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Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People
Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People
Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People
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Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People

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Fifty-two readings on living in intentional Christian community to spark group discussion.

Gold Medal Winner, 2017 Illumination Book Awards, Christian Living
Silver Medal Winner, 2017 Benjamin Franklin Award in Religion, Independent Book Publishers Association

Why, in an age of connectivity, are our lives more isolated and fragmented than ever? And what can be done about it? The answer lies in the hands of God’s people. Increasingly, today’s Christians want to be the church, to follow Christ together in daily life. From every corner of society, they are daring to step away from the status quo and respond to Christ’s call to share their lives more fully with one another and with others. As they take the plunge, they are discovering the rich, meaningful life that Jesus has in mind for all people, and pointing the church back to its original calling: to be a gathered, united community that demonstrates the transforming love of God.

Of course, such a life together with others isn’t easy. The selections in this volume are, by and large, written by practitioners—people who have pioneered life in intentional community and have discovered in the nitty-gritty of daily life what it takes to establish, nurture, and sustain a Christian community over the long haul.

Whether you have just begun thinking about communal living, are already embarking on sharing life with others, or have been part of a community for many years, the pieces in this collection will encourage, challenge, and strengthen you. The book’s fifty-two chapters can be read one a week to ignite meaningful group discussion.

Contributors include from John F. Alexander, Eberhard Arnold, J. Heinrich Arnold, Johann Christoph Arnold, Alden Bass, Benedict of Nursia, Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, Leonardo Boff, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Joan Chittister, Stephen B. Clark, Andy Crouch, Dorothy Day, Anthony de Mello, Elizabeth Dede, Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Jenny Duckworth, Friedrich Foerster, Richard J. Foster, Jodi Garbison, Arthur G. Gish, Helmut Gollwitzer, Adele J Gonzalez, Stanley Hauerwas, Joseph H. Hellerman, Roy Hession, David Janzen, Rufus Jones, Emmanuel Katongole, Arthur Katz, Søren Kierkegaard, C. Norman Kraus, C.S. Lewis, Gerhard Lohfink, Ed Loring, Chiara Lubich, George MacDonald, Thomas Merton, Hal Miller, José P. Miranda, Jürgen Moltmann, Charles E. Moore, Henri J. M. Nouwen, Elizabeth O’Connor, John M. Perkins, Eugene H.Peterson, Christine D. Pohl, Chris Rice, Basilea Schlink, Howard A. Snyder, Mother Teresa, Thomas à Kempis, Elton Trueblood, and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove.
Release dateMay 10, 2016
Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People

