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Enter If You Dare
Enter If You Dare
Enter If You Dare
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Enter If You Dare

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Anthony is so obsessed with Annabelle Blake that he would die for her. Except he's already dead. He's the ghost of the legendary Lonesome Boy but he's not lonesome anymore because now he has Annabelle. He's with her all the time. Stalking her. Waking her up in the middle of the night with his constant weeping and his ice cold wordless whispers. She needs help. Fast. Enter the mysterious new boy in town. Wyatt Silver is an amateur medium, but he doesn't just see dead people. He becomes them. Anthony takes possession of Wyatt's body and their terrifying adventure begins.
Release dateAug 1, 2014
Enter If You Dare

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    Book preview

    Enter If You Dare - Alyson Larrabee





    Published by


    Whiskey Creek Press

    PO Box 51052

    Casper, WY 82605-1052

    Copyright Ó 2014 by Alyson M. Sousa

    Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    ISBN: 978-1-61160-839-7

    Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

    Editor: Dave Field

    Printed in the United States of America


    For Annie + Belen = Annabelle

    No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.

    Nathaniel Hawthorne


    First, thank you to all the family members, friends, co-workers and students who encouraged me to follow my dreams, dream big and not give up.

    A huge thank you to the first people who read the book in its entirety: Kathleen Sousa, Serena Shea, Samantha McGuinness, Lauren Hartman, Baileigh Martin, Ruksha Senthilkumar and Annie Larrabee. Also, thank you to Warren Lizotte who, five years ago, met me at my classroom door every morning to see if I had written another chapter for him to read, back when the story first began to form in my imagination.

    Thank you to Ross Muscato, for his encouragement and knowledge about the Bridgewater Triangle. Thank you to Hazel Varella, Duncan Oliver and Ed Hands for their fascinating class about the History of Easton. Special thanks to Duncan and Ed for their informative pamphlet about Easton's graveyards.

    Thank you to Mike Atwood for encouraging Annie Larrabee to do her English project on the paranormal legends of the Bridgewater Triangle.

    Thank you to the handful of people who lent me their vacation homes so I could write in solitude and quiet: Rob Keleher, John and Terri Larrabee and Amy and Cliff Curtis.

    Chapter 1

    There’s a New Kid in Town

    Once again the new kid’s sitting next to the only empty seat in the classroom.

    And once again I’m almost late. Still panting from my sprint down the hallway, I slide into the last empty seat, crashing my elbows and slamming my knees. Two seconds later, the bell rings. A book topples off my desk and the new kid catches it midair, then hands it to me.

    To avoid making eye contact, I stare down at the book and mumble, Thank you.

    Wyatt Silver leans over so I can hear him above the ruckus. You’re welcome, Annabelle. Did you study for the quiz?

    Pretending I didn’t hear him, I open my notebook.


    It’s my English notebook and this is History. I start rummaging through my book bag, looking for my History notes. I have a C minus average in this class and my parents will be pissed if I don’t bring my grade up. Unfortunately, I had no idea there was a quiz today. I’m never prepared for tests or quizzes and I’m always late. Wyatt seems not to have noticed. He keeps trying to start conversations by asking about our History assignments.

    He should be able to tell just by looking at me that I’m the wrong person to ask about anything.

    Ten minutes ago I was still in the shower and my hair’s dripping down my back. Even my body’s still damp. Like an idiot, I didn’t dry off enough before I yanked on my clothes.

    I’m wet. I’m shivering. I’m dropping things. Obviously, I’m the most disorganized kid in the class. You’d think he would’ve figured that out by now but he hasn’t.

    As persistent as a bloodthirsty mosquito, Wyatt leans toward me again and asks in an even louder voice, Did you study for the quiz?

    To which I reply, What quiz?

