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Astrology and Your Health
Astrology and Your Health
Astrology and Your Health
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Astrology and Your Health

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Hippocrates said, "A physician cannot safely administer medicine if he is unacquainted with astrology." In "Astrology and Your Health" Jeanne Avery picks up where Hippocrates left off in this lively, practical, and state-of-the-art guide to the health secrets hidden in the horoscope. Avery covers the zodiac and its physical counterparts, how different zodiacal signs can manage their health, and how one's horoscope can hint at health issues before they surface.
Release dateMay 1, 2016
Astrology and Your Health

Jeanne Avery

JEANNE AVERY was a world-renowned astrologer and regression therapist who lectured throughout the U.S., Europe, and South America. She was the author of six books on astrology and past-life regression, and she was a faculty member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a board member of the National Association for Transpersonal Psychology.

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    Astrology and Your Health - Jeanne Avery


    PART I




    Traditionally, having good health is consid­ered to be only a matter of physical well­being. The evidence of healthfulness is concrete and tangible, for if an individual is energetic and all body parts seem to be working moderately well, he is considered to be healthy. Actually, from an esoteric point of view (that is, the viewpoint of what lies behind what can be discerned by the physical senses alone), health means much more than that. True health means being in balance on many levels. In reality, according to all esoteric teachings (or those teach­ings that deal with hidden forces), the human constitution incor­porates many layers of energy, most of them unseen by the human eye, or even a microscope. True health means keeping all these layers vibrant and in balance. If such a balance can be attained and maintained, an individual need never be ill, disabled, or un­happy as disease or infirmity is merely a manifestation or reflection of the fact that some part of the entire system is out of whack.

    Today, doctors work to cure illness of the physical body. Psy­chiatrists and psychologists deal with the health of the mind, or the mental body, and ministers or religious counselors deal with the health of the spiritual part of man and are unconsciously working with the spiritual body. In former times, the country doctor fulfilled all of these roles at least some of the time. In this age of specialization, however, doctors rarely have time to do more than work in their particular area of expertise, attempting to get people back on their feet so they can function again.

    Keeping the world healthy is an overwhelming task. Medical science wrestles with the daily business of curing symptoms. Research scientists work frantically to find cures for cancer and our current dread disease, AIDS, but it seems that as soon as some relief is found for one particular kind of illness, another one comes to light. Is it possible that a brand-new form of disease lurks in the shadows of the future to taunt already overworked physicians and research scientists?

    In the last few centuries, mankind has been moderately free from the plague, and in the last few decades, the threats of tu­berculosis and polio have been almost vanquished. Medicine has made great strides. Yet emphysema, for instance, is still a cause of health problems with no definitive cure in sight. No research has revealed a cure for nerve paralysis, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, or retardation. Millions of people suffer pain or have physical impairment. Heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney failure, brain tumors, and accidents hit rich and poor, noble and vindictive, saints and sinners indiscriminately.

    Why do people get sick? There seems to be no simple answer to that question. Illness is always a surface manifestation of some problem that exists somewhere in the overall system. In reality, illness may play a far more important role in life than is readily apparent. For instance, illness or debilitation may be the only way an individual can be forced to take stock of his spiritual life or his need for additional psychological and inner growth. Shocking sit­uations are sometimes required to force a person to look at life from a new perspective.

    One of the ways an individual can attempt to understand how his physical system functions and what his individual health factors may be is through his astrological chart. An in-depth look at a person’s horoscope is an excellent and comprehensive way to determine when and how illness might strike, as well as why it should occur at all. As an example, an astrological chart can describe the differing kinds of energy a person has at his disposal at specific times in his life. It can also indicate how he might best utilize that energy. Astrology is a powerful tool to use in conjunction with medicine and healing. Hippocrates, the patron saint of medicine, advised all physicians to have a working knowledge of astrology. He said, A physician cannot safely administer medicine if he is unacquainted with astrology.


