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The Coming Storm
The Coming Storm
The Coming Storm
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The Coming Storm

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The moment Olivia Hastings’ father was kidnapped before her eyes, she stopped thinking straight. With the need to save him foremost in her mind, she leaves the cold winter of Connecticut and chases him to the steamy jungles of Colombia. However, as soon as she sees the vast green jungle with its massive waterways trickling out of the large, bustling city, she realizes that she is in over her head and desperately needs help if she is going to save him from the violent cartel that has taken him.

It is desperation that makes her approach Danny Davis and Hayden Evans in the hotel lobby and plead for their assistance, and it is through them that she finds the mysterious Shep, a darkly sexy man she is unsure if she should trust or flee from. Yet that decision is taken out of her hands when the constant heavy rain is accompanied by the winds of a fierce impending storm.

DEA agent James Shepard was content to hide from his past in Colombia. Single and alone in a foreign country, he dedicates every waking hour to stemming the flow of illegal drugs leaving the beautiful country. It is because of this dedication that he feels responsible for the foolish woman he finds hiding in the bathroom, and he realizes quickly that she’s as important to his case as she is a nuisance in his way.

As the thunder and lightning of a strong storm rolls in and forces Shep and Olivia to develop an uneasy trust, attraction, seduction, and danger threaten their budding relationship... and their lives.

Release dateMar 6, 2016
The Coming Storm

Collette Scott

Always composing stories in her head, Collette began her first novel at the age of eight. Since then, she has obtained her bachelor's degree in English literature and master's degree in education while squeezing in her writing whenever possible. The author is currently hard at work on her best-selling Evans Family Series and Lemieux series. Her previous novels include Hannah's Blessing and the critically acclaimed Forever Sunshine, which was voted #35 in the Heart Press Publishing's Best Women's Fiction poll. The New England native now resides in Arizona with her family and multiple family pets.

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    Book preview

    The Coming Storm - Collette Scott

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Coming Soon

    About the Author

    Books by Collette Scott

    Forever Sunshine

    Hannah’s Blessing

    If We Dare to Dream (The Evans Family, Book One)

    Through Winter Skies (The Evans Family, Book Two)

    Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three)

    Kat’s Last Chance (The Evans Family, Book Four)

    Terri’s Gift (The Evans Family, Book Five)

    Cooper’s Choice (The Evans Family, Book Six)

    Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)

    Hope is Calling (The Evans Domination, Book One)

    A Blessing in Disguise (The Evans Domination, Book Two)

    Deception’s Kiss (The Evans Domination, Book Three)

    Finding Roxanne

    The Coming Storm


    Collette Scott

    Copyright © 2015-16 by Collette Scott

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    For information address Marimay Publishing, P.O. Box 11821, Tempe, AZ 85284

    ISBN-13: 978-1530282807

    ISBN-10: 1530282802

    ISBN – ebook: 9781311652607

    Chapter 1

    The scent of the ocean was strong at low tide, and the familiar salty tang filled Olivia Hastings’ nose as she pulled through the gate into her community with a weary sigh. Home. She was finally home, and some of her stress eased away when she inhaled the beloved scent of the sea. However, her relief was replaced by frustration almost immediately when her thoughts inevitably drifted back to work. Darn, she thought mutinously. There was no escaping it. Yet how could she? They had come so close to succeeding with her new development, and she still could not place her finger on it. Something did not fit. The math was correct, the million-dollar technology spot-on, but it did not work. The new stealth program was not meeting expectations, and she could not figure out why.

    All evening, she and her team had gone over every string of information they had, every equation, and every test. For hours, they had brainstormed, but no one had a valid reason why it was not working. She feared more than her job would be on the line if she did not figure it out soon. When upper management found out their trials were a failure, they would shut her down, and she refused to allow that to happen.

    A Hastings never failed…

    Sighing, she shook her head. She was not going to give up. After a glass of wine and maybe a hot bath, she could spend what was left of the evening pondering…

    The idea came in so fast that she gasped.

    Her father. He would know. After all, they were using his original design, one he had mastered years ago and put into use with their top rival. Always competitive, Olivia had built upon his work and made it better, in theory at least. Unfortunately, her design was failing, but if she showed her father what she had done, he could pinpoint where she went wrong. She knew it. Of course, they worked for opposing developers, but she was desperate enough to reach out to him at this point… even if trading secrets was a monumental crime.