Eberhard Arnold

Eberhard Arnold (1883–1935) studied theology, philosophy, and education at Breslau, Halle, and Erlangen, where he received his doctorate in 1909. He became a sought-after writer, lecturer, and speaker in his native Germany. Arnold was active in the student revival movement sweeping the country and became secretary of the German Christian Student Union. In 1916 he became literary director of the Furche Publishing House in Berlin and editor of its monthly periodical. Like thousands of young Europeans, Eberhard Arnold and his wife Emmy were disillusioned by the failure of the establishment – especially the churches – to provide answers to the problems facing society in the turbulent years following World War I. In 1920, out of a desire to put into practice the teachings of Jesus, the Arnolds and their five young children turned their backs on the privileges of middle-class life in Berlin and moved to the small German village of Sannerz. There, with a handful of like-minded seekers who drew inspiration from the Youth Movement, the sixteenth-century Anabaptists, and the early Christians, they founded an intentional community on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount. The community, which supported itself by agriculture and a small but vibrant publishing house, attracted thousands of visitors and eventually grew into the international communal movement known as the Bruderhof.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Called to Community is a wonderful anthology of 52 selected writings from a range of Christian authors and thinkers. It shows that the challenges faced in Christian community is not new and that there is much to learn from those who have sought and fought for it in the past. It is set up perfectly for a weekly study, as well as a starting point for further reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a collection of excerpts and articles from 52 writers on the subject of what it means to be a Christian community and on the importance of building community and not simply belonging to a church. It is meant more to be read in community - that is, as a source of discussion material for a small group setting - rather than as a book to be read by one person alone. I was disappointed on two scores - one, the lack of emphasis in many articles on a common content of faith ("confession" or doctrine) and two, the absence of any article by Francis Schaeffer, whose insights, along with those of his wife Edith, on specifically Christian community are, I would think, especially relevant. I also get skeptical when I read of attempts to "rediscover" lost secrets from the first century church. Aside from the church at Jerusalem, I do not see any first century churches in which all things were held in common. Paul appeals to one city's believers to set aside "some income" to give for the needs of others - by no means "all" or "most" or even "a tithe". As I read the New Testament, community was as elusive then as it is now, and it was not this aspect of the faith that turned the world upside down but rather the gospel message itself - reconciliation with God through Christ. As long as this is the foundation of community, then this is indeed a helpful call to the church; but community for community's sake, or community as a "support group" structure will always fall short of its potential. I also wonder how an American church could be the kind of community spoken of in some of the articles without exposing itself to lawsuits claiming spiritual abuse and even hate-crimes should the community in any way try to hold to a Biblical morality or show the kind of "strong-group conviction" advocated by one of the articles - though that would be a matter for group discussion, whereas I had the disadvantage of reading it only on my own, which accounts for the four star rating instead of 5.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Called to Community is an important book; a collection of perspectives on being in relationship with God and one another in community. It is timely and speaks to the losses in our ever-increasing emphasis on individualism and independence. At first I was confused by the variety of authors and essays; and then appreciative of the commonalities found in contemporary, as well as much older writings. I was delighted to find most of my favorite Christian thinkers in the collection and was introduced to many new possibilities for future reading on this topic. The suggestion is to work through this book, one article a week for 52 weeks, in a community (group) setting. Being eager to read what each author had to say moved me through Called to Community much faster than I would normally read a volume like this. It is so worth taking time to read, reflect and ponder a while before moving on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    With the release of Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People, Plough Publishing continues to produce wonderful resources that foster spiritual growth. In this anthology, they gather 52 carefully selected short excerpts that address the meaning, challenges, and blessings of life in community. This is a book that needs to be read slowly, as each chapter provides many insights that require additional reflection. It would be a great text for a weekly Bible study group, book club, or for personal devotions.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This anthology is helpful to those who wish to discuss Christian understandings of community. The selections are grouped into chapters that are similar. There are a variety of types of writings including those by specifically Christian authors to Christian audiences, to more secular authors. Each selection has discussion questions and scriptural references. While this book can be done as a personal reflection, it is better suited to a group setting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The different selections in this book reflect on what it means to live out the Christin life in community with believers, predominantly in the context of a commune. The readings are insightful, provoking serious thought on the issue of Christian fellowship, challenging one to shift a bit or change entirely what we think it means to be a Christian, both in relation to other believers and, although not really the purpose of the book, unbelievers.In some respects the thoughts shared are too idealistic, in my opinion, and surpass the realm of the practical in consideration of the way the world really is and how we really are as Christians and fallen creatures; nevertheless, to dismiss what is stated in these pages is to dismiss and, perhaps, even refuse God's high-calling to fellowship with one another as Christians in unity with Christ.A few short essays are included in each titled section discussing Community, Forming a Community, Life in Community, and Beyond the Community. If you're looking for a book that will deal seriously with the deep issues of the heart, especially our self-centeredness, this is the one for you.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Many years later, I am finally reviewing this book. Shortly after I received it, I was kicked out of my community. It would have been too painful to read this at the time.Fast-forward many years and I am now hoping and praying to be able to set up a community specifically for abused people with disabilities and chronic health conditions. Basically, it would be to the disabled community fleeing domestic violence what L'Arche is to developmentally disabled adults, though all ministry would be done by the disabled/health-challenged community for their own community.Speaking of L'Arche, one disclaimer is that this book was written before the sustained sexual and spiritual abuse allegations by Jean Vanier became public knowledge and this book is riddled with quotes from him. I have a hard time trusting such an abusive person's wisdom on everything else.Here's a great quote from the book:"You cannot live in community and hide your problems. In fact, community will bring into light problems which, though they are yours, are often hidden even from you."This triggered me to think of the book Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, which I highly recommend. His idea of the crucible seems like it would also apply to living in shared spaces with others.Another quote:"Irritation and annoyance come from our evil hearts and ultimately do not have anything to do with fatigue or weak nerves. Having weak nerves or being overworked just brings out what is really deep down in our hearts. When we get into such situations, we have no reason to excuse ourselves or even to pity ourselves.""In community our task is simple and clear. We're to serve....Which is why Jesus washed his disciples' feet. Contentedly. Or do you think he was annoyed to have to do that just before he was murdered? It was almost the last thing he did with them. He wanted them to learn that much....The main gift the Spirit has given each person is the ability to clean the toilet (a contemporary equivalent of washing feet). We are clear on that for others but often not for ourselves."Another thing mentioned in the book is practicing silence after someone has spoken difficult things to give time to reflect and truly have listened. It is also suggested to begin meetings with prayer and times of silence. Yet another thing that I appreciate is the suggestion to catalog all miracles big and small of God's provision and milestones in the life of the community and to frequently celebrate and remember.I'd recommend this book to anyone wanting to live in an intentional community with the caveat that you should know that Jean Vanier was an unrepentant serial sexual abuser and his writings are used heavily in this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When I saw this book, I expected it to address the tendency we are seeing in the modern church to shut ourselves off from each other, to rush in and out of Sunday services without fully engaging with other people, and to hide our sins and struggles behind a false façade of happiness and perfection. Those kinds of issues are acknowledged, if not explicitly addressed, by this book. However, what "community" primarily refers to in the title is an embrace of Christian communism, of shared living spaces and expenses by people who are not blood relatives. The authors and editor seem to take for granted that readers are interested in pursuing this kind of life, so little time is spent debating what it actually means in the Scripture when we see that early Christians sold everything they had and shared it, and those who aren't open to taking that text as a model for drastic lifestyle change may not like this book.However, if you can entertain that possibility, this becomes a very thought-provoking text. It is designed in 52 chapters so that a group pursuing community can read and discuss one a week in a study format over the course of a year. Not every chapter is equally inspiring, but overall the book exposes the readers to actual stories of Christians across different denominations, countries, walks of life, and socioeconomic settings who have made some commitment to live intentionally, whether just with Christian brethren or with an open door to seekers. Many chapters share insights that apply equally to just living better alongside those in your own church, even if your households remain separate. I found the chapter on love particularly uplifting, and appreciated the juxtaposition of both married and single perspectives on making space for each other in the Christian life. The tag line on the back of the book says "dissatisfaction guaranteed," and it delivers in a good way. This is not your ordinary Christian living book that takes a stand, defends it from Scripture, and lays out a plan for how you can put its precepts into practice in your own life. This is a book that acknowledges and embraces messiness and the reality that life can look different for each of us. In a way, it is the book that I was originally looking for. The authors acknowledge that each of us will come to these ideas with different perspectives and likely won't agree, making it supremely worthy of discussion and debate in a group setting.