    All events in a person’s daily existence, whether related to illness or not, are simply manifestations of the inner dialogues he consciously or unconsciously projects onto the mirror of his life. Every deed and every thought of each person is imprinted onto a magnetic field of energy, called the Akasha, much like words might be typed into a computer. Those messages, internal arguments as well as positive messages, translate into concrete daily events that can sometimes bring positive conditions and opportunities, or can act like a boomerang, coming home to shake a person to the core of his being. Some messages relate to a spiritual level of life. Others relate to mental levels or emotional levels, as well as to the physical state. Positive projected messages return as constructive and productive opportunities or events, but the negative or nonproductive messages produce external conflicts that force growth through a specific kind of challenge. The position of each planet around the wheel of the astrological chart, the specific sectors or houses in which they fall, and their aspects or relationships to each other describe the probability of the events a person is liable to project into his conscious experience of life as a result of what has been imprinted in the Akashic Records. The positions of the planets also describe the kind of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges a person might experience in his life. An individual astrological chart accurately describes events on the trip through life, just as a road map describes the conditions one might meet when taking a trip.


    The material or physical, plane is the level of existence we can touch, taste, see, feel, smell, and acknowledge through our physical senses. These physical experiences may actually camouflage more than what appears on the surface, however, for existence on earth, or on the material plane, is the lowest, most dense form of the manifestation of energy. Sometimes unknown, esoteric conditions are manifest into a more concrete form so that we can experience them in daily life through our five senses and therefore find res­olution. Man is, in the final analysis, a problem-solving mecha­nism. Each individual is a co-creator and; with the aid of divine energy, can become quite adept at finding solutions for problems. In fact, his growth on all levels of consciousness depends on his exercising his ability to transmute nonproductive situations into productive ones. This change can only be made on the material plane and in a physical body. Many of the conditions that exist in each person’s life on more subtle levels of consciousness, and the resultant emerging patterns on the physical plane, are clarified with the aid of astrological symbolism and their interpretation in an individual astrological chart.

    As an example, Pluto is the planet that indicates the major strug­gles and major initiation processes in one’s life. The ruler of Scor­pio, Pluto, is found somewhere in the chart of each individual. The placement of Pluto in a chart, as well as the sector of the chart that is ruled by Scorpio, describes the area of life where transfor­mation and transmutation, perhaps born of a spiritual crisis, can take place on the physical plane. For instance, when that planet is placed in or rules the first house, or ascendant, or is placed in or rules the sixth house in an individual chart, the greatest initiation (test) and spiritual transformation in the life of that individual may be in relation to his health and physical well-being. In her book Archetypes of the Zodiac, Kathleen Burt describes a process of res­olution as it relates to that planet. She says, "Many a Scorpio rising or Scorpio Sun sign undergoes his test of faith the day when his own willpower, or his bodily stamina, is not sufficient to conquer disease or depression. S/he feels powerless or out of control. If s/he responds to the crisis with faith in God and his physicians­—spiritual, physical, or psychological—s/he helps with his healing. When, however, s/he reacts with pride or skepticism—when s/he refuses to allow God room in the healing process—the cure is likely to be slow, arduous, painful, and even unsuccessful. …Often as a result of his/her trauma, s/he goes through a conversion expe­rience. Many are called to the transformation during a time of intense physical suffering or emotional crisis."



    There may be karmic reasons for illness in the present existence or life. Illness may be the only way to grab the attention of a person so that he will face what he might like to ignore. Since we set in motion the conditions that clearly reflect whatever we need for soul growth, even if that is illness, we might be able to learn how to make more productive choices-choices to foster the develop­ment of a higher quality of soul consciousness rather than ill health. It is important to realize that each individual has not only a dif­ferent set of circumstances in his current life, but a different karmic preconditioning that creates a tendency toward weakness in some area of the body. The subtle atomic structure of each being varies according to what he or she has built into the individual con­sciousness throughout time. Therefore, treatment that might be effective for a condition that exists for one person may not be the solution for another individual with the same condition.

