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Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
Ebook1,119 pages13 hours

Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

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About this ebook

The all-in-one reference to all aspects of Microsoft Access 2010

If you want to learn Microsoft Access inside and out, the nine minibooks in this easy-access reference are exactly what you need. Read the book cover to cover, or jump into any of the minibooks for the instruction and topics you need most. Learn how to connect Access to SQL Server, manipulate your data locally, use nifty new features from Office 2010 such as the enhanced Ribbon, create queries and macros like a champ, and much more. From the basics to advanced functions, it’s what you need to make Access more accesssible.

  • Shows you how to store, organize, view, analyze, and share data using Microsoft Access 2010, the database application included with Microsoft Office 2010
  • Includes nine minibooks that cover such topics as database design, tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, database administration, securing data, programming with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and using Access with the Web
  • Helps you build database solutions that integrate with the Web and other enterprise data sources
  • Offers plenty of techniques, tips, and tricks to help you get the most out of Access

This all-in-one guide contains everything you need to start power-using Access 2010!

Release dateApr 9, 2010
Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

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    Book preview

    Access 2010 All-in-One For Dummies - Alison Barrows

    Book I

    Essential Concepts


    Contents at a Glance

    Chapter 1: Introducing Access 2010

    Why Use a Database?

    Plan, Plan, Plan

    The Six Types of Access Objects

    Essential Database Concepts

    Chapter 2: Getting Started, Getting Around

    Running Access

    Opening a Database

    Making Friends with the Access Window

    Mission Control: The Navigation Pane

    Viewing Objects in Your Database

    Creating, Deleting, Renaming, Copying, and Printing Objects

    Introducing Backstage View

    Using Wizards

    Getting Help

    Saving Time with Keyboard Shortcuts

    Chapter 3: Designing Your Database the Relational Way

    What Are Tables, Fields, and Keys?

    What Are Relationships?

    Designing a Database

    Tips for Choosing Field Types

    Storing Single Facts

    Creating a Database

    Chapter 1: Introducing Access 2010

    In This Chapter

    Getting a handle on Microsoft Access

    Listing the six types of Access objects

    Laying out some essential database concepts

    Access is the database-management program, part of the Microsoft Office suite, that enables you to maintain databases — collections of data arranged according to a fixed structure. Its structure makes the information easy to select, sort, display, and print in a variety of formats. With Access, you can create and maintain as many databases as you need. You can even share them with other people over a local area network or the Internet.

    Access works with almost any kind of information. An Access database can be as simple as a list of addresses to replace your card file. Or you can create a wine-cellar database with information about each bottle in your cellar, or a bookstore-inventory database with information about books, publishers, customers, and special orders. Access can also handle complex databases that contain many types of information and lots of customized programming.

    An Access database can contain lists of records about almost anything, from sales to sports scores. Unlike a spreadsheet program, Access makes information in lots of different formats easy to display — including alphabetical listings, formatted reports, mailing labels, and fill-in-the-blank forms.

    Access 2010 comes as a part of the Microsoft Office 2010 Professional suite of programs, and it’s also available as a separate, stand-alone product. Previous versions of Access have also been part of previous Office editions — Access 2007 in Office 2007, Access 2003 in Office 2003, Access 2002 in Office XP, and so forth. Because Access is part of Microsoft Office, sharing information with Word documents and Excel spreadsheets is easy.

    In this chapter, we introduce you to the components of an Access database and explain some key concepts related to developing and using Access databases.

    Why Use a Database?

    Many people use Microsoft Excel, another Office program, to manage their databases. Excel works for storing lists of things — up to a point. Go ahead and start with Excel if you are already comfortable with it, but you’ll know you are ready to move up to Access when:

    You need to store the same pieces of information in several different places. You can use Excel formulas to duplicate data around a spreadsheet, and you can use cut-and-paste to make copies, but both methods lead to errors.

    You don’t want to look at your data as columnar tables. Excel’s database features (such as they are) require your data to be laid out in rows and columns. But what if you need a report in some other format? Displaying data in lots of different formats is where Access shines.

    Your information consists of more than one list of records. If your database includes information about several types of things — like customers, orders, and products — then you are ready for Access. Excel doesn’t have an easy way to connect and combine information from different columnar tables. Access is a relational database that enables you to create forms and reports that include information from related tables.

    You want to check your data to ensure that it’s correct. Access allows you to validate data in far more rigorous ways than Excel does. Avoid garbage in, garbage out!

    Plan, Plan, Plan

    Databases are very different from spreadsheets and word processing documents. With spreadsheets and documents, you can just start typing, putting information where you want it to appear when you print the thing out.

    Databases don’t work like that. If you just start typing information into a database, you’ll have a total mess. Not to lay a major downer on you, but a database requires planning so that you put the right information into the right place. It’s not rocket science, but it’s necessary.

    The first step is to find out what makes up an Access database, which is what this chapter is about. Chapter 2 of this minibook gets you into the Access program, clicking around and seeing what’s there. And Chapter 3 is where you make your plan — designing your own database.

    The Six Types of Access Objects

    Access databases are made up of objects — things you can create, edit, and delete, each with its own name and settings. Object-oriented systems allow you to create these things one piece at a time, using pieces that fit together.

    These objects can store, display, and print your data, as well as contain programs you write. At first, you’ll probably use only a few types of objects, but as you customize your database, you may end up using all six types. You start with tables for storing data, forms for editing data on-screen, reports for printing data, and queries for selecting and combining data. Later, you may create macros and modules, which contain programs that you write.

