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The Accidental Ambassador: (Or Plan B)
The Accidental Ambassador: (Or Plan B)
The Accidental Ambassador: (Or Plan B)
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The Accidental Ambassador: (Or Plan B)

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This is sci-fi, space opera. A story of life on present day Earth, as an alien with an ancient, ugly reputation. Soon known to humans as Blue, this ttraco must learn to adapt quickly, as a routine pick up and escort job quickly turns sour. The ttraco meets Douglas and Joy; two young friends, from infancy, who thought they knew each other well. Their education on the greater world that surrounds their backwater planet, and of each one's own potential, has just begun.

As the situation grows more dire for Blue, it chances upon another human; this one has much to teach the ttraco, about the hidden strengths of the human condition. Never again will Blue underestimate their intelligence, or their capacity to adapt.

Through equal parts of guile and luck, Blue reluctantly takes on the role of Ambassador to Earth, and finds itself embroiled in local planetary politics. As the only other known alien on the planet, the ttraco becomes the guardian of another, also discovered recently.

The longer that this ttraco stays on this planet, the more dangerous Earth becomes for all. Unfortunately for Blue, there is no one else on this planet who can stop the chaos that has already been set in motion, by another.
Release dateApr 12, 2016
The Accidental Ambassador: (Or Plan B)

D A Barr

Born in the southwestern United States and raised in Arizona, the author has lived and traveled throughout much of the US and other parts of North America. As a youth, the author was an avid reader, sometimes reading an entire novel in an evening. He earned good grades in English, but felt no love for writing. Though an honor student throughout much of his schooling, he dropped out of high school. Over the next many years, he spent time in the US military, fought wild-land fires while working for the US Forest Service, drove trucks, worked in construction, worked as a farm hand, and some other jobs as well. Much later in life, the author went back to obtain a college education. Though he and his family recognized early on there was something odd about his personality and behaviors, Tourette's-like symptoms, the author was diagnosed with autism (Asperger's) much later in life. This knowledge has helped the author to understand himself better. Further education and training has allowed him to better understand others, as well. David advises parents to get answers concerning their children's behavior sooner than later. The author currently resides near Puget Sound, south of Seattle, Washington, USA. At the time this was published, the author has one other, unrelated work available: "The Accidental Ambassador", by D A Barr.

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    The Accidental Ambassador - D A Barr


    Wear your name proudly and honor it with every action that you take in life. Your name is unique among all the names of all the races. It is your life, written for all to see, and no one that you meet, no matter how long you may live, will ever carry the same story as you… The guest speaker at the podium recited the traditional opening words as the graduation ceremony began. The speaker was speaking aloud, but was sending in the sensory-language of Ttraco as well. This was most unusual for a person of another species. The auditorium was very large, and filled with representatives from dozens of planets.

    Look…look down there, sent one young ttraco to the other, each of them barely of the seventh order. "Look at the guest speaker."

    What is it? the other asked as it took a look.

    My mother told me stories about them…look at its hand! the young one sent with such excitement that it could be ‘overheard’ throughout much of the room. It’s a human!

    If any observers here today are finding it difficult to contain your thoughts, leave before your next outburst, this was sent by the instructor officiating over the ceremony. As a ttraco of the Third Order, the instructor commanded respect. The young were careful to keep their thoughts between themselves from that moment on.

    The human stood at the podium, shrouded in a robe. They are an odd race, humans. Though certainly not the only people in The Community to choose to wear body coverings, they are among those who choose coverings as a way to adorn themselves, to stand out visually as individuals. Some of them are even known to wear metals and stones, much like ttraco do. But they generally carry no distinct pattern in these coverings to read, just colorful noise. The robe was removed, revealing a male, most likely. It did still wear a small body covering around its hips. In their culture it is considered rude to go with no covering at all, except during mating season.

    The falling robe revealed something in the human’s tattoos, something that all ttraco are taught to recognize at a very young age. It was the pattern of their ancient writing. Outside the members of The Corps, it is unusual for non-ttraco to wear the writing of their people. Humans are rare in The Corps, as they are rare in general. They had only recently reached The Greater Community. Their reputation is full of conflicting stories and rumors. In some societies, their art and music is thought of as some of the best ever encountered. The adaptable nature of these small, soft-looking creatures is also marveled at by many. But it is the reputation that they hold as highly-effective warriors that none but the foolish would deny. The old saying goes, If you wish to find the sharpest of all spears, you will find it in the hands of the human that made it.

    The speaker continued, To those who do not read Ttraco, I am known by many as Douglas. Welcome to your graduation ceremony. Today, you write the first words of the rest of your story. Today you begin to earn your name as a member of The Corps, beginning with, ‘Graduate of the Academy…

    Douglas…it must be the builder, sent the first young one.