Book preview

Called to Community - Eberhard Arnold


Called to Community

The Life Jesus Wants for His People

Compiled and edited by Charles E. Moore

Foreword by Stanley Hauerwas

Plough Publishing house

Published by Plough Publishing House

Walden, New York

Robertsbridge, England

Elsmore, Australia

Plough produces books, a quarterly magazine, and to encourage people and help them put their faith into action. We believe Jesus can transform the world and that his teachings and example apply to all aspects of life. At the same time, we seek common ground with all people regardless of their creed.

Plough is the publishing house of the Bruderhof, an international Christian community. The Bruderhof is a fellowship of families and singles practicing radical discipleship in the spirit of the first church in Jerusalem (Acts 2 and 4). Members devote their entire lives to serving God, one another, and their neighbors, renouncing private property and sharing everything. To learn more about the Bruderhof’s faith, history, and daily life, see (Views expressed by Plough authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Bruderhof.)

© 2016 by Plough Publishing House

All rights reserved.

PRINT ISBN: 978-0-87486-743-5

EPUB ISBN: 978-0-87486-782-4

MOBI ISBN: 978-0-87486-783-1

PDF ISBN: 978-0-87486-784-8

Cover image: plainpicture/whatapicture

Life in community is no less than a necessity for us – it is an inescapable must that determines everything we do and think. Yet it is not our good intentions or efforts that have been decisive in our choosing this way of life. Rather, we have been overwhelmed by a certainty – a certainty that has its origin and power in the Source of everything that exists.

Eberhard Arnold, Why We Live in Community


Stanley Hauerwas

Community is dangerous. This is easy to forget at a time when we often hear calls for more community. Of course, it’s quite understandable that many people today feel the need for it. After all, we live in a social order that has confused freedom with the isolation of the self. We may think we know one another, but our knowing only intensifies our isolation from one another. This is because, although we bump up against one another, we share no common story and no corresponding judgments about what is true, good, and beautiful. As a result, we become strangers to ourselves and to those we call friends. In such a social order, people too often confuse community with being a crowd. And crowds are intrinsically dangerous.

