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Trouble at the Red Pueblo
Trouble at the Red Pueblo
Trouble at the Red Pueblo
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Trouble at the Red Pueblo

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Who is Spider Latham? Think John Wayne meets Miss Marple.

When Spider is hired to do some private detective work for the Red Pueblo Museum, he doesn’t suspect it will cause a rift between his wife, Laurie, and himself.
Museum Director Martin Taylor is desperate, and his son, Matt, is angry. Some wicked, faceless organization is bent on destroying the museum financially, and it’s about to succeed. After Spider arrives, the situation turns deadly when a killer uses an Anasazi ax from the museum’s tourist shop to bash in the skull of a charismatic playboy.
Everyone has a motive for the murder, even Laurie’s handsome, rich relative who cozies up to her every chance he gets. The local Barney-Fife-type deputy arrests volatile Matt Taylor, whose only real crime is putting his trust in the wrong woman. Can Spider untangle the web of secrecy and lies surrounding the museum and save its Anasazi treasures before the Taylors lose it all? And in the process, can he save his own marriage?
A cozy mystery with an edge, Trouble at the Red Pueblo is Book #1 in Liz Adair’s Spider Latham Red Rock Mystery Series set in Southern Utah’s spectacularly scenic canyon country.

From InD’Tale Magazine (four-and-a-half star review):
Spider Latham has a new fan! This scrumptious story by Liz Adair is a marvelously easy to read mystery, seasoned with rich descriptions of the red rock area of Arizona and Utah. The author draws in the reader with uniquely realistic story lines involving existing businesses and landmarks in the area. The characters are complex—so fleshed out and genuine, one would expect to see them firmly ensconced at the Museum, the local diner, or patrolling the area in an orange Yugo with flames painted on it. Readers will love the bantering dialogue between Spider and Laurie, and they’ll pull for the Stetson wearing cowboy deputy from Nevada. Well written, well researched, and well done, Ms. Adair!

PublisherLiz Adair
Release dateMay 16, 2016
Trouble at the Red Pueblo

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    Trouble at the Red Pueblo - Liz Adair

    Copyright © 2014 by Liz Adair

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Published by Century Press, 496 West Kane Drive, Kanab, UT 84741

    ISBN: 978-0-9905027-0-8

    Cover design by Sarah Beard

    Cover design © 2014 by Liz Adair

    Formatting by KristiRae Alldredge of Computers & More Design Services

    This book is dedicated to my two Kanab/Fredonia high school chums, George Ann Brinkerhoff Brooksby and Nayna Judd Christensen. Georgie, your spunk as you take what life throws at you is truly inspiring; and Nayna, who would have thought that we’d end up as two little old (ex-cheerleader) ladies walking in the morning? It has been a joy to pick up the threads again. The friendship threads, not the cheerleading ones.

    Acknowledgements and Apologies

    I’ll take care of the apologies first:

    I somehow cannot get through a book without rearranging geography. For all of those who travel between Kanab, Utah and Fredonia, Arizona, you will know that the used-to-be vacant Travelers Inn (now updated to be Juniper Ridge) sits in Arizona. For the purpose of this narrative, I have moved it just across the state line into Utah. I apologize to all of the local citizenry who are bothered by this, but you’ll see why it was necessary as you read the book.

    For Spider Latham fans who have read the previous books, I’m warning you now. I’ve skipped fifteen or twenty years, updating to the present without Spider aging a whit. Don’t let it throw you.

    Now for the acknowledgements:

    Thanks to my writing community for encouragement and cheerleading. Part of that community is my critique group: Terry Deighton, Ann Acton, Tanya Parker Mills, Christine Thackeray and Bonnie Harris. Thanks, ladies. Your tough love makes me a better writer.

    Thanks to Steve and Darlene Judd for advice about horses and hooves, and to Kent Douglass. He not only was a beta reader, but he also gave me some tips about police procedure. If what I wrote takes literary license, it’s not because I got bad information from Kent.

    To Dixon and Launa Spendlove for support from the Red Pueblo Museum in Fredonia, and to Kendall and George Ann Brooksby, who introduced me to the museum—thank you.

    Thanks to my brother Ron and his wife, Mary. Ron designed the cover, and Mary read the manuscript.

    To all the people who read and gave me a list of mistakes found, I am so in your debt! In addition to my critique group and the already-named readers, these generous people include Nayna Christensen, Joyce Packard, Linda Chatterley, Joan Kirby, and Ross and Karalee Oblad.

    Thanks to my friend Hani Almadhoun for giving me the inspiration and name for the wonderful character, Karam Mansour. Thanks to Heather Justesen for her unflagging support as she acted as midwife to my first foray into indie publishing.

