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Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost
Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost
Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost
Ebook223 pages2 hours

Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost

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About this ebook

You already have the resources you need to build a powerhouse brand.

If you believe you lack the money, people, time, or ideas to create a thriving brand, think again. In fact, you already have FIVE powerful marketing resources you can use right now to get big-brand results at low cost ... or no cost at all.

Step One: Shift your mindset.

International branding expert Brenda Bence has created the definitive guide to branding on a tight budget. After years as a mega-brander working across four continents and 50 countries for deep-pocketed consumer giants like Procter & Gamble and Bristol-Myers Squibb, she left the corporate world to start her own business. From scratch â and with almost empty pockets â Brenda used inventive, low-cost methods to build her own international brand that now serves clients in 25 countries with offices in the U.S. and Asia.

Based on Brenda's successful low-cost branding workshops that receive rave reviews around the globe, Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank is a treasure chest of tips, tools, and
techniques to help SMEs and solo-preneurs achieve similar results at minimal expense.

You will:

* Learn to leverage five existing assets to create a robust brand marketing plan
* Craft a unique and compelling brand positioning using six proven elements
* Dispel widely-held branding myths that could be holding you back from success
* Apply lessons from dozens of real-world case studies from a variety of businesses
* Create a permanent "marketing mindset" for you and your team
Release dateApr 26, 2016
Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost

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    Book preview

    Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank - Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost - Brenda Bence


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    Without Breaking The Bank

    Five Proven Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now

    to Build Your Business at Little or No Cost

    B r e n d a   B e n c e


    Copyright © 2011 by Brenda S. Bence. All rights reserved.

    Published in eBook format by Global Insight Communications LLC

    Converted by

    ISBN-13: 978-0-9825-3533-2

    Cover design by George Foster, Foster Covers (

    Interior design and typesetting by Eric Myhr

    The stories and examples in this book are based on real events, real companies, and real people. Where requested, and in order to protect the privacy of certain individuals, names and identifying details have been changed.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permission Department, Global Insight Communications, P.O. Box 28909, Las Vegas, NV 89126, U.S.A. Phone: +1-702-851-7697; Fax +1-702-220-6444 or by e-mail at [email protected].

    The author and the publisher do not make any claim of copyright for the brands, logos, and other advertisements discussed throughout the book. Those materials belong to their respective owners. The discussion/commentary regarding any brands or other copyrighted materials are for purposes of illustration, analysis, or comment only. The author’s comments and analyses are entirely her own, based on extensive branding experience, and were not done in consultation with any of the companies or brands represented. The purpose of the illustrations and analyses is to help educate business leaders and entrepreneurs to improve their own business knowledge with respect to branding and marketing and to assist them in better communicating their brands to the marketplace.

    Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warrant: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your own specific situation. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages as a result of the suggestions made in this book, including but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    This book is dedicated to

    Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank workshop

    participants from all around the globe who have

    openly shared their branding challenges and dreams.


    You Don’t Need Deep Pockets to Build a Strong Brand

    A brand is a living entity — and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures.

    — Michael Eisner, Former CEO of Disney

    A few years ago, Time magazine reported that the average American living in a large urban city runs across 3,000 brands every single day. That’s a lot by anyone’s estimation. Now, if you’re a business owner or someone responsible for building a brand, that can be mighty intimidating. How do you get customers to notice your offering in an endless sea of other brands?

    You may even feel that you don’t have the resources to think about branding because you’re just trying to keep your company afloat. Or you might feel that you just aren’t in a position to grow beyond where you are right now. After all, if you’re only bringing in so much profit, how much can you put back into marketing without going into serious debt? Without the budget of a Fortune 500 company, you may feel stuck and unable to move forward. If that sounds like you, trust me — you aren’t alone.

    But here’s the good news: I’m here to tell you that you absolutely can build a brand without deep pockets. And, contrary to what a lot of news announcers will tell you, the state of the economy doesn’t matter either. Up economy, down economy, flat economy, local economy, foreign economy — it just doesn’t matter. It also makes no difference if you’re building your brand on your own as a solo-preneur, whether you have just a few staff members, or whether you’re running a company of 500 employees. The type of business is of no import either — service business, product-focused business, or both. Where you are in the process of building your brand is also irrelevant — whether you are just getting started or trying to grow a brand that has been around for a while.

    Whatever your situation, you can successfully build your brand. You can even surpass brands that are bigger and have larger budgets. All it takes is knowing where to look, and that’s what this book is about.

    So What Do I Know About Building a Brand, Anyway?

    Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and a virus was something taken care of by a medical doctor, not an IT specialist, I got my MBA from Harvard Business School. (Okay, there weren’t really dinosaurs roaming the Earth, but it was a fairly long time ago…)

    Once armed with my MBA, I wanted to learn about building brands. So, I took a gamble and joined Procter & Gamble with the intent of staying just long enough to gain some insight into the marketing world and move on. What I didn’t anticipate was how much I was going to love brand building! Much to my surprise, I ended up staying in brand management for a long time. In fact, I spent the next several years helping to build multi-million dollar brands for Proctor & Gamble across the United States, Europe, and Asia. You’ve probably heard of some of the brands I worked on — Pantene Pro-V, Head & Shoulders, Vidal Sassoon, Tide, Cheer, and Ariel, just to name a few. It was a great experience because it taught me what makes big brands tick, what gets those brands to the top, and what helps them stay there.

    Then, along came Bristol-Myers Squibb and, like the Godfather, they made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I ended up becoming Vice President of International Marketing for their Consumer Division, Mead Johnson, which develops and markets children’s and infants’ nutritional products. If you’re a parent, maybe you’ve heard of Enfamil? Well, that was one of the many brands I worked on during my time at BMS, and I had the incredible opportunity of managing brands across four continents and almost 50 countries. I had a great time — and learned a tremendous amount — flying around the world building the company’s multi-billion dollar brands.

