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The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth: The energy streams of planet Earth
The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth: The energy streams of planet Earth
The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth: The energy streams of planet Earth
Ebook177 pages4 hours

The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth: The energy streams of planet Earth

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The synchronic Lines are the roads of Life, a network of streaming energy that spills out over planet Earth and links up all worlds where life exists.
Energy streams that catalyze the great forces of the cosmos.
They are special lines of communication that become amplifiers of emotions, carrying information which reaches out to all living beings, irrespective of language differences, since they act on the principle that like attracts like The Synchronic Lines cross our Earth like vibrant highways of energy uniting far distant points.
This book describes how and why this works, illustrating the functions of the Synchronic Lines and the paths they take, with the help of maps and illustrations.
From careful study of the Lines it is possible to derive a very great deal of information that will lead us to interpret historical events in a new way.

Release dateFeb 16, 2016
The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth: The energy streams of planet Earth

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    Book preview

    The Synchronic Lines - The energy streams of Planet Earth - Falco Tarassaco

    Falco Tarassaco

    (Oberto Airaudi)


    The energy streams of planet Earth


    The Synchronic lines

    Falco Tarassaco (Oberto Airaudi)

    First edition: 2015

    First Digital Edition: December 2015

    ISBN 978-88-99652-09-8

    Copyright © 2015 - Devodama

    Devodama srl - 10080 Vidracco (TO) - Italy

    All right reserved. No part of this book or its images may be reproduced, utilized, transmitted, or stored in any retrieval system in any form or by any means, including, without limitations, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written and prior permission of Devodama srl.

    Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi (1950-2013), is the founder and spiritual guide of Damanhur, Federation of Communities. A philosopher, healer, writer and painter, he actively conducted research in the fields of wellness, the arts and new sciences. He published philosophical, poetic and esoteric writings, translated into many languages. As a painter, he created a specific kind of alchemical painting called Selfic Painting. His teachings are focused on discovering the inner divinity hidden in each one of us, through action, awareness, positive thinking and and dialogue with others.

    The synchronic Lines are the roads of Life, a network of streaming energy that spills out over planet Earth and links up all worlds where life exists.

    Energy streams that catalyze the great forces of the cosmos.

    They are special lines of communication that become amplifiers of emotions, carrying information which reaches out to all living beings, irrespective of language differences, since they act on the princple that like attracts like The Synchronic Lines cross our Earth like vibrant highways of energy uniting far distant points.

    This book describes how and why this works, illustrating the functions of the Synchronic Lines and the paths they take, with the help of maps and illustrations.

    From careful study of the Lines it is possible to derive a very great deal of information that will lead us to interpret historical events in a new way.




    The Theory of Synchronicity

    The Concatenation of Events

    What are the Synchronic Lines

    The functions and use of the Synchronic Lines

    The use of the Synchronic Lines in time

    The nervous system of the universe

    The discovery of the Synchronic Lines

    Control of the Lines

    Morphology of the Synchronic Lines on planet Earth

    The General red vertical Lines

    The General Blue Horizontal Lines

    The Minor Lines: what special features do they have

    To create a Minor Line

    The knots formed by the Minor Lines

    Description of the types of Minor Lines and their use

    The Synchronic Lines in India, Tibet, Nepal

    The surfacing of the Synchronic Lines in Europe

    Terrestrial islands, terrestrial plates, arrowhead islands and other Lines on the Planet

    The Oval Lines

    Magnetic (or telluric) Lines and synchronic and a-synchronic points

    Synchronic Lines, spheres and selfic devices

    The Synchronic Lines and the Temples of Humankind

    Between planets & galaxies

    The Synchronic Lines in space

    Travelling the universe

    White Lines or White Clouds

    Labyrinths and Synchronic Lines

    Synchronic Lines, Laws and probabilities

    The Microlines

    Journey along the Synchronic Lines to the centre of the earth


    Damanhur, Federation of Communities


    (december 1998)

    Here we have an idea that underlies so many cultures, both spiritual and naturalistic: the idea that this planet is in many ways like a living being. In Synchronic Lines Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi,(1) the founder and spiritual guide of the Community of Damanhur, takes this further and suggests that the Earth is in contact with other living worlds, and joined ultimately with the entire Universe.

    This has been an essential part of the author’s teaching from the beginning.

    Writing as early as 1980, in his book Sincronicità e Linee Sincroniche,(2) (Synchronicity and the Synchronic Lines) Falco Tarassaco described the existence of a universal network, an immense web uniting all worlds where there was life in the widest sense of the word. A network which spreads out over the face of the Earth in a network of eighteen principle lines and countless secondary ones.

    The system of synchronic lines represents, as Falco depicts it, at one and the same time the nervous system of the planet, its sensory apparatus, and its inner senses – the functions which in the case of individuals too, allow us to receive stimuli from the outer and the inner realms and bring them together in an expansion of consciousness.

    When the original book came out, the comparison that seemed most apt at the time, was to liken the Synchronic Lines to autostrade – to highways with traffic flowing in both directions, passing through toll points regulating the flow, and fed by traffic coming in from minor roads.