    And, as always, thanks to Derrill, my husband of fifty-two years. He is unfailing in his support of my writing.

    ALL SPIDER LATHAM wanted to do was get home. He wanted free of the choking black necktie, free of the memory of his mother in a cheap casket. If he was a drinking man, he’d head right to the whiskey. Instead, he thought he’d fix the fence that ran along the south property line. It’d been on his to-do list for a while, and the work would be hot, hard and demanding.

    Laurie, sitting beside him in the pickup, pointed at a small, square sedan parked in front of their house. Isn’t that the car you drove home from Las Vegas last year?

    Yep. That’s the one. Spider turned off the gravel road, rolled over the cattle guard and pulled up beside the orange Yugo with flames decorating its front end. I don’t know that I’m ready for company.

    Laurie patted his knee. Maybe company is what you need. You like that fellow don’t you? What ‘s his name?

    Jade Tremain. Yeah, I like him. But today’s not…

    Life goes on. The moment he turned off the key, Laurie opened the door and slid down to the ground. Smiling, she walked toward the young man emerging from the compact car. Hello, Jade. Welcome.

    Jade took the hand she held out to him. Did I come at a bad time? His eyes went from Laurie, dressed in a black dress and high heels, to Spider, climbing out of the pickup wearing a black suit on a hot August Tuesday.

    Spider ambled over, pulling down his Stetson to shade his eyes from the afternoon sun. He shook Jade’s hand and nodded toward the Yugo. Your dad still keeping you humble?

    Jade laughed and looked at his watch. It was the only company car left in the garage.

    Laurie patted the orange fender. I never will forget having to rescue Spider when he drove it home that time he was doing some work for your dad.

    Spider eyed the car. I wonder why he hangs on to it. It must be more than twenty years old.

    Twenty-three, but it doesn’t have that many miles on it. No one wants to drive it. Jade looked at his watch. I’ve come to talk to you about doing some more work for Dad.

    Spider, take Jade out back, Laurie said. You can sit in the shade while he tells you what he’s come for. I’ll bring out some ice water. She headed up the walk to the front door.

    Spider jerked his head in invitation and led his guest across the lawn. At the back yard fence he held the gate open.

    Jade passed through. I tried to call, but it said the phone was disconnected.

    Things have been pretty tight lately. We figured that was something we could do without. Spider fished a cell phone from his shirt pocket. The county gave me this to use for work, but I don’t take any personal calls on it.

    So you’re still deputy sheriff?

    Spider pocketed the phone as he headed toward a grape arbor. Yeah, but the county’s running out of money. Ever since this last recession hit, all employees have to take three unpaid furlough days each month. And then I had a funeral to pay for.

    Jade stopped just short of the shade. Oh, gee, Spider. Is that where you’ve just been? He hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. I bet you wish I hadn’t come.

    Spider sat in one of the chairs and pointed at the other. Take a load off.

    Jade hesitated, his hands in his pockets.

    Sit, Spider said.

    Jade sat. I’m sorry about coming today. Would you… could I… whose funeral was it?

    Spider crossed his legs, resting the ankle of his black cowboy boot on his knee. He took off his Stetson, held it in his lap, and turned his face away. My mother’s. As he looked off to the south, his eyes welled up, and a tear slid down his cheek.

    Jade shifted in his chair. I’d better go.

    Still looking away, Spider made a negative motion with his hand. He drew a handkerchief from the inside pocket of his coat and wiped his eyes. Don’t go. He blew his nose and turned to face the younger man. I don’t know where that came from. I haven’t cried a tear since Mama died.

    Jade sat with his hands on his knees. He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again and folded his arms tightly across his chest.

    Spider cleared his throat. Actually, the old woman who lived with us this last year wasn’t my mama. He smiled at the confused look on Jade’s face. My mother had Alzheimer’s. We’ve been saying we’d rejoice when she was finally released from that prison, but here I am crying. In front of company, no less.

    Jade pursed his lips and looked down at his feet.

    Spider uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. So, what’s on Brick Tremain’s mind? Why’d your daddy make you drive the three hours from Las Vegas to Lincoln County to see me, aside from the fact that he couldn’t talk to me on the phone?

    He needs you to do some investigating for him, but he says it’ll take longer than a weekend. He wants to know if the sheriff’s office can spare you for a week or so.

    Shoot, the sheriff would probably kiss your daddy on both cheeks if he employed me for a week or more. That would mean he wouldn’t have to take any furlough days himself. It’s really chafing him that he’s being treated the same as his deputy. Spider put his handkerchief back in the inner pocket. What exactly does the boss want me to do?

