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The Vampire's Possession: Book 1
The Vampire's Possession: Book 1
The Vampire's Possession: Book 1
Ebook267 pages4 hours

The Vampire's Possession: Book 1

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Nothing ever happened in Hailey’s small town. The most exciting event was the arrival of the Lockwood family. Hailey spent her days attending her last year of high school and running her parents coffee shop. Everything changes one night, when Lation Lockwood walks into her parent’s coffee shop.
The events of the night turn Hailey’s world upside down when she discovers the entire Lockwood family’s secret. Her life is suddenly in danger when she meets Lation’s brother, Peirce. Peirce is unlike any man she has ever met. She soon learns he isn’t exactly a man. She is instantly attracted to him even though Lation, Peirce’s brother, saw her first.
Hailey attempts to stay alive, and keep the people she loves out of danger as she gets caught up in a world she never imagined existed. To complicate her life even more, Peirce claims ownership over her. Hailey attempts to resist Peirce’s hold, all while trying to remain sane as she fights to find her place in this new unfamiliar world of darkness. Hailey soon finds herself a vampire’s possession, when Peirce refuses to let her go.

PublisherElla Price
Release dateJul 5, 2016
The Vampire's Possession: Book 1

Ella Price

I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books have always been a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I always imagined I would eventually be one. The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    The Vampire's Possession - Ella Price

    Chapter 1

    There was nothing more boring than listening to my Algebra professor drone on and on about some form of equation … I mean boring to the point of sleeping. Meg, my best friend, nudged me for the fifth or sixth time, and I attempted to focus. I hated math … any kind of math made me want to sleep. I was more of an English person. The gentle tap on the window, indicating that it was starting to rain, didn’t make things any better. Rain made me sleepier than math did. I straightened in my chair, hoping that by forcing myself to sit up straighter I would wake up. Meg smiled, shaking her head like she knew exactly what I was thinking.

    I was so glad it was my last year of high school hell. After this, I would be moving on to bigger and better things. That wasn’t necessarily true, but the thought was nice. I would probably just start working full time at my stepmother’s coffee shop. It wouldn’t be so bad. I sighed at the thought. I knew I was fooling myself but at the rate I was going, I wasn’t sure I would make it through college.

    Meg was already prepared. She had a college three states away picked out. She had already been accepted, and she had scholarships. She was one of those overachievers that would make something of her life. I really didn’t see how we had anything in common.

    The final bell rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I started gathering my books like my classmates. Everyone was ready for this class to be over.

    You’ll never pass this class if you keep sleeping through it, Meg chided.

    I sighed. I know. It’s just so damn boring. I was serious too. It was boring to the point of sleeping.

    She pursed her lips like she usually did when she disapproved. Have you applied for colleges yet? I gave you plenty of applications.

    No, I was going to start working on it. I was dreading the talking to I was about to get.

    She made an annoyed noise. Hailey, you’re running out of time. You have to do these things if you want a future.

    I rolled my eyes. I know, I know. Why does everyone want to force me to have a future? What if I don’t want one? What if I’m completely happy as I am?

    She scowled, but she didn’t say anything else. She didn’t understand … she never did. Meg was a planner, not a slacker. I was more of a slacker. I had a hard time planning what I was going to wear for the day. Planning my future just didn’t seem like something I wanted to do. I knew I needed to, but I really didn’t want to.

    I followed her out of the classroom, to our lockers. It’s raining on top of everything else, I said annoyed as I put my books away.

    I can give you a ride to the coffee shop. It’s on my way home, she offered as she shut her locker.

    Meg’s parents bought her a car when she turned sixteen. My parents told me I needed to work and save for one. I wasn’t getting very far, so I just walked everywhere. We lived in a small town, so it really wasn’t a big deal. It was one of those scary small towns where everyone knew everyone else’s business. It was okay as long as you didn’t have any serious secrets you didn’t want everyone and their mother knowing.

    That would be great. I was a little relieved that I wouldn’t have to walk in the rain.

    So, are you going to the Lockwood’s party tomorrow night? she asked hesitantly as we made our way toward the exit.

    The Lockwood’s were a new family in town. I didn’t pay much attention to them, but everyone else did because they had money. They lived in the largest house in town, which was technically a mansion.

    I shrugged. I’m not sure. I wasn’t big on parties. I went because Meg wanted to go, and I was her sidekick and that was about the only reason.

    You have to come, she pouted like she usually did. I can’t show up alone. Do you know how lame I’ll look? Besides, Lation Lockwood will be there. Have you seen him yet?

    The dreamy tone she was using made me roll my eyes. Yes, and he’s a stuck up hot guy like the rest. He may have been slightly hotter than the rest, okay … maybe a lot hotter than the rest, but it was all the same.

    She sighed. He’s just shy. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow night. He really doesn’t talk to anyone.

    She was right. Every time I saw him, he was either by himself or there were others standing around him, but he looked like he was in his own world even then. He was hot, but he was odd.

    I guess I’ll go, but I’m not staying long, I said firmly. I didn’t even really want to go, but I knew she wouldn’t let it go until I agreed.

    She rolled her eyes as she opened her door. Fine, she pouted, then she climbed into her car.

    I shook my head smiling as I opened my door and got in the passenger seat. Meg set off for the coffee shop, which was literally only a few minutes away.


    I waved at Meg as she pulled away from the sidewalk. I looked at the coffee shop, and a small amount of dread filled me. I hated dealing with my stepmother. She was constantly fussing at me. I was always glad when she went home, leaving me to run the place. I did much better on my own.