    No, not that one…you think so? asked the second. The young ttraco were located too far back, with too many heads and bodies blocking the view, to read its markings clearly.

    It makes the most sense, answered the first.

    …As you enter into the next step, your specialized training in your chosen fields, remember this day. Remember that The Corps, and The Community that it serves, stand beside you.

    The graduates filed past to receive their badges of membership. The crowd waited patiently as the graduates filed by and returned to their seats. One more person was invited to the podium. Because the traditional closing story could take quite some time to finish, that action signaled the end of the ceremony for some. It was understandable; some people could not spare the time from their busy schedules. Surprisingly, only a few of the many hundreds present today got up to leave.

    The Ambassador to Earth, recently retired from that post after serving for over twenty years, turned and walked toward the podium. The crowd grew quiet as Douglas stood aside and remained to act as interpreter.

    Near the back of the auditorium, the two young ttraco were busy conversing between them. Movement on the stage caught the eye of one of them. It was the First Ambassador to Earth, the one whom it had come to see! The Ambassador had had already begun telling its tale, but the young ttraco’s companion was not paying attention and talking over it.

    Quiet your self, it sent to the other, the story!

    1 – Homecoming

    A plan, carefully assembled and thoughtfully carried out, may still present one with many unforeseen consequences that must be dealt with. A plan made in haste is a consequence in and of itself.

    -Hrotsnych Esteph Phruen-

    It was another crisp and beautiful morning on the rim of the canyon. The lighting and the shadows were perfect for capturing some new landscape images. The photographer set up her camera on a tripod. She set the camera to take a shot every few seconds for a while, to record the changes that the sun’s movement would create in the scene. Her camera captured the image while making that series of shots; the sudden appearance of a silhouette in the distance between one frame and the next. It aroused no interest. If it was noticed at all it could be explained away. After all, the odd silhouette was no larger than an eagle or maybe a condor.

    The silhouette continued its flight up and out of the canyon, and then on toward the mountains that marked the way to the home of its early youth. It was daylight, but rather than catch thermals and ride high aloft to conserve energy, this creature flew low. It stayed close to the spotty tree canopy and, where the trees thinned out, traveled up quiet draws and canyons. It purposefully avoided areas of development and any people or vehicles that it chanced upon.

    Oh, it feels good to come home again. I had missed how wonderful this air feels, the dark winged creature thought to itself. It cruised just above the treetops, simply enjoying the sensation as it took in the familiar surroundings. Fall was under way at the higher elevations. The sight of the yellow aspen leaves quaking and floating off in the breeze brought back an old memory that made it shudder with laughter.

    Later, near evening, the creature dropped into the wooded canyon. The cooling breeze felt so good that it landed in an old sycamore just to feel the wind move across its skin and to listen to the water for a while. Movement in the creek below caught the creature’s attention. Another ripple broke the water’s surface and it instinctively dropped from the branch, landing talons first into the unsuspecting fish. It flew up from the creek and returned to the branch to eat its catch. The sounds it made while it tore into the fish were drowned out by the bubbling and splashing of the flowing water. After it had eaten its fill, the creature closed its eyes and settled in to sleep.

    As dawn approached it was moving again, with more purpose. It arrived at the rendezvous point and settled in to wait. The town had certainly changed since the last visit. The arranged location had been well out of town several years ago, but now was practically in a neighborhood. The wait lasted all day. The contacts never arrived. An appointment like this was seldom missed.

    It is strange that I have not been able to make contact yet. What would prevent them from making our rendezvous? it thought as it decided what to do next. It would remain here, silent and hidden, until after full dark and then search for the people that it was supposed to meet.

    It arrived at the contacts’ last known location late that same evening and entered through an unlatched window. There, yes, the scent was right. This was still their home but the scent was faint. Several weeks may have passed since the home was last occupied. Quiet as a shadow, it made its way through the rest of the house. There was no evidence of foul play, nor evidence of a sudden departure. The house was simply empty. The home was sparsely furnished and contained little in the way of decoration, not unusual for them. There was one change to the home since the last visit. The study now contained a small bed and other furnishings, rather than the expected desk and bookshelves.

