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The Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide to Perfect Skin in 30 Days
The Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide to Perfect Skin in 30 Days
The Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide to Perfect Skin in 30 Days
Ebook233 pages2 hours

The Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide to Perfect Skin in 30 Days

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About this ebook

The way to perfect skin is through nutritional supplementation. Even difficult skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoea, and acne have been shown to respond favourably to specific nutritional supplements. This book empowers readers with breakthrough nutritional science in simple, easy-to-understand language. It will enable them to create their own personal skin-care programme that is simple to follow, fun, and very effective.
Release dateJan 1, 2004
The Wrinkle-Free Zone: Your Guide to Perfect Skin in 30 Days

James P. Meschino

Dr James Meschino DC, MS, ROHP, RAP, is the Director of Nutritional Therapy at the Cancer Immunotherapy Centers in Toronto, where he works with a team of medical physicians and an oncology nurse, who provide patients with conventional and leading-edge integrative cancer therapies, including dietary modification and use of nutritional supplements that influence key biological targets in the adjunctive management of cancer.

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    Book preview

    The Wrinkle-Free Zone - James P. Meschino


    Welcome to the Wrinkle-Free Zone

    It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I introduce you to The Wrinkle-Free Zone , a resource that will do much more than help you to prevent or reduce wrinkles. I designed the skin-care program detailed in this book to help you make your skin smooth, soft, supple, and healthy—and not just on your face, hands, and arms, but all over your body.

    By following the Wrinkle-Free Zone Program, you will achieve a definite improvement in your skin’s texture and appearance. Your skin will also function better and work in greater harmony with your entire body, even helping you to avoid and resist disease. And although you will not be able to see what is happening within the deeper layers of your skin, those cells will be operating at optimal efficiency to provide your skin’s surface with the important nutrients it needs to function at its best.


    This book is based on recent scientific discoveries that highlight an extremely important fact about skin care: a radiant, clear, beautiful complexion depends greatly upon the delivery of vital nutrients through the bloodstream to developing cells that lie deep within the skin.

    Although we’ll delve later into more detail about the importance of proper nutrition to healthy skin, let’s begin by noting that growing skin cells extract from the bloodstream specific vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutritional elements. The cells need these nutrients so they can develop and mature into strong, perfectly formed skin cells that will eventually work their way up to the front lines on the skin’s surface. There, these emerging cells will be battle-tested by outside forces like wind, chemicals, rain, and sunlight, and through it all they must remain prepared to withstand attacks that could cause disease. Besides helping skin cells resist the elements, ample nutrients are also crucial in giving the skin the structural strength to prevent the wrinkles and age spots that contribute to premature aging.

    Deficiencies Hurt the Skin

    If your skin is not getting the nutrition it needs, problems result. Medical literature has documented that deficiencies of various vitamins and minerals lead to a variety of skin lesions and disorders. The same literature also confirms that supplementing your diet with the missing nutrients will correct these conditions, usually within a relatively short period of time. The discovery of diseases directly related to vitamin deficiencies, including beriberi, pellagra, scurvy, and others—all with their own characteristic skin lesions—has long provided definitive proof that optimal quantities of vitamins and other nutrients are essential to the skin’s health and appearance. Anything less can prevent the skin from attaining its full potential for softness, smoothness, moisture, elasticity, and hydration, and impair its ability to resist the formation of wrinkles, age-related degeneration, and atrophy.

    Optimizing the Supply of Nutrients to Skin Cells

    Many people believe that the true secret to a beautiful complexion lies in the bottles and jars lining cosmetic and beauty department shelves in stores across the country. Sadly, these individuals are mistaken. Even with topical lotions and anti-aging skin creams and treatments—many of which provide some beneficial effects—the texture and appearance of the skin can never reach its ultimate potential for beauty and anti-aging defense without the optimal supply of healthful nutrients to skin cells from the inside-out. This fact has been the missing link in skin-care management through the years, and it is only now beginning to be appreciated by skin-care professionals and by the public at large.

    In general, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and estheticians have not received extensive formal education or training in nutritional biochemistry and nutritional pharmacology (the use of nutritional supplements at levels exceeding those that food alone can normally provide) as related to skin cell development and maturation, as well as nutritional management of skin conditions. As a result, they often fail to include proper nutrition and supplementation as part of their treatment programs, which is most unfortunate for their patients and clients. However, times are changing.

