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Confusion: Book One
Confusion: Book One
Confusion: Book One
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Confusion: Book One

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Is there really always a reason for why everything happens? After what happens to Ali that changes her life forever, she asks herself
that question every day. One moment her life was that of the average sixteen year old girl. All it took was one second to alter that; to turn her life into a series of questions that would bring her to the end of her search. The search to discover who ruined her life as she knew it. Ali may find out who ruined her life-but does she find out on her own terms?
Release dateJun 29, 2016
Confusion: Book One

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    Confusion - Chelsea Pigeon



    I’m not sure what happened. One second we were sitting on the couch, having an innocent conversation. The next I’m face down on the floor, my vision a blur. When I awoke, he was gone. At first, I almost forgot all about the days’ previous events. Then I realized something was off. No one seemed to be around... I didn’t know what to make out of the situation. Was I just dreaming? No, that didn’t seem right; I knew I wasn’t. Once I remembered where I was, and what I was previously doing, I walked into the kitchen to see what my parents were doing. Maybe they’d know what happened. But as I approached the kitchen counter, I realized they were gone.

    Amanda! As I yelled for my sister, I tried not to panic. Why was I freaking out so much? I just passed out... nothing serious even happened.

    After waiting a few minutes for an answer, realizing there wasn’t going to be one, I ran upstairs. Quickly, I peeked my head into Amanda’s room to see if anyone was inside. No one. I walked into my bedroom to get my cell—maybe they’d answer their phone, and have a reasonable explanation for leaving me so suddenly while I was knocked out on the floor. At first I didn’t notice the strange red marks on the wall. It seemed to start—or end—on the window. The bloody red substance ran down the window, smearing across the base of my wall, and onto the floor. I traced it with my eyes as it made its way into my closet.

    As I gradually walked beside it, I was frightened by what I would find once I opened the door. I had every right to be because once I flung the door open, my sister was lying on the ground. Dead. Murdered; her blood in a pool around her on the floor. She had bruise marks on her neck and the look on her face made me scream. I dropped to my knees and started to cry. How could things be going so well one minute, and then be so bad the next? I couldn’t stand to look at her lifeless body anymore. Still wiping tears from my face, I got up and started to question what had taken place. Had she been choked? Who did this? It couldn’t have been him... where was he anyway? Where were mom and dad? They were here in the kitchen just seconds before I hit the ground. Nothing made sense. Why was Amanda in my room anyways? Not that it mattered; she went into my room all the time. But it was just all so confusing.

    Something struck me, telling me that I should probably check the rest of the house to make sure the intruder wasn’t still inside. Before I did, I reached for my phone on my dresser and called 911. Fortunately, I was able to describe everything I could remember and comprehend before the line disconnected.

    Hello? Hello! The phone beeped telling me I was speaking to no one. I shut my cell phone closed, looked under the bed and rounded the corner into the bathroom. No one was there.

    I made sure no one was upstairs before heading down... when something caught my eye. A note was hanging on the wall right above the stairs. The note paper had three different colors. Blue, green, and black stripes were covering the note. I strained my eyes to see what was written... it was way too high up. But after a while, I was finally able to read it. Now you’re both mine. What was...that supposed to mean? What did this person mean by ‘both’? Was this directed towards me or Amanda? For both of us? It couldn’t have been for her, he didn’t even know her. What was I saying? Of course he didn’t do it, she didn’t know him. I did. And he would never do something like this. I went downstairs to check the rest of the house. No sign of anyone.

    ’What is going on?" I thought to myself. There was a firm knock on the door. Finally. The cops. They were here. I didn’t know what they could do; there was no sign that anyone had been here but me. Would they believe my story?


    I could’ve sworn I heard a noise coming from upstairs. Or maybe it was the kitchen? It was all a little blur still, but soon I would find out what happened. I’m almost positive it was a shattering sound, but Ali didn’t seem to notice it. So for the moment, I pretended not to hear it either. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but now I realize how stupid it was to think that.

    I was supposed to protect her—to make sure her and her family were safe. But I could still do that... if I could just find a way to get out of here. I wasn’t going to let them—whoever they were—hurt her. Even if I had to risk my life to save her. I would find a way. After all, I did make a promise. What were they going to do to her anyway? Were they doing this to her? Were they treating her the same way I was being treated? Locked up and never able to see daylight? It had me wondering why I was even still alive. Was there a reason they hadn’t killed me yet? I couldn’t—I wouldn’t—let them kill me. She needed me, and I would be there for her. Even if it took some time.

    Before I woke up here, I remember noticing how silent the house had become. The only two people talking were me and her. I turned around to look in the kitchen, to make sure everything was all right. When I turned back around, Ali was knocked out cold and I immediately was wrestling with... who was it again? All I could remember about the person was the strength used against me—there was no way this person was a woman—unless she was a professional bodybuilder. Whatever reason this person had for doing this, I was going to find out and stop him. I remember fighting him to the ground, and punching him square in the face. He then grabbed my neck and started to strangle me. After struggling for a few seconds, I took the lamp off the table next to us, and smashed it into the guy’s head. Whoever it was, passed out and I slowly stood up, regaining my composure. But someone from behind me unexpectedly grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the floor.

    How pathetic. He mumbled angrily, his voice sounding somewhat familiar. He turned me over so quick; I couldn’t get a good look at him, and he pierced me in the face with his cold fist. After that, darkness surrounded me. I couldn’t hear or see anything. My connection from the world had been shut off.

    Chapter One


    After questioning the day’s events, the cops finally left and I was home alone, once again. It scared me to be all alone when my sister had just been murdered. Then I realized I never got the chance to call my parents. I called my mom’s cell phone

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