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A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story
Ebook73 pages22 minutes

A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story

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About this ebook

Loved the novel, but still hungry for more?

If you've devoured the last morsel of your savory book, but have a stomach that yearns for more, "Behind the Story" will be a most delightful surprise. Enjoy this basket full of hand-picked treats, compiled as an easy, concise, info-rich serving just for you! You'll be on a VIP tour where we will take you by the hand to show you what is behind the curtains, what is "Behind the Story".

Introducing: Behind the Story Series
• Over 100 published titles and sold all over the world… and counting!
• Refined for quality by a team of Researchers, Authors, and Editors

Re-read the original book RIGHT AFTER reading this book!
The original book suddenly became much richer and more enticing after I finished this Behind the Story, I HAD to open up the original book once more! Highly recommended!
From Sherry Lawson for Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, February 22, 2012

A sneak peek of what's inside:
• Bibliography and resources, great as study guides or research resource.
• Trivia Questions and Discussion Starters, great for your book clubs!

“What was the inspiration behind the creation of this book?”

Two sources inspired A Visit from the Goon Squad. Jennifer Egan already knew she wanted to write about time, just not the specifics. Then her book club got Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time as their book selection at the same time HBO’s The Sopranos was airing on TV, so it was kind of hard for her not to miss it. Proust’s book is a voluminous tome that explores the themes of time, space and memory, multiplicity of perspectives and formation of experience. On the other hand, The Sopranos is about Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano who’s struggling with the difficulty of balancing his family obligations (he’s a good family man) and his obligations with the criminal organization he leads. Add in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, which she had watched in 1994 and which style of approach, i.e. the upside-down chronology that she used in Goon Squad, she had unconsciously depicted. But she didn’t know how much of this happened until she watched the movie again for a second time just last year. In fact, like the characters in her book, she didn’t realize how much she had changed from the original viewing up until that point.


Don't miss out! It's highly recommended.

Disclaimer: This work is not meant to replace, but to complement the original work. If you've loved the novel, then this is the book for you. It is educational in purpose, entertaining in nature, unauthorized and unofficial. It is a digestive work produced to stimulate the appetite and to encourage readers to appreciate the original work even more.
Release dateMay 27, 2014
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story

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    A Visit from the Goon Squad - Behind the Story - Behind the Story™ Books

    A Visit from the Goon Squad: Behind the Story

    for the fans, by the fans

    Behind the Story™ Books

    Copyright 2013 Published by Behind the Story™ Books

    Behind the Story™ Books

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    Disclaimer: This work is meant to not replace, but complement the original work. It is a digestive work meant to stimulate the appetite and encourage the readers to enjoy and appreciate the original work even further. It is educational in purpose and unauthorized and unofficial. It is not endorsed by the original work in any way.

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    Table of Contents


    Props and Sets

    Who’s the author anyways?

    What was the inspiration behind the creation of this book?

    What was the creation process like?

    What was the publishing journey like?

    Were there any difficulties while producing this book?

    What’s the story behind the cover?

    What was the response from the public?

    What was the response from the critics?

    Has it won any awards?

    Any media appearances?

    How are the sales?

    What’s the future ahead for this book?

    Is there anything else interesting about the author?

    How can I follow this author or find other book fans?

    How can I follow this author or find other book fans?

    Delicious Box of Trivia!

    Discussion Fire Starters!

    Conclusion: A Special Gift


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