    Some disturbing physical conditions may be too subtle for ac­curate diagnosis without a deeper look into the underlying energy structure. An individual may have a seemingly unexplainable reaction to substances such as chemicals or compounds in the earth, as an example. Another may have a built-in weakness in the lungs. Another may have an annoying sensitivity to changing atmo­spheric pressures that causes problems, but which goes largely unrecognized in the overall picture of his health. Such weaknesses as these lie on more subtle levels of the body system than we are usually cognizant of, and may not be easily detected by present­ day scientific methods.

    Ideally, the physical condition of each one of us reflects our inner state of being, but the average hard-working person under daily stress and pressure may find it difficult, if not impossible, to maintain the ideal state of mind and sublime conditions that pro­duce the inner balance necessary for complete health. It takes strong motivation, concentration, and determination to operate on that level of consciousness all the time. But with awareness, often born from necessity, it is possible to correct and cure conditions on the etheric level before they take hold throughout the system and manifest in the physical vehicle. At the point where imbalance is entrenched in the physical body and is already obvious in the manifestation of some form of disease, it may be far along in development and harder to resolve than if it is corrected early on. The trend toward preventive medicine is still in the early stages, but part of that prevention package may require the inclusion of past-life awareness.

    At the conclusion of a regression session, my clients become aware of the continuity and thread of consciousness that exist from lifetime to lifetime, including the quality of health and the physical conditions that are brought forward from a former existence. Life­time to lifetime is just like yesterday to today. The conditions and events of yesterday are still in our framework of experience and, depending on how traumatic those conditions and events mayor may not have been, are very much with us in our consciousness. Just as it is important to let go of upsetting emotional reactions before the time for sleep, so that the degenerating capacity of trauma, hurt, and sadness is released and a new day of joy can be fully experienced, it is equally important to let go of a lifetime of traumas before death so that a new life can begin with joy and the greatest possibility of fulfillment. Although in death we leave the physical vehicle behind, we carry with us emotional, mental, and spiritual burdens unless we first release them. These conditions can be manifest in the new life as physical disabilities even as early as birth.

    One very beautiful and special young girl discovered the reason for her retardation in this lifetime during a regression session. She saw herself in the womb as quite mentally alert and joyful, eager for her new life and feeling like an actress ready to go onstage in a new role. She saw herself as brilliant (and commented to me, Wouldn’t THEY think it was funny if they could hear me say that?). Then she saw her birth and heard the doctor say, Oh my God, she’s retarded. This lovely girl asked me, Did you hear my speech clear up when I was describing my prenatal state? Indeed, the hesitancy in her speech had disappeared from that point on in her regression session. Going back farther, she saw her rela­tionship to her mother in a past life. A former condition of enmity caused her to come back as the woman’s daughter in this life. The condition of her retardation ensured that they would be tied tightly together in this existence, and she is unmistakably dependent on her mother. What she discovered from a new look at the rela­tionship was a deep-seated need to forgive and forget the events of the past life. Although that awareness may not completely re­verse the retardation, a new perspective, especially her sense of her inner brilliance, can help her infuse a positive energy into her life that will make external conditions easier to bear.

    So far, medical science cannot explain the cause of all birth defects, or a predisposition to certain diseases or conditions. The genetic code inherited from parents can clarify the cause of many physical problems, but the unanswered question is why one person in a family, and not another with the same genetic predisposition, might be tapped by the fickle finger of fate and be forced to go through life with an impairment? Why do accidents happen that have nothing to do with genetic factors? Many inherent weak­nesses in the physical system can date back to disabilities or accidents from previous lifetimes. This becomes apparent during regression sessions into past lives, where a predisposition toward particular health problems can often be clearly revealed. People learn a lot about their physical makeup and can achieve a new understanding of their health problems by recognizing conditions from the past that lead to physical conditions in this lifetime. A personalized astrological chart can indicate quite clearly what those past life conditions may have been.



    Many of the problems we face in connection to healing stem from lack of information about health from a holistic point of view. Even though we have sophisticated procedures, drugs, and techniques, cures are not always effected. The constitution of man is far more complex than is commonly acknowledged, although sci­entists are now beginning to suspect the true nature of man’s makeup. One factor that is unknown to the medical profession at large is the existence of a field of energy, or aura, that surrounds the body and clearly reflects the condition of health in the physical system. When a person is in good health, the colors of the aura are bright and clear. Changes of color in the aura, or muddiness of those colors, can indicate impending health problems. Many psychics and some sensitive people can see the aura. Almost every­one can develop an ability to see auras, if the desire is strong enough, through specific exercises. (See Chapter 16.)