    Finally, I locate the spiral notebook containing the right notes. Spreading it open on the desktop, I begin to read my chaotic interpretation of what happened centuries ago in the British Isles, I think. This is AP History and I’m sure I have the lowest average in the class. Everyone else is brilliant. If he’s looking for a study partner he’s chosen the wrong girl. If he’s looking for anything he’s chosen the wrong girl because I’ve sworn off boys. Not forever but at least until college.

    Since the first day of school, two weeks ago, Wyatt has asked me at least fifty questions about our History assignments. Sometimes I provide an unhelpful answer. Most of the time I provide no answer at all. He still hasn’t taken the hint. I’ve done everything but say, Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me. I can’t do that, though, because my mother raised me to be polite. So I continue to stifle my rudest impulses and provide stupid answers to his questions. My stupidity isn’t feigned, either. I’m really that big of an idiot.

    Wyatt must be starting to notice, because next he asks me, Do you own a hairdryer?

    I almost smile, but at the last second, as the corners of my mouth start to twitch up, I twitch them back down. I will not smile at Wyatt Silver.

    He doesn’t give up. Do you have towels at your house?

    Yes, we have towels. I push a clump of wet hair away from my face and a few drops of water sprinkle across my notes, blurring the ink. He laughs.

    I’d like to ask him a few questions, but I have no desire to get to know him, so I don’t. I’m curious about why he moved to Eastfield, though. Everybody is. He used to live in New Hampshire and now he lives here, with his uncle, not his parents.

    Some people say that he got expelled from his old school for selling weed.

    More Wyatt Silver gossip: he had to leave because he got a girl pregnant. My personal favorite: Every single person in his former hometown has an STD and he started the epidemic. That really happened on Lifetime TV, but it was in California. Not New Hampshire.

    I’ve heard all the gossip and I don’t know which story to believe. Who transfers to a new school for senior year? Nobody if they can avoid it, so there must be drama in his recent past. And I wish he’d leave me alone because I hate drama.

    He’s not your typical dangerously handsome bad boy type, but he’s good-looking enough, in a tall, awkward, shaggy-haired way. Except he blushes like mad when he talks to me, even if he’s only asking about the homework. No subject is too boring for him and every time he speaks to me, his cheeks turn all pink and his eyes darken. I try not to look at him, but whenever I do his unruly face is changing color.

    He leaves me alone for the rest of History class. After flunking the quiz, I tune out a boring lecture about the Celts in the fifth century. Finally the bell rings and I can escape from him so I jump up to leave. About two feet away from the classroom door, I feel something fall out the bottom of my pants leg. When I look down there’s a pair of my underwear, lying on the floor. Orange and black tiger print bikinis.


    They must’ve gotten stuck inside my pants leg in the dryer. This morning I pulled a pair of clean jeans out of the dryer and yanked them on in a hurry. Should’ve checked inside the right leg for bunched up undies.


    I bend and swoop in one graceful motion. The panties are inside my bag within three seconds of hitting the floor. Nobody even noticed. Except Wyatt Silver, who’s right behind me. Just in case his grin fails to say it all, he adds, I’ll catch your books when they fall, Annabelle, but I’ve gotta draw the line there. You’re on your own with this mishap.

    I love the word mishap, but I hate the burn that’s racing across my reddening face. Even my dripping wet hair can’t cool me off. Now the new kid knows a lot more about me than I want him to know: I own a pair of tiger print bikini underpants and they’re in my book bag right now. At least it wasn’t a thong.

    I don’t see Wyatt again until lunch and that’s too soon. When I get to the cafeteria, I hop between two of my friends who are sitting on a long bench at one of the picnic-style tables. As usual I’m so hungry I’m salivating. After ripping my paper lunch bag open I tear into my first sandwich.

    While slurping up a carton of milk, I glance around and see Wyatt Silver, once again checking me out. He’s sitting four tables away and we almost make eye contact.