    The screen door banged, and Jade waited to answer while Laurie approached with a tray holding three tumblers of ice water. He murmured thanks and set the glass on a table beside his chair. After she served her husband and sat with her own cool drink, he spoke. Dad’s on the board of directors of a small museum in Arizona. Anasazi artifacts and stuff like that.

    Spider took a sip. The Anasazi were early Pueblo Indians, right? That’s about all I know about them.

    Jade smiled. Well, that’s more than I know.

    Where is this museum? Laurie asked.

    It’s in a little town called Fredonia, right on the Utah-Arizona border.

    Laurie’s smile was huge. You’re kidding! I have cousins in Fredonia.

    Dad says the museum director lives in Kanab, Utah. I guess it’s near Fredonia.

    Laurie nodded. Seven miles north. I have cousins in Kanab, too.

    Spider leaned back and smiled at his wife. Never mind about your relatives. Let’s hear what Jade has to say about the problem this museum has and what his daddy wants me to do.

    I don’t know the particulars. Jade stretched out his legs and jingled the keys in his pocket. I just know they’re in trouble. Someone is threatening to close down the museum and ruin the director financially. They need help right away, like by the end of next week. Dad wants you to go over and lend a hand. Jade looked at his watch again.

    That’s mighty slim— Spider was about to go on when Laurie put her hand on his knee.

    Do you need to leave? she asked Jade.

    The young man ran his hand through his hair. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to look impatient. The truth is, my wife is supposed to call me. She went to the doctor this morning.

    Is anything wrong? Laurie’s concerned look deepened.

    Jade’s cheeks grew rosy and he shook his head. We’re expecting a baby. It’s our first.

    Congratulations! Spider stood and held out his hand. If you don’t have any more information for me, I’ll let you get on your way back to Vegas. Just tell me who I talk to at the museum.

    Jade stood, patting his shirt pocket before extracting a business card. Here’s the director’s contact information. He can tell you the whole story.

    Spider walked with Jade toward the gate, reading the name on the card as he went. Martin Taylor. Should I call him or just show up?

    We’ll just show up, Laurie said. Since we don’t have a phone.

    Spider stopped and looked down at his wife. "We’ll show up? Are you coming with?"

    There’s no need for me to stay home now, Laurie said. Her voice quavered at the end of the sentence, and her eyes filled with tears. She accepted the handkerchief Spider proffered and turned away for a moment to wipe her eyes. Excuse me, she said to Jade. I didn’t expect to get weepy.

    Jade stopped at the gate to let her go through first. Please don’t apologize. I should have come on another day.

    She shook her head. No, I think it’s wonderful you came today. This will give us both something to think about instead of the empty chair in the living room.

    Spider put his arm around his wife as they walked Jade to his car.

    The young man stopped with his hand on the door handle and looked at the roof of the Latham vehicle. It still showed the dents Spider hadn’t been able to completely hammer out after the rollover accident he’d had on one of his first cases. I see you’re still driving the same pickup.

    It runs good, Spider said. And it’s easy to spot in a crowded parking lot.

    My dad would approve, Jade said with a smile, opening the door of his own car. He paused and leaned against the top. If things are so tight here, why don’t you come to Vegas and work for Tremain Enterprises? Dad’d hire you in an instant.

    I know that, Spider said. He told me the same thing last time I worked for him, but Lathams have been living in Meadow Valley for four generations. Five if you count my boys. We’ve got good pasture and plenty of water. It’s worth hanging onto, even when times are lean.

    Jade slid into the driver’s seat and closed the door, speaking through the open window. Dad says there’s a room for you at the Best Western in Kanab. It’s there on the main drag. He wants you to call him once you’re settled in and understand the lay of the land.

    Will do. Spider drew Laurie back a pace as Jade started the engine. They watched as the car turned around in the drive, and they waved as it rattled over the cattle guard.

    I’ll run over to Bud’s and ask him to check on the cattle for me every few days, Laurie said. Then I’ll stick all those funeral casseroles in the freezer and pack something for us to eat for supper on the way.

    We’re leaving this afternoon?

    You heard what Jade said. They’re in trouble, and there’s a deadline.

    Spider took the phone from his pocket. All right. I’ll call and make sure it’s okay for me to take the time off.

    Laurie headed toward the barn. I’m getting my saddle right now and putting it in the pickup, so I don’t forget it.

    Spider paused with his thumb on the key pad. Hold on a minute. You’re taking your saddle?

    Laurie stopped and turned around. Yeah. I thought I’d spend some time with Jack.


    Jack Houghton, my cousin. We used to ride all around that red rock country when I was sixteen. It would be fun to do it again.