    So they would not share exact details, she concluded with a short nod. He could guide her in a new direction or show her where she diverted. If she wanted to save the teams’ jobs, he was the one to ask.

    She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not immediately notice the commotion. Work had kept her after hours at the docks, and her condominium community appeared dark and abandoned. Except for one thing. There was no mistaking the sound of an alarm, and she could hear the approaching sirens as she eased through the clusters of two-story condos toward her waterfront unit. The closer she got to her home, the louder the alarm, and dread began to fill her breast. Had she been robbed? Oh, for goodness sake. Not tonight of all nights.

    Jerking on the brakes, she brought her SUV to a sudden halt in front of her neighbor and former lover’s condo. It was an instinctive move on her part, nothing more. His condo was the closest, and she glided up Roger Bentle’s darkened driveway and cracked the window while locking her doors to be safe. From his place, it only took a moment to confirm that it was her alarm, and it was blaring loudly.

    Where was everyone? Why were none of her neighbors checking it out? Were they that self-absorbed?

    The entire development appeared deserted, and even Roger’s house was dark. Although the former Navy SEAL worked crazy hours too, she knew he was in town, and she fumbled inside her purse for her cellphone to call him as the first glow of police lights lit up the entrance to her community.

    Was someone in her unit now? Had they stolen or destroyed her belongings? More importantly, why her? Did whoever break in know she lived alone? If so, had they entered in the hopes of finding her there?


    The rock-hard timbre of Roger’s voice brought a sudden rush of relief in Olivia, but hers trembled when she spoke. Roger? Are you home?

    Nooo… This Livvie?

    Yes. I apologize, it’s Olivia. I just pulled in, and my alarm’s going off, she said in a rush. The place seems deserted. No one’s around.

    Stay away from the house, he said immediately. Did you call 911?

    The police are arriving now. I’m in your driveway.

    Stay put until they clear the scene. I’m on my way.

    No, no, she replied hastily. If you’re busy, don’t bother. It’s probably nothing.

    I’ll be right there.

    Before she could protest, he was gone, and Olivia winced.

    She met Roger when she relocated to Connecticut to follow in her father’s footsteps as a marine engineer after her stint in the Navy. Cocky, handsome, and overconfident Roger Bentle was the first neighbor to introduce himself after watching her interact with the movers, and almost immediately a romance had developed between them. Although the chemistry had been strong, they were both headstrong and independent people, and they had clashed from the start. After four months of great sex following heated battles, she realized that she was too liberated for his alpha ways and decided to end their relationship. They had parted ways, but somehow they remained civil, mostly due to their combined love of the sea and his desire to conquer her someday.

    She feared another battle would ensue if he came rushing home to save her. After all, their biggest issue was his desire to take care of her. Olivia was many things, but weak was not among them, and no matter the stress she was facing at work, she did not need saving. She was more than capable of taking care of herself.

    Her voice might have trembled when she spoke, but it was from shock not fear. The adrenalin rush. For who on earth would target her home and why? That was the question. It was all about the timing. Considering her work, it could be corporate sabotage, spies…

    Or it could be a group of kids choosing her house because of its secluded location in the back of the development, she reminded herself dryly.

    Either way, she was glad she had worked late now.

    The second police car was pulling in when Roger’s truck sped past it to reach his driveway, and he was jumping out from behind the wheel before Olivia had finished rolling down her window.

    That was fast, she commented before realizing where he was. The sweat dotting his brow and the dampness on the T-shirt clinging to his broad chest announced that he had been at the gym. Typical, she thought wryly. That was how he spent all of his free time, and that was how they had started their relationship.

    He was staring beyond her as he spoke; his gaze fixed on her condo. I was pumping iron.

    At first glance, all appeared normal beyond the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars, but his lips tightened and his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Following the direction of his gaze, Olivia saw why and stiffened. Not a hundred yards away from her small dock was a yacht. Although it was not unusual for beautiful craft to anchor offshore from her property, this yacht stood out because of the dark shapes Olivia recognized as two men in black lying flat upon the gangway. Both men were watching the police carefully.

    What are you working on? His lips barely moved when he spoke, and his handsome face was fierce with tension.

    Olivia almost laughed at how his mind worked. You know I can’t say.

    Anything that could impact national security?