    Quickly, I shoot my gaze down to the fascinating focal point of my straw. Then jiggle it around on the bottom of the milk carton, suck hard and make a loud gurgling sound as I vacuum up the last drop. I smile at my friends, Jen and Connor, on either side of me and then at Meg who’s sitting across from us with her boyfriend, Ryan; we all eat lunch together every day, on the seniors’ side of the school cafeteria.

    Jen says, I want to dive into his blue eyes and swim around naked.

    I laugh. Jen, you would never really do that.

    Would too. What is wrong with you, Annabelle? He’s so hot!

    Nothing’s wrong with me. I know he’s hot. I just need a break from boys. I want to stay single this year.

    We all know who Jen’s talking about, but we also know better than to look directly at the new kid.

    Jen and Meg, individually, not together, glance in Wyatt’s direction. We’ve worked hard to perfect the skill of checking out a situation without getting caught. We combine quick, well-aimed glances and peripheral vision; which can be used more casually and slowly.

    Meg warns me. "He’s so checking you out. He’s staring. I think he feels safe being four tables away, like maybe you won’t notice, but you’d have to be unconscious."

    He sits next to me in History class, first period. Kelsey told me that he looks at me a lot. Sometimes he even talks to me, stuff like, ‘Did you study for the quiz’.

    Jen spoons a bite of applesauce into her mouth, gives my damp hair the once over and frowns. I’d get up at five in the morning to do my hair if he stared at me the way he stares at you. I’d get up at four if he talked to me.

    It’s been going on since the first day of school. He always sits next to me. I’ve shut him down a million times. I don’t know why he keeps trying.

    Because you’re a catch, Annabelle. You’re smart and funny and gorgeous, Ryan says.

    I don’t like it when people compliment me, especially about my appearance. It makes me feel uncomfortable. They all need a visit to a good eye doctor, anyway. My nose and my neck are too long and my boobs barely fill an A cup. I snort at Ryan.

    Who responds, It’s definitely not your laugh that turns him on.

    I snort again, just to annoy him.

    Meg says, Shut up, Annabelle. You sound like a farm animal.

    Ryan won’t quit. He likes you. He wants to get to know you. He asked me about you at soccer practice.

    Jen and Meg start piling on the questions ten times faster than Ryan can answer them. When was this? What did he say? What did you tell him?

    Wyatt could go out with any girl in the school and I’ve been playing mad hard-to-get. Except I’m not playing. I’m serious. I mean it. Why isn’t he discouraged? What the hell’s up with him?

    I ask the most obvious question. Why me?

    He says there’s something about you. Ryan’s answer only makes Wyatt’s interest in me seem even more mysterious.

    Connor says, There’s a lot about you, Annabelle. Your face is gorgeous and the golf team voted you best butt in the whole school.

    Thanks, Con, I’m so glad the whole golf team has been checking out my butt.

    Silver would have to be blind not to notice you. I have an idea. Let’s see if he gets jealous; a little experiment. Connor leans in so close to my right ear that his lips are touching it. We’ve always had kind of a flirty friendship. And he’s definitely flirting with me now. Anyone watching us would think so.

    His warm breath whispers against my skin as Connor gives directions to Meg and Jen. Watch Silver and see how he reacts.

    His chest presses against my shoulder. He rests his hand on the back of my neck and nudges my ear with his nose. This could be interesting. Does he really care about you? Does he think he has a chance? What will he do, Annabelle?

    Wow, he’s staring straight at you guys and I swear his eyes changed color! Meg’s voice creeps out from between her closed teeth, like a ventriloquist’s. She knows how to be discreet. He just stood up!

    I throw my right elbow into Connor’s stomach and then look across the cafeteria at my not-so-secret admirer. Wyatt Silver is indeed standing up. His formerly blue eyes have darkened to battleship gray. The grim line of his mouth stiffens. A muscle in his reddening face twitches.

    I launch myself up, banging the backs of my knees on the edge of the bench.

    Shut up, you guys. My warning’s unnecessary, though, because everyone has been stunned into silence. At least their mouths aren’t hanging open. Not that it matters. Staring straight at me and only me, Wyatt Silver takes a step in my direction. I need to escape fast, before he gets to our table.