We live in a time when people think they should have no story other than the story they chose for themselves when they had no story. The story they chose is, they think, the story of freedom. The only problem with this belief is that none of us actually did choose this particular story. As a result, lives lived according to this false story are subject to self-deception and self-hate. Lives so constituted are often quite destructive for any attempt to sustain community life across time.

I began observing that the loneliness created by such an understanding of freedom and autonomy produces a hunger that can be dangerous – and hunger is the right word, indicating as it does the physical character of the desire and need to touch another human being. That is why Alasdair MacIntyre, the great moral philosopher, resists being called a communitarian. MacIntyre resists calls for community because he fears that in this place and time such calls are bound to lead to nationalistic movements. Those who hunger for community should never forget Nuremberg. I share MacIntyre’s worry that the label communitarian does little to help us understand what kind of community we ought to desire.

All the more, how fortunate we are to have this book! This is not a book that celebrates community as an end in itself. It is written by veterans of community living who know full well the pathologies of community life. I suspect these reflections will make many readers question their assumption that they are called to community. The stark realism of these essays makes clear that when we are dealing with people we must be ready to confront one another with truths about ourselves that we seldom want to acknowledge.

But interestingly enough, the very fact that such confrontation is required is why we cannot live without community. Therefore this book is a treasure of wisdom gained by those who have discovered the necessity of community for our being human.

I can only hope that it will be widely read, because I am certain that contained in this book is the future of being Christian. ◆


Charles E. Moore

how would you go about destroying community, isolating people from one another and from a life shared with others? Over thirty years ago Howard Snyder asked this question and offered the following strategies: fragment family life, move people away from the neighborhoods where they grew up, set people farther apart by giving them bigger houses and yards, and separate the places people work from where they live.¹ In other words, partition off people’s lives into as many worlds as possible. To facilitate the process, get everyone their own car. Replace meaningful communication with television. And finally, cut down on family size and fill people’s homes with things instead. The result? A post-familial, disconnected culture where self is king, relationships are thin, and individuals fend for themselves.

On the whole, this destruction of community has only been compounded by the advance of digital technology. As Sherry Turkle observes in her book Alone Together, the web’s promise of bottomless abundance has left millions inwardly and relation­ally famished. We live, Turkle suggests, in a culture of simulation, where real, tactile, face-to-face relationships of loyalty and intimacy are all but a memory. Ours is truly an age of isolation, with relationships that may be friction free but also very shallow and fleeting.²

In a culture of connectivity, where we have countless people to text and tweet, millions are under the illusion that a networked life is a rich, meaningful life. But community is more than connectivity. Although it is easier than ever to communicate and stay in touch with one another, we are fast losing the ability to commune with one another. We know how to text, but we don’t know how to converse. We exchange vast amounts of information, but find it increasingly difficult to confide in one another. We no longer know how, or think we don’t have the time, to give each other our full attention. Though we may not be alone in our virtual worlds, we remain lonely. Our lives lack cohesion: we live in pieces, in fragments, lacking any overall pattern or any steady, identifiable community in which to belong.³

Social commentator Michael Frost suggests that our culture has become like an airport departure lounge, full of people who don’t belong where they currently find themselves and whose interactions with others are fleeting, perfunctory, and trivial.⁴ Nobody belongs there, nobody is truly present, and nobody wants to be there. We’re tourists who graze from one experience to another, nibbling here and sampling there, but with very little commitment to bind us to one another. We exist in an untethered nowhereness, under the illusion that we are free. And yet, as Robert Wuthnow observes, community is sputtering to an undignified halt, leaving many people stranded and alone.

The disappearance of community has led to a plethora of human and social problems, which have been exposed and explored in countless books. The question this collection of readings seeks to answer is what we can do about it. Many social commentators have addressed the problem and continue to grapple with it. New structures of belonging have been proposed, many of which hold promise. But as good and viable as these may be, the main thrust behind this book is that the answer lies in the hands of God’s people. We need more than new structures. We need a spirit-filled life that is capable of combatting the corrosive ideologies of our age. Only when the church lives out its original calling, as a contrast community and foretaste of God’s coming reign, is there hope for the world. And there is hope. The Bible assures us that through faith in Jesus and by God’s spirit a new kind of social existence is possible. Christ has defeated the principalities and powers that keep people apart. In him relationships can be healed and transformed. This is what being the church is all about.