    As a speaker at many international conferences and national workshops attended by skin-care professionals, I am continually amazed by the number of practitioners to whom I have first introduced the role of essential oils, vitamins, and minerals in skin-care management. For the most part, these estheticians and doctors are extremely grateful for this information, and for the scientific references that allow them to further their own investigations into using nutrition and supplementation effectively in the treatment of their clients and patients. Consequently, they are beginning to include these strategies in their skin-care management and anti-aging programs. Nevertheless, old habits generally die hard, and people are not always keen on making changes, so it may take some time before every skin-care professional is armed with the appropriate scientific training to incorporate these proven nutritional methods into practice with every patient.

    As a result of these education programs, skin-care professionals are learning that the right combination and dosage of specific vitamins, minerals, and essential oils has been the missing link in building and maintaining healthy skin. It’s been one of the best-kept secrets in the health and beauty world for many years. This is not news, however, to those of us involved in the science of nutritional biochemistry, nutritional pharmacology, and natural medicine. The knowledge and application of supplementation with fats, vitamins, and minerals to favorably affect skin texture and skin conditions dates back to the early 1980s, when studies about essential fats and prostaglandin hormones started appearing in clinical and experimental research journals. Many of us have been using these nutritional interventions with our patients for more than twenty years with great success.

    Perfect Skin from the Inside-out

    Optimal levels of specific nutrients must be available in the bloodstream to properly nourish and support developing skin cells to maturity. Likewise, the successful management of most skin conditions requires, at the very least, complementary dietary and nutritional supplementation in addition to conventional topical treatments. And in order to achieve smoother, softer, moister, and more radiant skin, it’s absolutely mandatory for you to take optimal dosages of those nutrients that are known to promote healthy skin.

    The Wrinkle-Free Zone offers you a proven system that will enable you to feed your skin the nutrients it needs to improve its texture and appearance, slow its aging, and help prevent and reverse wrinkle formation. The time has come to aggressively use proven nutrition and supplementation strategies to make your skin more beautiful, radiant, and resistant to the ravages of aging and wrinkling.


    By following the steps in this book, you can improve the health and appearance of your skin. It’s not a complicated process. Here you will find a precise, no-nonsense game plan of nutrition and supplementation that is proven to help build and maintain beautiful, healthy skin for life. You’ll also discover how to use this plan in conjunction with any other type of skin treatment or topical program that you currently follow. Specific nutrition and supplementation strategies are provided for use in combination with other standard treatments in the management of skin conditions such as acne; psoriasis; eczema; seborrhea; rosacea; dry, rough skin; and problems with poor complexion.

    This resource explains in detail how you can incorporate nutrients into your skin-care program that are known to slow skin aging and help you to defend against skin damage induced by ultraviolet light, which leads to wrinkles, sunburn, and skin cancer. Documented cases illustrate how certain essential nutrients can reverse the appearance of fine lines and shallow wrinkles and help you understand how taking in these nutrients can help you preserve or recapture a more youthful appearance.

    Supplementing your diet with precise levels of nutrients essential to skin health is the missing link to creating perfect looking skin. This book provides a step-by-step approach to transforming the science behind these findings into a program that leads to softer, smoother, healthier skin that looks and feels more elegant for life.

    It may take many years before every skin-care professional fully understands these discoveries, but The Wrinkle-Free Zone gives you access to this cutting-edge information now. You can immediately begin your own skin-care management program in a safe, effective, and responsible fashion and soon reap the rewards of more beautiful skin. The most exciting news is that improvements in your skin’s texture and appearance are detectable within thirty to sixty days of starting the Wrinkle-Free Zone Program—regardless of the quality of your skin when you begin.

    In the following chapters, you’re going to learn about the structure of the skin and how nutrients feed the young skin cells to make them strong. You’re going to discover which supplements are most suitable for you and your conditions and concerns. Most important, you will be empowered to take charge of your skin care and gain the knowledge and direction needed to achieve optimal skin health.

    It has been both a passion and a pleasure for me to have worked with patients over the past twenty years while researching and learning so much about this topic. I have seen the program detailed in this book help a great many people—patients, clients, family, and friends—to improve their complexion; reverse skin aging; reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet; significantly reverse eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions; and enjoy the softest, smoothest skin texture possible. The best part is that the program is easy to follow and incorporates only natural, safe nutrition and supplementation.

