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Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel: Book Five)
Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel: Book Five)
Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel: Book Five)
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Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel: Book Five)

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Darkness has descended on the faery realm. Rylie and Sierra have dealt with numerous challenges over the past two years: love, death, friendship, magic, but can they save the realm they have come to love?

PublisherTalia Jager
Release dateMay 16, 2016
Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel: Book Five)

Talia Jager

Creator of worlds and characters.

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    Unexpected Promise (A Between Worlds Novel - Talia Jager


    This book is dedicated to:

    Montana Stockwell – Thank you for being my army.

    Chapter One



    There was something very wrong. My head felt like it was going to explode and I could taste blood in my mouth. Moving my head, I realized I was lying on something hard and uncomfortable. My eyes popped open and I saw three figures standing above me.

    She’s awake, one of them said.

    Where was I? What was going on? As the blurriness cleared up, I realized Ealdun, Varwik, and Satine were the ones standing above me. Images of them capturing me flashed through my mind. My heart banged violently in my chest. Think, Rylie. How do I get out of here? I could use their talents on them. I focused on Ealdun to find his talent, but after several minutes of not being able to find it, I switched my focus to Satine, but had no luck there either.

    What’s wrong? Is the great Aurorian having problems? Satine sneered, giggled, and then yanked on something in her hand. The action pulled me forward like a chained animal and made me erupt into a fit of gasping and coughing. Laughing even louder, she said, I have you on a leash and you can’t do anything about it.

    Satine, stop playing with the prisoner. It’s unbecoming, Ealdun scolded.

    Satine rolled her icy-blue eyes and yanked on the chain again before turning around.

    My hands flew up to my neck and touched something cold and hard. I followed it all the way around my neck—it was some sort of collar with a chain attached. After feeling around for a latch and not finding one, I yanked on the collar over and over again. Panic filled me and tears sprang to my eyes.

    Satine laughed as she knelt down in front of me. What’s the matter, Princess? All tied up?

    I tried again to use her mind control talent.

    The collar is magickal. It neutralizes your talent. Did you really think Ealdun would let you use his power—or mine—against us? He’s had this planned for a long time.

    I dug my fingers into the ground, hoping it would respond. Nothing. The collar must block all my faery gifts. I was weak and powerless.

    The figure farthest from me started to walk my way and a minute later, Ealdun stood looking down at me. This was the first time I had seen him in the flesh. I wasn’t impressed. Scared, yes. Impressed, no. His dark hair was combed to the side, his black wings looked tattered, but his cold dark eyes made my blood run cold. He really was pure evil. Take us to the Aurorian stone.


    I’m asking nicely. Don’t push me.


    You remember your connection to the earth? He paused. The pain you feel when nature hurts? I can make you hurt so much you’ll beg for me to stop. We can start with a fire in the forest. Poison in the water.

    Don’t. The land hasn’t done anything to you.

    Then take me to the stone.

    I couldn’t do that. No.

    Then you leave me no choice. He raised his hands, but before he could do anything, he looked to the east and said, They’re early.

    Ealdun grabbed the end of the chain and saying some foreign words drove it into the ground. His cold eyes held mine, sending fear through me. The underworld holds you now. You will give me that stone. I have time. I will come for you. For your loved ones. You will never be safe.

    I shot up in bed, breathing heavy, heart racing. I was in my room. At home. With my husband.

    Kallan sat up and rubbed my back. It’s okay. Just a nightmare. You’re safe.

    No. He was wrong. We were anything but safe.

    Not a single night had passed that I didn’t have a nightmare. Every night I relived the day I had been captured and chained to the underworld like an animal. It was a curse no one had the cure for.


    It had been two full moons since that fateful day—and there hadn’t been a single spotting of the evil three. Some of the faeries thought they had been killed in Sierra’s explosion, but not me. I knew better. They didn’t die. They were out there…waiting.

    Most of the faeries who had been staying on our land for protection slowly went back to their homes and lives. I didn’t think this was a wise decision, but Kallan told me to let them go. We didn’t want to force them to stay. Some stayed a little longer to make sure nothing happened to the ones that left, and then they left too. It was as if the other faeries’ memories had faded and they forgot how dangerous the evil ones were.

    We had a few faeries with shield talents. They took turns making sure Kallan and I were safe in our home. The shield was designed to allow certain faeries to go through, but had to be dropped for others.