Although many people bemoan the fact that society is so fragmented, a small but growing number of people are daring to step away from the status quo and follow the beat of a differ­ent drummer. Committed followers of Christ from every corner of society and from all walks of life are responding to Christ’s call to embody an integrated spirituality that encompasses the whole of life and is lived out with others. New intentional communities are emerging that bear witness to Christ’s healing power. A radical renaissance is unfolding among disenchanted Christians who are no longer satisfied with either Sunday religion or social activism. Today’s Christians want to be the church, to follow Christ together and demonstrate in their daily lives the radical, transforming love of God.

Of course, in a world in which family life is undermined and faithfulness and loyalty are old-fashioned concepts, living in community will not be easy. The broader culture rarely ­reinforces values such as fidelity, the common good, and social solidarity. It’s everyone out for themselves. We’re on our own, whether we like it or not. And yet for growing numbers of Christians this world, with its dominant ideology of expressive individualism, is not the final adjudicator of what is or is not possible, let alone desirable. The world Christ was born into was also splintered and confused; it was violent, factious, morally corrupt, spiritually bankrupt, full of tensions, and teeming with competing interests. Yet, into this world a brand new social order erupted. It caught everybody’s attention, and eventually transformed the entire Roman pagan system.

Throughout the history of the church, movements of renewal have arisen. In each instance, the church’s spiritual and corporate life was revitalized. The question before us today is this: Are we ready and eager for a new work of the Spirit in which everything, including our lifestyles and corporate structures, is turned upside down?

If so, this book can help. It is intended to encourage and strengthen the current movement of the Spirit in which people are consciously pledging themselves to live out their faith with others on a radically new basis. Part I presents a vision of community, supplying a theological and biblical ground on which to be God’s people together. Many people seek out intentional community to ameliorate such problems as loneliness, economic injustice, racial division, and environmental destruction. These are good, and yet we must step back and first grasp what God’s plan is for his people and the way in which we are to build for God’s kingdom. Part II tackles the question of what community means and what it takes to nurture it. Forming community is not just living close to one another. Prisoners do that. Rather, community demands personal sacrifice and personal transformation.

The ideal of togetherness is one thing; becoming a vibrant, united circle of comrades that remain together is another. Part III covers some of the nitty-gritty issues of living in community. New communities of faith often fall to pieces simply because they are not able to navigate the mundane matters of human coexistence. We need to unlearn certain ways of being before we can go the long haul with others. Finally, Part IV addresses the need for every community to see beyond itself. Community is not an end in itself. An inward looking community will eventually implode. Christ gathered his disciples together to serve a purpose larger than themselves, to pioneer God’s coming reign in which all things will be reconciled.

The selections in this volume are, by and large, written by practitioners – people who have lived in community and who have discovered what it takes to fruitfully live a common life with others. The writings of Eberhard Arnold, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Jean Vanier are especially notable. Nothing can replace Arnold’s Why We Live in Community, Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, or Vanier’s Community and Growth. These books should be read in their entirety. Yet there are countless other voices that have wisdom and insight to offer. This collection brings many of these diverse voices together to address some of the most essential issues of community life.

You may be reading this book on your own. However, it is best read and discussed together with others. There is little point in reading a book such as this unless it actually helps you to build community with others. Whether you have just begun thinking about communal living, have already embarked on a shared life with others, or have been part of a community for many years, the selections in this collection are meant to encourage, challenge, and strengthen you to follow the call to live as brothers and sisters in Christ. Growing together takes time. That’s why the book has been divided into fifty-two chapters, so you can read one chapter a week and then meet together to discuss what you’ve read.

It has been said that true community is all or nothing, and that communities which try to get there by degrees just get stuck. This may be true. And yet, much like a healthy marriage, it takes time and wisdom to build a community. It also takes very little to break and destroy a community. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why so few people dare to commit themselves to building a common life. As Henri Nouwen writes, fearful distance is awful, but fearful closeness, if not properly navigated, can turn into a nightmare.⁶

Thomas Merton once noted that living alone does not necessarily isolate people, and that merely living together does not necessarily bring us into communion with one another.⁷ So what is the key to communing with one another? Hopefully the selections in this book will help to answer this question. In the meantime, community as Christ intended it demands, if nothing else, a commitment to care for one another – to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper. Without simple deeds of love, community is not possible.

