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Immortal Everafter: Immortal Heart, #7
Immortal Everafter: Immortal Heart, #7
Immortal Everafter: Immortal Heart, #7
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Immortal Everafter: Immortal Heart, #7

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Destiny can’t be changed… but can it be manipulated?

The Dark Fae have been quiet, and the human world is in the hands of the Las Vegas vampires, but that doesn’t mean life is simple in the Light Fae castle. With Izzy and Bain’s little one set to join the elite warriors soon, things can’t stay easy for long.

Months after the final battle between the Dark and Light, Josiah is left curious about and longing for what Makyle now has. After reaching out to his brother for help, while flying through the skies of the human world, searching for restless Fae souls, Josiah finds himself in the middle of a vampire war, face to face with the unique Fae who showed nothing but fear of him the last time he saw her.

Astraea has come to accept what the fates have set in motion. Destiny will come for her in the form of a raging, blond-haired demigod…Josiah. What troubles her heart and keeps her awake at night—will Josiah give in to what she has seen for their future? Or will the desertion of yet another Underworld ruler bring death and destruction to all three worlds?

Follow the elite warriors, some of your favorite Fae, and the Vegas vampires as destiny catches up with Astraea, Josiah, and the Light Fae in the latest installment of the Immortal Heart series.

Release dateSep 6, 2016
Immortal Everafter: Immortal Heart, #7

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    Book preview

    Immortal Everafter - Magen McMinimy


    Destiny can’t be changed... but can it be manipulated?

    The Dark Fae have been quiet, and the human world is in the hands of the Las Vegas vampires, but that doesn’t mean life is simple in the Light Fae castle. With Izzy and Bain’s little one set to join the elite warriors soon, things won’t stay easy for long.

    Months after the final battle between the Dark and Light, Josiah is left curious about and longing for what Makyle now has. After reaching out to his brother for help, while flying through the skies of the human world, searching for restless Fae souls, Josiah finds himself in the middle of a vampire war, face to face with the unique Fae who showed nothing but fear of him the last time he saw her.

    Astraea has come to accept what the fates have set in motion. Destiny will come for her in the form of a raging, blond-haired demigod...Josiah. What troubles her heart and keeps her awake at night—will Josiah give in to what she has seen for their future? Or will the desertion of yet another Underworld ruler bring death and destruction to all three worlds?

    Follow the elite warriors, some of your favorite fae, and the Vegas vampires as destiny catches up with Astraea, Josiah, and the light fae in the latest installment of the Immortal Heart series.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Sneak Peek


    Also by the Author

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Sweat poured off Astraea as her dreamless sleep was once again pounded with visions of a dark future. Of a blond-haired god laying waste to a group of vampires—not her vampires, but still, the scene wreaked havoc on her senses. Fear was no longer the only emotion pulsing through her veins as the Immortal Four raged against the dark vampires. Tossing aside the long sword he’d pulled from thin air, Josiah flicked his wrist towards the two remaining vampires. With that slight movement, the vampires burst into flames, their screams echoing through the cold desert night. With a raging breath hitting the night air in plumes of white steam, Josiah turned. His sharp features were shadowed by the raging flames burning the vampires before him as his emerald gaze locked and narrowed on her. His long strides gracefully ate up the space between them, bringing him frighteningly closer to her.

    Astraea sat up, yanked from the vision and back into the large room that the Vegas coven had provided for her. Sighing, she kicked her covers off and planted her bare feet against the warm, honey-colored, wooden floor. Standing, she reached for her robe, wrapped the soft material around her petite frame, and exited her second-story bedroom. The house was quiet as the sun began to rise, sending the vampires off to sleep the daylight away.

    Moving down the stairs and into the kitchen, Astraea padded over to the coffeepot and smiled as she eyed the fresh pot of black brew.

    Did you know? Astraea asked as she filled an empty mug and turned to meet the knowing gaze of the coven’s master vampire.

    Evan shrugged, moving towards the counter. Reaching past her into the cupboard, he pulled down his own mug and set it next to hers. Astraea filled his cup and moved to a small table next to a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the dark mountains and rising sun of the Vegas skyline.

    Wanna talk about it?

    Astraea smiled at him before sipping from her mug. You should have been a counselor... do you know how many times I’ve heard you utter those same words?

    It’s part of being a leader. I care for everyone in my coven.

    And you take in strays, she said, catching his deep gaze.

    Evan chuckled. Are you calling yourself a stray?

    I suppose I am. I’ve not felt the hold of a home in years, and I feel that here with you and your coven... but my visions have never steered me wrong... She trailed off, her gaze drifting back to the peaking sun. There’s something coming, and it has to do with your vampires.

    Evan nodded. When?

    Astraea shook her head. I don’t know... that’s the one thing I can’t nail down. I see a group of vampires coming after us, I just can’t say where or when.

    Evan nodded. We’ve defended ourselves time and time again. This will be no different.

    Astraea didn’t say anything. She didn’t tell him that things would definitely be different, that this time it would bring one of the Immortal Four to their doorstep. While this wouldn’t change the vampires in the long run, if it all played out as she believed it would, the Middle World would change, it would change her, and it would change the role of yet another Immortal Four.