    In this section, we describe each of the main types of Access objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules.

    Tables for storing your data

    Tables are where you put your data. A table is an Access object that is made up of a series of records — the electronic equivalent of the index cards that make up an address list. Each record contains information about one thing, with the same pieces of information. In an address list, each record contains information about one person: name, address, and other facts. Each individual piece of information — such as first name, last name, or street address — is called a field.

    Your database can contain many tables. A bookstore database (for example) can contain a Books table (with title, publisher, price, and other information about each book), a Vendors table for companies from whom you buy books (with company name, address, discount terms, and other information about each vendor), and maybe a Customers table of your regular customers (with name, address, and other information). Figure 1-1 shows a table of names and addresses. Each row is a record, and the fields are shown in columns.

    Figure 1-1: A table contains records (rows) and fields (columns).


    After you set up tables in your database and type in (or import) information, you can sort the records, select records that match a criterion, and then display and print the records. You can create new tables, or you can link (connect) to existing tables in other Access databases or in databases created using programs like SQL Server and MySQL.

    cross-reference.eps Proper design of your tables — choosing how many tables to create and which fields are stored in which table — is key to creating a usable and flexible database. Chapter 3 of this minibook includes a step-by-step procedure for designing your database, and Book II explains how to create tables and fill them with data.

    Queries for selecting your data

    Queries are operations that slice and dice your data to answer specific data needs. The most commonly used type of query selects data from a table, perhaps the records you want to include in a report. You can create a query that shows you all the people in your address book who live in (say) Vermont, or all those for whom you don’t have a phone number. To create this type of query, you enter criteria that specify what values you want to match in specific fields in the tables (for example, VT in the State field to find Vermonters, or nothing in the Phone Number field to find the phoneless, or both).

    You can also use queries to combine information from several tables. A bookstore database may store book author names in the Books table and book ordering information in the Purchase Orders table. A query can pull information from both these tables — to show (for example) all the Terry Pratchett novels you ordered for the last month. Queries can also create calculated fields, including totals, counts, and averages.

    Another type of query is the action query, which does something to the records you select — copy records from one table to another, make a change to all the records you select, delete records you select, that sort of thing. Crosstab queries help you analyze the information in your tables by summarizing how many records contain specific combinations of values.

    cross-reference.eps Queries are the way you get useful information out of your tables — and you’ll probably create zillions of them as you play with your database. Book III explains how to create and use queries of all kinds.

    Forms for editing and displaying your data

    An easy way to enter data, especially into more than one related table, is to use a form — an Access object that displays information from one or more tables on-screen. You can have all kinds of fun with forms; for example, you can

    ♦ Edit your data or type in new records.

    ♦ Choose the layout of the table’s information on the form.

    ♦ Specify the order in which your items appear.

    ♦ Group items together with lines and boxes.

    ♦ Use pull-down lists, radio buttons, and other types of on-screen controls for entering and editing data.

    Figure 1-2 shows a form for entering names and addresses for the Address Book table shown in Figure 1-1.

    Figure 1-2: A form shows information from one table record at a time.


    But why stop there? You can build intelligence into forms, too — program some smart boxes that automatically capitalize what you type in, or check your entry against a table of valid values.

    cross-reference.eps After your database goes into production — that is, you use it for its intended purpose — forms become the most-used Access object. As go the forms, so goes the database — so Book IV explains how to design, create, modify, and use forms.

    Reports for printing your data

    Forms are primarily designed to appear on-screen; reports (on the other hand) are designed to be printed, as shown in Figure 1-3. Like forms, reports display information from tables; you get to choose the layout of the information. Most reports are based on queries; you use a query to choose the information that appears in the report. The report design defines the order in which records appear, which fields appear where, and which fonts, font sizes, lines, and spacing to use. (Control freaks, rejoice!)

    In addition to reports on normal paper, you can create reports for printing on envelopes, labels, or other media. Access comes with report wizards that make creating fancy reports easy. It can also print charts and cross-tabulations (crosstabs) based on the data in your database.

    Figure 1-3: A report lets you put Access data on paper.


    You’re not limited to printing reports on paper; you can save reports as PDF (Portable Document Format) and XPS (Microsoft’s equivalent of a PDF) files for e-mailing or posting on the Web.

    cross-reference.eps Book V covers how to create and print reports, charts, and crosstabs.

    Macros for saving keystrokes

    Access includes two separate programming languages: one for macros and a separate one (VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications) for larger programs. Macros are programs that automate the commands you give when you use Access; every program in Microsoft Office enables you to write macros to work more efficiently. For example, you can write a macro that moves the cursor to the last record in the Orders table whenever you open the Order Entry form. (What are the chances that you’d want to edit your very first order? Most of us would be likelier to want to edit the last order or enter a new order.) Or you can write a macro that moves your cursor to the next applicable blank in a form, based on the entries you made so far.

    After you get some practice at creating macros, you can create buttons on your forms that run the macros with a quick click. You can also tell your form to run a macro automatically whenever you move to a field on the form, or enter data into the field — handy! Access 2010 enables you to assign a data macro to a field in a table, too, so that you can trigger an action whenever your data changes. For example, you can automatically change other values to match, or validate other data against the values you just changed.

    cross-reference.eps You don’t have to be a programmer to create macros. Access helps you write them by providing menus of commands. Book VI explains how to create nifty and useful macros to clean up data entry — and a number of other items — automatically.

