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Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction
Ebook35 pages43 minutes

Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction

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About this ebook

In this book, Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction, you will get to learn the guiding principle within the law of attraction, far from the literal sense of physical attractiveness. You will learn that contrary to popular belief, happiness and prosperity are not determined by your pre-disposition, and they also do not result from sheer good luck. Instead, they are results of your conscious effort to open yourself to riches, to love, to joy, and to all the positive things that make life easy and enjoyable.

This book provides techniques that will help you prepare for greatness. It even breaks down the big picture into short exercises that you can do on a daily basis, just to ensure that you are on track with your goals, and that you are duly opening up for success. By the time you have completed the book, you will be pleasantly surprised to realize that you have been capable all along of acquiring great wealth, being successful in your career, rising in social status, and being happy! All you needed were the tips provided in this book, so that you can stop to inadvertently sabotage your own chances of success and instead attract positive things in life. 

In This Book You'll Discover...

- What is Law Of Attraction and how to use it correctly
- Manifesting and creating the life you want using Law Of Attraction techniques and secrets
- How to implement short "daily exercises" into your busy life without feeling overwhelmed
- What signs to look for to recognise that the Law Of Attraction is working in your life
- How to get into the "high vibrational" levels to start attracting the life you want today
- And much more...

Release dateJun 14, 2016
Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction

Benjamin Smith

Benjamin R. Smith (1985-) was born in Wichita, Kansas. He attended a rural high school where he excelled in art and theater. He attended the University of Kansas, studied Journalism at the William Allen White School for Media and Mass Communication, and completed a Masters of Fine Arts in Playwriting. In 2009, he was nominated for the David Mark Cohen Playwright's Award. ATLAS is his first novel.

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    Book preview

    Law of Attraction - Benjamin Smith


    In this book, Law of Attraction: Secrets for Successfully Attracting and Manifesting Abundance in Your Life Using the Law of Attraction, you will get to learn the guiding principle within the law of attraction, far from the literal sense of physical attractiveness. You will learn that contrary to popular belief, happiness and prosperity are not determined by your pre-disposition, and they also do not result from sheer good luck. Instead, they are results of your conscious effort to open yourself to riches, to love, to joy, and to all the positive things that make life easy and enjoyable.

    This book provides techniques that will help you prepare for greatness. It even breaks down the big picture into short exercises that you can do on a daily basis, just to ensure that you are on track with your goals, and that you are duly opening up for success. By the time you have completed with the book, you will be pleasantly surprised to realize that you have been capable all along of acquiring great wealth, being successful in your career, rising in social status, and being happy! All you needed were the tips provided in this book, so that you can stop to inadvertently sabotage your own chances of success and instead attract positive things in life.

    If you are someone who is on the journey of personal development or self improvement I would highly recommend you read the book MINDSET: How Positive Thinking Will Set You Free & Help You Achieve Massive Success In Life, by Benjamin Smith.

    Chapter 1: What the Law of Attraction Encompasses

    What do you know about attraction? If nothing else, at least many people would acknowledge that attraction is a good thing. What you may wonder then, is why do we speak of law as if attraction is something obligatory or inevitable? Well, obligatory – no; inevitable, yes. The point here is that law of attraction has nothing to do with legality. However, it has everything to do with a principle that is beyond you, me or anyone else. What happens is that you act in a certain manner, and the other person responds in a manner that is easy to predict; or you fail to do this, and the other person also holds back on doing something else. Call it reciprocity if you will. There is actually a maxim that summarizes the law of attraction, and it

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