    The creature entered the room to investigate. One well-worn stuffed toy rabbit rested atop a pillow on the bed. Some costume jewelry lay on a tray on the chest of drawers. On the walls were posters of cartoon characters, music celebrities and movie stars. Also attached to the walls were a number of maps and some photos cut from travel magazines. On one shelf were books, mostly fantasy, and others that suggested the occupant had an interest in geography. In addition there were a couple of old-looking romance novels, a small collection of sheet music and some schoolbooks. There was a sizable collection of vinyl music recordings and an old turntable, as well as a more modern audio system. Its memory storage device was missing from the docking port. On another shelf was an open case. A flute lay dusty in its blue velvet interior. Next to the flute rested a display case containing a collection of minerals. One was a piece of azurite, the creature’s personal favorite. Among the others in the collection were some samples of exceedingly rare minerals. It seemed unusual to find such minerals in a collection belonging to a child. Hanging in one corner of the room was a mobile constructed of seashells and driftwood. The open closet revealed a few dresses and some other typically female attire alongside well-worn pants, shirts and boots one would expect a male to wear. Most of this clothing was lying on the floor. Also in the closet were a few female-oriented toys that had apparently lost favor with their owner. There was little else in that space.

    The creature walked throughout the house as it searched for more clues to help it locate its colleagues. The kitchen was clean and the refrigerator was empty except for some condiments and a few unopened bottles of beer, bottled water and soda. It had all the appearances of a planned departure and plans to return. In one corner of the dining room, standing on the desk, was a photograph of its colleagues plus a small girl. On that desk was evidence that some type of computer often rested there, but it was not there or anywhere else in the house at this time. There were no notes to be found and no calendar of events anywhere in the home, at least not in the open. But that too was to be expected.

    The creature slept in the house for the day. As night fell, it moved on to the subject’s last-known location. That house was located near the creek and backed by large sycamore trees, so it would be a good place to rest even if the subject no longer lived there.

    Douglas arrived home. He walked down to the creek to have a quick look around before returning to the house. No one was home. The housekeeper usually took Wednesdays off. Douglas set himself to making dinner. Let’s see, pizza bites or Brussels sprouts. Oooh, tough choice, he said to himself as he popped the box in the microwave and poured a glass of juice; diluted 50/50 with water, as always. He poked through the refrigerator and cupboards once more, just to make sure that nothing new had sprung up in there since the last time he had looked. He rounded out his meal with an apple and the last two cookies.

    Well, he said to himself, if Dad shows up, pancakes for breakfast it is. If not, then eggs and toast for me.

    Joy would be coming to stay with Dad and him soon. She was supposed to leave the hospital in a week or so. Douglas worried about her, and had visited her in the hospital as often as he could manage. Sometimes he would take his bicycle on the five-mile trip just to surprise her. There was nothing in the world that he wouldn’t do for Joy, but the only help he could give her now was to be there for her when he could. She and Douglas had known each other practically all their lives. Joy, and her parents, understood him better than anyone including his father.

    It was still hard for him to believe that they wouldn’t be coming home. Joy’s parents were killed during the plane crash while on their family vacation. Joy was among the very few who had survived. Douglas’ father had once told him that the nature of the crash still disturbed him. The plane had been brought down by a small bomb. No terrorist organization had claimed responsibility for it, nor had the investigation uncovered any clues or explanation for the act.

    Douglas took his food up to his room and then settled in to work on his computer for a few hours. He was still trying to find the glitch that was keeping his new program from working like it should. His attempts frustrated yet again, Douglas added a couple touches to his latest radio-controlled plane and called it a night. As he drifted off, he kept one ear out for the sound of his father’s car rolling up the driveway. He was asleep long before his father came home.

    Morning arrived and Douglas took one look outside and saw what he was hoping for. The car was in the driveway; Dad was home. Pancakes it is then, he said to himself. Down to the kitchen he went.

    …So Dad, if the weather’s good this weekend, are you going with me when I take my hang gliding lesson? asked Douglas.

    That’s right, you’re ready to solo aren’t you? said his father. I’m still amazed that I let Viv and William talk me into letting you start out on all of this. I’ll be there if I can. Right now it looks good.

    Hope you can make it, that’s all, muttered Douglas. Otherwise I’ll have to arrange for a ride. He changed the subject, I have this idea of what to do about Joy’s room. Why don’t we…

    The creature observed the house from a big sycamore in the back yard. The leaves in the tree were starting to brown up, but would provide adequate concealment for as long as necessary. It was waiting for everyone to leave. After an hour or so of waiting, it saw two leaving. That accounted for the two voices that it had overheard. Unless others inside had remained silent throughout the morning, the house should now be empty. The observer then searched for a suitable entry point. Good, an open window. Quickly the uninvited visitor flew in, to avoid detection, and crashed headlong through the window screening. It was not the graceful, untraceable entry it had hoped for.

