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Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
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Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From inside Google Ventures, a unique five-day process for solving tough problems, proven at thousands of companies in mobile, e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and more.

Entrepreneurs and leaders face big questions every day: What’s the most important place to focus your effort, and how do you start? What will your idea look like in real life? How many meetings and discussions does it take before you can be sure you have the right solution?

Now there’s a surefire way to answer these important questions: the Design Sprint, created at Google by Jake Knapp. This method is like fast-forwarding into the future, so you can see how customers react before you invest all the time and expense of creating your new product, service, or campaign.

In a Design Sprint, you take a small team, clear your schedules for a week, and rapidly progress from problem, to prototype, to tested solution using the step-by-step five-day process in this book.

A practical guide to answering critical business questions, Sprint is a book for teams of any size, from small startups to Fortune 100s, from teachers to nonprofits. It can replace the old office defaults with a smarter, more respectful, and more effective way of solving problems that brings out the best contributions of everyone on the team—and helps you spend your time on work that really matters.

Editor's Note

Expert solutions…

This bestseller from Google alums teaches you how to focus your attention and efforts to solve problems big and small in just five days using sprints. That means fewer meetings, fewer revisions, and faster solutions, so you can race to the top.

Release dateMar 8, 2016

Jake Knapp

Jake Knapp is cofounder and general partner at Character Capital and a New York Times bestselling author. Previously, he helped build Gmail and Microsoft Encarta, cofounded Google Meet, and was a partner at Google Ventures. He lives on Orcas Island in Washington state.

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Rating: 4.06182791827957 out of 5 stars

186 ratings9 reviews

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Readers find this title to have valuable and actionable ideas that are simple to understand and apply in real life. While not applicable to every setting, it can be adjusted by the reader. The book is a good teacher and highly recommended.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Muy útil! Fácil de leer y poner en práctica. Lo recomiendo
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4/5 is good teacher..this book id very important for us
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is a must to incorporate this into my company.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very valuable and actionable albeit not the most applicable to every setting so needs some adjustments from the reader
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    For now, I will rate it 5 stars until I do a few sprint rounds myself.

    First, the book is very interesting as it touches on different aspects of product design, including false signals (like users' reaction vs just their feedback). Second, every step of it feels well-tested and makes perfect sense.

    The only reservation I have is about devoting full week to it and requiring 5 unbiased users for the test, but that is probably the price you need to pay for a great sprint!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    To many stories. To many narrative. It's not for you if you want cut to the chase
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    really inspired...simple to understand the ideas and apply in real life

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's very straight forward the way in which is propose to validate an idea. I'm looking forward to implemented in my start up!

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    ustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including ver

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Sprint - Jake Knapp


What I was doing at work wasn’t working.

In 2003, my wife and I had our first child. When I returned to the office, I wanted my time on the job to be as meaningful as my time with family. I took a hard look at my habits—and saw that I wasn’t spending my effort on the most important work.

So I started optimizing. I read productivity books. I made spreadsheets to track how efficient I felt when I exercised in the morning versus at lunchtime, or when I drank coffee versus tea. During one month, I experimented with five different kinds of to-do lists. Yes, all of this analysis was weird. But little by little, I got more focused and more organized.

Then, in 2007, I got a job at Google, and there, I found the perfect culture for a process geek. Google encourages experimentation, not only in the products, but in the methods used by individuals . . . and teams.

Improving team processes became an obsession for me (yes, weird again). My first attempts were brainstorming workshops with teams of engineers. Group brainstorming, where everyone shouts out ideas, is a lot of fun. After a few hours together, we’d have a big pile of sticky notes and everyone would be in great spirits.

But one day, in the middle of a brainstorm, an engineer interrupted the process. How do you know brainstorming works? he asked. I wasn’t sure what to say. The truth was embarrassing: I had been surveying participants to see if they enjoyed the workshops, but I hadn’t been measuring the actual results.

So I reviewed the outcome of the workshops I’d run. And I noticed a problem. The ideas that went on to launch and become successful were not generated in the shout-out-loud brainstorms. The best ideas came from somewhere else. But where?