    But as I try to climb out from between Connor and Jen I lose my balance and almost fall over. Grabbing onto Connor’s shoulder, I effectively demonstrate how uncoordinated I can be. At least I’m not wearing a skirt. Awkward is what I do best, but flashing everyone in the school cafeteria would be extreme, even for me.

    During my almost-fall, one leg flies up and my flip-flop catapults into the air, end-over-end, landing I know not where. When I finally I regain my balance, I can feel how disgustingly sticky the floor is because one of my feet is bare. Spinning around frantically, I try to spot my sandal, and finally succeed. It’s lying a few feet away, next to another table.

    I need to get away fast, before I end up having to talk to Wyatt. So I scoop up my books and then turn back toward the spot where I saw my sandal a second ago. It’s gone.

    A large hand with long fingers wraps around my forearm. Wyatt’s hand is so big he can hold my arm gently, without squeezing, and still encircle it. I stare at his hand for a second before my gaze trails up to his face. He’s smiling and his face and eyes have returned to their normal color.

    In the hand that isn’t holding onto my arm, he’s holding a stack of books, on top of which sits my flip-flop.

    Lose something, Tiger? He lets go of me, turns and stalks away with my sandal still resting on the cover of his Calculus book. Struggling to keep up with his long-legged stride, I jog after him.

    See you in Math class, Connor. Wyatt tosses this comment over his left shoulder like a live grenade.

    When I catch up to him he grins. What’s up, Annabelle?

    Give me my shoe. I’m barefoot on this slimy floor and everyone’s watching.

    Only one of your feet is bare.

    Please. I decide to try being polite.

    I’ll trade you.

    Oh, crap, what now?

    Trade me what?

    All I want is a conversation; a chance to get to know you better.

    It’ll have to be a fast conversation. I can’t be late for my next class.

    Which way are you going?

    I have English upstairs.

    C’mon. I’m going upstairs, too.

    We’re in high school so a lot of kids are watching us. There’s no way I can avoid walking to class with him without being outrageously rude and obvious about it, in front of everyone. Besides, he still has my shoe. So I walk with Wyatt Silver, through the hallway and up the stairs. I have to take two steps for each one of his and I’m wearing only one flip-flop. If he doesn’t give me the other one soon, my foot will be filthy by the time I get to English class.

    He asks, So, Annabelle, what do we have for history homework tonight?

    And I don’t know the answer. I refuse to look at him, but I can hear him and he’s chuckling softly.

    I know what the homework is. Too bad for me if I didn’t. You’re never much help.

    He takes a deep breath and blows out his next words fast. You made a movie last year, about ghosts. Everyone still talks about it. I’d like to watch that movie with you.

    Chapter 2

    Make New Friends but Keep the Old

    My head snaps up and I stare into his serious face.

    Who told you about the movie?

    My uncle, Oliver Finn. I asked him about you and he said you were an interesting girl. You and your friend made a movie for a project last year and everyone still talks about it.

    Mr. Finn was my History teacher last year. I liked his class a lot but I have no interest in getting to know his nephew. I don’t talk about it.

    Why not?

    It happened last year. That part of my life is over.

    It’s not over.

    He’s right, but how could he know? How could he have found out about the nightmares? I haven’t told anyone. It’s too weird and people already think I’m weird anyway. I don’t want to make it worse. This is high school. I need to seem as normal as possible. I want to fit in at least a little. That means forgetting about the movie and what happened last year, but there’s someone who won’t let me forget and he visits me in my dreams. Often.

    I’m gonna be late. Can I have my shoe back now?

    The movie? He’s over six feet tall and he’s holding the sandal up, just out of my reach; causing a small scene, right outside my English classroom.

    I give in. My house. Eight o’clock. Saturday night. Bring popcorn.

