned skin. His attentive, green eyes seemed to take in my every movement.

    Stacy, please sit, Jacob said, gesturing to the chair opposite him. Gingerly easing down on the edge of the seat, I swallowed nervously. I had waited for this moment my entire life, yet I couldn’t find it in myself to be happy. Something about Jacob made me uneasy. He seemed too smooth and polished. I didn’t trust him.

    You wanted to see me? I asked as I tapped my fingers against the arms of the chair. Raising an eyebrow in contempt, I struggled to keep my voice level. Now that you have and I know who you are, there’s really nothing else to say. I would like to leave with William unless I am now a prisoner here.

    He crossed his legs and attempted to arrange his face into a gentle smile. I noticed that the sentiment never reached his eyes. I can understand why you are angry with me. All I ask is to speak to you for a moment.

    Sighing loudly, I stared down at the ornate rug for a moment before focusing back on my father. Part of me wanted to just refuse and get up and leave. Another part of me was interested as to what he had to say. My curiosity won out over my stubbornness and I scooted back in the chair in surrender. Fine, Jacob. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?

    My father leaned forward slightly, resting his forearms on his thighs.

    You are happy with William. I can feel the love between the two of you. He had searched many years to find you, Stacy. His Chosen. It was interesting to watch him on his journey to find you, Jacob mused as he threaded his fingers together and a grin pulled at the corner of his lips. He never gave up on finding you. Others would have grown tired of the constant searching, yet he never did. It speaks of his character.

    Fuming, I felt my cheeks flush with anger as my mind absorbed his words. If possible, I was more livid than before. Not only did my father sit back and watch me struggle with my abilities, he let William continue his search for me when he knew exactly where I was all along. I could add these things to my growing list of reasons to be suspicious of my father and automatically dislike him.

    You knew all along that William would be my mate? I seethed. The word mate felt odd saying it aloud for the first time. Why didn't you tell him where I was 10 years ago, Jacob? He spent so many years looking for me. We wasted so much time. It was time that we could have been together.

    He smiled softly, his green eyes gleaming. Stacy, you were not ready to meet him. You would have barely been 18. Jacob sat back in his chair. "I understand your frustration. It must seem unfair that you spent so many unhappy years alone, my dear. I am sorry that you suffered. Truly, I am sorry for that.

    He was sorry that I suffered? That's the only apology he was willing to offer after abandoning me as an infant to strangers? I can't discuss all of that with you right now, Jacob. It's too much to take in. I'm tired and I just want to find William so we can leave. We can talk about this some other time.

    Stacy, you have many years’ worth of questions. When you are ready, we will talk. He nodded in agreement and hesitated as if considering what to say next. I am pleased he found you. You complete each other.

    Shrugging, I gripped the arms of the chair. I was almost ready to stand when a thought occurred to me. Jacob was older than William and it made me curious

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