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Ebook69 pages34 minutes


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

1999 is a year that will haunt me forever.

No matter how hard I try to forget it, I just can't.

My friends and classmates ask me all kinds of questions to try and make me explain the events of that year. And I always give a similar answer.

"What happened that year?"

        Don't ask what.

"Why are you scared of that year?"

        Don't ask why.

"How did you get this fear?"

        Don't ask how.




Release dateMar 28, 2016

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For a story written by a 17 year old, it was fun. It definitely lacked maturity, realistic facts on how things work, and had a lot of grammatical errors, making the author's age obvious. Despite this though, the concept has a lot of potential. If it was fleshed out more, a bit longer, edited better, and was given a more grown up feel to the style of writing, I think it would be a really awesome novel. It would be like a Puppet Combo video game in book form. The author did a great job for his age, but an updated, more maturely written version would be cool!

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1999 - Asad Ali Jamal


By Asad Jamal

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Copyright © 2016 by Asad Jamal

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

First Printing: 2015

Beware The Mist Productions

[email protected]

Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, educators, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the above listed email address.

U.S. trade bookstores and wholesalers: Please contact Beware The Mist Productions at email [email protected].


To my family.

Thank you. Without your support, critique and patience, I would have never achieved my dream and this major accomplishment.


I would like to thank my teachers, my friends, my family, and God without whose help this book would never have been completed.

Thank you for your patience and guidance, your use of red pen to correct my glaring mistakes in both my writing and everyday life, your reliability, and your support.

I especially would like to thank my parents and my brother and sister for always supporting my decisions and guiding me down the right path. I also want to thank them for encouraging me to write as I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I do. This was all possible because of you guys and I am forever grateful.

I'd also like to thank all my friends who helped me by giving their support and valuable feedback: Brandon Musick, Pratik Nyaupane, Muhammad Asfand Yar, Amrutha Chethikattil, Kasyap Kondury, and Winston Barboza.

And finally, thanks to all the readers out there! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Dear Reader,

As I’m writing this Preface, I am only 17 years old. I’m proud of the fact that I finished writing an entire book by the age of 17 and I believe you will love it as much as I do. How did I get the idea for such a crazy book?

Well, at the time I was working on a book on Wattpad called the Asylum, which was inspired by a video game called Outlast. I was having a hard time getting into the story, and I realized that if I was having a hard time getting involved than a reader would have an even harder time. So, there I sat deeply disappointed in myself. I was reading some Creepypasta. For those who do not know, Creepypasta are essentially internet horror stories, passed around on forums and other sites to disturb and frighten readers. I am fascinated with horror. Whether it’s a book, movie, or game, I love horror. Yes, even the cheesiest and most predictable ones. So, while I was reading Creepypasta, I was amazed at how these random people created such freaky stories and I was immediately

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