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Rapunzel: Faerie Tale Collection, #10
Rapunzel: Faerie Tale Collection, #10
Rapunzel: Faerie Tale Collection, #10
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Rapunzel: Faerie Tale Collection, #10

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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A kidnapped girl faces insurmountable odds . . .

On Rapunzel’s sixteenth birthday, her parents are turned to stone by the evil witch, Lady Vactryne, and the girl is taken to be forever hidden away in a tower. The young princess is afraid and all alone, and as the months pass by and her attempts to escape become more desperate, she begins to lose hope that anyone will come to save her.

Prince Jonathan of Balligyrn has loved Rapunzel since they were children and has vowed to battle the witch, bring Rapunzel back, and restore her kingdom, no matter the cost. It has been years since he last saw her and asked her to wait for him to return from school. Now Jonathan only hopes he is not too late.

The cunning witch has other plans for them both, one that does not involve losing her dreams to mere fools. Who will win—the woman bent on revenge, or the young girl determined to overcome it all?

Release dateMay 26, 2016
Rapunzel: Faerie Tale Collection, #10

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting retelling of Rapunzel with great characters and I loved the beginning when her and the prince were children. They were so cute together. This book did get more serious in the middle but has a happy ending with an epilogue to tell about their future. I plan to read more Fairy Tale Retellings by Jenni James in the future.

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Rapunzel - Jenni James

Beauty and the Beast (Faerie Tale Collection)

Jenni James takes this well loved faerie tale and gives it a paranormal twist. Very well written and hard to put down, even on my cruise vacation where I had plenty to do. Looking forward to others in Jenni's Faerie Tale series. A great escape!

—Amazon reviewer, 5-star review

The Frog Prince (Faerie Tale Collection)

…this story provides a fun twist on the original fairy tale. The prince deliberately lets himself be turned into a frog to find out whether his betrothed is the spoiled child he believes -- boy is he in for a surprise.

—Katharina, Amazon 5-star review

Snow White (Faerie Tale Collection)

"A perfect retelling of Snow White…. I have read all Jenni James Faerie tale books and all are good and well written. And so far Snow White is my favorite. Jenni's version is excellent, staying true the main story. Instead of the seven dwarfs, there are the seven faeries which have names that are significant to the story.

—Dee, Amazon 5-star review

A Snow White you will LOVE!!

—Kathy Jo, Amazon 5-star review

Cinderella (Faerie Tale Collection)

I have read most of Jenni James' fairy tale books and this is my favorite!

—Amazon 5-star review

"I absolutely LOVE the re-envisioned Faerie Tales that Ms Jenni James writes!!! I am amazed at how she keeps every story true to form but definitely adds her own twist!!!! Cinderella is by far my favorite to date!!! You will find yourself falling in love with the prince right along with our kind and lovely Ella..... The depth of the characters and the way the story flows carries you right along from beginning to end!!! An absolute MUST for every Faerie Tale lover!!!!"

—Wendy, Amazon 5-star review

Faerie Tale Collection:

Beauty and the Beast

Sleeping Beauty



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This book is dedicated to Chloe, my tangled princess—one whose hair I am so grateful is not forty feet long!

RAPUNZEL, RAPUNZEL, LET DOWN your hair, that I may climb your golden stair!

The twelve-year-old girl giggled as she looked down from the fairy house her father, the king, had the gardeners build for her on her eighth birthday. The small home was high in the tree so she could feel like she was flying, just like a fairy. There were two ladders made of rope that led up to the charming wooden abode, but Prince Jonathan liked to tease her. Her hair reached past her feet, and he would say that if she braided it and hung it over the edge, he could climb it instead of the ladders.

Never! Come up like a true gentleman, or do not come up at all! she called down to him.

You are such a spoilsport. He grinned as he clutched the nearest rope and began to climb up.

’Tis a good thing you decided to show yourself. I have pastries from Cook up here. She taunted him with one as she took a large bite, crumbs tumbling to the ground past him. Some even landed on his head, putting chunks of white in his brown hair.

Princess Rapunzel, I will now eat two for such boorish behavior, he called up.

With as slow as you are, they will be all gone before you get here. She took another bite and quickly ducked inside when he increased his speed up the fifteen rungs or so of the ladder. Opening the small door to the house, she beamed a smile at him as he climbed onto the porch. Welcome!

Ha! Jonathan brushed his hands upon his trousers. So, where is mine? he asked as he looked pointedly at the pastry in her hand.

Right here. She took another bite and then giggled when he chased her inside the little place. It was about six feet by eight feet. It had just enough room for two small chairs and a table, a fine old rug, and a collection of older pillows. On the table was the basket with the pastries.

He dug in and began chewing on one while holding up another. See? he said around a mouthful. They are both mine. You cannot claim them.

I can, if you continue to drop as many crumbs as this upon my newly cleaned floor!

You sound like a fishwife! He took another bite and plopped down on a cozy section of pillows.

Me? A fishwife? She pretended to act scandalized as she sat down next to him, her white skirts spread prettily around her.

Whot? He grinned. Do you not think royalty can act like commoners, then?

She rolled her eyes. I do not think the two should ever be compared.

Fine. In an odd moment of seriousness, he straightened his features and said, Forgive me.

She waited for the coming quip. Something about him being mistaken—she was not a fishwife, she was more of an ogre—but it never came. Her smile fell and she leaned back, looking into his darkened eyes. What is it, Jonathan? Is something wrong?

He shook his head slightly and sighed. When is anything wrong with me? He did not look away.

Never. You are always in perfect spirits.

Precisely. So why do you assume something is bothering me now?

What is it? Tell me, please.

He blinked and looked away.


Would you like another pastry? he asked.

No. I would like you to speak to me. Jonathan, ’tis not fair. I share all my secrets with you.

His gaze met hers and he stared at her for what felt like several minutes. She waited. For once in her chattering existence, she wanted to know, really know, what he had to say. And she did not dare ruin the moment by speaking over him.

Finally, she was rewarded for her persistence.

I have to go away to school.

What? She felt as though a load of rocks had fallen upon her chest. When? Why? For how long?

I have one week before I am sent off.

Jonathan! She reached for his hand, something she had never done before. She could not bear losing him.

He squeezed her fingers. I had to come and tell you. I made Father bring us here so I could say good-bye properly.

How long will you be gone?

He looked away then. I do not know, exactly. It could be years before I see you again.

She shook her head. No. No! What about my coming-out ball? You promised me you would be there!

He glanced back and chuckled. Reaching up, he brushed a lock of her long hair out of her face. "Rapunzel, that is years away. You are only twelve, and I am merely thirteen. It will

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