Individuals were still thinking up ideas the same way they always had—while sitting at their desks, or waiting at a coffee shop, or taking a shower. Those individual-generated ideas were better. When the excitement of the workshop was over, the brainstorm ideas just couldn’t compete.

Maybe there wasn’t enough time in these sessions to think deeply. Maybe it was because the brainstorm ended with drawings on paper, instead of something realistic. The more I thought about it, the more flaws I saw in my approach.

I compared the brainstorms with my own day-to-day work at Google. My best work happened when I had a big challenge and not quite enough time.

One such project happened in 2009. A Gmail engineer named Peter Balsiger came up with an idea for automatically organizing email. I got excited about his idea—known as Priority Inbox—and recruited another engineer, Annie Chen, to work on it with us. Annie agreed, but she would only give it one month. If we couldn’t prove that the idea was viable in that time, she’d switch to a different project. I was certain that one month wasn’t enough time, but Annie is an outstanding engineer, so I decided to take what I could get.

We split the month into four weeklong chunks. Each week, we came up with a new design. Annie and Peter built a prototype, and then, at the end of the week, we tested the design with a few hundred people.

By the end of the month, we had struck on a solution that people could understand—and wanted to use. Annie stayed on to lead the Priority Inbox team. And somehow, we’d done the design work in a fraction of the usual time.

A few months later, I visited Serge Lachapelle and Mikael Drugge, two Googlers who work in Stockholm. The three of us wanted to test an idea for video meeting software that could run in a web browser. I was only in town for a few days, so we worked as fast as we could. By the end of the visit, we had a working prototype. We emailed it to our coworkers and started using it for meetings. After a few months, the whole company was using it. (Later, a polished and improved version of that web-based app launched as Google Hangouts.)

In both cases, I realized I had worked far more effectively than in my normal daily routine or in any brainstorm workshop. What was different?

First, there was time to develop ideas independently, unlike the shouting and pitching in a group brainstorm. But there wasn’t too much time. Looming deadlines forced me to focus. I couldn’t afford to overthink details or get caught up in other, less important work, as I often did on regular workdays.

The other key ingredients were the people. The engineers, the product manager, and the designer were all in the room together, each solving his or her own part of the problem, each ready to answer the others’ questions.

I reconsidered those team workshops. What if I added these other magic ingredients—a focus on individual work, time to prototype, and an inescapable deadline? I decided to call it a design sprint.

I created a rough schedule for my first sprint: a day of sharing information and sketching ideas, followed by four days of prototyping. Once again, Google teams welcomed the experiment. I led sprints for Chrome, Google Search, Gmail, and other projects.

It was exciting. The sprints worked. Ideas were tested, built, launched, and best of all, they often succeeded in the real world. The sprint process spread across Google from team to team and office to office. A designer from Google X got interested in the method, so she ran a sprint for a team in Ads. The Googlers from the Ads sprint told their colleagues, and so on. Soon I was hearing about sprints from people I’d never met.

I made some mistakes along the way. My first sprint involved forty people—a ridiculously high number that nearly derailed the sprint before it began. I adjusted the amount of time spent on developing ideas and the time spent on prototyping. I learned what was too fast, too slow, and finally, just right.

A couple of years later, I met with Bill Maris to talk about sprints. Bill is the CEO of Google Ventures, a venture capital firm created by Google to invest in promising startups. He’s one of the most influential people in Silicon Valley. However, you wouldn’t know it from his casual demeanor. On that particular afternoon, he was wearing a typical outfit of his: a baseball hat and a T-shirt that said something about Vermont.

Bill was interested in the idea of running sprints with the startups in GV’s portfolio. Startups usually get only one good shot at a successful product before they run out of money. Sprints could give these companies a way to find out if they were on the right track before they committed to the risky business of building and launching their products. There was money to be made, and saved, from running sprints.

But to make it work, I’d have to adapt the sprint process. I had been thinking about individual productivity and team productivity for years. But I knew next to nothing about startups and their business questions. Still, Bill’s enthusiasm convinced me that Google Ventures was the right place for sprints—and the right place for me. It’s our mission, he said, to find the best entrepreneurs on the planet and help them change the world for the better. I couldn’t resist.

