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Country Curves
Country Curves
Country Curves
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Country Curves

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Stuck in the middle of nowhere, I'm batting zero. How could I know he'd be the one to save me? I probably shouldn't have insulted him, but gratitude was far from my lips. I never expected to fall as hard as I did. My career is worlds away, and I don't know what I want more—my identity or JD. Walking away will be complete torture.

Gabriellea is spoiled, neurotic, and everything I don't need in my life. She's materialistic, trouble, and oh so sexy with gorgeous, soft curves. Now she's under my skin and I can't stop thinking about her. If she walks away, it's going to kill me. How can I convince her to settle for a country boy with nothing more than a plot of grass and a dog?

A BBW Romantic Comedy

Release dateFeb 22, 2016
Country Curves

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    Book preview

    Country Curves - Ava Catori

    Chapter 1

    Gabriella Kerrington’s car limped to the side of the country road. This was not part of her plan. In fact, she was smack in the middle of ‘who knows where’ with not much but an un-manicured landscape around her. Unbelievable. This wasn’t acceptable—she had things to do. There wasn’t even a house or service station within miles. It was a huge mistake getting off the highway and opting to take the scenic route. She closed her eyes and groaned.

    Stupid car. She loved the thing normally. Right now, she was bitter. Bitter and stranded! The moment she’d laid eyes on the car, she’d fallen in love, drawn in by the shimmering metallic brown. A lot of good it did her now. The day she bought it...well, the day her father bought it for her, she knew it was the one.

    With a budget of fifty thousand handed to her, she could get a nice 328i xDrive Gran Turismo with the luxury package and stay on budget. It would be a tight squeeze, but she did it. Her father wouldn’t offer a penny more. ‘If she wanted a firm grasp on reality, she needed to learn limitations,’ he’d said.

    Most girls would have gone straight to the red car, but she wanted to reflect a classy, up and coming business image. Her career was just starting to take off, and she knew looking the part was just as important as the work you did.

    Gabriella shook her head in disgust. Trapped in the middle of Backwoods, USA her car wasn’t doing her any favors. Having grown up in an area where the shopping mall offered a helipad and valet parking, sitting on a small, two-lane road in the middle of nowhere left her uneasy. There was nothing around. What if there were mountain lions or big, burly bears or something?

    Thankfully, she had a back-up plan. Roadside assistance. She dialed the number on her cell, then caught movement in her sideview mirror. A truck was coming...only, the truck was more beat up than her car. It was battered and bruised and looked to have just rolled out of a junkyard.

    She double-checked to make sure her door was locked.

    Honestly, the fact that it was capable of even driving was shocking. The truck slowed as it drew near. She wanted to be relieved but sitting out there alone in a fancy car didn’t do her any favors. She was bathed in designer wear and her handbag probably cost more than the value of the person’s scrap of metal.

    Her shoulders tensed. A man with a black hat slid out of his truck and made his way over. She triple-checked to make sure her door was locked.

    He needed a shave—badly. The scruffy man stepped up beside her.

    Gabriella cracked her window the tiniest bit open. Up close, he was younger than she’d first expected. If he’d put some effort into it, he could almost be attractive. But as he was, he looked like a thrown-out teddy bar that needed a good scrubbing.

    Her stomach clenched, telling her what she needed to know. He saw an easy mark. Her heart thundered as she rolled up the window.

    Do you need help? He stood in front of the tightly closed window.

    She shook her head and shouted. I called roadside assistance. I’m fine, thank you.

    I can help, he offered loudly, through the glass. Do you want me to take a look at it?

    No! Go on now. I called somebody. A tow truck will be here any minute, she warned, letting him know she wouldn’t be his victim.

    The man’s phone rang. He reached into his pocket and flipped it open. He twisted and turned to get better signal. Right, I’ll get on it, he said to the person on the other end of the line.

    Gabriella waited for the man to leave. Once he was gone, she’d be able to breathe again. She didn’t like being stuck out there alone.

    You sure you don’t want me to—

    Please, just go. She didn’t mean to be rude, but the guy was grungy. His jeans were covered in grease and he needed a shower. Watching him walk back to his truck and pull away, she sighed with relief. 

    It took another twenty minutes for the tow truck to arrive. It slowly pulled in front of her. When the driver climbed out of the truck, Gabriella groaned. Are you kidding me?

    The same grungy man that had stopped earlier was back, this time driving a flatbed tow truck. The arrogance he wore on his shoulder didn’t help. You called?

    Gabriella sighed and got out of her car. Fine, you win. Something’s wrong. It just shut down on me. I need to get it taken care of fast; I have a conference to get to.

    I’m going to load her on, take her to the shop, and we’ll see what’s going on. Hopefully, I can get you back on the road. You can have a seat in the tow truck. He couldn’t help grinning.

    She opened the door and grabbed her purse before heading to helplessly wait in the idling truck. Cables whirred loudly as they pulled her car onto the flat bed.  

    This was no time to break down. She was heading south. There’d be sunshine and Daquiris, along with business to attend to. She was desperate for a breather. Her schedule had been way too tight lately. She thought the back roads would be relaxing...big mistake.

    The man finished the job of loading her car, then climbed back into the driver’s seat. He offered his hand. I’m JD Docker. I own a repair shop up the road. Only one you’ll find around for miles.

    She looked at his hand. There were grease stains under his nails, and his skin was dry and calloused. He’d easily put in a day’s work already. She took a deep breath and shook it. She tried with everything inside of her not to wipe her hand off afterward. As long as you can get me moving again. I need to get back on the road.

    The couple drove down a twisty road for a few miles. Out of nowhere, a shop appeared as the truck climbed a final hill. It reminded her of an old gas station or barn that had seen better days. He’d hand-painted his shop name over a metal sign that probably advertised what it used to be, but ran out of space and the last few letters were squeezed in too tightly. Why didn’t he get a professional sign? It would really help the place.

    What does JD stand for? She was uncomfortable, but small talk helped.

    "JD stands for Jacoby Dickory. My full name is Jacoby Dickory Docker. I got the name over a bet gone wrong. Turns out my mother and uncle placed a bet over a college football game. 

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