    This was the father’s room. Judging from the memorabilia on the walls, this was a military man. Good, the subject’s father is an army officer. There in one of the photographs was the name Fossett, even more encouraging. The photos displayed a striking individual. He looked to be of Polynesian and African ancestry, most likely, possibly with some European influence as well. There was no evidence in here of a female presence, but pairings are sometimes short-lived. The creature left the room and walked down the hallway until it arrived at another bedroom door.

    The door opened to reveal the subject’s life, laid out for scrutiny. The shelves contained books on scientific studies, as well as an impressive selection of comic books. Suspended from the ceiling were a number of model planes and space ships, including some flying models. The desk was cluttered with a wide assortment of objects which had apparently caught the attention of their current owner: Fossils, bones and feathers, mineral samples, small machine parts, firearm cartridge casings, small toy automobiles and planes, small toy soldiers and a couple of collectible action figures. A report card lay open there too, with impressive marks.

    The creature took note of the school address printed on it. The computer was locked, no help there. A media playback device also lay on the desk, audio, with just a few random songs in the memory. On the walls were several academic awards, and a few photos and posters of airplanes, but nothing relating to sports or physical outdoor activities. Wait, on a cork-board were fliers and notes regarding hang gliding lessons and flight schedules with dates crossed off. This Douglas looked to be a good candidate. The last report indicated that his communication skills had improved markedly, so perhaps an interpreter would not be required. The visitor took a few whiffs around the room, to gather the subject’s scent. This just might work. Wednesday, at the school, contact would be made.

    2 – First Meeting

    Among those who do not know of us there is great fear and suspicion. Be very cautious when meeting one who has never encountered our people. More often than not, that being will either flee or attempt to kill you.

    -Mother’s advice-

    It was a typical, tedious Monday at school, yet Douglas could not get over the feeling that he was being watched. He kept staring out the window, his gaze drawn to a distant tree. There was something in that tree, he knew it! There was nothing specific that he could point to, just an odd shadow in the branches.

    So there he is, the creature thought to itself. It would have been most helpful if I had been properly briefed and introduced, but my time here is limited. I’ll give it a couple of days and see what opportunity arises.

    After school, Douglas walked over to the tree. That sense of being watched was gone and he saw nothing in its branches. He shrugged it off, made his way to the bus and headed home.

    It was Wednesday afternoon, and Douglas experienced that same feeling as the one he had on Monday. There was something in that tree watching him. Douglas then heard it like a clear quiet audible voice in his mind. Along with that voice, he felt an odd sense of underlying emotions that made the words’ meaning unmistakable.

    Douglas, I am the one in the tree. I wish to meet with you, if you are willing, the voice told him.

    Who are you? Douglas said aloud. His classmates turned to stare at him. Some laughed; others just gave him strange looks.

    Please, we should keep this conversation between us. You don’t need to speak, just think as if you intend to. My name is unpronounceable, as there is no spoken word for it. I was sent by Viv and William; they work with your dad.

    They’re dead, Douglas stated flatly as he concentrated on his thoughts. Why all the secrecy?

    Viv and William were supposed to formally introduce me to you and your father, it replied. I was supposed to meet with them last week, but they didn’t make our rendezvous. I only just now learned why, from you.

    Douglas, said the voice of his teacher, daydream on your own time, class isn’t over yet.

    In his head, I will see you again at your home. I will be in the big tree nearest your room. At that a mysterious, dark shape left the tree in the schoolyard. It was the size of a large hawk, or eagle maybe, but the silhouette was all wrong for any bird that Douglas knew of.

    The long school day finally ended. Douglas was about to board the bus. Suddenly, at the last minute, he stepped out of line and began the mile-long walk cross country toward home. He was anxious enough about the meeting to not want to return home too quickly, but he also did not want to pass up on this meeting with a bird-thing that spoke telepathically! He just needed time to think, time to prepare for what might happen when he got there.

    When he arrived at home, he immediately walked over to the tree and carefully looked in its branches. There it was, though it was hard to distinguish from the nearby foliage. Was it hiding, or just well camouflaged?

    Yes Douglas, I’m here, it sent telepathically. Please go to your room. People may begin to wonder why you are staring at the tree.

    Oh, OK, said Douglas, and he headed inside. He ran up to his room in record time, and opened his window. I’m here, he announced.

    Douglas, send your thoughts to me, you don’t need to vocalize, it reminded him.

    Why are you hiding? Why won’t you come in? sent Douglas.

    My appearance can be disturbing to humans at first. I hide, and I will remain hidden, for that reason. My kind is not native to this planet.

    Where are you from then? asked Douglas.