At GV, I joined three other design partners: Braden Kowitz, John Zeratsky, and Michael Margolis. Together, we began running sprints with startups, experimenting with the process, and examining the results to find ways to improve.

The ideas in this book come from our entire team. Braden Kowitz added story-centered design to the sprint process, an unconventional approach that focuses on the whole customer experience instead of individual components or technologies. John Zeratsky helped us start at the end, so that each sprint would answer the business’s most important questions. Braden and John had the startup and business experience I lacked, and they reshaped the process to create better focus and smarter decisions in every sprint.

Michael Margolis encouraged us to finish each sprint with a real-world test. He took customer research, which can take weeks to plan and execute, and figured out a way to get clear results in just one day. It was a revelation. We didn’t have to guess whether our solutions were good. At the end of each sprint, we got answers.

And then there’s Daniel Burka, an entrepreneur who founded two startups of his own before selling one to Google and joining GV. When I first described the sprint process to him, he was skeptical. As he put it later, It sounded like a bunch of management mumbo jumbo. But he agreed to try one. In that first sprint, we cut through the BS and made something ambitious in just a week. I was hooked. Once we won him over, Daniel’s firsthand experience as a founder, and his zero tolerance for baloney, helped us perfect the process.

Since the first sprint at GV in 2012, we’ve adjusted and experimented. At first we thought rapid prototyping and research would only work for mass-market products. Could we move as quickly when the customers were experts in fields such as medicine or finance?

To our surprise, the five-day process held up. It worked for all kinds of customers, from investors to farmers, from oncologists to small-business owners. It worked for websites, iPhone apps, paper medical reports, and high-tech hardware. And it wasn’t just for developing products. We’ve used sprints for prioritization, for marketing strategy, even for naming companies. Time and time again, the process brings teams together and brings ideas to life.

Over the past few years, our team has had an unparalleled opportunity to experiment and validate our ideas about work process. We’ve run more than one hundred sprints with the startups in the GV portfolio. We’ve worked alongside, and learned from, brilliant entrepreneurs like Anne Wojcicki (founder of 23andMe), Ev Williams (founder of Twitter, Blogger, and Medium), and Chad Hurley and Steve Chen (founders of YouTube).

In the beginning, I wanted to make my workdays efficient and meaningful. I wanted to focus on what was truly important and make my time count—for me, for my team, and for our customers. Now, more than a decade later, the sprint process has consistently helped me reach that goal. And I’m superexcited to share it with you in this book.

With luck, you chose your work because of a bold vision. You want to deliver that vision to the world, whether it’s a message or a service or an experience, software or hardware or even—as in the case of this book—a story or an idea. But bringing a vision to life is difficult. It’s all too easy to get stuck in churn: endless email, deadlines that slip, meetings that burn up your day, and long-term projects based on questionable assumptions.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Sprints offer a path to solve big problems, test new ideas, get more done, and do it faster. They also allow you to have more fun along the way. In other words, you’ve absolutely got to try one for yourself. Let’s get to work.

—Jake Knapp

San Francisco, February 2016


One overcast morning in May 2014, John Zeratsky walked into a drab beige building in Sunnyvale, California. John was there to talk with Savioke Labs, one of Google Ventures’ newest investments. He wound his way through a labyrinth of corridors and up a short flight of stairs, found the plain wooden door marked 2B, and went inside.

Now, tech companies tend to be a little disappointing to those expecting glowing red computer eyes, Star Trek–style holodecks, or top secret blueprints. Most of Silicon Valley is essentially a bunch of desks, computers, and coffee cups. But behind door 2B there were piles of circuit boards, plywood cutouts, and plastic armatures fresh off the 3D printer. Soldering irons, drills, and blueprints. Yes, actual top secret blueprints. This place, thought John, "looks like a startup should look."

Then he saw the machine. It was a three-and-a-half-foot-tall cylinder, roughly the size and shape of a kitchen trash can. Its glossy white body had a flared base and an elegant taper. There was a small computer display affixed to the top, almost like a face. And the machine could move. It glided across the floor under its own power.