    Taking the Plunge

    But then, it happened: The bug bit me. You know the one — the I-want-to-start-my-own-company bug? (If you’re reading this book, maybe you’ve been bitten by that bug, too.) I set about thinking how I could make that happen. I loved training, coaching, and speaking, and I wanted to find a way to combine these activities with my burning passion for branding so that I could help other people build their brands as well.

    So, after more than two decades working in multi-billion dollar corporations, I took the plunge and left the security of a full-time, six-figure job. I traded it in to pursue the dream of starting my own business. I was excited!

    BUT …

    Along with the excitement came this ever-present undertow of … dread. After all, I suddenly went from having extremely deep pockets that I could rely on to manage and build brands in the corporate world to having nearly empty pockets to build my own brand. Okay, okay — my pockets weren’t completely empty. I did have some savings. But I really didn’t want to blow my entire retirement fund on building my own brand. I knew I had to spend funds wisely if my business was going to survive. And I had to get smart — fast — about how to do that.

    Faced with this dilemma, I took a deep breath and gathered up all the tips, tools, and techniques I had learned during those many years of big-brand management. I began applying them diligently to building my own brand — but this time, in ways that didn’t cost much. I kept my eye on the target — on the brand I wanted to build — and that brand became the North Star to guide every day-to-day decision I made. Slowly but surely, I uncovered hundreds of ways to build my brand using the same methods I had employed with household name brands, but without the need for the deep pockets I had in the corporate world. Over time, I discovered that it was not only possible to build my brand without spending a mint, but that it was a lot of fun, too.

    Fortunately, as they say, the rest is history.

    The business grew to the point where I took on a number of employees, and — five years into it — my husband quit his job and joined as a partner, as well. At the time of this writing — almost ten years later — our brand has had the privilege of serving some of the world’s largest, most respected companies across the globe. Our clients hail from 25 countries on six continents, and we have expanded to the point of having offices in both the U.S. and Asia. And we accomplished all of this with very limited investment. I won’t share the nitty-gritty details of how much money was spent, but let me put it this way: Not long ago, we hired a second-year MBA student from Harvard Business School to intern with us for the summer. When she saw our investment figures, she was surprised to learn how little we had spent to build such a strong brand from scratch. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t do the same!

    Taking My Knowledge On the Road

    Once the success of both my company and my personal brand began to gain visibility, fellow entrepreneurs started asking me: Brenda, how did you do that? What are your secrets? Enough requests came in that I figured there must be demand for this kind of information. So, a few years ago, I agreed to lead a workshop for business owners during which I shared dozens of the powerful, low-cost branding secrets I had discovered. The goal of the workshop was to help fellow business owners learn to apply those same strategies to their own brands and catapult their companies into more profitable growth.

    The first workshop was a grand success, and the word soon spread. I started doing more and more workshops, and before I knew it, demand had expanded to other countries, too. Suddenly, I found myself flying around the globe, sharing this program and my system. As a result, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to help thousands of small-to-medium business owners build successful brands around the world.

    Workshop requests still haven’t stopped coming in (which is great!), but that also makes me acutely aware of how limited I am by such mundane issues as time and space — like the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day and only one me. Ah, those dratted human constraints!

    That was the impetus behind writing Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank — the book.¹ Based on my popular workshop, the goal of this book is to help business owners build a strong brand quickly and effectively — without having to spend a lot of money.

    What You Will Learn

    What will you get out of this book? In the pages that follow, I’ll walk you through proven strategies I’ve discovered over the years that, first, helped me grow and build my own brand and, later, helped all types of SMEs, entrepreneurs, and solo-preneurs — regardless of size, industry, or country — to create successful brands on a shoestring budget. Here’s just a little bit of what you’ll discover as you read on:

    • The five existing marketing assets that your company already has at your disposal that can help you build a strong brand.

    • Ways to leverage those assets to develop and implement low-cost or no-cost business-building marketing and branding ideas.

    • How to develop a six-element Brand Positioning Statement that will help you to laser-focus your marketing efforts.

    • How to determine what’s good and what’s bad for your own specific brand — and how to stay focused on the good.

    • The surprising truth about who is really responsible for marketing your brand.

    • How to instill a marketing mindset in every member of your team — even if you consider yourself a one-person show.

    • How to bust several widely held branding myths that could be holding you back from success. After reading this book, you will never fall prey to these limiting myths again.

    • How to grow yourself into a smarter marketer, smarter brander, and smarter business leader.

    How to Use This Book

    In order to get the most out of this book, decide which brand you want to focus on. Do you want to concentrate on a particular product brand you offer? A service brand? Or do you want to focus on the brand of your entire company? Perhaps your brand is your own name. Make that choice now.

    Then, keep that specific brand in mind and apply it whenever you read the words your brand throughout these chapters. You can always go back and work on another brand later. But first, choose the most important brand for your business right now, and start there. Learning how to focus is a vital part of the process.

    As with any learning process, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. So, I encourage you to work diligently, step-by- step, through this program. Remember: What you focus on grows. Give your brand the attention it deserves, and you will reap the rewards, both in terms of greater personal satisfaction and increased revenues.

    Final Chance to De-Plane

    Now, if all of this is not what you expected from this book, well … just like they say as you board an aircraft, this is your last chance to de-plane. Otherwise, strap yourself in, and let’s take off. Get ready to discover how to create your very own powerhouse brand while keeping your bank account intact.


    Key Branding Terms & Developing a Marketing Mindset

    "Nothing can stop the man with the

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