    I can show you, it is one of the reasons that I’m here, it sent in answer. The other reasons that I’m here, I would like to share with you and your father. The problem is your father cannot communicate the way that you and I can. I need an interpreter, someone that can let me speak through them. It would be better than to have someone try to pass on my thoughts in their own words. I am fairly certain that you have not developed the skills, yet. Besides, what I have to say to your father would be better received if it came from someone other than you.

    It continued, There is a place for you, in The Greater Community, and opportunities that can only come to you from the other side of the portal.

    The portal, what’s that? asked Douglas.

    It’s what I used to get here to you. It is a doorway that connects one place to another, often over great distances. There are many portals throughout The Greater Community, built by an ancient race. But there’s only one that leads here, and unfortunately it’s damaged.

    How come this portal isn’t well known then, because it’s damaged? he asked.

    No the damage is fairly recent, answered the hidden creature. It started about the same time as the Second World War. It’s not well known because it cannot be used by many, and few of those who can travel through it can sense its presence. Portals can be selective. For example one portal may not pass someone on to the next one, at least unprotected, because the environment on the other side is not suitable for that traveler. The portal leading from your planet is especially selective. The best guess is that it’s programmed to identify which people are adaptable enough to pass through from Earth. You, Douglas, meet many of the criteria that the portal recognizes.

    Do portals connect one to another, like a chain?

    Some do, the portal here connects only to a way-point. It opens onto a buffer planet. Elsewhere on that planet another portal can then connect to one of many other destinations, like interconnecting hubs.

    You said ‘a buffer planet’? asked Douglas.

    Yes, buffer planets provide a barrier to easy access. If one does not know how to locate the next portal, usually hidden, the trip can turn into a very long journey, answered the stranger in the tree.

    And you know the way in and out?

    Yes, it is one of the required qualifications for the job I do, it confirmed.

    What job do you do?

    My job has two main tasks. One task is to find people like you, with abilities that are useful off planet, and offer them training and a new life if they choose to accept the challenge. The other is to guard your planet against unauthorized visitors. Earth’s portal is very selective but over the centuries some people have devised ways to gain access. Many of those come here to exploit your people and resources. Humans are not yet ready to deal with the potential dangers of confronting them directly. I and others who serve with me keep them out, or encourage them to leave.

    You say that you’re offering me a new life, said Douglas, unsure of how to react to this overwhelming news. Like what kind of life? How would it be any better that what I have now?

    Douglas, as to what kind of life you will lead; that is something that you must determine for yourself. Viv and William were your friends, yes, but they had also monitored your progress throughout the last several years. You have innate talents, such as the communication that we are using now. You also possess a mind that strives to look for new ways to look at things, new ways to solve problems. You could become a major asset to The Greater Community, and earn a strong name. You could also earn a great deal of monetary wealth and holdings, if that is something you desire.

    Why did you all decide to do this now? asked Douglas. Why not when I’m…I don’t know…maybe twenty?

    As I have said, the portal is damaged, the hidden visitor explained. It’s been drifting across the planet’s surface for the last several decades. Sometimes it passes through mountain ranges and across oceans. Right now it is very close, but it will not remain nearby. Also there is the matter of your age. Though not in every case, we have learned that at about the same time your people reach adulthood many of you lose the ability to adapt to the portals’ requirements. Once one has passed through the first time, one can pass from then on regardless of age.

    Bewildered, Douglas asked, You just answered my next question. How did you know?

    You expended so much energy readying your next question, that I was able to read it already, it sent. How do I put this? Silent speech has its own set of rules and tricks to learn. One of them is how to think quietly.

    Douglas nodded, OK, I’ll try to remember that. You’ve explained to me, more or less, why my Dad can’t come along. I don’t think he’ll let me go anywhere like what you described, without seeing it first. Is there any way you can bring in some proof of these other worlds?

    I did…me, the visitor replied.

    I was thinking spaceship, maybe, offered Douglas as the possibilities of what may soon happen raced through his mind.

    Douglas, many portals will pass only a limited amount of inanimate matter. The majority of that matter needs to be in very close proximity to a living being. Also the amount of matter that a given portal will pass in a given period of time depends on its intended use and the availability of energy. Earth’s portal is very small and its energy source is diminishing.

    OK. Got it, he nodded in understanding.

    I have a question for you now, it proposed to him. Do you want to do this? You can always come back, as long as the portal holds, but you won’t see much of what’s out there in a few days.

    Feeling overwhelmed, Douglas requested, It’s a lot to think about. Can I have some time to think about this?

    Yes, but I need an answer soon. I do have other duties that require my attention.

    How about Friday night then, about six? sent Douglas. "My Dad usually works late on Thursdays or at least that’s what he tells me he’s doing. I think that maybe he started dating again. That might be a good thing. Maybe he would smile once in a while, be

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