    Nothing you can’t Google and find out, she replied evasively.

    Those men are pros, and that yacht isn’t cheap. He squinted and studied the vessel, looking for identifying marks. Russian? Chinese?

    She snorted, and a light bubble of laughter escaped her lips. Really, Rog? I’m not being hunted by a foreign nation. They’re probably kids checking out the action.

    Wearing masks?

    It’s been a rough winter, and it’s cold. I wouldn’t want to be sitting out there either.

    His gaze shifted toward hers sardonically before returning to the police cars, and Olivia decided it was time to announce her presence. No shouts had emerged from inside, no calls for backup, and she was beginning to believe it was a false alarm. However, the moment her hand landed on the door handle, Roger reached out and held it closed. I’ll check it out. Wait here, baby.

    Oh for goodness sakes, she snapped. I’m not a child.

    She despised it when Roger called her baby. She was a woman, not an infant, and she hated being treated like one. Therein lay the problem. Roger believed he could save the world single-handedly. Although she readily admitted that his skillset was more than capable with years of covert assignments that he could never discuss, it drove her nuts that he thought she needed to be coddled. She could handle herself.

    It’s my home. If someone broke in, I have to speak to the police.

    Let me go over first… please, he said, his voice laced with frustration.

    It was then that she saw the concern flashing in his eyes, and it was genuine rather than paranoia. He really was worried. She should have been touched, but instead she felt irritated. Especially now. She was exhausted from a long day of work and stressed that the coating to silence her subs was not working. Her life’s work was falling apart, and having a pair of kids break in to her home then watch the excitement from a distance only infuriated her more.

    I’m sorry I called you, she growled.

    Don’t be.

    Well, I am, she insisted sullenly.

    His eyes narrowed at her sharp tone, but it did not stop him from covering her hand with his. I like it when you call me.

    I don’t like it when you take it as a come on.

    Instinct speaks volumes, he replied with a sly smile.

    Olivia rolled her eyes.

    I don’t give up, he said when he saw her response. Surrender is not an option.

    I’ve noticed.

    His white teeth flashed in a grin. I’ll be right back.

    She grunted.

    Despite her rising hackles, she watched Roger stride over to the two officers emerging from the house. When they fumbled for their side arms and made Roger freeze and raise his hands, her heart sank. Something had happened. If it was a false alarm, they would not be that jumpy.

    Great, she thought. This was the last thing she needed.

    Her gaze traveled past Roger to the figures on the yacht, seeing that they were watching the exchange intently. Their distraction was her opportunity to move, so she gathered her handbag, opened the door to her SUV, and dashed across Roger’s lawn to the side of his building. When she approached her house, it would not be in her vehicle. She would do it on foot. If those men were involved, they were hanging around for a reason, and that reason had to be her. That could be a problem, she thought, wincing as her high-heels sank into the snow-covered lawn. Her feet grew cold as the snow engulfed her shoes and squished between her toes, but she continued her trek around the building and back onto the road, approaching on foot with her head held high. Certainly nothing she was working on was worth killing her for, so there had to be another reason her condo was targeted. But what?

    There was only one way to find out.


    I’m in, Hayden Evans announced as he replaced his phone in his pocket and strode to his wife, Dani.

    Rather than gracing him with the smile he had hoped for, Dani burrowed her face into his chest and sighed when his arms encircled her expanding waist. He reached up to cradle the back of her head in his hand, and his fingers entwined in her shoulder-length blond hair.

    I’ll be gone about a week, he finished lamely.

    Jeff Peters really gave you the okay to go down there, or are you claiming that was him to make me feel better?

    I’d never lie to you. Hayden chuckled. That was Peters, and he cleared me to go, although I’m not going as Tango or Markie Clark. I’ll be given another identity. Diego’s talking me up now.

    Sighing heavily, Dani relented. When?

    Within the next week.

    Do you have to wear another disguise?

    You’re more worried about my disguise than the fact that I’m going into the underbelly of Colombia? Hayden asked in mock dismay. Fine. Whatever. You choose it.

    You know that’s not it, she whispered, her voice muffled by his shirt. Her arms tightened around him, and he heard a catch in her voice. I don’t want you to go. I don’t want you to leave me.

    I have to go, he replied, resting his cheek on the top of her head. But I’m not leaving you. I’d never leave you, and you know it.