    Modules for writing your own programs

    Okay, now we come to the serious programming stuff: modules — another term for Visual Basic programs. VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a programming language based on the age-old BASIC language; it’s specifically geared for working in Access and other Office programs. Macros are fine for saving a few keystrokes or cleaning up the data you enter in a field, but when the going gets complex, use VBA.

    cross-reference.eps Programming isn’t for the technologically faint of heart. Fortunately, it’s rarely necessary. But when everything else is done in your database, take a look at Book VIII for an introduction to VBA programming. Writing small programs isn’t all that hard — and if you acquire a taste for programming, who knows what you’ll end up creating!

    Essential Database Concepts

    Here are the Five Commandments of databases. (Aren’t you relieved there aren’t 10?). You’ll find lots more important rules and guidelines throughout this book as you discover how to work with various Access objects, but these five apply right from the start, no matter what kind of database you are using:

    Store information where it belongs, not where it appears. Where you store information has nothing to do with where it appears. In a spreadsheet, you type information where you want it to appear when you print the spreadsheet, but databases work differently. In a database, you store information in tables based on the structure of the information. (Don’t worry — Chapter 3 of this minibook explains how to figure out the structure of your data.) Each piece of information likely appears in lots of different reports. For example, in a database for an online bookstore, book titles and authors’ names appear on your invoices, purchase orders, and sales receipts. But the right place to store those book titles and author names is probably in the Books table, not in the Sales table or the Purchase Orders table.

    Store information as it really exists, not as you want it to appear in a specific report. This is a corollary to the first rule. If you want book titles to appear in all uppercase (capital) letters in your purchase orders, Access can capitalize the titles for you. Store the book titles with correct capitalization so you aren’t stuck with them in all caps on every report. Access has built-in formatting options that control the way that text, numbers, and dates are formatted, as described in Book II, Chapter 1. Functions are also available for more advanced formatting, as you learn in Book III, Chapter 2.

    Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO). If you don’t bother to create a good, sensible design for your database — and if you aren’t careful to enter correct, clean data — your database will end up full of garbage. A well-designed database is easier to maintain than a badly designed one, because each piece of information is stored only once, in a clearly named field in a clearly named table, with the proper validation rules in place. Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, but cleaning up a database of 10,000 incorrect records is (pardon the understatement) even more work. See Book II, Chapter 5 for ways to avoid GIGO.

    Separate your data from your programs. If you create a database to be shared with (or distributed to) other people, store all the tables in one database (the back end) and all the other objects in another database (the front end). Then you can link these two databases together to make everything work. Separating the tables from everything else streamlines the whole rigmarole of updating queries, forms, reports, or other stuff later without disturbing the data in the tables. (See Book VII, Chapter 1 for how to separate a database into a front end and back end.)

    Back up early and often. Make a backup of your database every day. With luck, your office already has a system of regular (probably nightly) backups that includes your database. If not, make a backup copy of your database at regular intervals, and certainly before making any major changes. (See Book VII, Chapter 1 for how to make backups.)

    Chapter 2: Getting Started, Getting Around

    In This Chapter

    Starting Access and opening a database

    Understanding the Access window

    Choosing commands from the Ribbon and Quick Access toolbar

    Getting around via the Navigation pane

    Viewing and working with Access objects

    Managing your database in Backstage View

    Saving keystrokes with keyboard shortcuts

    Before you can do much with Access, you have to get it installed and running. If Access isn’t already installed on your computer, see the appendix for what to do. Then come back to this chapter for pointers on how to run it and decipher the stuff you see in the Access window.

    Running Access

    532188-ma001.tif Windows usually provides more than one way to perform a task; starting Access is no exception. To run it from the Start button, click Start and choose All Programs⇒Microsoft Office⇒Microsoft Access 2010 (unless you’ve rearranged your Start menu). After you’ve run it a few times, Access will probably appear on your Start Menu, so Start⇒Microsoft Access 2010 will get it going.

    Another way to get the program started is by double-clicking the name or icon of an Access database in any Windows Explorer window, or pretty much anywhere else you see files listed. (This method both starts Access and opens the database you double-click.) Or double-click the Access icon if it appears on your Windows desktop.

    When you start Access without opening a database, the Access 2010 window looks like Figure 2-1, showing Backstage View. When no database is open, Backstage View shows your choices for opening an existing database or starting to build a new database. We describe opening and creating databases in the rest of this chapter. If you are running Access for the first time, see the sidebar, Choosing whether to update Office automatically.

    Choosing whether to update Office automatically

    The first time you run any Office 2010 program, you see the Welcome to Microsoft Office 2010 dialog box:


    Like Windows itself, Microsoft Office can download and install updates automatically. Both the Use Recommended Settings and Install Updates Only settings tell Office up to receive new updates whenever Microsoft makes them available. The first option also enables these features:

    Online help includes information from, where Microsoft posts updated support information

    Office may download and install small program files that help diagnose problems.

    You are signed up for Microsoft’s Customer Experience Improvement Program, which enables them to collect anonymous information about how you and millions of other people use Microsoft software, so they can make new versions even better.

    Choose the Use Recommended Settings or Install Updates Only setting, depending how you feel about these additional three features. Avoid that last setting: The Don’t Make Changes setting prevents you from getting security updates that you might need for your computer to stay virus-free.

    Figure 2-1: Access’s Backstage View displays lots of options for creating a new database.


    When a database is already open, Backstage View displays information about the database as a whole — rather than about specific objects in the database — and the commands that affect the entire database. (See Introducing Backstage View near the end of this chapter.)

    Opening a Database

    Before you can work on a database, you open it in Access. If you have an Access database, you can open it by using the instructions in this section. For now, don’t worry about which version of Access it was created in. For more details on that, see the next section.