    Isn’t he a dentist? How do you know he has horses?

    He’s an orthodontist. His cousin Sally was at the funeral today. She told me he’s bought the old family ranch and built a new house and stables on it.

    Huh, Spider grunted. As Laurie turned again toward the barn, he went back to scrolling through the menu on his phone to find the sheriff’s number.

    SPIDER SHUT THE hotel room door behind him with his foot as he balanced Laurie’s saddle on his shoulder with one hand and carried her guitar case in the other. He dumped them both on one of the two queen size beds. I didn’t know you packed your guitar.

    She put down the phone receiver. Jack and I used to sing together. I brought it just in case.

    Spider pulled down the corners of his mouth.

    Laurie smiled. Don’t give me that look. What have you got against Jack?

    What look? Why would I have anything against Jack?

    I don’t know. You tell me. She walked over and put her arms around his neck. You look like you’ve bitten into a persimmon every time I mention his name.

    Not a persimmon. Spider dropped a kiss on her lips. Maybe a horse biscuit.

    Laurie laughed and turned away. You’re terrible. What has poor Jack done to make you dislike him?

    I don’t like the way he looks at you, and he never misses a chance to put his arm around you.

    He’s my cousin. We spent a lot of time together when I was a teenager.

    He’s a third cousin. Spider pulled a card from his shirt pocket. And I particularly don’t like the way he’s always quoting poetry.

    Laurie hefted a suitcase up onto the bed. He’s a fourth cousin, and it’s cowboy poetry. He writes it. He’s pretty good, too.

    I wouldn’t mind it so much if he didn’t do those gestures. Spider struck a pose with one foot forward, one hand in the air, fingers spread apart. Then he shook his head and picked up the phone.

    Laurie grinned. Well, we’re having dinner with him tonight.

    Spider rested the receiver on his shoulder and looked at her, eyes narrowed. Not really.

    She nodded. I couldn’t tell him no. Besides, you said you were hungry.

    He looked at his watch. When?

    In about ten minutes. She began transferring clothing from a suitcase to a drawer.

    Looking at the card and punching buttons on the phone, Spider muttered, I think I just lost my appetite.

    Laurie glanced up. What did you say?

    Nothing. Spider turned away as his party answered. Mr. Taylor? This is Spider Latham. Yes. Brick Tremain asked me to come over, see if I could help. He listened a moment and then asked, Can I come by and talk to you this evening? That would be fine. Seven-thirty it is.

    Laurie poked Spider in the back with a clothes hanger. Seven-thirty? That doesn’t give us much time for dinner with Jack.

    Spider hung up the phone. What can I say? Today’s my lucky day.

    Spider and Laurie walked the two blocks to Parry Lodge where a fresh-faced young woman with spiky black hair and dangly earrings met them in the foyer of the restaurant. Carrying a sheaf of menus on her arm, she welcomed them with a smile. Would you prefer the dining room or the coffee shop?

    Laurie tucked her hand inside Spider’s arm. We’re meeting someone here. Jack Houghton?

    Oh, yes. Dr. Houghton is in the dining room. I’ll take you right in. She led them through a wide archway to a pleasant room done in blue and green. Widely-spaced tables with heavy white linen tablecloths, napkins, and fresh flowers gave the room an air of elegance.

    Laurie! At a corner table, a tall man, handsome in an angular way and graying at the temples, stood and beckoned.

    Geez. Laurie grabbed Spider’s hand and whispered, Look how thin he is.

    Spider nodded his thanks to the spiky-haired hostess and allowed himself to be pulled over to Jack Houghton’s table.

    Jack planted one foot forward and held up his right hand, fingers lightly flexed, as he began quoting.

    I saw her comin' from afar,

    That gal with auburn hair,

    And my heart, which had been workin' fine,

    Just stopped and stuck right there.

    She was such a pretty thing,

    It scattered all my wits,

    And I'd a-give my heart to her,

    If it wasn't on the fritz.

    Hello, Jack. Laurie kissed his cheek. You are sweet and funny. Do you remember my husband, Spider?

    I remember the face, Jack said, shaking Spider’s hand, but I thought his name was Spencer.

    Spider’s a nickname. Laurie took the chair that Jack held for her. I don’t think many people know what his real name is.

    Jack sat opposite Laurie and leaned on his elbow, regarding her. So tell me.

    Laurie’s answer was interrupted by a young waiter in a white shirt and tie. He introduced himself and asked if they would care to order drinks.

    We’re in a bit of a time crunch, Spider said. We’d like to order now, if that’s all right. What can you recommend that will be fast?