    "You don’t have to do anything. You could let them handle it. You’re a pilot, Hayden, not an undercover agent. You gave that up years ago."

    For now, I’m back in again… He grimaced. It has to be me because Diego trusts me.

    And you want to escape your family.

    That, too.

    Dani sighed. I’m your family, too, Hayden.

    You are, and right now, you’re the only family I have.

    He heard her sharp inhale, and she lifted her face away from his chest to stare at him. The horror shining in her pale-blue eyes pierced his heart, but his lips tightened when he remembered his brothers’ betrayal. That’s not true. Your family adores you.

    No, they lied to me. He released his grip on her to run his hands through his growing hair. It was still spiky but growing in the way Dani liked it, and he was reminded that he never needed to shave his head again. Their ordeal was over, but the emotional trauma was not. I could’ve flown back to Phoenix in less than an hour, Dani. I could’ve been at that airport before Alvarez even found a plane. You never would’ve had to suffer. Our baby…

    His voice trailed off as his gaze swept down Dani’s lithe figure to the gentle swell of her abdomen. The baby was growing inside her, healthy and normal, and every day he sent a silent thank you to whoever was out there that had kept his wife safe after Rocky Alvarez was broken out of custody by child-smuggler, Marco Esparza. His mortal enemy had kidnapped Dani in revenge for Hayden’s role in the death of his lover, Micaela, which had led to his exposure and arrest as a crooked agent.

    In revenge, Rocky wanted to lash out at Hayden where it would hurt the most, and he had succeeded. Hayden still could not shake the terror of coming so close to losing Dani forever.

    Cartel-leader-turned-informant, Diego Cartinez, a.k.a. El Padrino, claimed to have taken care of the crooked DEA agent, but Hayden remained trapped in a state of fury over the fear Dani had suffered during those hours in captivity. After brutally kidnapping her and flying her south of the border, Rocky had marched her barefoot through the jungle. Although she had been rescued, she had spent weeks with stitches in her feet, mounds of antibiotics to help her stave off infection, and days of bed rest to ensure the safety of their unborn child.

    Dani was now considered a high-risk pregnancy, and Hayden blamed his family. If they had not withheld the fact that Alvarez had taken her, he could have flown straight to Phoenix and caught Rocky before he had the chance to steal the plane to fly to Mexico. He could have stopped the destructive attack before it began.

    However, they had withheld that vital information from him, costing lost lives and Hayden’s trust. They had kept it from him believing he was incapable of doing his job, which was the final blow after being treated like the black sheep of the family for years. Considering everything he had done for them, beginning when he went undercover as Tango all the way up to infiltrating El Padrino’s inner circle to secure their safety forever, their lack of trust was the last hit. Hayden did not get angry often, but he was so furious that he wanted nothing to do with them.

    Is doing fine, Dani crooned softly.

    Her soft voice drew him from his angry thoughts, and he noticed that he was scowling. She captured his hand in hers then lifted her top to expose her smooth skin. Once she placed his hand over the growing bump, she reached up and stroked his scruffy chin. We’re okay, and that’s all that matters. What they did was wrong, but they did it because they love you. Zach was sobbing when he called Andrew. Chuck, too. Ian idolizes you, and Andrew respects you tremendously. Jeez, Hayden, even the President thinks you’re a hero.

    Hayden’s lips twisted into a sarcastic half smile, but his gaze remained on her belly as he stroked her skin with his thumb. Does that turn you on, Dani?

    A look of confusion drew her eyebrows together, and she glanced down at his hand. What?

    He smirked. Typical Dani. That the president thinks I’m a hero?

    Recognition dawned on her face, and her eyes lit up with amusement. Are you kidding? How many women out there can say that the president called their husband to personally thank them? I find it incredibly sexy, she whispered with a saucy smile. Although everything turns me on these days.

    Good to know.

    I’ll take you on anytime, big guy.

    I like you pregnant, he announced, feeling his smile reach his eyes. Just gazing at her face, usually so serious and matter-of-fact, grow soft with desire was enough to send his lust into overdrive, and it did what few things did in recent days – made him forget about Ian and Andrew’s decision not to share a key piece of intelligence.

    You like the belly?

    She took a step back, no longer wincing when her weight landed upon her torn feet. The sutures had dissolved, and soon Dani would be completely healed – physically at least. Hayden took a step with her, encouraging her to take another step back as he grinned even wider. I love it.