    His smile dazzles me. All white teeth and sparkly eyes. Finally, he hands over the flip-flop; I slap my foot into it and rush into English class. Ms. Coffman’s hardcore. She hands out detentions like mad and she hates tardiness.

    I’m almost at my desk when someone comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. Turning around to see who it is, I find myself staring into Matt Riley’s face. He’s the reason I’ve sworn off boys.

    I haven’t seen or spoken to Matt since the first week of summer vacation, shortly before he dumped me. I can’t remember any of the witty phrases I’ve been rehearsing in the mirror for this occasion, so I just warn him. You’re gonna be late.

    It’s okay. I have gym next. Mr. Burke doesn’t care.

    Coffman’s gonna yell at you.

    I don’t give a crap, Annabelle. What was all that between you and the new kid?


    Stay away from him. No one knows where he came from or why he’s here.

    Thanks for the warning. Bye. I gotta look over my notes. There’s a quiz today. I have no idea when the next quiz is but I want to get rid of Matt Riley. Fast.

    Are you and Silver gonna hang out?

    Why do you care?

    I still care about you.

    What happened to Liz? I thought you two were together now.

    Not exclusively.

    That’s so him. Not exclusively is Matt Riley-speak for: I’m waiting for the next girl to come along because she might be hotter. I’m not good at interpreting Matt Riley-speak. I never did become proficient in his native language and I don’t want to. Last summer, I could’ve used an interpreter, though. I might’ve been spared a lot of heartbreak if someone had told me what he really meant when he said he loved me. I still don’t know.

    Matt, you’re gonna be late and none of this is your business.

    Lots of guys you’ve known for a long time want to hang out with you. You don’t need to hook up with a stranger, Annabelle.

    Thanks for your concern. But we’re not hooking up.

    There’s a party Saturday, at Colleen’s. Her parents are at their Cape house. Are you going?

    No, I have plans.

    With Silver?

    I hate lying and it feels awful, but I don’t want Matt Riley to know anything about my life now that he’s not part of it anymore. So I answer, We’re not together. We just sit next to each other in History class.

    That part’s true, but then I add, He needs a study partner for a project.

    Okay, but be careful. The dude’s weird.

    Ms. Coffman glares at me over the top of her goofy-looking glasses. They’re perched down near the end of her nose and the lenses are half the size of regular lenses. What’s up with those crazy-looking things? I think she wears them just so she can stare at you over them. To creep you out and make you feel guilty even if you haven’t done anything wrong.

    I show her the smile I’ve been practicing for when I beat my personal record at the race this Saturday and all the kids on the team run over to congratulate me.

    She stands down. Never underestimate the power of a friendly smile. I treat teachers like they’re human beings from the same planet as me. And I always laugh at their jokes. It helps to have a good relationship with your teacher when you need an extension for a research paper.

    Coffman heads toward my desk. Boyfriend troubles, Miss Blake?

    I want to say, neither of those douche bags is my boyfriend.

    Instead I say, No. It’s all good. Then quickly change the subject. New sneakers, Ms. Coffman? Very fashion forward.

    Laughing out loud, she says, Same old sneakers. But thanks.

    Then she walks to the front of the room and starts talking about Shakespeare.

    Chapter 3

    Dumped but Not Forgotten

    I recently closed the door on an episode of my life that I want to forget because of the pain and humiliation. Matt Riley taught me all about rejection last summer. And I hated it.

    Matt’s a very chill, very popular guy. Last September, in Biology class, he started paying attention to me and then things moved along pretty fast. We had been together for almost ten months when he broke my heart on the first day of summer vacation.

    Matt hooked up with the prettiest member of a clique called the Juicies. I don’t know what that means. Maybe like a juicy apple is tastier than other apples or something. I don’t care. I’m not nearly rich or popular enough to be part of their group anyway. And one of them recently stole my boyfriend.

