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Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book)
Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book)
Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book)
Ebook36 pages27 minutes

Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book)

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The must-read summary of Chris Ducker's book: "Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business".

This complete summary of the ideas from Chris Ducker's book "Virtual Freedom" details how many new entrepreneurs believe they have to do everything themselves. This method is impossible for a long period of time. According to Ducker, entrepreneurs should hire virtual staff to manage tasks. This gives them the freedom to focus on bigger tasks and work on their business. Building a virtual team requires three steps; find and hire workers you trust, train those workers and then constantly manage your team. By following these steps, you will be able to create a successful company without doing everything yourself.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Hire virtual workers you can trust to do smaller tasks
• Focus on the bigger picture and tasks that add more value

To learn more, read “Virtual Freedom” and find out how you can start devoting your time to improving your business!
Release dateJul 1, 2015
Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book)

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    Book preview

    Virtual Freedom (Review and Analysis of Ducker's Book) - BusinessNews Publishing

    Book Presentation: Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker

    Summary of Virtual Freedom (Chris Ducker)

    Book Abstract

    It's not unusual for startup entrepreneurs to fall victim to the superhero syndrome – to assume they have to do everything themselves. That might be necessary and helpful in the early days of an enterprise but if it goes on for too long, you end up becoming a choke point for ongoing growth – if you don't reach burnout first.

    The solution is to fire yourself and to build a virtual team to take over your tasks. This effectively involves just three steps:

    Find: You have to find and hire a team of virtual workers you can trust

    Train: You have to train those workers until you're happy with the work they do for you

    Manage: You have to manage your team on an ongoing basis so they create value for you

    The end result of building a virtual team who do high-quality work you would otherwise do yourself is freedom. You can then set your own hours, do those big-picture tasks which generate the most added value and work on your business rather than solely in your business.

    "This is the blueprint you need to go from a stressed-out, overworked business owner to someone who is refocused and highly energized about all the new freedom you've amassed. You'll enjoy the prospect of building your business again instead of just running it. I'm going to restore all of that original enthusiasm and help you prepare for the next ten years of blossoming

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