    Thirty years on, our minds turn irresistibly to the internet, because of the universality of the contact that it provides and because of its highly articulated structure with information cirulating along underground cables, through the ether or even in clouds. The Synchronic Lines similarly travel through the air, snake through the earth under our feet, and execute arabesques as they cross the continents (yet, unaccountably, never following coastlines).

    The present volume faithfully reflects Falco’s thought – which earlier than 1980 was already being published regularly in the monthly magazine Notiziario Horus(3) – and densely explained in his lessons on spiritual physics, gathered together and put in order by Damanhurian researchers passionately interested in the subject, for the 1998 edition.

    These days, quantum physics makes it increasingly clear that the gap between spiritual and scientific visions (the latter not confined to science) is destined to narrow to nothing.

    Sooner or later, as with the Copernican Revolution when it was no longer possible to escape the evidence that the Earth revolved around the Sun, the day will come when all will accept that the Universe is a great thought, crisscrossed by the principle functions that thought performs: life and communication.

    Until that day comes our time would best be devoted to research and development. This volume – a tale shaped by the author, and a blank sheet for readers to fill with their own hypotheses – is an exciting starting point. In line with the spirit of research in Damanhur, Falco proposes hypotheses, to then be developed by so many theses.

    Elefantina Genziana (Alma Foà)

    (1) Falco Tarassaco - Oberto Airaudi (Balangero, Turin - 29 May 1950 - Cuceglio, Turin - 23 June 2013).

    (2) Oberto Airaudi, Le Linee Sincroniche del pianeta Terra (The Synchronic Lines of Planet Earth), appeared in instalments between 1981 and 1982, in Horus Newsletter (see Note 3) supplemented by Sincronicità e Linee Sincroniche (Synchronicity and the Synchronic Lines) published Horus, Turin, 1985, followed by other editions, to date.

    (3) The Notiziario Horus (Horus Newsletter) was the original informative magazine, published between1975 and 1987 from the Horus centre in Turin. It dealt with topics such as natural medicine, esotericism and paranormal phenomena. From 1985 onward it became the organ of information for the Federation of Damanhur, aimed primarily at centres in Italy and the rest of Europe.


    The Theory of Synchronicity

    Before immersing ourselves in the extraordinary subject of The Synchronic Lines of planet Earth, an introductory overview of the concepts discussed in sincronicità, and a brief review of the main theories of modern physics, should prove useful in helping us to better understand and enter more fully into this subject.

    The western world, which sees Man as a reasoning and rational being, has always found it difficult to swallow that there could be any such thing as synchronicity. But, if we deny this concept, how is it possible to justify or explain away, those events that we have all experienced in the course of our lives, which occur apparently coincidentally, and do not comply with the theory of cause and effect?

    But looking more closely at chance events, events that happened apparently without rhyme nor reason, one can see that they recur constantly. Which brings us to the question of probability, and consequently, the theory of probability.

    This theory is able to predict, with inexplicable precision, the total result of processes involving a large number of individual events, each one of which on its own is unpredictable. In other words, a large number of uncertain events produce a certain event, a large number of chance events lead to a very definite result. As such, this is a paradox, yet it seems that it happens that way in practice.

    According to Schopenhauer,(1) the casual is a meeting in time of elements unconnected by causality.

    «Physical causality is only one of the governors of the world; the other is a metaphysical entity, a sort of universal consciousness, in comparison with which individual consciousness is like a dream compared to the waking state».

    Pauli(2) declared that there are non-causal, non physical factors, which operate in nature and which are essentially still not well understood. According to Jung,(3) synchronicity is the simultaneous happening of two events linked by meaning, but not by causality, or a coincidence in time of two or more events that are not in a causal relationship to each other, but have the same or similar meaning, equal in degree to causality, as an explanatory principle.

    Jung theorised that meaningful coincidences, which he termed synchronistic events, indicated a self-existent meaning based on an order of the macrocosm and microcosm, independent of our will; and furthermore that synchronicity is a phenomenon linked in the first place to psychic conditions, i.e. processes of the unconscious.

    According to Jung, the deepest strata of the latter are those of the collective unconscious, potentially common to all those who are part of the human race.

    The decisive factors in the collective unconscious are the archetypes that make up its structure: a sort of distilled memory of the human race, not to be represented with the words of a language but by elusive symbols common to all mythologies.

    We could say that synchronicity is the modern term that explains the archetypal belief based on the fundamental unity of all things, which transcends mechanical causality.

    Such a definition is virtually identical to the concept of serialisation given by Kammerer:(4) the recurrence in time and space of like or similar things or events, unconnected by any single causal agent. It is present in life, just as it is, in nature and in the cosmos; it is the umbilical cord connecting thought, feeling, science and art to the universe which gave birth to them.

    It is universally accepted by physics that coincidences tend to come in series, and that these coincidences are manifestations of a universal principle of nature, which operates independently of physical causality.

    According to Kammerer, coincidences are only the visible tips which by chance have caught our attention, because our habits tend to have us ignore the ever-present manifestations of serialisation (or synchronicity).

    In fact we unfortunately only notice the crests of the waves, looking at them as if they were isolated coincidences, overlooking the immensely larger part: the subsiding of the same waves – just as islands seem separate from each other, while really they are the peaks of mountains emerging from the ocean and are part of the earth on

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