    Matt and I spent a lot of time together last year. Our favorite thing was watching movies at each other’s houses: slasher horror movies at his house, classic thrillers at mine. My brother Clement’s a film major at Emerson College and his enthusiasm’s contagious. He’s taught me a lot about film. When Clem’s home, we watch movies over and over again, debating, theorizing, discussing. It never gets old for Clement and me. Evidently it did get old for Matt.

    For his birthday, I bought him the deluxe edition DVD of The Silence of the Lambs, with lots of previously unreleased footage and commentary by the author, director and actors.

    Shortly before we broke up he confessed that he’d never watched it. I guess it wasn’t quite as exciting as Saw 12.

    Last March, for my birthday, he bought me a t-shirt that said Legally Brunette. I never wore it. After Matt and I broke up, I gave it to Jen. I hate t-shirts with cutesy expressions. How could he not have known that? I guess I realized early on that Matt and I were way different from each other, but we definitely had chemistry. My biggest regret: he dumped me before I could dump him, and I never saw it coming.

    I was babysitting for my neighbors one Saturday night in late June. As soon as the kids fell asleep, I texted Matt a couple of times. I remember how happy I was. The kids were old enough so they were fun to play with, but young enough so I could still boss them around. They had Wii and we played games for a couple of hours. After an intensely competitive burping contest, which I won, they went straight to bed without arguing. I kept thinking about how much fun we’d had and how I was getting paid ten dollars an hour for fooling around and laughing.

    I thought I’d share these thoughts with my boyfriend, but he didn’t answer my text. I figured maybe his phone had died, even though, during our ten-month relationship, I’d always been able to reach him. We’d even texted each other at one in the morning sometimes, to share boring information about our boring lives. We flirted so furiously our phones should’ve caught fire.

    On this particular night, though, he didn’t answer my text. The next day, he finally texted me back. He thought we should try being just friends for senior year. When I sent him back a WTF, he finally called, so we could have an actual conversation.

    He explained, If we break up now, before we start our senior year, we won’t have to worry about a long-distance relationship when we get to college. I don’t want to influence you if you decide to apply to schools that are out-of-state. And you shouldn’t influence my college choices, either. We’re too young to get into all that.

    We’d never had a serious discussion about the future before, so at first I was impressed. Matt was thinking ahead and being logical. Even though I felt hurt, I saw his point, plus I thought I could easily change his mind when he saw me in person with my summer-time tan, wearing really short, faded denim shorts and the lily pad green shirt that matched my eyes. I’d just had my belly button pierced. Summer was here. Why wouldn’t he want to hang out with someone like me?

    Because he had someone like her, that’s why. Liz Mayer drives a BMW which is actually hers, not her parents’. But they bought it for her. The license plate says, LizM.

    Every article of clothing she wears advertises whoever designed it. I can’t make fun of her for being a bimbo, because she has the brains and the money to get accepted at an Ivy League school. She’s smart, rich and beautiful. It would be mean to say that whatever she wasn’t born with, her parents buy for her. But it’s true.

    She has a great body, because her parents pay for her membership at an upscale gym, not because she participates in sweaty sports. Her year-round, golden-brown skin comes from tanning salon visits, not from helping with the yard work. From the roots of her perfectly highlighted hair to the soles of those two hundred dollar fur-lined boots she wears, even in warm weather, she advertises everything money can buy. And last summer she stole my boyfriend along with some of my self-confidence.

    I scooped ice cream for minimum wage, went to the beach with my friends on my days off and sulked. I dealt with anger and jealousy by running. Senior year was going to be my year on the cross-country team. I ran my ass off; training seriously for the first time ever. I went to all of the captains’ practices and sweated like a monster.

    With each pounding step, I assured myself that she would never get sweaty. Work hard at a sport. Run every day; even in a downpour. I made varsity this fall and it feels good. I’m one of the top ten runners on the team now. The coaches were surprised. For my freshman, sophomore and junior years I’d just cruised along. Cheered on my teammates and helped struggling new runners build up their confidence. I never tested

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