This is the Relay robot, said Steve Cousins, Savioke’s founder and CEO. Steve wore jeans and a dark T-shirt, and had the enthusiastic air of a middle-school science teacher. He watched the little machine with pride. Built right here, from off-the-shelf parts.

The Relay robot, Steve explained, had been engineered for hotel delivery service. It could navigate autonomously, ride the elevator by itself, and carry items such as toothbrushes, towels, and snacks to guest rooms. As they watched, the little robot carefully drove around a desk chair, then stopped near an electrical outlet.

Savioke (pronounced Savvy Oak) had a team of world-class engineers and designers, most of them former employees of Willow Garage, a renowned private robotics research lab in Silicon Valley. They shared a vision for bringing robot helpers into humans’ everyday lives—in restaurants, hospitals, elder care facilities, and so on.

Steve had decided to start with hotels because they were a relatively simple and unchanging environment with a persistent problem: rush hour peaks in the morning and evening when check-ins, check-outs, and room delivery requests flooded the front desk. It was the perfect opportunity for a robot to help. The next month, this robot—the first fully operational Relay—would go into service at a nearby hotel, making real deliveries to real guests. If a guest forgot a toothbrush or a razor, the robot would be there to help.

But there was one problem. Steve and his team worried that guests might not like a delivery robot. Would it unnerve or even frighten them? The robot was a technological wonder, but Savioke wasn’t sure how the machine should behave around people.

There was too much of a risk, Steve explained, that it could feel creepy to have a machine delivering towels. Savioke’s head designer, Adrian Canoso, had a range of ideas for making the Relay appear friendly, but the team had to make a lot of decisions before the robot would be ready for the public. How should the robot communicate with guests? How much personality was too much? And then there’s the elevator, Steve said.

John nodded. Personally, I find elevators awkward with other humans.

Exactly. Steve gave the Relay a pat. What happens when you throw a robot in the mix?

Savioke had only been in business for a few months. They’d focused on getting the design and engineering right. They’d negotiated the pilot with Starwood, a hotel chain with hundreds of properties. But they still had big questions to answer. Mission-critical, make-or-break type questions, and only a few weeks to figure out the answers before the hotel pilot began.

It was the perfect time for a sprint.

•  •  •

The sprint is GV’s unique five-day process for answering crucial questions through prototyping and testing ideas with customers. It’s a greatest hits of business strategy, innovation, behavioral science, design, and more—packaged into a step-by-step process that any team can use.

The Savioke team considered dozens of ideas for their robot, then used structured decision-making to select the strongest solutions without groupthink. They built a realistic prototype in just one day. And for the final step of the sprint, they recruited target customers and set up a makeshift research lab at a nearby hotel.

We’d love to tell you that we, the authors, were the genius heroes of this story. It’d be wonderful if we could swoop into any company and dish out brilliant ideas that would transform it into a breakout success. Unfortunately, we are not geniuses. Savioke’s sprint worked because of the real experts: the people who were on the team all along. We just gave them a process to get it done.

Here’s how the Savioke sprint went down. And if you’re not a roboticist yourself, don’t worry. We use this same exact sprint structure for software, services, marketing, and other fields.

First, the team cleared a full week on their calendars. From Monday to Friday, they canceled all meetings, set the out of office responders on their email, and completely focused on one question: How should their robot behave around humans?

Next, they manufactured a deadline. Savioke made arrangements with the hotel to run a live test on the Friday of their sprint week. Now the pressure was on. There were only four days to design and prototype a working solution.

On Monday, Savioke reviewed everything they knew about the problem. Steve talked about the importance of guest satisfaction, which hotels measure and track religiously. If the Relay robot boosted satisfaction numbers during the pilot program, hotels would order more robots. But if that number stayed flat, or fell, and the orders didn’t come in, their fledgling business would be in a precarious position.

Together, we created a map to identify the biggest risks. Think of this map as a story: guest meets robot, robot gives guest toothbrush, guest falls for robot. Along the way were critical moments when robot and guest might interact for the first time: in the lobby, in the elevator, in the hallway, and so on. So where should we spend our effort? With only five days in the sprint, you have to focus on a specific target. Steve chose the moment of delivery. Get it right, and the guest is delighted. Get it wrong, and the front

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