    Will you still love it when I’m fat and cranky?

    I’ll always love it, he promised, taking another step with her until she bumped into the wall. I’ll always love you.

    Dani’s sweet laughter elicited another grin from Hayden, and he took the final step forward to pin her against the wall and catch her lips. She laughingly pushed him away, taking two rapid steps sideways until she mounted the stairs. Hayden followed, bracing himself on the banister and heaving himself above her. I’ll give you a massage every night, rub your swollen feet, and listen to all your complaints, he murmured over her shoulder, punctuating every declaration with a light kiss on her neck.

    How will you do that when you’re in Colombia?

    Hayden straightened so he could wrap his arms around her and turn her until they were face to face. C’mon. I’ll be gone for a week at most.

    As he spoke, he lowered her onto the stairs, offering her one of his most winning smiles. However, she continued to stare at him with wide, cynical eyes. Promise?

    Of course, he replied without hesitation. Chico’s been working nonstop, and he’s already given us a solid location. Davis and I should be able to go in there, confirm the girls’ location, and break them out within a matter of days. It might not even be a full week.

    Her hands linked around his neck, and she drew his face down to hers. There was fear in her kiss but also desire, and he manipulated the latter with every ounce of skill he possessed. When he raised his head, she was smiling, and her hand slid slowly and seductively down his chest to his waistband. Let’s go to bed early.

    Hayden grinned. That was one order she would never have to ask twice. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bedroom, loving the sound of her breathless laughter. He would give Dani anything she wanted, and that included his life. He would die to protect her. In fact, he almost had. However, since he became Markie Clark, he had been haunted by the numerous missing children. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the faces – faces that were similar to his wife’s blond hair and blue eyes. Snow bunnies, they were called, and he could not imagine the child growing inside Dani becoming one, let alone put himself in the shoes of the parents wondering where their lost children were.

    As soon as Dani announced that she was pregnant, he was convinced it was a girl, a china doll who would grow into a long, lean, and graceful beauty like her mother. She would be as brilliant as Dani too, with her father’s cleverness. A skilled actor. Although Dani laughed at him for being so certain, he knew. He felt it in his heart, and it spurred his motivation to rescue as many children as he could. Although thousands were missing, he had a lead on two and refused to give up on them. Even one life was worth it, and he hoped he could find some relief from the guilt that had been eating at him since he first infiltrated El Padrino’s compound and saw what was happening. He needed to erase their images from behind his closed eyes, and he had to prove to himself that he was not like Markie Clark, the man who had coldly transported children across the border for suitcases of cash.

    More than anything, he had to find Hayden Evans and return to Dani as the man she loved. Perhaps the break away from his family’s constant appeals would ease his anger enough to face them again.

    Or maybe not.

    One thing he did know was that rescuing the girls in Colombia was the first leap to take to reach those goals, and Hayden Evans would never avoid a good jump.

    Chapter 2

    Olivia walked through her trashed condo feeling shock and a strange sort of disbelief. She was aware that Roger hovered behind her, his keen eyes absorbing everything she saw, but she could not believe it… It was bizarre. Her wall-mounted television and surround-sound system remained untouched, but her sofa cushions were slashed, every single shelf had been cleared, and every door opened with the contents removed.

    Someone had been searching for something.

    Olivia mounted the steps leading to the second floor and felt the crunch of broken glass under her shoe. Two steps up rested the photo the glass had protected, and she bent to pick it up as she continued to climb.

    They even knocked the pictures off the walls…


    The deeper she traveled into her 1400-square-foot waterfront condo, the more convinced she became that they had entered the wrong unit. She had nothing of value, she was not hiding large amounts of cash, jewels, or drugs, and it appeared as though whoever had trashed her home left empty-handed.

    She viewed each of the three bedrooms before tears began to pool in her eyes. Her salary and insurance would replace the destruction, but it was the memories they had stolen that hurt. Her mother had passed away from cancer four-years before, and the bedroom directly across from the master had been a virtual shrine of her mother’s belongings. Following her death, Olivia had taken her sewing machine, the workbench it rested on, and the quilt rack her mother used to display her finest creations.

    Everything was ruined. The quilts were shredded, the sewing machine broken on the floor when the vandals knocked over the bench, and her most precious quilt that had covered the spare bed was slashed to pieces like the mattress under it.