    In 1970, a book entitled Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain reported, along with other amazing developments, the discovery of a process by which the aura could be photographed. Named after its inventor, Semyon Kirlian, this method of photography enabled practitioners to detect the flow of energy around people and, even more amazingly, around plants and vegetables. That ability to detect the life force around every living thing has so far eluded the attention of medical science. The medical profession utilizes and acknowledges the validity of the X ray and other meth­ods of revealing internal organs, bones, and blood vessels, but photographing the aura is practically unheard of in medical circles in this country.

    Until Russian scientists discovered Kirlian photography, it was left to psychics and people with extremely sensitive perception to describe what an aura might look like. Such descriptions were often discounted as products of a vivid imagination, since few of these sensitivities were associated with science. The aura was thought not to exist, yet an aura was always painted around heads of religious figures in ancient paintings. Someone, in bygone ages, must have known that auras existed.

    In the 1960s Dr. Thelma Moss, a clinical psychologist, conducted extensive research into the use of Kirlian photography at UCLA’s prestigious Neuropsychiatric Institute. After obtaining her PhD, Dr. Moss was offered a position in the institute, which houses the Brain Research Institute, the Medical School. the Eye Institute, the Institute for Nervous Diseases, and the School of Dentistry, all within one massive structure. After her appointment, it was made clear that the Department of Medical Psychology, which belonged to the Department of Psychiatry, and the Department of Psychiatry, which belonged to the Medical School, and the Medical School, which belonged to UCLA, and UCLA, which belonged to the state of California, which paid her salary, were all required to observe her work to decide whether or not she possessed the required skills for the job. Not only that, she was told that lab space would be made available only if she presented a satisfactory research pro­posal. Consequently, Dr. Moss engaged in a constant clash with the conservative scientific establishment at the institute over her chosen research program. The main area of dispute was whether parapsychology was a valid area of research for a clinical psychologist.

    In her book The Body Electric, published by J.P. Tarcher in 1979, Dr. Moss describes her struggles with the bureaucracy of the in­stitute and the opposite, exhilarating experience of traveling to Iron Curtain countries where she was stunned to discover the freedom with which the Russian scientists were able to conduct their research. It was startling to hear the papers of those few Soviet scientists who did attend (the conference in Prague), she writes, for they were respected physicists and biochemists dis­cussing openly and in scientific terms such ideas as levitation, dowsing, and PK (psychokinesis). She describes in detail how she won her battles to continue the research and how she proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the aura exists and can be pho­tographed.

    Dr. Moss’s work revealed that the physical body is laced with an electrical system, manifestations of which produce the phenomena called an aura. Her scientifically conducted research con­firms the existence of the subtle body, that esoteric body of energy that interpenetrates the physical system. Through her determina­tion and courage, Dr. Moss has paved the way for further investigation of healing on the etheric level, and within the unseen electrical system. Dr. Moss made an invaluable contribution to the whole field of healing with this carefully conducted and docu­mented research.

    So the aura is the external manifestation and reflection of the conditions that exist in the subtle, or electrical, body. Fortunately, with the scientific proof that a subtle body exists, research into healing can move to a new level. Recognition of those subtle levels of energy is a first step toward effecting better physical conditions, since illness actually begins in the etheric body; that is, on that electric body level which underlies the entire physical system. The manifestation of weakness in the physical system may appear at unexpected moments, as it can take some time for disease, or imbalance, to work its way through many layers of more subtle planes of existence into the physical body. (See Chapter 2.)