    I was sitting on the ground with my feet and hands flat on the cool dirt trying to reach out and feel for anything to lead us to the evil three. I felt Sierra approaching from behind. She and Drake were still here a month after the other faeries left. I could tell she was apprehensive, but I didn’t move. I would let her come to me.

    You’re stressing, she said finally.

    It’d be weird if I wasn’t.

    You need to rest. You’ve been at this day in and day out. Have you had one lead yet?


    Take a break. There are a lot of faeries out there searching. Lorella is constantly surveying the future. Maybe they went back where they came from.

    You think they just gave up that easily? I opened my eyes and shot her a look.

    She let go of a sigh. No, but you’re worried, tense, stressed. It’s too much. We need to try to get back to normal. They may or may not still be here. Maybe their plans were foiled or maybe they’re just enjoying watching us squirm, but we can’t live like this forever.

    They’re more than dangerous, Sierra. They’re pure evil. I shuddered.

    I know. You have nightmares every night.

    Meeting her green eyes again, I said, You know that?

    She nodded, but didn’t say anything more about it. I think I should leave.

    Leave? And go where? It felt like someone punched me in the gut.

    Azura’s. If you don’t mind. I mean… I love living here with you, but you guys are newlyweds and you need some space. You need to find normal. But I don’t want you to think I’m deserting you. Her emotions were all over the place.

    I chewed on my lip. This is supposed to help me not worry so much? Having you off the land that protects you?

    I’ll stay if you need me to.

    I knew she would, but I wouldn’t ask her to do that. Maybe she was right. Maybe I needed to relax until they showed up again. The only thing we could do was prepare for them and we were doing that already. We had trainings every day.

    I smiled, for her benefit. You are always welcome to live in my home, but if you want to go stay with Azura, that’s fine too.

    I just think you and Kallan should have some time.

    What about your safety though?

    Azura said Drake could stay there too. We ran it by Kallan and he was fine with it. If it’s okay for me to sleep in your room, Drake will sleep in the guest room.

    Of course it’s okay with me. I wrapped my arms around her. Just remember you can come back whenever you want.

    What’s wrong? she asked, noticing my scrunched up face as I pulled back.

    I’m just going to miss you.

    Sierra smiled. I won’t be far.

    That was up for interpretation.

    Chapter Two



    Back in Rylie’s house, I packed my bag. Glancing out the window, I found Rylie tending to her garden. She was keeping busy. Drake came up behind me. How did it go? he asked.

    How do you think it went? She’s worried and hurt. She doesn’t understand.

    We don’t have to go.

    I know. We have to for Azura and to give Rylie some space. She’s beyond stressed and I hope having some time with Kallan will help. I turned to him. Did you talk to your parents?

    Yes. They were a bit surprised we were going to Azura’s, but we were already living together so that part didn’t bother them as much as I thought. They did want to know when we planned on getting married and where we’d live once we were.

    I zipped my bag and turned to face him. And what did you say?

    He cupped my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I kept it simple. I said soon and we were still talking about that.

    Good. I pulled him to me for another kiss. Reaching behind him, I ran my fingers down his soft, silky wings. They reminded me of petals from a flower.

    Oh, and my sister wants to know if you’re still on for lunch tomorrow.

    Absolutely. I was looking forward to spending time with Drake’s younger sister, Nova.

    Looking around Rylie and Kallan’s guest room one more time, I picked up my bag and led Drake out the door.

    Kallan met us in the kitchen. He shook Drake’s hand and said, Take care of Sierra. I won’t hear the end of it if you don’t.

    I will.

    Making sure Rylie was still outside, Kallan said, Shaylee will meet you there with the protection stone. If it works it will only protect Azura’s house and we don’t know how well or for how long.

    It’s something though, I said. Hopefully it’ll stop Lorella’s vision from coming true.

    Rylie bought the excuse you gave her? Kallan asked, looking at me.

    It wasn’t an excuse. Everything I said was true. I just left Lorella’s vision out.

    Good. She’s so anxious, I don’t want to lay any more at her feet, Kallan responded.

    Don’t treat her with kid gloves, Kallan. She’ll resent it, I warned.