    Okay, but wait a minute: Before you can open a new database, you have to create it! If you want to try Access but you don’t have a database to work with, skip ahead to the Creating a sample database from a template section to try Access with a sample database.

    Only one database can be open at one time in Access. If a database is already open, Access closes it when you open a new database.

    To open a database, follow these steps:

    1. Click the File tab on the Access Ribbon if you don’t already see Backstage View (shown in Figure 2-1).

    People missed having a File command in Office 2007, so Microsoft replaced 2007’s Office button with the File tab — it’s in the top-left corner of all Office 2010 applications.

    2. Click Open.

    The Open dialog box appears, looking just like the Open dialog boxes used throughout Microsoft Office (and most other programs).

    3. Choose the filename and click the Open button.

    You may need to browse to it. Use the icons on the left side of the Open dialog box to see different folders.

    Access opens the database. If you see an alarming security message, check out the relevant nearby sidebar, Security Warning: Certain content in this database has been disabled.

    tip.eps If you want to open a database that you used recently, the last four databases you opened appear just below Close Database in Backstage View, and you can click a filename to open it. To see a longer list of your recently-used databases, click Recent in Backstage View. In Windows 7, to start Access and open a recently used file, choose Start⇒Documents and choose the file from your Documents library.

    Security Warning: Certain content in this database has been disabled

    If you try to open a database containing any programming (in the form of macros, VBA procedures, or action queries, which we explain in later minibooks), Microsoft wants you to know that you are taking a chance, and displays the warning:


    Or, you may see this warning:


    Before you panic, consider that, unlike viruses in the real world, computer viruses don’t just happen. A virus is a program that must be intentionally written by a human to do bad things and also make copies of itself.

    So why the security warning? The warning appears whenever you open any document that contains any macros, VBA modules, or action queries. Access doesn’t know whether the database contains viruses; it just tells you that programs of some sort — not necessarily viruses — are in the database. To protect you, Access opens the database, turns off the capability to execute code, and displays a warning.

    What to do? It depends on where the database you are opening came from.

    If the database is something you downloaded from an unknown, dubious source, leave the database content disabled, and look around it that way. To be even safer, close the database, create a blank database, and import the tables, queries, forms, and reports into it (but no macros or VBA code).

    If the database comes from someone within your organization whom you trust, click Open on the Open File Security Warning dialog box — or click the Enable Content button on the message bar — choose Enable This Content, and click OK. If the file is stored on a networked drive, you see a dialog box asking whether you trust the security for this drive — might bad guys be able to plant virus-infected databases there?

    If you created the database and it’s supposed to contain macros, VBA procedures, or action queries, you can prevent Access from displaying the security message when you open the database. (See Book VI, Chapter 1 for how to set Access security settings for a database that contains macros or VBA modules.)

    If you have antivirus software, you’d do well to scan any and all files you download from the Internet for viruses before you actually open such files. These days, most viruses spread through e-mail attachments or files downloaded from the Web. Virtually all antivirus programs automatically scan all incoming e-mail attachments for viruses before allowing you to open them. The Internet For Dummies (by John R. Levine and Margaret Levine Young; Wiley Publishing) describes viruses, spyware, and how to avoid them.

    When you work with a database, panes and tabs appear within the Access window. Exactly what you see depends on the database. A simple database displays the Navigation pane, described later in this chapter. Some databases display a form and hide the Navigation pane. You can also program the database to hide the standard Access components entirely (see Book VII, Chapter 3).

    Opening oldies

    Access 2007 introduced a new file format for Access, and Access 2010 uses the same format. (Phew! We’re not faced with another new file format!) Access 2010 and 2007 create .accdb files, while Access 2003 and older versions saved databases as .mdb files.

    Access 2010 can open databases created in Access 2003 and older versions — in addition, of course, to those created in Access 2007 and 2010. If you create new fields or objects that use new features in Access 2010, those objects will not work if you open the database later in an older version.

    Saving in a different version

    If you know someone with Access 2003 or older who needs to use your database, you can save it in the Access 2002-2003 format, or even in the Access 2000 format. Click the File tab on the Ribbon to display Backstage View, then click Share to see your Database File Types options, which include Access 2002-2003 Database and Access 2000 Database. You should not use the new-to-2010 features if you know you need to save the database in an older format.

    I have that open already!

    Access is a multiuser database, which means that more than one person can open an Access database at the same time. The usual way that this works is that several computers on a network (usually a local area network in an office) run Access — and all can open the same database at the same time. Access keeps track of who is doing what and prevents the users from (virtually) crashing into each other. Two people trying to edit the same thing at the same time can be tricky — Access locks out the second person until the first person is done with the edit.

    cross-reference.eps For more information on multiple people using the same database at the same time, see Book VII, Chapter 2.

    Creating a sample database from a template

    If you want to look around in Access but haven’t created your first database yet, you can create a ready-made database from one of the templates that come with the program. Many templates reconfigure the Navigation pane and make other changes to the way that Access looks, so you’ll need to give a command or two to return Access to its usual appearance. Follow these steps:

    1. Run Access, using one of the many methods described earlier in this chapter.

    For instance, click Start and choose All Programs⇒Microsoft Office⇒Microsoft Access 2010. You see Backstage View, shown in Figure 2-1.

    2. Click New, if it’s not already selected. In the Available Templates section, click Sample Templates and click one of the templates to select it.