    John Addey, a much beloved and highly respected English as­trologer, was crippled as a result of a fusion of his spine when he was in his early forties. John recovered to the point that he could continue his work on a part-time basis until his death in 1983. He was in his early sixties at that time. Each summer he taught an astrological course in Harmonics at Cambridge University. In fact, during the week-long astrological sessions, John, always the gra­cious English gentleman, delighted in serving coffee or tea to the ladies of the group, even though it meant walking slowly and probably painfully on canes. Self-pity was not part of John’s makeup, and he never allowed anyone to feel sorry for him. He remarked that if he had not been forced to stay in bed for several years, he would have wasted his life. Before the onset of his illness, John loved going to the racetrack and playing golf, but with a debilitating condition, he had nothing to do but lie in bed and think. As a result of that enforced solitude, he devised a system for astrology called Harmonics. One of the most important developments in the astrological field, it might never have come to light if it were not for illness. John came to the realization that the infirmity was part of his personal growth.

    Illness has a way of forcing an individual to slow down, take time to go within and take stock of his life. But it should be possible to avoid ill health altogether, bypassing such drastic measures of forced growth, by simply acknowledging what it is that the illness eventually accomplishes before sickness has a chance to strike. Could John Addey have avoided his illness by accepting earlier in his life what he was meant to contribute to humanity?



    The swing of the pendulum goes on. Lately, there is new interest in alternative methods of healing. These methods, out of fashion since the late 1800s, have been investigated and developed pri­marily by people outside of the scientific community. Since med­icine is still in its infancy (even human development is still in its early stages), quick answers and logical explanations for disease are still somewhat out of reach. However, disgust with the high rate of failure of more traditional systems seems to have triggered a desperate search for new-or as the case may be, old-methods. There are many adventurous and courageous scientists and doctors who are beginning to investigate theories which were formerly considered to be unscientific, even old-fashioned. In the United States in particular, however, new discoveries must take a tortuous route of laborious scientific investigation before gaining acceptance on a broad scale. Many doctors in other countries have built ex­tremely successful clinics that attract American patients in droves because they utilize both ancient and new techniques to improve the quality of life, health, and well-being. Some of these methods are simple, quick, and very effective. What could have happened to cause doctors to close their eyes to natural, fundamental, innovative, and sometimes age-old cures, especially since many of these simple cures may have existed in some form or another since the beginning of time?



    For some time, a conflict of opinion has existed between two medical traditions: allopathy and homeopathy. In the 1800s, European and American society sanctioned both approaches to healing. Patients had a choice of using doctors, called allopaths or natural healers, called empirics or homeopaths. These two groups waged a continual, bitter philosophical debate. The allopaths called their approach heroic medicine. They believed the physician must aggressively drive disease from the body. They based their practice on what they considered to be scientific theory. The al­lopaths used three main techniques: they bled the body to drain off the bad humors, they gave huge doses of toxic minerals like mercury and lead to displace the original disease, and they also used surgery. At that time, few patients were willing to have surgery, as it was a brutal procedure without anesthesia. Satirists of the day remarked that with allopathic treatment, the patient died of the cure.

    Competing with these doctors were the empiric healers. They believed in stimulating the body’s own defenses to heal itself. In­stead of administering potentially poisonous minerals and drugs, they used vegetable products and nontoxic substances in small quantities. They especially favored herbs learned about from Native Americans and old European traditions. The empirics said they based their remedies not only on theory, but on observation. The satirists of the day added that with empiric treatment, the patient died of the disease, not the cure. Unfortunately, some of the empiric healers began to sell their tonics at carnivals and medicine shows. Charlatans began tricking the gullible public by selling watered ­down versions of herbal combinations that might have otherwise been quite effective. The association of herbal medicine with the

    carnival was one factor that gave the whole homeopathic medical system a bad name and was a prime reason for the deteriorating popularity of healing with herbal remedies. Since the whole na­turopathic system of healing was tainted by unscrupulous practitioners, the allopathic method began to gain favor.

    One of the empiric systems that has been relatively unused in the United States until fairly recently is that of homeopathic med­icine. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor born in 1755, is given credit as the founder of the homeopathic system. He discovered the principle of like cures like almost accidentally. Dur­ing research experiments for the treatment of malaria, he ingested Chinchona bark just to see what might happen. Chinchona bark was the most popular medicine used to treat malaria in that day. To his surprise, he ran a fever and exhibited the very symptoms of an actual case of malaria. He began further experimentation by treating different diseases with medicines that reproduced the symptoms of the illnesses. He took careful notes not only on his patients’ physical reaction, but on their emotional and mental reactions as well.