    He glanced out the window at Rylie. I know, he whispered. But the nightmares aren’t letting up. She’s constantly on edge, looking for the monsters I let in from the underworld. He clenched his fists.

    Placing my hand on Kallan’s shoulder, I said, Stop beating yourself up. She needs to relax. It’ll be just the two of you so focus on her. I bet she’d love a little honeymoon.

    Kallan smiled. That is an awesome idea.

    Outside, I gave Rylie a hug. If you need me, just say the word.

    Just be careful. She took a deep shuddering breath and rubbed her birthmark. I can’t lose you.

    I’m not going anywhere, Ry. Do me a favor though. Let the guards handle the search and enjoy some time with your husband.

    She half-smiled. I’ll try.


    She kicked at the ground, then looked up at me with tear-filled blue eyes. Promise.

    Hand-in-hand, Drake and I walked through the forest to Azura’s. Shaylee and Lorella were already there when we arrived. Once we were inside the tree, Shaylee revealed the stone. I’ve shaped it into a bowl. If Rylie comes to visit, she’ll just think it’s a decorative piece. It needs to be in the most central area of the house.

    Azura motioned to the end table next to the couch. Will that work?

    Shaylee nodded. Yes. She placed the stone bowl down gently. I’ve never made anything this important before and I really can’t promise it will work. Are you sure you want to stay here?

    This is my home, Azura replied.

    I know, but you could stay with Rylie or Lorella instead.

    Lorella doesn’t know when this attack may happen. So it could be tomorrow or a year from now. I can’t burden anyone for that long. This will work, Shaylee. Have faith in what you made. However—she looked at me—that doesn’t mean you need to stay here, Sierra. You and Drake can stay elsewhere.

    Kallan asked me to watch over you, Azura, Drake said. And that’s what I will do.

    Lorella saw you lying on the ground in a few different scenarios. We’re going to protect you, I told her. Lorella? Any changes?

    Lorella closed her eyes and we waited for a few moments. When she opened them again, she said, I still see an attack on the home, but I don’t see the destruction I did before. Maybe the stone will help that.

    Lorella’s mood did not lighten though. She was still frightened and uneasy. When I searched her mind for more, I knew the visions of Azura’s possible death hadn’t completely disappeared.

    Azura took a deep breath. Excuse me for a minute. I must get something out of the oven.

    One good thing about living with Azura would be the cooking lessons she was sure to give me. I looked forward to learning from the best. Lorella followed Azura into the kitchen. Turning to Shaylee, I said, Try not to worry so much.

    How can I not? I have to protect the Aurorian’s mother and best friend. If that stone doesn’t work, she’ll hate me.

    She knows nothing of this, which I was against. I had no doubt that Rylie would find out one day and she’d be pissed we kept this from her. Hopefully if an attack is imminent, Lorella will see it. You did good. Rylie would be appreciative. I reached out and hugged her. Now, how are things with Tiern?

    Her brown eyes lit up at his name and she rambled for a few minutes about how she felt about him. I sure hope he pops the question soon.

    Maybe he’s just waiting for this battle to be over? I suggested.

    You’re probably right.

    I could feel her disappointment, but I knew that Tiern loved her and was just waiting for the right time. Having the empath ability gave me huge insight into everyone’s privacy. It was fun and annoying at the same time. Sometimes I wanted to help, but had to hold myself back because I wasn’t supposed to know what was going on. I had to put the mental curtains down most days. Now that I was farther from Rylie, I had to make sure I kept an open channel to her. I could feel strong emotions from her even far away.

    After Shaylee and Lorella left, I noticed Drake taking our bags upstairs and followed him. He put his bag in the guest room and then brought mine to Rylie’s room. Wrapping his arms around me, he said, Mo shearc, I can’t wait to be in the same bed as you.

    My cheeks warmed and I got lost in his dark brown eyes. Soon.

    His lips touched mine in a sweet, warm kiss. Behind me, my wings fluttered. I couldn’t wait to marry Drake and I hoped it wouldn’t be long.

    Chapter Three



    R emember that honeymoon we talked about? Kallan asked, grinning from ear to ear when I came back inside.


    We’re going to have it.

    A honeymoon?

    Yes. Just you and me. Sierra’s memories have returned. The fey have all gone home. It’s just us—

    What about the evil three?

    What about them?

    What if they attack while we’re honeymooning?

