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A Traveler in Time
A Traveler in Time
A Traveler in Time
Ebook24 pages22 minutes

A Traveler in Time

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You can't always escape evils by running away from them...but it may help!
Release dateFeb 27, 2016

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    Book preview

    A Traveler in Time - August Derleth

    A Traveler in Time

    By August Derleth

    Cover Image © NASA

    Positronic Publishing

    PO Box 632

    Floyd VA 24091

    ISBN 13: 978-1-5154-0470-5

    First Positronic Publishing Edition

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Mr. Jonathon Chambers left his house on Maple Street at exactly seven o’clock in the evening and set out on the daily walk he had taken, at the same time, come rain or snow, for twenty solid years.

    The walk never varied. He paced two blocks down Maple Street, stopped at the Red Star confectionery to buy a Rose Trofero perfecto, then walked to the end of the fourth block on Maple. There he turned right on Lexington, followed Lexington to Oak, down Oak and so by way of Lincoln back to Maple again and to his home.

    He didn’t walk fast. He took his time. He always returned to his front door at exactly 7:45. No one ever stopped to talk with him. Even the man at the Red Star confectionery, where he bought his cigar, remained silent while the purchase was being made. Mr. Chambers merely tapped on the glass top of the counter with a coin, the man reached in and brought forth the box, and Mr. Chambers took his cigar. That was all.

    For people long ago had gathered that Mr. Chambers desired to be left alone. The newer generation of townsfolk called it eccentricity. Certain uncouth persons had a different word for it. The oldsters remembered that this queer looking individual with his black silk muffler, rosewood cane and bowler hat once had been a professor at State University.

    A professor of metaphysics, they seemed to recall, or some such outlandish subject. At any rate a furore

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