    Gulping down the last of her coffee, Astraea stood and smiled. Time to start my day.

    Are you headed to Red Oasis?

    She forced a smile. Yep, inventory.

    Evan grimaced. How did you get stuck with inventory?

    She shook her head. I offered. Sergio is supposed to be helping me all this week with it... Hope he remembers.

    He remembers, the softly accented voice singsonged as Sergio made his way into the kitchen, bypassing the coffee and heading straight for the fridge. Pulling out a blood bag, he ripped open the top and poured the thick, purplish-red liquid into a mug. Popping it in the microwave, he hit the button for thirty seconds and turned to arch a brow at Astraea.

    Are you going like that?

    She huffed. Nope. I’ll be back in a few.

    Sergio grinned as the microwave beeped. Pulling his mug out, he settled across from Evan and sipped at his breakfast.

    Evan watched his second in charge carefully. How ya’ feeling?

    Sergio grinned. Like a vampire that is able to walk in the sun again.

    Evan narrowed his gaze, but grinned. It’s lasting?

    Sergio nodded. It’s lasted for well over nine months. I don’t think it’s going anywhere... How did you get Holly to give you her blood?

    Evan leaned back in his seat, a smug air wrapping around him. I asked, he commented then rose from the table and left the kitchen.


    Izzy sighed as she opened the most recent email from the one client she wished would leave her alone. Being a party planner was the job of her dreams, but sometimes her clients took the fun out and created a nightmare.

    What’s wrong, Iz? Marie, her youngest sister, asked from the desk across the room.

    Another email from Portia. She wants to change the décor... again.

    Marie shook her head. Some people, and their children.

    Izzy lifted her head from the notes she was jotting down to catch Marie’s stunning blue gaze. Like you won’t plan a massive party for Makiah’s eighteenth birthday?

    Marie shook her head. Nope, he’s going to stay a baby forever.

    Izzy laughed softly. He’s not a baby now.

    Marie arched a brow. Bite your tongue; he’s barely two.

    A barely two-year-old who is more like a five-year-old and already throwing magical tantrums.

    Marie grimaced, thinking back to breakfast with the entire family and Makiah deciding he wanted more jelly on his toast. He didn’t have great control of his magic yet, and there was a bath needed after he dumped the entire bowl out in front of him. Her little boy was a stunning example of what happened when an Immortal demigoddess and an elite Fae warrior decided to reproduce.

    Though Marie wasn’t Makiah’s biological mother, he was her baby and she loved him as if her own blood ran through his veins. Still, her eldest sister, who was a rare gleamer—only learning of her own magic a few years ago—had needed time to learn control, too, so Makiah wasn’t doing too bad in the grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, Izzy was right. Makiah was taking after his father, and telekinesis was often being thrown around his bedroom, the living space in the castle, the dining room, the kitchens, and really, anywhere Makiah was.

    Living in the Light Fae leader’s castle was a blessing. They all accepted that she and Uriah’s little one was unique, and thankfully, he was pretty well-behaved. Most of his magical use was for a reason, like wanting to have something out of reach, or if he were getting something to give to Izzy’s adopted daughter, Kyra.

    Thinking about breakfast? Izzy smirked, returning to her notes.

    Yeah, well, just wait. Who knows what powers that little one you’re baking up will have. A gleamer mother and a healer father.

    Izzy set her pen down and gently ran her palms over her small baby bump. She smiled and shook her head.

    Marie took a deep breath, planting her feet on the ground she rolled her large leather desk chair over to Izzy. Placing her hand on her sister’s stomach, she smiled and reminded her, Don’t worry, this baby is going to be amazing, and yes, powerful; but he or she will be healthy and have plenty of aunts and uncles to help, no matter what magic it wields.

    Izzy nodded and smiled. I hope she’s just a healer. Being a gleamer will make growing up difficult.

    Marie and Izzy had both been studying the Fae ever since finding themselves thrust into this new magical world. Gleamers didn’t show signs of their ability to siphon others’ magic until puberty, while many other Fae gifts could show up anytime. Marie still had a hard time wrapping her head around how things worked in this land and with its people.

    Just because you were a given flavor of Fae didn’t mean your offspring would be. It was surprising that Makiah ended up with his father’s talent for telekinesis. Smiling inwardly, she thought about the conversation she’d had with Uriah so many months ago when she’d discovered she was not, in fact, human but a Water Nymph. She’d asked him what kind of Fae he was, and he’d simply answered that he was a warrior. It took some pushing and promises to get him to finally admit that he and his brothers—both biological and in arms—were all basically forms of fairies. That had been a fun moment for her as she’d looked at her gorgeous, dark-haired, light-eyed warrior. She had thought him some sort of angel, what with the massive, feathered wings... or possibly a unique form of vampire because of the fangs. Turned out, they were but a weapon for the warriors.

    With a small smile, Marie redirected the conversation. There wasn’t more to say to Izzy than the reassurance she often gave. You always refer to the baby as a her, you realize that?

    Izzy shrugged. I’m pretty sure it’s a girl.

    "Well, we can find out. Come on,

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