    They haven’t shown up yet. And there was blood, Rylie. I’d bet they take some time before coming after us again. And we’re not going to actually go anywhere.

    We’re not?

    No. The house is covered with a shield and surrounded by an army. Latner and Beck have assured me both the dark and light armies are prepared. We’re going to honeymoon at home. He held my face between his hands.

    I lifted my eyes to his. We’re doing this now?

    Right now. His blue-green eyes sparkled.

    And then his lips touched mine, softly, hesitantly, waiting for my response. I pushed back, unsure if we should enjoy time together while the enemy was free, but Kallan tightened his grip and the kiss deepened. All my worries slowly faded away as Kallan’s love surrounded me and made me feel safe. I let my guard down and let myself enjoy his lips on mine. I ran my hands around his waist and up his back, drawing him further into the kiss. I groaned in frustration when he pulled away.

    I have the night planned and making love to you is most definitely on it, but not until later.

    He held up one finger and led me to the middle of the living room of the most perfect house on earth and turned on the one electronic in the house, my iPod. He pulled me into his arms again, and we swayed from side to side. I love holding you.

    We danced to a few songs. I almost forgot the troubles that lay outside my door. If only I could stay in his arms forever.

    Next he led me to the kitchen where two dim faery lights flickered on the table set for two. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. Sitting across from me, he said, Do you remember the night we first met?

    How could I forget that? I was starving and Varwik was shoving wedding plans down our throats.

    Kallan laughed. Who would have thought that we’d be married and happy? He held up a round fruit. Remember this?

    We ate these just after you called me Rylie for the first time, after our kiss, and then you took me home.

    That’s right. I couldn’t keep my feelings hidden much longer. When I found out what my father had planned, I knew I had to get you out of here. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to show you that I could be a good boyfriend, a good husband.

    Smiling, I said, You are the best.

    He handed me one of the fruits. To the day I acted on my feelings.

    I bit into the fruit and relished the sweet, juicy orange flavor. So good, I mumbled.

    I wish I could give you the honeymoon you deserve, Kallan said after we finished dinner.

    I don’t need to go anywhere, Kallan. I’m happy being with you.

    He was on his feet and pulling me out of my seat within seconds. Shall we go to the bedroom now?

    Giggling, I said, There’s nothing I want more.

    He kissed me, then grabbed my hand and gave me a tug. I pulled back.

    What’s wrong? he asked.

    What about the dishes?

    What about them?

    They’re not done.

    Rolling his eyes, he said, We’ll do them later. He scooped me up and carried me down the hall.

    In the master bedroom, he gently placed me on the bed. It was dark and quiet except for the music still playing in the other room.

    He flipped me over onto my stomach and unzipped the dress I was wearing. His strong hands rubbed my back for a few minutes and the stress lessened. He ran his hands up my wings, which made my eyes pop open in anticipation of what was to come. Tingles flew through my body and I tried to turn to be with him, but Kallan just shushed me. Relax, Ry. Let me help.

    I blew out a deep breath and pushed all thoughts of the evil three out of my mind. Kallan rubbed my body. Every few minutes, he would reach up and stroke my wings, which sent my body into a frenzy. You’re a tease, I whispered.

    Finally he turned me over and kissed my lips, then my neck, and by my ear. His hands moved down to my breasts, where he gently caressed and kissed each one. Then he touched the inside of my thigh just long enough to make my heart skip a beat. Passion burst from me and I grabbed him and pulled him close. My hands knotted in his hair and my legs wrapped around him. His deep kisses devoured me and we made love.

    He gently swept his fingers across my bare skin as I lay facing him.

    Do you think we’ll ever be able to live in peace? I asked.

    It’s all relative, he answered. What do you consider peace?

    When nobody is trying to kill us.

    Then yes, we will live in peace. I haven’t had people trying to kill me my whole life.

    Only until I came along?

    Kallan laughed. That is true.

    I’m such a bad influence.

    His mouth found mine in the darkness, slow and gentle at first, and then he deepened the kiss. It felt so right with him. If only we could stay in bed for the rest of our lives. I cuddled up close to him and let go a sigh of content.

    You’re still thinking about the dishes, aren’t you? Kallan said.

    I burst out laughing.

    For the next few days, Kallan and I enjoyed our time with each other.