    If you aren’t sure which template to choose, scroll down to the Task List template and click it. The Task List template includes a contacts list and a to-do list.

    cross-reference.eps When you click New, you can choose Blank Database to start from scratch. To make a database that links to SharePoint, Microsoft’s Web-based, document-sharing system, choose Blank Web Database. Book IX, Chapter 3 describes sharing Access databases with SharePoint.

    3. Click Create.

    Access creates a new database in your Documents (or My Documents if you’re using Windows XP or earlier) folder, with a name that’s based on the template. If you choose the Contacts template, the folder is named Contacts.accdb.

    4. Click Enable Content in the Security Warning message bar.

    Even when creating a new database for you, Access just doesn’t want to take any chances!

    5. If the Navigation pane doesn’t appear, click the Shutter Bar Open/Close button to display it.

    The Navigation pane and the Shutter Bar Open/Close button are shown in Figure 2-2.

    6. Click the heading of the Navigation pane and choose Object Type from the menu that appears.

    Now the Navigation pane should contain subheadings for tables, queries, and other types of Access objects.

    There — now you have a database to explore.

    Making Friends with the Access Window

    After you have a database open, you’re ready to have a look around. Figure 2-2 shows a typical Access window, with the major parts labeled. On the left is the Navigation pane, which lists objects in the database. (If all you see is a vertical stripe labeled Navigation Pane, click it to see the Navigation pane; if you don’t see a Navigation pane or a stripe, talk to the database developer to find out how the database is intended to be used.)

    Across the top is the Ribbon, that super-menu that all Microsoft Office programs use. Below the Ribbon and to the right of the Navigation pane (if there’s any space left on your screen) is space for you to see and work with the various objects that make up the database — the tables, queries, forms, reports, and the rest.

    The Ribbon

    If you are used to Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007, you’re probably not alarmed that there’s no menu — no File, Edit, . . . series of commands marching across the top of the window. Instead, you see tabs at the top of the window, and a bunch of buttons. If you’re used to older Office versions, this is the Ribbon that replaced the menu and toolbars in Office 2007. And it’s new and improved for 2010.

    The Ribbon has five tabs that always appear, and additional tabs appear when particular objects are open — for instance, a Datasheet tab is available when a Datasheet is active. These additional tabs are known as contextual tabs.

    Figure 2-2: The Access window with a database open.


    The tabs that always appear are

    File: This was the purple Office button in Access 2007, but so many people missed the old-fashioned File menu that the Microsoft team decided to bring it back. (Let’s hear it for nostalgia as a motivator for software design!) Unlike the rest of the tabs, clicking the File tab displays Backstage View, described in the Introducing Backstage View section later in the chapter.

    Home: The first button on the Home tab (shown in Figure 2-2) is View, which allows you to change the view of the object displayed. You can view each object in Design view, to create and configure it, and use other views to actually use the object. The Home tab also contains buttons used for dealing with records: formatting, creating new records, creating totals, and spell checking, as well as sorting, filtering, and finding data. We describe many of the buttons on the Home tab in Book II, Chapters 3 and 4.

    Create: This is for — what else? — making new objects in your database. Books II through VI and Book VIII describe how to create each type of Access object.

    External Data: Contains commands for importing and exporting data and objects, collecting data via e-mail using Outlook (both are described in Book II, Chapter 4), and connecting and synchronizing with SharePoint (see Book IX, Chapter 3).

    Database Tools: Contains commands for running macros (described in Book VI), creating VBA modules (see Book VIII), creating relationships between tables (discussed in Book II, Chapter 1), documenting or analyzing your database (see Book VII, Chapter 1), connecting your database to SharePoint or SQL Server (described in Book IX), and other advanced tasks.

    remember.eps The Ribbon presents buttons in labeled groups, separated by vertical lines. The Home tab of the Ribbon in Figure 2-2 contains the Views, Clipboard, Sort & Filter, Records, Find, and Text Formatting groups. (The group names are at the bottom of the Ribbon.) In this book, we tell you (for example) to click the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group of the Home tab on the Ribbon. To find that button, first click the Home tab on the Ribbon, then find the Sort & Filter group on that Ribbon, and then find the Filter button within that group.

    Every button has a descriptive tooltip — if you put the mouse pointer on the button, you will see the tip with the name of the button, a keyboard shortcut that can be used instead of the button (for instance, pressing Ctrl+F instead of clicking the Find button), and a sentence about what the button does.

    Sometimes a group contains so many buttons that they don’t fit on the Ribbon. In this case, the group has a little arrow in its lower-right corner. (Take a look at the Clipboard group in Figure 2-2.) Click that arrow to see the rest of the buttons, usually in a dialog box that pops up.

    Minimizing the Ribbon

    The Ribbon takes up lots of screen space. To minimize it, double-click the active tab, press Ctrl+F1, click the Minimize the Ribbon button (the upward-pointing caret above the right end of the Ribbon), or right-click a tab and choose Minimize the Ribbon.

    Click any Ribbon tab to redisplay the Ribbon. However, the Ribbon will roll up again after you click a button. You can use keyboard shortcuts (covered near the end of this chapter) while the Ribbon is minimized. To redisplay the Ribbon for good, click the Minimize the Ribbon button again, or press Ctrl+F1 again, or double-click a Ribbon tab.

    The Quick Access toolbar

    Toolbars aren’t completely gone! Access still displays a small toolbar (shown in Figure 2-2) immediately above the left end of the Ribbon.

    The Quick Access toolbar includes three of the most commonly used buttons in Access:

    Save: Saves changes to the current object. (How long will they continue to use a floppy disk icon to mean save, even though most of us haven’t touched a floppy disk in years?)