Dr. Paul Brand, who devoted himself to eliminating leprosy, was once working alone in an attic when he came across some boxes of skeletons that had been dug up from a monastery. He remembered a lecture he heard given by anthropologist Margaret Mead, who spent much of her life researching prehistoric peoples. She asked her audience, What is the earliest sign of civilization? A clay pot? Iron? Tools? Agriculture? No, she claimed, it was a healed leg bone. Brand recalls:

She explained that such healings were never found in the remains of competitive, savage societies. There, clues of violence abounded: temples pierced by arrows, skulls crushed by clubs. But the healed femur showed that someone must have cared for the injured person – hunted on his behalf, brought him food, and served him at personal sacrifice. Savage societies could not afford such pity. I found similar evidence of healing in the bones from the churchyard. I later learned that an order of monks had worked among the victims: their concern came to light five hundred years later in the thin lines of healing where infected bone had cracked apart or eroded and then grown back together.⁸

Community is all about helping each other – caring enough to invest oneself in the thin lines of healing. There is no other way to have community. The apostle Paul wrote, The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love (Gal. 5:6). Words and ideas, forms and structures can take us only so far. In the end, it’s a matter of whether we will lay down our lives for one another. For Christ’s followers, this is not just a matter of obedience but the distinguishing mark of our witness. Jesus says, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:34–35). ◆

1 Howard A. Snyder, Liberating the Church: The Ecology of Church and Kingdom (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983), 113–114.

2 Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other (New York: Basic Books, 2011), 6–12.

3 Robert N. Bellah, Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life (New York: Harper and Row, 1985), 177.

4 Michael Frost, Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2014), 16.

5 Robert Wuthnow, Sharing the Journey: Support Groups and America’s New Quest for Community (New York: Simon and Shuster, 1994), 5.

6 Henri J. M. Nouwen, Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective (New York: Doubleday, 2013), 19.

7 Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation (New York: New Directions Books, 1972), 55.

8 Paul Brand and Philip Yancey, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1980), 68.


Everywhere the world is going to pieces. It is crumbling and rotting away. It is going through a process of disintegration. It is dying. And in these fearsome times, through the Holy Spirit Christ places the city-church with its unconditional unity right into the world. The only help for the world is to have a place of gathering, to have people whose will, undivided and free of doubt, is bent on gathering with others in unity.

Eberhard Arnold, God’s Revolution


The Great Idea

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

He had long been an official in the town; he was in a prominent position, respected by all, rich, and had a reputation for benevolence. He subscribed considerable sums to the almshouse and the orphan asylum; he was very charitable, too, in secret, a fact which only became known after his death. He was a man of about fifty, almost stern in appearance and not much given to conversation. He had been married about ten years and his wife, who was still young, had borne him three children. Well, I was sitting alone in my room the following evening, when my door suddenly opened and this gentleman walked in. . . .

And from that time forth he came to see me nearly every evening. And we should have become greater friends, if only he had ever talked of himself. But about himself he scarcely ever said a word, yet continually asked me about myself. In spite of that I became very fond of him and spoke with perfect ­frankness to him about all my feelings; for, thought I, what need have I to know his secrets, since I can see without that that he is a good man. Moreover, though he is such a serious man and my senior, he comes to see a youngster like me and treats me as his equal. And I learned a great deal that was profitable from him, for he was a man of lofty mind.

That life is heaven, he said to me suddenly, that I have long been thinking about; and all at once he added, I think of nothing else indeed. He looked at me and smiled. I am more convinced of it than you are; I will tell you later why.

I listened to him and thought that he evidently wanted to tell me something.

Heaven, he went on, lies hidden within all of us – here it lies hidden in me now, and if I will it, it will be revealed to me tomorrow and for all time.

I looked at him; he was speaking with great emotion and gazing mysteriously at me, as if he were questioning me.

And that we are all responsible to all for all, apart from our own sins – you were quite right in thinking that, and it is wonderful how you could comprehend it in all its significance at once. And in very truth, so soon as people understand that, the kingdom of heaven will be for them not a dream, but a living reality.

And when, I cried out to him bitterly, when will that come to pass? And will it ever come to pass? Is not it simply a dream of ours?