    For the spring solstice, Kallan and I invited our family—Sierra, Drake, Azura, Lena, Warren, Shaylee, Tiern, Nova, Lorella, Violet, and Nessa—over for a small celebration. The snow had melted, but it was still too early for flowers. If it was too cold for everyone outside, we’d move the party inside.

    Hey, Rylie?

    I turned and saw Violet approaching with a handsome-looking faery holding her hand. He was tall and muscular, with short, light brown hair. I could tell he was a dark faery by his wings.


    There is someone I’d like you to meet. Rylie, this is my boyfriend, Jai. Jai, this is my cousin Rylie.

    It’s an honor to meet you. He bowed.

    It’s so nice to meet you too, but please, right now I’m not your queen. I’m just Rylie, Violet’s cousin. There is no need for you to be all proper, I said with a smile.

    He returned the smile. Thank you.

    How did you two meet?

    Violet’s blue eyes twinkled. My mother and Aunt Azura wanted Nessa and me to learn some fighting techniques. Shaylee tried teaching us how to shoot arrows, but neither of us were very good at it. Tiern started helping us with a little sword fighting. He brought his cousin Jai to help. And… oh… the second my eyes landed on him, I felt a connection.

    Aw… how sweet.

    I asked her to dinner as soon as our training session was over, Jai added. And I’ve been with her every day since.

    So, how is training going? Did you find your groove? I asked.

    Well, Jai is really good at throwing knives and stars, and it seems like I have a knack for it too. I’m still practicing self-defense and hand-to-hand combat.

    It’s good for everyone to know these things in case a situation comes up where they need to defend themselves or go on the offensive, Jai said.

    I agree with you. We should all be better trained.

    Violet looked over at Azura. Do you mind if we talk some more later? I still need to introduce Jai to a few others.

    Okay. I’ll talk to you later.

    They turned and walked toward Sierra and Drake. That’s when I caught sight of the back of his wings. I chuckled, then muttered out, Midnight blue. Well, I’ll be. Not only were his wings the same as the ones I saw in a vision of the future years ago, but he was a dark faery, which meant I wouldn’t be the only one in the family who didn’t marry a light faery.

    Are you talking to yourself? my aunt teased.

    I turned to her with a wide grin on my face. Midnight blue! It’s a wonderful color, don’t you think?

    Her eyes narrowed, and she looked from me to Violet and Jai then back to me. Did you see something? she asked with a smile. Perhaps a wedding?

    You know, I might have awhile ago, but what was it that I told you back then when it happened? Oh yes! Wouldn’t you like to know, and I gave you some advice that was given to me, sometimes we don’t need to know.

    She smiled. I knew that would come back to bite me in the butt one day.

    I wandered around the yard, chatting with everyone. I couldn’t help but feel left out of something, but I couldn’t figure out what.

    After eating, Violet came and sat next to me while Jai talked to Drake. So, do you like him?

    Yes, I do. He’s kind, polite, sweet, and it’s obvious you love each other. And if I do say so myself, you’ve got yourself quite a looker.

    Violet laughed. Thanks. You think the rest of the family likes him too?

    Yes. He fits in well with our huge, extended, one of a kind family. A family that is much more than blood.

    So… you approve?

    I laughed at her. Vi, I’m your cousin, not your mom, but if it makes you feel better, yes, I do approve. As long as he loves you and treats you right, I more than approve. You have got future marriage material on your hands.

    Her eyes lit up. Marriage? You think? she asked, looking over at Jai then back at me with a blazing smile on her face, and in the moment, seeing her smile, I could truly see how in love with him she was. That and the fact he kept glancing at her and smiling while she was talking with me.

    I really do.

    The night was over too fast. I still wished my loved ones would stay here on our land where they’d be protected, and it took everything in me not to tell them my thoughts about the whole thing and demand they stay.

    Chapter Four



    Summer had flown by with no sign of the evil three. Although I wished nothing more than to never see them again, a part of me hoped they’d hurry up and get it over with. Waiting for them to show up again was annoying—no, more than that: it was infuriating. I felt like nothing would return to normal until that happened.

    Every morning, the first thing I would do was feel the earth. It was like checking in with a friend to make sure everything was okay. Then I would walk over to the trees and place my hands on one of them.