    Undo: Undoes the last undoable action.

    Redo: Redoes the last redoable action.

    You can easily customize the Quick Access toolbar. Click the fourth button, the down arrow. A list of buttons that you can add to the Quick Access toolbar appears. Click any command (that is, Open, Quick Print, and so on) to add its button to the toolbar. If you don’t see the command you want to add, see if you can find the button on the Ribbon, right-click it, and choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

    If you can’t find the button you want on the Quick Access toolbar anywhere on the Ribbon, add buttons to the toolbar by choosing More Commands from the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu.

    Mission Control: The Navigation Pane

    The Navigation pane (shown in Figure 2-2) is the table of contents for your database. From it, you can open any table, query, form, report, macro, or VBA module in the database — all simply by double-clicking the object’s name. By right-clicking objects in the Navigation pane, you can open the object in an alternate view, change the name of an object, copy an object, delete an object, import or export an object, hide or display an object, and view the object’s properties.

    tip.eps F11 toggles the display of the Navigation pane — it can be rolled up into a narrow vertical ribbon. You can also toggle the display by clicking the Shutter Bar Open/Close button (such an egregiously long term for such a tiny little button!), which is the double arrow at the top-right corner of the pane.

    You can make the Navigation pane narrower or wider by dragging its left edge.

    Choosing how database objects are grouped

    The Navigation pane displays the objects in the database in groups. Each group has a heading, and the group objects can be displayed and hidden by clicking the double arrow at the right of the group name.

    By default, the Navigation pane shows database objects in Tables and Related Views. This option displays all tables, each with all objects that relate to that table.

    tip.eps The familiar way to group database objects is by object type, but there are other choices also. Click the drop-down list arrow on the Navigation pane title bar to see the grouping options (shown in Figure 2-3). The Navigation pane menu is really two menus displayed as one list — the blue highlighted words (Navigate To Category and Filter By Group) are the titles for each menu. The options on it vary, but you can select one option from the Navigate to Category options at the top of the list, and one from the Filter by Group at the bottom of the list.

    Figure 2-3: The Navigation pane menu for grouping options.


    You can configure your Navigation pane in this way:

    1. Click the drop-down list arrow on the Navigation pane title bar.

    You see the Navigation pane menu. Table 2-1 shows what each option on the list does.

    2. From the Navigate To Category list, choose how you want objects grouped.

    The most popular options are Object Type (which lists tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and VBA modules, each with its own heading) and Tables and Related Views (which lists all tables, each with the objects that relate to it).

    3. From the Filter By Group list, choose whether you want to show all objects, or only some of them.

    We usually like to see all objects, so we choose All Access Objects. When your database gets large, you can change your mind.

    The Filter by Group options change when you choose a different Navigate to Category option to list the relevant choices. For instance, if you choose to navigate by Object Type, the filter options are different types of objects (tables, queries, forms, and so on). However, if you choose to navigate by Tables and Related Views, the filter options are the names of the tables in the database.

    Creating custom groups in the Navigation pane

    Rather than using the default categories for Navigation pane groups, you can create your own custom groups using the Navigation Options dialog box, and then drag database objects into the new groups. For example, in a database for a small bookstore, you might want one group with objects that your purchase manager uses, and another group for your bookkeeper. Here’s how it’s done:

    1. Right-click the title bar of the Navigation pane or the empty space at the bottom of the Navigation pane, and then choose Navigation Options.

    You see the Navigation Options dialog box. The Categories list on the left shows options that appear on the Navigate To Category list on the Navigation pane menu. The right-hand list shows the options for the selected category.

    2. In the Categories list, select Custom. Or create a new category by clicking the Add Item button and giving your new category a name.

    Either way, the right-hand list shows the options for the selected category.

    3. Create new groups in the right-hand list by clicking the Add Group button, and select the check box of each group you want to appear in the Navigation pane. Change the order of the groups, if necessary, by using the up- and down-arrows that appear when the group is selected.

    Be sure to leave the Unassigned Objects category checked until you have assigned objects to their groups.

    4. Click OK to close the Navigation Options dialog box.

    5. Click the drop-down list arrow on the Navigation pane title bar, and then choose Custom or the category you created from the menu.

    You now see the groups you created in Step 3, and the database objects appear in the Unassigned Objects group.

    6. Assign objects to groups by following these steps:

    a. Select single objects, or select multiple objects by holding down Ctrl as you select.

    b. Drag objects to their new groups — or right-click, select Add to Group, and choose the group name.

    When you add an object to a custom group, you create a shortcut to the object. (The shortcut arrow displays with the object type icon.) You can rename shortcuts by right-clicking them and choosing Rename Shortcut.

    7. When all objects are assigned to groups, you may choose to hide the Unassigned Objects group.

    Custom categories may be used to take the place of Switchboards that were used in earlier versions of Access.

    Choosing size and details for Navigation pane objects

    You can configure the Navigation pane to show object names, icons, or more information about each object. Right-click the title bar of the Navigation pane or the empty space at the bottom of the Navigation pane, and then choose from the View By menu. The options are

    Details: Displays the name of the object, the type of object, the date it was created, and the date it was last modified.

    Icon: Displays a larger icon for each object, leaving more space between listed objects.

    List: This is the default option — which you see in the figures throughout this book. Each object displays with an icon indicating the type of object it is, and its name.