    Making matters worse, the wall collage of photographs of her mother had been swept clean and now rested on the hardwood floor. Some were torn from the feet that had trampled them.

    Olivia hesitated there and tried to inhale, but her breath hitched on a sob. Before she could stop herself, her trembling hands rose to cover her face, and she fell to her knees before the pile. She did not care if the glass cut into her skin, and she shrugged off Roger’s supportive hand as she reached out to search for any salvageable photos.

    Please, don’t touch anything, a new voice said from the doorway.

    Olivia’s hand froze over the picture of her mother’s graduation day, and she longed to reach out and grasp it. However, she understood the process, and she rapidly blinked away her tears before glancing over her shoulder at the intruder. I’m sorry, she said, slowly coming to her feet.

    I understand, he said.

    Although he was backlit from the hall light, Olivia could see that the older man was dressed in a suit and realized that he must be a detective. Surprise that he had arrived so quickly followed, and she hurried to greet him.

    You’re the homeowner?

    Yes, Olivia Hastings.

    I’m Detective Leary. Will you follow me? We need to process the scene.

    She nodded numbly, knowing that she was not supposed to be in the house until the forensics unit had gone through it. However, she could not stop herself. While Roger was speaking to the police officers, she had crept past them to view the damage for herself. Roger had spotted her and followed, but she had ignored his pleas. She had been driven to see it with her own eyes.

    Now she wished she had not.

    Roger reached out to grasp her upper arm, and this time she did not resist when he led her back into the cold night. A crowd of curious onlookers were waiting, an unexpected sight considering how quiet it was minutes before, but Olivia ignored them. Apparently, her neighbors had hidden inside until they were sure it was safe, and a surge of anger replaced her shock. She wanted to scream out, thanks for your help but managed to hold her tongue as the detective led her to one of the police cars.

    Officer O’Malley’s going to drive you downtown. I’ll meet you there shortly.

    Roger stepped forward. May I go?

    Do you live here?

    No, he replied slowly. I’m her… neighbor.

    Olivia saw his eyes shift to hers as he spoke, but she crossed her arms over her chest self-protectively. He was her neighbor; that was it, and she was not about to give him false hope when there was none. Even now, when she was feeling the first waves of true fear, she refused to cling to him. She was Olivia Hastings, and the Hastings’ were tough, proud, and fierce.

    Avoiding his stare, she looked beyond him to the waterfront and noticed a glaring omission in the midnight-black water.

    The yacht was gone.

    Stifling a shiver, she scanned the bay and beyond in a desperate search – actually, more of a hope that Roger had been wrong – but the ocean remained as calm and mysterious as normal. Almost like magic, the yacht had disappeared.

    But not entirely. Olivia had used her cell phone to photograph it when she first rounded Roger’s building, and she had saved several photos. Hopefully they were clear enough to show the men watching. She knew some people who knew some people more powerful than the local police. With any luck, they could help figure this mess out.

    However, first she had to go through mountains of work with the police, and that confirmed her feeling that her day was still going from bad to worse.


    It certainly did feel like mountains of work when Detective Leary finally released her several hours later. She had been fingerprinted, asked personal and intimidating questions, and filled out paper after paper until her vision blurred. Finally, they produced an officer to drive her home. It was well past midnight when he pulled into her driveway, and the earnest young man shut down the engine before twisting to face her. Are you sure you don’t want to stay somewhere else? Do you have family or friends you could visit?

    I’m fine. Really, she replied. My house is trashed. Someone has to clean it.

    He continued to study her, and Olivia would have been touched by his concern if she was not so shell-shocked. A numb feeling had settled around her after she saw the destruction of her mother’s belongings, and it lingered. There are companies who do that sort of thing for you, and your insurance company…

    Olivia shook her head wildly, causing some of her curly brown hair to escape from the severe bun on the back of her head. I don’t have much, but the photos of my mother…

    Her voice faded as tears rose in her eyes for a second time that evening. The officer seemed to understand, for he nodded briskly and opened his door without pressing her further. However, before allowing her out, he scanned the horizon with his hand resting upon his service revolver, causing Olivia to shiver, and it was not due to the cold.

    Everyone agreed, including Detective Leary, that whoever had been in her condo had been searching for something. Although they

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