    Jack held up his hand. Wait, wait, wait. You can’t eat at Parry Lodge and have a time constraint. Why, look around. Look at the pictures on the walls. Famous people from all over have eaten here. The place is famous for its food and famous for its ambiance.

    Spider didn’t reply to Jack. He kept his eyes on the server, waiting for an answer to his question. The young man stepped around in back, so he could point out items on Spider’s menu that took less time, and soon he was on his way to the kitchen, having promised expedited service.

    Famous people, Spider mused. He looked around at the black and white photos. John Wayne I recognize, but— He peered at the names under the pictures on the wall next to his chair. —Lex Barker? John Agar? If the food is equally famous, I hope I’ll recognize the lasagna.

    Spider felt Laurie kick him in the ankle and obligingly turned the conversation. I hear you built a new house, Jack.

    Laurie’s cousin needed no more encouragement and entered into a detailed description of the art of building a straw-bale home. His narrative lasted through the salad and entrée, and he broke into poetry only once when he described the building site. He was deep into the stucco finish when Laurie looked at her watch.

    We’ve got an appointment at seven-thirty, she said, putting her napkin by her plate.

    Spider stood and helped with her chair. Thanks for inviting us to dinner, Jack. Sorry we have to run.

    Jack stood as well. He kissed Laurie on the cheek. I’ve got some braces I’ve got to see to tomorrow, but the day after that I’m free. We can spend it together. Remember that ride we used to take out to Inchworm?

    Laurie smiled. Yes. I’d love to go there again.

    Jack turned to face Spider. Uh, you too, Spencer. Glad to have you come. Do you ride?

    Spider offered his hand. Yes, but this is a working trip for me. I’d better not make any plans.

    The two men shook, and then Spider walked behind Laurie, his hand on the small of her back, as they wove through the tables and across the foyer to the exit.

    Night had fallen while they were having dinner, and the evening was pleasantly warm as they walked back to the hotel. Laurie linked her arm through Spider’s. Nicely done, Spencer.

    Yeah, well don’t try to talk me into going riding with you two.

    A couple walked by, having an animated conversation in what appeared to be Japanese. Spider waited until they had passed and then remarked, I’ve heard about three different languages tonight. I didn’t realize Kanab was such a crossroads.

    I think that’s why that summer I spent here was so exciting. People come from all over the world to see the nearby National Parks, and I got asked out in five languages.

    But you didn’t go because your true love was Cousin Jack.

    I didn’t go because I was a shy, small-town waitress, afraid to move out of her protected circle.

    They reached the pickup, and Spider opened the passenger door for Laurie. As he walked around to his side, an ambulance went by, siren wailing. He got in and waited until the sound faded before asking, Are you sorry you never ventured beyond the small-town life?

    She shook her head. No. Our sons moving so far away and doing great things showed me that distant places and different people aren’t scary. I guess a small town just suited me. She looked both ways as the pickup stopped at the edge of the parking lot. Do you know where you’re going?

    Yeah, I think. The highway is Center Street, and the stop light is Main. We need to go north a couple blocks and then east.

    They drove away from the city center to where street lights were fewer, and Laurie rolled down her window. I always loved the summer nights in Kanab. They seemed more exciting than the nights at home. As they turned a corner, she pointed at flashing lights a couple blocks away. Some family’s got a tragedy going on.

    Yeah, and by my reckoning, that’s just about where we’re headed. Can you see anything?

    Even numbers are on this side.

    Spider pulled up behind the ambulance and peered through the windshield, trying to locate the address on the house that stood with its front door open. That’s it, he said, reaching for the door handle. I don’t like bothering people when they’ve got something like this going on, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

    At least the police aren’t here, Laurie said.

    Not yet, anyway. Stay here. He got out and crossed the lawn, reaching the edge of the yellow circle thrown by the porch light as a uniformed man backed through the doorway on one end of a wheeled stretcher. His partner followed on the other end, and they passed by Spider on the way to the ambulance. In the shadows, Spider was aware that the man on the stretcher had gray hair and an oxygen mask. Two people trailed behind— a young man with his arm around an older woman. She walked with hunched shoulders and folded arms. They stopped near Spider as the EMTs slid the stretcher inside, and the sound of the legs folding rang loudly in the quiet of the night.

    The ambulance doors slammed shut, and the young man said, Come on, Mom. We’ll meet him at the hospital. He tugged on her arm. You go get in the car. I’ll close the front door.

    Feeling uncomfortable and intrusive, Spider followed him across the lawn. Excuse me. Are you… is this where the Taylors live?

    The young man whirled, obviously startled. Yes?

    "I know this is a

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