    Sorting objects in the Navigation pane

    You can sort objects within a group in the Navigation pane by right-clicking the title bar of the Navigation pane or the empty space at the bottom of the Navigation pane, and then choosing from the Sort By menu. You can select both a sort order (ascending or descending) and an attribute to sort by (such as Name, Type, Created Date, or Modified Date). You can also Remove Automatic Sorts (the last choice on the menu).

    Searching for an object

    If your database contains dozens or even hundreds of objects, they can be hard to find. Luckily, the Navigation pane includes a Search bar, which appears just below the title of the Navigation pane. You can type words and press Enter to find objects that contain the words in their titles. If the Search bar doesn’t appear, right-click the Navigation pane title and choose Search Bar. Choose the same command again to make the Search bar go away.

    Viewing Objects in Your Database

    Chapter 1 describes the six kinds of objects that make up an Access database — tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and VBA modules. (No, you don’t have to memorize this list!) When you open an object to work with it, you choose which view, or on-screen format, to display it in. For example, you can open a table in Design view to design the fields that make up the table, or you can open it in Datasheet view to enter and edit the data in the table. This entire book describes how to use views to create and configure objects and use them to manage your data.

    When you double-click an object’s name in the Navigation pane, Access opens the object in the default view for that type of object. (For tables, the default is Datasheet view, since once you have created a table, you are most likely to want to type records into the table.)

    To close an open object, click the X on the same line as the object tab when the object is active, or right-click the tab and choose Close.

    Viewing lots of objects at the same time

    You can open more than one object at the same time. You can open a table in Datasheet view to look at your data while working on a form in Design view to create a form for editing the data. You’ve got these two options for viewing multiple objects in Access:

    Overlapping windows: Access 2003 and earlier versions used this system, where each object appears in its own windows within the Access window, as shown in Figure 2-4. You can resize them and move them around in whatever arrangement you like. However, half the time your windows cover each other, and you spend more time playing with your object windows than getting work done.

    Figure 2-4: If you are used to the old, pre-2007 overlapping windows layout, you can still use it.


    Tabbed documents: Access 2007 instituted a new way of arranging the objects that you have open. Each appears with an object tab sticking up, with the name of the object on the tab. When you click the object tab, you see that object. Figure 2-2 — and all the rest of the figures in this entire book — show tabbed documents because we find them more convenient.

    If you like tabbed documents, then you don’t have to do a thing — that’s the Access default. If you want to use overlapping windows for a specific Access database, you can. Click the File tab to display Backstage View, click Options, click Current Database, and set the Document Window Options to Overlapping Windows. To return to the default format, reset this option back to Tabbed Documents.

    Switching views

    After you have opened an object, you can look at it in a different view. Here are several methods:

    ♦ Click the icon on the View button at the left end of the Home tab on the Ribbon. (It’s the only button in the Views group.) You switch between the current view and the most recently displayed view.

    ♦ To select from all the available views for the object, click the bottom half (the little arrow) of the View button and choose from the list that appears.

    ♦ Click one of the View shortcuts (shown in Figure 2-2) at the right end of the status bar, in the lower-right corner of the Access window. There’s a button for each possible view; hover your mouse over a button to see the name of the view.

    ♦ Right-click the object tab and choose the view you want.

    Creating, Deleting, Renaming, Copying, and Printing Objects

    Throughout this book, we tell you how to create and modify tables, forms, reports, and other Access objects using the Navigation pane. A couple of tasks that work the same way for all Access objects crop up time and again, so you may as well find out about them right here.

    Creating an object: Click the Create tab on the Ribbon (shown in Figure 2-5) and then click the appropriate button. You usually see options to create the object by either running a wizard that steps you through the process or by using Design view — a window with settings for designing the object.

    Figure 2-5: The Create tab on the Ribbon.


    cross-reference.eps See Book II, Chapter 1 for creating tables; Book III, Chapter 1 for queries; Book IV, Chapter 1 for forms; Book V, Chapter 1 for reports; Book VI, Chapter 1 for macros; Book VIII, Chapter 2 for VBA modules.

    Deleting an object: Select the object in the Navigation pane and press the Delete key. Simple enough! Clicking the Delete icon on the Home tab of the Ribbon works, too, as does right-clicking the object and then choosing Delete. Access asks whether you’re really, truly sure before blowing the object away. Just remember that when you delete a table, you delete all its data, too.

    Renaming an object: Click the name of the object and press F2. Or right-click the name and choose Rename. Either way, a box appears around the object’s name. Type a new name and press Enter. Press Esc if you change your mind.

    Copying an object: Select the object you want to copy, press Ctrl+C, move your cursor to where you want to create the copy, and press Ctrl+V. (The Copy and Paste buttons in the Clipboard group on the Home tab of the Ribbon work, too.) Access pops up a Paste As dialog box, asking what name to use for the copy. Type a name and click OK.

    tip.eps When you are creating a form or report, starting with a copy of an existing report (rather than starting a whole new one from scratch) is faster!

    Printing an object: Select or open the object you want to print and then press Ctrl+P. Or click the File tab on the Ribbon to display Backstage View, click Print, and choose one of the following: Quick Print (to use the existing printer settings), Print (to select printer settings), or Print Preview (to see what you’re about to print before wasting paper on it).

    cross-reference.eps You can find lots more about printing in Book V, Chapter 2, which talks about making and printing reports.

    Creating a shortcut to an object: If you frequently want to start Access, open your database, and immediately open a specific object, you can create a Windows shortcut that does all three tasks. The object shortcut can live on your Windows desktop or on your Start menu. Just drag the object from the Navigation pane to your Windows desktop — Windows creates the shortcut. You can then drag this shortcut to the Start menu if you want the shortcut on your Start menu.