    Today was different. Before I even reached the grass, the world was spinning. I reached out and grabbed the side of the house so I wouldn’t fall. I blinked a few times to see if it would clear up. When it didn’t, I carefully lowered myself to the ground. Bile rose in my throat, but somehow I managed to keep my stomach contents down. What was happening? Was it the earth? Was something going on? Maybe Ealdun had found a way to poison the earth again? I inched over to where the grass met the deck and let my fingers touch the dirt. The coolness seeped into my body and I felt a vibration, but I couldn’t feel anything wrong. The earth was fine, which meant I must be sick. Panic set in. I didn’t want to be in a coma again.

    Tiern rounded the corner of the house. When he realized I was on the ground, he ran to me, dropping the logs he was carrying. Rylie! What’s wrong?

    I don’t feel so good. Could you help me get to bed?

    Of course. He scooped me up like I weighed nothing, carried me to my room, and placed me on the bed.

    Fetch Lena?

    Right away! He rushed out.

    I pondered telling Kallan what was going on. He was off on a mission with the dark faery army leaders, Latner and Oberon, and I hated to disturb him. On the other hand, I didn’t want to keep secrets. I closed my eyes so the room would stop spinning.


    Yes, my love?

    I’m not feeling well.

    The earth?

    No. Lena’s on her way.

    So am I.

    I’m scared, Kallan.

    Nothing will happen, Ry. I love you.

    I love you too.

    Before long, I heard the back door open and fast footsteps down the hall. Rylie? Lena called.

    Come in, I told her, opening my eyes.

    Lena, dressed in a yellow off the shoulder shift dress, approached the bed, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked me over. Tiern said he found you on the ground outside.

    Staring into her pale blue eyes, I said, I’m dizzy and my stomach hurts. I felt the earth though, there’s nothing wrong, so I must be sick. Can you help?

    She nodded and placed her hands on me. I waited to start feeling better, but it wasn’t happening. The expression on Lena’s face turned to concern and she repositioned her hands.

    My heart raced as I wondered what now was going on that she couldn’t fix. What’s wrong?

    The concern on her face faded and was replaced by a smile. You’re not sick. You’re with child.

    I felt the blood drain from my face. What?

    You’re pregnant.

    Pregnant? I can’t be pregnant. I’m only eighteen. I just got here. I just got used to everything. I’m finally dealing with being in charge and the three most evil faeries that ever lived are roaming around our realm and you’re telling me I’m pregnant? I rambled. Pregnant? Are faery pregnancies like human ones? Am I going to feel like this for months?

    Whoa. Slow down. She laughed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and placed her hand on mine. Take a deep breath.

    Good idea. I took quite a few deep breaths, but it wasn’t helping. A baby. I was having a baby. How was I going to be a mother when I had so much to do? How could I protect another life when I had so much trouble protecting my own? How could I bring a child into this mess?

    Rylie! Azura shouted.

    Sorry, Lena said, cringing. I was in the village when Tiern found me. Azura was nearby. She must have overheard.

    My mother appeared in the doorway looking very worried. Are you okay? Is she okay? She looked between Lena and me. Somebody answer me.

    I couldn’t lie. I couldn’t keep this secret. I’m pregnant… I whispered. My lower lip quivered.

    Her expression changed and she clapped her hands. Oh my! A baby! She rushed to my side and took my hand. How wonderful!

    She has quite a few questions, Lena said.

    Like what?

    Is it like a human pregnancy? I asked.

    Azura smiled. Yes. The same.

    Am I going to feel like this for months then?

    Each stage of pregnancy is difficult for different reasons. The first few months you might feel very sick.

    The dizziness?


    When will my due date be?

    I’d guess May, Lena said, then she stood up. I’m going to go make something that will help you feel better. She disappeared, leaving me alone with my mother.

    I’m scared. Tears brimmed in my eyes.

    I know. It’s okay. You’ll be fine.

    Kallan and I talked about kids, but I told him I wanted to wait a few years. I’m only eighteen. I thought we’d have some time before raising a family. I don’t mean to sound mad. I’m just surprised.

    I know you’ve only known you were a faery for two years, but your body knew before that. Most of the fey get married and start families at your age. It’s normal. You’re not too young, not here.

    Lena came back with a cup and handed it to me. This will help settle your stomach.

    Thank you. I took a few sips.