What then, you don’t believe it, he said. You preach it and don’t believe it yourself. Believe me, this dream, as you call it, will come to pass without doubt; it will come, but not now, for every process has its law. It’s a spiritual, psychological process. To transform the world, to recreate it afresh, people must turn into another path psychologically. Until you have become really, in actual fact, a brother to everyone, brotherhood will not come to pass. No sort of scientific teaching, no kind of common interest, will ever teach people to share property and privileges with equal consideration for all. Everyone will think his share too small and they will be always envying, complaining, and attacking one another. You ask when it will come to pass; it will come to pass, but first we have to go through the period of isolation.

What do you mean by isolation? I asked him.

Why, the isolation that prevails everywhere, above all in our age – it has not fully developed, it has not reached its limit yet. For everyone strives to keep his individuality as apart as possible, wishes to secure the greatest possible fullness of life for himself; but meantime all his efforts result not in attaining fullness of life but self-destruction, for instead of self-­realization he ends by arriving at complete solitude. All mankind in our age have split up into units; they all keep apart, each in his own groove; each one holds aloof, hides himself and hides what he has, from the rest, and he ends by being repelled by others and repelling them. He heaps up riches by himself and thinks, ‘How strong I am now and how secure,’ and in his madness he does not understand that the more he heaps up, the more he sinks into self-destructive impotence. For he is accustomed to rely upon himself alone and to cut himself off from the whole; he has trained himself not to believe in the help of others, in people and in humanity, and only trembles for fear he should lose his money and the privileges that he has won for himself. Everywhere in these days people have, in their mockery, ceased to understand that the true security is to be found in social solidarity rather than in isolated individual effort. But this terrible individualism must inevitably have an end, and all will suddenly understand how unnaturally they are separated from one another. It will be the spirit of the time, and people will marvel that they have sat so long in darkness without seeing the light. And then the sign of the Son of Man will be seen in the heavens. . . . But, until then, we must keep the banner flying. Sometimes even if he has to do it alone, and his conduct seems to be crazy, a man must set an example, and so draw people’s souls out of their solitude, and spur them to some act of brotherly love, that the great idea may not die.


Blessed Community

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Rufus Jones

Religion, which is as immemorial as smiling and weeping, does not begin with a Saint Stylites alone on the top of a pillar. If it had so begun the saint would soon have perished without a sympathetic community to see him – or, what is more important, to admire him. It is foolish for us to waste any precious time trying to settle the issue whether religion originates with the individual or the group. It is as absurd as trying to find a stick which has only one end. Individual and group cannot be cut apart and be treated as though either were real as a sundered existence.

The moment an individual has arrived on the scene with a capacity for the mystical, that is, the direct personal apprehension of God and capacity to interpret his experience, there is bound to be behind this individual the long molding processes of history, the accumulations of the experiences and transmissions of many generations. If the given individual runs on ahead of the group, as a prophet-genius does, it will be along the lines and in the direction for which the group has long been preparing the line of march. And the individual does not possess his insight with a permanent assurance until he has interpreted it and carried others along with this conviction. In short, however important the creative insight of the rare soul may be, religion does not count as a contribution to the race until a beloved community is formed and the discovery is interpreted and transmuted into a social movement. As far as its significance is concerned, religion is essentially social. It is an affair of a beloved community. . . .

The primary function of a church, if it is to be the continuing body of Christ in the world, is to raise human life out of its secular drift and to give reality to the eternal here in the midst of time. When it ceases to bear witness to the real presence of an eternal reality operating in and upon our lives, its race is run; it has missed its mission. But just as certainly the church is commissioned as the organ of the Spirit to bring health and healing to our human lives and to the social order in which our lives are formed and molded.

It may be true, as the higher critics tell us, that the kingdom of God as presented in the Gospels is not a new social order to be slowly, painfully, and creatively realized here in the furrows of our world through the cooperation of God and humankind together. On the other hand, there is most assuredly a type of life presented in the Gospels which, when it appears, seems to be already the kingdom of God – a type of life in which love is the supreme spring and motive, in which the spirit of forgiveness has come to ripeness, and which aims to do the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven. Insofar as the church carries on and incarnates that commission it becomes the sower of the seeds of the kingdom of God and the bearer of a new order for human society.

There is a proverb which says that God empties the nest not by breaking the eggs, but by hatching them. Not by the violent method of revolution will the new social order of life come, not by the legal enforcement of ancient commands, or by the formal application of texts and sayings, but by the vital infusion of a new spirit, the propagation of a passion of love like Christ’s, the continuation through the church of the real presence of eternity in the midst of time, will something come more like the order of life which we call the kingdom of God. It is the role of the church, I maintain, to be

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