    The most consistent finding in my work has been how pleased everyone is once they have experienced improvements in skin tone, texture, and appearance. I can’t tell you how gratifying it has been for me to help people look and feel more attractive by showing them how to transform their skin into the soft, smooth, and radiant tissue that Nature intended it to be. I have also had the good fortune to travel across North America and teach the natural and effective strategies outlined here to thousands of estheticians, doctors, and other skin-care professionals at major conferences and conventions, and to publish my research in various professional publications. I hope you will find the subject fascinating and the program appealing. I’m confident you will be thrilled to discover how logical, convenient, and uncomplicated it is to have what you’ve always dreamed of: beautiful skin for life.


    Soft, Silky Skin for Life: The Role of Essential Oils

    What’s one of the best-kept secrets in the health and beauty world? It’s really simple: By taking nutritional supplements, which include the right dosages and combinations of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, you can enhance the softness and smoothness of your skin, soften fine lines and wrinkles, and create a more beautiful and radiant complexion. Now, who doesn’t want that? The basic nutritional program outlined in this chapter has been shown to do just that and has been proven effective in the treatment of eczema and an important component in the treatment of psoriasis.

    However, before we discuss how nutritional supplements can improve skin quality, you need to know a few basics about how your skin develops and functions.


    Over the many centuries of human existence, skin has not been treated very well. It’s kind of like the Rodney Dangerfield of your body—it doesn’t get enough respect. But as our scientific knowledge of this wondrous protective covering grows, we are beginning to understand more and more about how it works and what it needs to stay strong and healthy.

    Skin Has Three Layers

    Your skin is made up of three layers. The outer or surface layer is called the epidermis, a term with which you may be familiar. Next is the dermis, the layer that lies directly below the epidermis. Finally, we have the third layer called the subcutis, which is commonly referred to as the fat layer. Here’s some basic information about these three layers and the unique function each performs in your overall health.


    Despite being only as thick as a sheet of tissue paper, the epidermis is much hardier than you can imagine. This outer layer is comprised of tough keratin cells. These cells owe their strength to the fact that they’re loaded with protein, the substance that gives them the toughness they need for their work on the surface. The epidermis also contains cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, which determines the color of your skin.

    By the time the keratin cells have developed in the bottom layer of the epidermis and worked their way to the top, they’re dead. The protein that gives them their great strength is also the substance that kills them. As they emerge through the layers of the epidermis, they’re worn away and replaced by new cells. These new skin cells are continually produced by basal cells, located at the bottom of the epidermis. Epidermal cells developing below the surface require optimal nutritional support to develop into healthy cells upon their arrival at the skin’s surface, making the skin appear soft, moist, and beautiful.

    FIGURE 1.1. As nutrients flow through the bloodstream, they begin to nourish the developing skin cells in the skin’s lower layers.


    The dermis is a resilient and elastic tissue that lies directly beneath the epidermis and makes up as much as 90 percent of the thickness of your skin. This is the layer where most of the skin’s important functions take place. Among other things, the dermis contains hair follicles, blood vessels, sweat glands, and the nerves that help us sense temperature, pressure, and pain. Also found within the dermis are sweat glands that produce perspiration and sebaceous (oil) glands that secrete a thin coating of protective oil to act as a barrier and help protect against infections. Finally, the dermis contains elastin and collagen, two types of protein that help give your skin its elasticity and strength. Skin develops wrinkles when the collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis crosslink with each other in response to harmful molecules called free radicals, which are generated in the skin by overexposure to sunlight and environmental toxins. Fortunately, antioxidant nutrients, taken orally, can bolster your defenses against these free radicals and help prevent elastin and collagen crosslinks and, therefore, fine lines and wrinkles.


    Found under the epidermis and dermis, the subcutis is composed mostly of fat, so it’s known as the fat layer. It serves as a protector—think of it as a shock absorber—for the bones, muscles, and organs. The subcutis also acts as an insulator from the cold and as a storehouse of energy, and helps keep the skin looking smooth and plump.

    Skin Facts

    The skin is truly a remarkable work of nature. It’s the body’s largest organ, covering between 15 and 20 square feet. Measuring only one-twentieth of an inch thick, it can weigh as much as 20 pounds, also making it the body’s heaviest organ. In every square inch of skin, you’ll find many feet of blood vessels; dozens and dozens of oil glands; a couple hundred sensors for heat, cold, and pressure; 500 sweat glands; and more than 1,000 nerve endings.

    This multilayered system constantly renews itself, shedding its dead top layer nonstop, every second

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