    Rylie! Kallan’s worried voice called out as he came flying in the room, looking between the three of us. What’s wrong? Lena moved out of the way so Kallan could come to my side. He took my hand. Tell me.

    Looking into his blue-green eyes, I told him the news. We’re having a baby.

    His eyes widened and then he broke out in a grin. Really? He looked over at Azura and Lena, who both nodded. A baby… he repeated and then gently gave me a kiss. Are you okay with this?

    I kinda have to be, don’t I? I placed my hand on my flat—for the time being—belly and smiled. Love filled me. I love you.

    I love you, too, Ry. And this news is the best ever. I’m so happy. Our love made a life.

    I finished the drink and pulled the blanket up to my chin. I’m just gonna close my eyes for a few minutes.

    Kallan kissed my forehead. Rest, my love.


    I could tell it was afternoon when I woke up again. The sun was coming in the windows on the other side of the room. I forced myself out of bed and was able to keep down some water and crackers. If the next eight months were like this, I was in trouble. I glanced out the window to see Kallan outside making some flowers pop up near the house. I could hear him humming. He was in a good mood.

    I knew he was looking forward to having kids and I was too. It was just earlier than I had intended. Guess having a family wasn’t something that was always planned. It happened when it happened, especially here.

    He looked up and our eyes met. He smiled that perfect smile of his that melted my heart and I knew everything would be okay.

    Chapter Five



    Kallan found me by the water as the sun headed toward the horizon. He came up around me and placed his hands on my belly. Are you really okay?

    I’m scared out of my mind, I admitted. Not just because of the evil three that are out there, but because we’re young and I’m so new at being a faery. I have so much to learn, how can I be a mother?

    We will figure it out.

    How will we keep our baby safe?

    I don’t know, Ry, but I will.

    It didn’t go unnoticed that he didn’t promise.

    How, Kallan? They’ve held both of us captive. They’re very powerful. We can’t protect ourselves. How are we going to protect our baby? I fought back the tears that threatened to come.

    Kallan didn’t have time to respond. A few of the guards came out of the woods. It was time for the daily meeting. The time when a bunch of faeries gathered in my yard to talk about the day’s findings—if any. Kallan stood up tall and met them in the yard. I quickly dabbed my eyes and stood back watching. They didn’t look alarmed, so I wasn’t worried.

    Tiern came into view from the other way and walked up to me. Shaylee make it here yet?

    Shaylee always came to visit Tiern a couple times a day. It was cute watching their love flourish. I glanced up at the tree line and saw her walking out. There she is. I motioned to her.

    Tiern’s face lit up upon seeing her. He turned back to me. Do you need anything?

    No. Go ahead.

    He nodded and took off across my backyard. When he reached Shaylee, he swept her off her feet and swung her around. Then he covered her in kisses.

    The light and dark army leaders—Beck, Rayne, Oberon, and Latner—arrived, then council members—Brigid, Taniot, and Sylvia—came, followed by Azura, Warren, Lena, and, of course, Drake and Sierra, who walked out of the forest hand-in-hand.

    My heart filled with happiness seeing the smile on Sierra’s face. The time she’d spent without her memories was miserable. I knew I had done the best thing for my friend and I would do it again in a heartbeat, but it broke my heart when she didn’t remember us.

    Now she was here in the faery realm with us. She looked as if she belonged here. Our eyes met and she gave me a beaming smile.

    Once everyone was gathered, I stepped closer. All eyes turned to me and Warren took a step forward. Mo Bhanríon.

    Warren, I acknowledged. The fey seriously liked traditions and keeping some things very formal. Even though I didn’t think it was necessary, I went along with it. Any findings today?

    Not on the evil three front, but Cynbel was spotted in Kilerth.

    Cynbel? I didn’t remember the name.

    Remember when some faeries went missing and we found them on Satine’s side?


    Cynbel is one of those. He wasn’t killed in the battle with Satine and her army, and then he disappeared.

    How many are still missing? I inquired.


    Are they still loyal to her?

    We don’t know.

    I sighed. So frustrating.

    Do you want us to search for them?

    No. We need to focus on the evil three. Unless these other faeries prove to be causing trouble, let them be for now. Maybe they ran because they realized they were wrong.

    Sierra stood in the back with a confused look on her face.

    Anyone else have anything to report? Kallan asked.