    In the course of his research, Dr. Hahnemann discovered several significant factors. First, he observed that the smaller the dosage, the greater its curative effect. Second, he discovered that medicine which had been subjected to vibration produced more rapid results. As a country doctor, he was forced to visit his patients at their homes, often arriving after bouncing over rutted dirt roads in a wagon or buggy. The medicines he carried with him were considerably jiggled and shaken during the journey. Patients living at greater distances from his home seemed to have more astounding cures than those who lived nearby or visited him in his office.

    Inadvertently, Dr. Hahnemann founded a branch of medicine that is especially effective and is still extremely popular in Europe today. Homeopathic medicine can be bought over the counter and without a prescription in European countries. In the United States, however, most homeopathic practitioners are medical doctors. The fight by doctors to place homeopathic medicine in its rightful place in the medical community includes a desire on the part of these homeopathic doctors to restrict the prescribing of homeopathic remedies to none other than medically licensed physicians.

    Dr. Edward Bach, a prominent English physician with a practice on London’s Harley Street, founded a system of treatment with flower remedies after he had experiences that were similar to Samuel Hahnemann’s. Dr. Bach discovered that after ingesting a particular flower or plant, he manifested symptoms in his own system that related to a specific condition. It began to follow, in the manner of like cures like, that he could find a treatment for a specific emotional disturbance by isolating the flower: that produced those very symptoms. Whereas homeopathic medicines seemed to work on a physical level, it was clear that the Bach flower remedies cured emotional disturbances. Bach flower remedies have been used consistently in Europe since their discovery, and today they are experiencing a new popularity in the United States.

    In the early 1900s, Wilhelm Reich developed a method for mea­suring what he termed orgone energy, his word for-the life force or etheric energy that interpenetrates all substances on earth. Reich’s search for this unknown bioenergy ultimately led to his persecution and death. His claim that he could harness and utilize orgone energy for healing was particularly threatening to traditionalists. An injunction was obtained by the FDA, and even though Reich protested that scientific matters could not be judged by a court, the injunction remained. When Reich was away on a trip, a colleague, Dr. Michael Silvert, transported an orgone accumu­lator across state lines, thus defying the injunction. Reich and Silvert were then arrested, prosecuted, found guilty, and sentenced. Reich died in prison, but not before the ultimate blow of having his books burned!

    Wilhelm Reich was the originator of two types of therapy. His body work, called psychiatric orgone therapy, led to such spin­offs as Primal therapy and Loewens’ work with bioenergetics. The bio-emotional method of treatment was capable of alleviating many long-standing problems by mobilizing the body’s orgone energy through a combination of character analysis and relief of patterns of chronic muscular armoring. The second form of therapy was the experimental use of the orgone accumulator. On a strictly anecdotal level, there was evidence that this method could prevent colds and had an effect on rheumatism, hypertension, and tumor regression. (The history of the development of the accumulator, physical and biological effects related to orgone energy, and per­sonal observations of the use of the accumulator for maintaining health are discussed in The Orgone Energy Handbook by Dr. James De Meo, published by Natural Energy Works, P.O. 864, El Cerrito, Calif. 94530.)

    After Reich’s death in 1957, Dr. Elsworth Baker, trained by Reich, organized a group of scientists and physicians who were devoted to Reich’s work and who began research with practical uses of channeling orgone energy. In 1967, the first Journal of Orgonomy was published and the American College of Orgonomy was formed. (The Journal of Orgonomy is available through Orgon­omic Publications, Inc., Box 490, Princeton, N.J. 08542.)

