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The Mental Toughness Playbook: The Tips You Need to Conquer Adversity, Develop Mental Strength, and Think Like a Warrior
The Mental Toughness Playbook: The Tips You Need to Conquer Adversity, Develop Mental Strength, and Think Like a Warrior
The Mental Toughness Playbook: The Tips You Need to Conquer Adversity, Develop Mental Strength, and Think Like a Warrior
Ebook54 pages48 minutes

The Mental Toughness Playbook: The Tips You Need to Conquer Adversity, Develop Mental Strength, and Think Like a Warrior

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The world today has made us mentally weak.

Our first world luxuries have given us the feeling that we are helpless people who can't handle anything hardship that life throws our way.

This book WILL change that. Featuring tips from some of the greatest minds in history like Bruce Lee, Malcolm X, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and more, you will for sure know how to develop and maintain mental fortitude, conquer any kind of adversity, and THINK LIKE A WARRIOR!

Release dateMay 31, 2016
The Mental Toughness Playbook: The Tips You Need to Conquer Adversity, Develop Mental Strength, and Think Like a Warrior

Malcolm Q. Smith

Aspiring entrepreneur. Founder of Cratus Image Consulting, a website that teaches men how to dress to impress for less and be the most interesting man around.

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Reviews for The Mental Toughness Playbook

Rating: 4.2727272727272725 out of 5 stars

11 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some reviewers felt that it didn't focus enough on mental toughness and were disappointed by the lack of Spartan references. However, others found it to be an easy read with great examples that provided valuable techniques for implementing in their lives. Overall, the book is praised for its ability to help develop mental toughness, but readers should be prepared to supplement their reading with additional books and training.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very easy to read with great examples that really hit home and break down necessary techniques to implement in your life that tell how and why they are powerful. Loved it
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Nope this won't get you there. Kept waiting for a Spartan reference...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book make you have a mentally toughness one step won't get it by just reading this book u must read alots of book and..train you mind #TOPG
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not bad but not as much about mental toughness as you'd think. Was looking for something a little more spartan.

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The Mental Toughness Playbook - Malcolm Q. Smith

To my friends and family. Thank you all so much for your support. None of this would be possible without you.

This material belongs to Malcolm Q. Smith and is not allowed to be copied or altered without the expressed consent of the author. Any material that does not belong to the author will be cited in the work cited section. 2016


Introduction: The World Has Made You Mentally Weak

Method 1: The Next Play Principle: Move on Quickly

Method 2: This Pain Shall Pass

Method 3: Read & Run: Why You Should Read & Workout Frequently

Method 4: Meditate: Why Meditation & a Calm Attitude Makes You Stronger

Method 5: Stop Eating Breakfast in the Morning: Why Intermittent Fasting Makes You Stronger

Method 6: Stop Lying to Yourself: Be Brutally Honest with You

Method 7: Quit Crying: Why You Need to Stop Playing the Victim

Method 8: Discipline Discipline Discipline. Focus Focus Focus

Method 9: The Bruce Lee Principle: Adjust & Adapt When Necessary

Conclusion: You’re Stronger Than You Think

Introduction: The World Has Made You Mentally Weak

From the day you came out of your mother’s womb, the world has made you into weak, helpless individual.

If you’re reading this book, chances are you are living in a first world area reading this on your tablet, phone, computer, or - wait for it - a hard copy book (shocking I know). Though each of these technological items that may have improved our lives over the last few years, we have grown too dependent on them.

Think about it. Can you go one day, or even one hour, without looking at your phone? Can you drive anywhere without glancing at your phone? Can you go to dinner with your significant other without scrolling through Instagram?

If you said no to any of these questions, it is okay. You and I both are guilty of this, but this dependency on our technology, as well as other things, is killing our mental toughness.

Our first world luxuries of air conditioning, cars, food, TV, and comfortable chairs have become addictive and drug-like - without these even for a second, you start fidgeting and sweating, and maybe develop some depression.

Advertisements and salesmen are the main culprits of this proverbial addiction. They make you feel as if you desperately need that phone or that cheeseburger, using the fear of missing out. The crazy thing is, the majority of the world falls into their trap and it is honestly pretty pathetic.

Every day I hear people complaining about being starving and being without food for a little while. I hear people cry and moan about not sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a room that is too hot or too cold, and it drives me crazy! Every time I hear this rhetoric, I say to myself, stop crying and grow up!

Now, I’m not the toughest guy in the world. As stated before, I showing mental weakness as you are and I have a story to prove

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