    Murmurs of No echoed around. I kept my eyes on Sierra, who was walking around now, very slowly, one step at a time. I tapped into her ability to see if I could feel what she was feeling, but all I got was a bunch of mixed emotions. Her eyes cut to me. She always knew when I was using her powers.

    Sierra? What’s wrong? Shaylee asked, seeing the same expression I was.

    I don’t know. I’m reading someone, but I can’t tell who it is.

    Somebody here?

    I’m not sure.

    I thought back to when she had felt someone’s presence here, but we never found out who it was. Was there an intruder? Had one of the evil three gotten through the shield?

    Has to be somewhat close, she continued. The only two I can feel from far away are Drake and Rylie.

    Is it a bad feeling? Drake asked.

    She paused. No. Just unfamiliar.

    After another minute passed, I decided to dismiss the crowd. Thanks, everyone. As always, you’re welcome to stay, I offered, although I was feeling fatigued and secretly wished they’d all go home for once. I loved them. They were family. But I just wanted to crawl back in bed. I gave Kallan a look and he slowly started nudging everybody toward the forest.

    Sierra walked up beside me. Hey.

    Hi. How was your day?


    Freeze anything?

    Sierra had been working on her ability to freeze things. It’s hard!

    I didn’t ask anything else so she wouldn’t have to talk about it. She clearly was having a hard time understanding and mastering it.

    She looked at me again. It’s you.

    What’s me?

    You’ve got a billion emotions coming out of you, but it’s not your usual emotional scent.

    I laughed. My scent, huh?

    I can’t explain it any other way.

    I get it.

    Her green eyes were examining me again.

    You’re staring.

    I’m trying to figure it out.

    Figure what out?

    Why you’re different.

    And then I realized what was going on. Oh my God! You’re reading the baby!

    The what?! Surprise filtered across her face as she studied mine.

    I looked around to see who was left because clearly I just let the cat out of the bag, but sighed thankfully when I saw it was just Azura, Lena, Shaylee, Tiern, Drake, and Sierra with us.

    Did you just say baby? Sierra asked.

    I let go of a deep breath and confessed, I’m pregnant.

    Her mouth dropped to the floor. No.

    Yes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Drake congratulate Kallan.



    Sierra was silent and I began to worry. My mind went into overdrive. Her relationship with her sister had exploded when her sister got pregnant and had her baby. I chased that thought for a minute. Would ours change now? Would she want to back off? Disappear from my life? She was my best friend, my sister… I couldn’t lose her again, but it wasn’t like I could change this.

    Now what’s wrong? she asked.

    I turned away so she wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes.

    Ry? Her hand touched my shoulder and a calm flooded my body. What is it?

    You don’t like babies. Your relationship with Molly changed. I don’t want that to happen to us.

    Oh, Ry… She laughed and gathered me into her arms. "You are so overthinking this. My whiny sister was horrible to me before she got pregnant, the whole time she was pregnant, and after she had the baby. It wasn’t that I hated the baby. He’s my nephew. I like babies. I like kids. And yours, Rylie, your baby I will love."


    Yes. And don’t think I won’t change a diaper or babysit. I’ve grown a lot these past months too.

    I laughed, relieved.

    I can’t believe you’re pregnant! Your parents are going to freak!

    I know! I knew she couldn’t lie, but I double-checked her feelings anyway to make sure she wasn’t hiding anything and only found happiness. She really wasn’t upset at all.

    Are you done now? she asked, obviously well aware I was in her head.

    My cheeks warmed and I nodded.

    She took my hands, which was something she didn’t do often because of the emotions it caused her, and said, I promise you I’m fine with this and happy for you.

    Dabbing my eyes, I said, Good. I can’t do this without you.

    I wouldn’t be anywhere else.

    Laughing through my tears, I said, I love you.

    I know. I can feel it. She squeezed my hands.

    Oh! I pulled my hands away. Sorry. Our bond was so strong that she was usually overwhelmed by my emotions, which got a lot worse when she touched me.

    It’s okay. I love you too. So, how are you feeling? How long have you known? Did Kallan freak out?

    After I filled her in on the details of the day, she went to talk to Shaylee and Azura approached me. I know this was a shock for you, how are you feeling?

    I have questions. Lots of questions.

    Azura laughed. Let’s sit.

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