    Dr. Richard Blasband, a board-certified psychiatrist, was a mem­ber of the original group and is now president of the American College of Orgonomy. Primarily interested in Reich’s discoveries concerning the origin of life and the development of disease, Dr. Blasband incorporates Reich’s bio-emotional therapy into his psy­chiatric practice. He also continues Reich’s experimentation with manipulating energy—not only to heal the human mind and body but also to heal the earth. For example, Dr. Blasband has organized many excursions, as a public service, to create rain in drought areas. In 1950 Reich had been approached by farmers in Ellsworth, Maine to relieve the drought. Reich was able to create rainfall that saved their blueberry crop. Following that line of Reich’s work, the American College of Orgonomy has been sponsoring weather control operations to fight drought for the last thirty years.

    Moving faster than the earth, energy is present as an ocean in the atmosphere. According to Reich, this energy is the motor force that makes the earth spin. In this ocean, seen from space as the blue halo several miles deep surrounding the earth, weather spontaneously forms. Moisture, as an example, is attracted to a high concentration of orgone energy. By shifting the high concentration of orgone energy, moisture will move to those centers and clouds will form. So by using the cloud-buster device, the skilled orgone energy weather operator can draw and disperse pollution and am­plify and create rain.

    In 1986, a drought covered an area from southern California up through the Northwest and into eastern Montana. By mid-June it had extended into the northern plains of the Midwest and became the worst drought since the dustbowl of the thirties. Under the direction of Dr. Blasband. a weather-control operation was started early in July in Kansas, with the goal of decompressing the high ­pressure system that had dominated the atmosphere for months. Within a few days, the high-pressure system collapsed, and it began to rain in Kansas, the Dakotas, and Iowa, as well as in the Ohio Valley and parts of the South. The displacement of the high­ pressure system was accompanied by the reunification of the polar jet stream, which had been split and was now returned to its original path.

    These orgonic operations into weather manipulation have never been acknowledged by the scientific establishment even though reports have been made to NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration).

    In the 1920s and 1930s there were many scientists and physi­cians who ventured into what proved to be treacherous waters. They dared to conduct research experiments outside the strictures of the medical establishment. In 1933, Royal R. Rife, a San Diego scientist, isolated a virus which he claimed was the primary cause of cancer. Using an advanced light microscope of his own design, which achieved magnification and resolution still unmatched by light microscopes today, Rife was able to see the live viruses which cause cancer, polio, herpes, and other diseases. (The electron mi­croscope deals with dead microbes.)

    After curing cancer in animals by painlessly blowing up the cancer virus with a specific radio frequency or electromagnetic wave form, Rife joined with Dr. Milbank Johnson of the University of Southern California to conduct a successful human cancer trial during the summer of 1934. Sixteen out of sixteen cancer patients diagnosed as terminal were healed with Rife’s painless, three­ minute treatment, administered every third day. Three subsequent trials from 1935 to 1938 verified the initial success. However, in 1939 the American Medical Association unleashed its considerable power to stop all research with Rife’s energy instruments. Physi­cians using the Rife technology were threatened with the loss of their medical licenses and even jail unless they stopped the treat­ment. Rife was dragged through an abusive court trial which started him on a long road to alcoholism and bitterness. He died in 1971, the year Nixon’s War on Cancer began.

    Every six weeks, the number of cancer deaths surpasses the total number of Americans killed in Vietnam. From 1972 to 1988, the National Cancer Institute spent $15 billion on cancer research, yet Rife’s method has never been fairly evaluated. It was only in the late 1980s and into the 1990s that a revived interest in Rife’s work developed as a result of the book The Cancer Cure that Worked, by Barry Lynes, published by Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, Canada.

    In the 1840s, John Hoxsey, an Illinois veterinarian, accidentally discovered an herbal cure for cancer when his prize stallion de­veloped the disease. He had put the horse out to pasture and left it to die. Hoxsey observed the horse eating plants that were not part of its usual diet, and three weeks later the tumor had stabilized. Within a year the horse was well. John Hoxsey began experiments on other animals, adding popular home remedies to the herbs. He claimed success and passed the formulas down through the family.