    Introducing Backstage View

    Access 2007 had no File tab on the Ribbon; instead, there was a purple Microsoft Office icon. People the world over longed for their old friend, the File menu — didn’t we all train ourselves to choose File⇒Save and File⇒Print in almost every program in existence?

    Well, the File menu is back with a new name. In Access 2010, you click the File tab on the Ribbon to display Backstage View, a page of commands and settings that apply to the entire database or to your Access program. Figure 2-1 at the beginning of this chapter shows Backstage View when no database is open. Figure 2-6 shows Backstage View with a database open. The Info command is selected by default when you display Backstage View.

    When the Info command is selected (as in Figure 2-6), you see buttons to view the log of any errors that have occurred, view the properties of the database, analyze the database, and other tasks that affect the entire database. And by using the commands directly below Info, you can also save the database, open a different database, or close the database.

    Figure 2-6: The Info command in Backstage View shows information about your database.


    Recent: Shows a list of the databases you have opened recently.

    New: Shows ways you can create a new database.

    Print: This option is the only command in Backstage View that affects only the object that was selected when you clicked the File tab; it prints the selected object.

    Save & Publish: Enables you to save the database in another format, publish the database to the Web, or package your database to be installed on other computers.

    Help: Displays online help, activation information, and the version of Access you are running.

    Options: Displays the Access Options dialog box, which enables you to configure the Access program, including customizing the Ribbon and Quick Access toolbar.

    Exit: Closes the database and exits from Access.

    Using Wizards

    Years ago, in a land far, far away (Washington state, actually), Microsoft invented wizards, programs that step you through the process of executing a commonly used command. Instead of presenting you with a big, hairy-looking dialog box with zillions of options, a wizard asks you one or two questions at a time, and it uses the information you already provided before asking for more input. All programs in Microsoft Office, including Access, come with wizards.

    Wizards appear in dialog boxes that pop up in response to a command. All Microsoft wizards follow the same pattern of asking a series of questions. Answer each question and click the Next button at the bottom of the dialog box to move to the next step. If you want to go back and change the answer you gave in a previous window, click the Back button. You can bag the whole thing by clicking Cancel. The Finish button is grayed out (and unclickable) until you provide enough information for the wizard to complete its task.

    When using a wizard, you can select all items in a list by clicking the double arrow. Select one by clicking the single arrow. Deselect an item by using the analogous arrow buttons that point in the opposite direction. If you have questions, refer to the section of the book about that particular wizard.

    Getting Help

    Access offers online help, and it can be quite useful, so it’s worth learning how to use it. To ask the Access Help system a question, here’s the drill:

    532188-ma003.tif 1. Click the question mark in the upper-right corner of the Access window (or press F1). Or, click the File tab on the Ribbon, click Help, and click Microsoft Access Help.

    The Access Help window appears.

    2. Type some search words in the Help box and then press Enter.

    Access first searches its Help system for matches, and it then displays any search results in the window.

    3. Click a topic to see more information.

    When you’re in Help, you can also click the book icon on the Access Help window to see the Table of Contents pane.

    We find the following Web sites for getting answers to Access questions:

    The Access Web:

    Microsoft Support:

    The MSDN Library (Microsoft Developers’ Network):

    TechNet Online:

    Saving Time with Keyboard Shortcuts

    Some people like to keep their hands on the keyboard as much as possible. For a fast typist, pressing keys is quicker and more efficient than pointing and clicking with the mouse. For those nimble-fingered folks, Access (like most other Windows programs) includes keyboard shortcuts — key combinations that issue the same commands you normally choose from the Ribbon.

    To activate KeyTips, which help you navigate the Ribbon without the mouse, follow these steps:

    1. Press the Alt key.

    Letters pop up on the Ribbon — these letters correspond to tabs, sections of the Ribbon, buttons, or drop-down list items.

    2. Press the letter for the tab, section, or button you want and more letters will appear. Keep on typing until you’ve executed the command.

    • The letters don’t change, so you can memorize common keystrokes so that you get your work done faster.

    • Sometimes more than one character is used for a shortcut, for instance, FF for font face. Just type what you see to execute the command.

    • If you press the wrong letter, press Esc to back up your command.

    tip.eps It’s possible that the old menu commands whose keystrokes you memorized may still work. Give ’em a try before you give up and learn the new sequence. Table 2-2 shows a list of our favorite shortcuts.

    remember.eps Some of these keystrokes work only in specific situations — for example, when you edit something or work in a particular kind of window. Throughout this book, we tell you which keys do what and when.

    Chapter 3: Designing Your Database the Relational Way

    In This Chapter

    Designing the tables in which you’ll store your data

    Streamlining your design to make it truly relational

    Linking your tables with joins

    Choosing the right data types for your fields

    Compatibility between Access versions

    Relational database design? Yikes! Sounds like a serious programming project. But what is it, exactly? Designing a database means figuring out how the information is structured — that is, which information should be stored in each table of the database, and how it all connects together. Unlike working with a spreadsheet or word processor, you have to design a database beforehand — you can’t just start typing information in. (Well, sure, you can, but we don’t recommend it — the result is usually a mess.) How easy it is later to enter and edit information and create useful queries, forms, and reports depends on how well your database is designed. A good database design can streamline your work in Access.

    This chapter takes you through the process of designing the table(s) you need in your database, including the relationships between them. Book II, Chapter 1 contains instructions for creating the tables in Access.

    What Are Tables, Fields, and Keys?

    In Access, you store your data in tables — lists of records that work like the index cards that make up an address

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