    Harry Hoxsey, the great-grandson of John Hoxsey, opened his first clinic in Illinois in 1924 and used the formulas in the treatment of tumors and cancer in people. He immediately incurred the wrath of the medical profession. Labeled the worst quack of the century, he was arrested more times than any other man in medical his­tory—over one hundred times in a two-year period. In spite of great opposition, his clinic, which moved to Dallas, Texas in the 1950s, became the biggest privately owned cancer clinic in the world. Thousands of people were professing to be cured and were sending other cancer patients who had been declared terminally ill by their physicians. After watching patient after patient get well, an Esquire journalist wrote an article entitled The Quack Who Cures Cancer. The article was never published.

    One of the people declared terminally ill was Delea Mae Nelson, whose daughter was a nurse. Mildred Nelson did her best to dis­suade her mother from going to the clinic and finally decided she should go with her mother so that she could protect her as best she could. Mildred had heard the wildest medical stories of her life about the Hoxsey clinic and the cancer cures, and was deter­mined to get her mother away from the clutches of Harry Hoxsey. As soon as she arrived, Hoxsey offered Mildred a job. She decided the best way to expose him was to work for him and thus have access to his records, which she was sure were falsified. Before her eyes, her mother began to get well. Delea Mae Nelson is still alive today, and Mildred Nelson stayed on to run the clinic for Harry Hoxsey.

    The most fantastic case of all may have helped earn Hoxsey a reputation for quackery. Mandice Johnson was considered to be almost dead. The top of his skull was rotting with cancer. After treating Johnson in his clinic, Hoxsey removed the tumor in front of a massive live audience, just like in a carnival show. Mandice Johnson lived another thirty years with no recurrence of the problem.

    One of his most determined prosecutors was Mr. D.A. Tem­pleton, who wanted to close down all the clinics. Hoxsey was arrested so many times by Templeton that he began carrying hundred dollar bills in his pockets so that he could bail himself out. Hoxsey could afford to engage in the unending legal battles because he had discovered an oil well. But sometimes he would stay in jail for a few days just to prove a point. On those occasions, patients who had been cured of cancer would come to the jail in droves, bringing him food and offering testimonials. Hoxsey would soon be released just to save his jailors embarrassment. When Mr. Templeton’s brother developed cancer and was declared terminally ill by his ‘doctors, he entered the Hoxsey clinic and was cured. D. A. Templeton, who had been Hoxsey’s worst prosecutor, be­came his lawyer.

    Even though two federal courts upheld claims of the therapeutic value of Hoxsey’s treatment, by 1963 legal battles were so over­whelming that he moved his clinic to Tijuana, Mexico, where it exists to this day. Nurse Mildred Nelson has managed the clinic for forty years and claims that the biomedical center has an 80 percent rate of cure. She said, "I know I’m not supposed to say the word cure, but some of these people are still surviving after forty years. I can’t prove my claim because of the lack of proper medical investigation. However, the medical ratio for cancer is that two out of five patients die within five years."

    The method of treatment used by the clinic is both internal and psychological. The internal treatment combines the Hoxsey tonic­—a number of herbs combined with potassium iodide, which both detoxifies the body and builds up the immune system—with proper diet, which plays an important role in the healing process. Since the attitude of the patient is considered essential to the effectiveness of the healing process, the psychological well-being of the patient is fostered by an atmosphere of positive reinforcement, optimism, and humor. Ms. Nelson said, When a patient arrives saying, ‘I’m here to accept whatever you can do for me: I know they’ll get well. When they come in the door saying, ‘I’m here because some­one told me it works, but I don’t really have much hope for a cure: nothing on earth can make that person well.

    The Hoxsey clinic attracts mostly terminal patients or people referred by friends who have been diagnosed as terminally ill with cancer. If cures for cancer have existed since the early thirties, why have the medical profession and research scientists consistently looked the other way in the face of such evidence? How is it possible to ignore the testimonials of so many people who have had remission of their cancer or are completely cured? How is it possible to overlook the suffering of so many people who need treatment even though the methods that seem to work may be unorthodox? Are the methods too simplistic to be considered effective?



    In 1980 Sigmund Bereday, a physicist, developed a sophisticated process that seems to have a profound healing effect on many debilitating conditions. Sigmund Bereday, believing his method

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