    I walked in, and she glanced up at me. She was counting the register, obviously anticipating my arrival. You’re late.

    I scowled. I came right from school.

    Get your apron on and start the dishes. I have to leave in a few minutes. Her tone matched my annoyed tone.

    I rolled my eyes as I walked to the back office. I put my apron on, then looked in the mirror. My chestnut hair was unruly as hell. The rain was making it frizzy. I attempted to rake my fingers through it and tie it into a ponytail. My hair went well with my light brown eyes and pale skin. I couldn’t get a tan, not even if I tried. I would sunburn, and then go right back to pale. I wished I could be a little tanner like Meg, but I was still pretty. She was always annoyed because I had bigger breasts and longer legs than she did. I smiled at the thought of the last conversation we had about it.

    Hailey! Hurry up! My stepmother sounded as impatient as she usually did.

    I’m coming, I’m coming, I muttered as I made my way back out front.

    She went over everything like she usually did. I knew the process, but she insisted on going over it every time I came to work for the past two years. I was relieved when she finally walked out, leaving me alone.

    There were a couple regulars in the shop, but there weren’t any new faces. I liked working at the coffee shop when my stepmother wasn’t here. I could read books in-between serving customers and cleaning. It was a slow pace job for the most part, other than a rush here and there, but it was rare in the evening hours.

    Chapter 2

    It was a little after eight, and everyone had left. We didn’t close until nine, so I still had a few minutes. Meg came by earlier to do some studying, but she left around seven. The night was uneventful like always.

    I was standing there reading, trying to kill time. The door jingled, indicating someone was coming in. I looked up as Lation Lockwood walked in. He moved to town a couple weeks ago, but it was the first time I saw him here, at the coffee shop.

    His eyes met mine, and I straightened a little. The oddest sensation came over me. It was like an instant attraction. I felt my cheeks redden, and I quickly looked away. What can I get you? I tried to keep my tone casual as he approached the counter.

    He was definitely hot. He was tall … he had to be over six feet tall. I was almost five nine and he was taller than me. He wasn’t skinny though, he was broad. His shirt looked like it was painted on over his muscles, and his jeans fit him really well. He had to work out, there was just no way around it. His black hair fell to his collar. His latte skin made his blue eyes stand out even more than they did on their own. He was impossibly beautiful like a model out of a magazine. He was a senior, which meant he was around eighteen, but he seemed older. He had this bad boy thing going for him, and the fact that he had a muscle car made him even sexier to most of the girls in town.

    He looked up at the menu. This is my first time here. What’s good? His voice was softer than I expected, making him even sexier.

    I tried to focus on speaking and not looking like an idiot, instead of focusing on my dirty thoughts. I shrugged. I like the macchiato because it has more expresso. Caramel is my favorite. If you like something sweeter, then the lattes are good. I was trying not to sound as nervous as I felt. I wasn’t usually nervous around guys, but they also weren’t normally as hot as he was.

    He smiled slightly. I’ll take the caramel macchiato if you say it’s good.

    I smiled, blushing. Coming right up. I grabbed a cup and went to work making his drink.

    He watched me as I prepared his drink. Your name is Hailey, right?

    I nodded as I glanced up at him. Yep, how did you know? Normally boys paid attention to girls like Meg. I was one of the ones that went unnoticed.

    I see you around school at times, he said as he continued to watch me.

    I smiled. I’ve seen you around too. I was a little happy that he noticed me … any girl would’ve been. Later on, I knew I would feel silly about feeling this way, but for now, I liked the feeling. Here you are. It’s on the house. I handed him his drink.

    He smiled a little wider. Thanks. I was sure he got all kinds of things for free. Being as hot as he was came with benefits. He didn’t immediately turn to leave, which surprised me. There’s a party … he started, but he was cut off by the bell on the door jingling.

    We both looked over at the door. A man in a hood walked in. The first thing about him that caught my attention was the glint of silver from the revolver he was holding in his hand.

    Hands up! Both of you! he barked as he aimed the gun at us. His eyes darted around nervously like he was worried someone else might appear.

    Lation raised his hands. Calm down.

    I raised mine as well. My heart was pounding in my chest. I was scared, but Lation’s calm demeanor comforted me. I knew it would be better to stay calm and cooperate.

    I am calm! Don’t do anything stupid, and I won’t have to shoot you, he snapped as he waved the gun in Lation’s direction. He aimed the gun at me. Open the drawer! Give me the money! He was inching closer to the counter. He kept glancing nervously at Lation. Lation was huge compared to him. Lation was also younger. The guy had to be in his forties. I didn’t recognize him, so he had to be passing through. Robberies were unheard of around here, so I wasn’t really prepared.

    Okay. I quickly hit the buttons. The drawer popped open and I moved away, so he knew I wasn’t going to fight him.

    Put it in a bag! he ordered, getting more impatient. Hurry up, bitch! he yelled moving closer to the counter. He pulled the hammer back on the gun like he was going to shoot me. His tone made me jump. He was getting angry for no reason.

    Hey … Lation started. He barely moved, and the guy turned and shot twice.

    I screamed, startled as Lation fell to the floor. The guy cussed, then he turned and ran out the door.

    I was momentarily frozen, then I snapped out of it. I grabbed the nearest towel and hurried out from behind the counter. Lation was lying motionless in a pool of blood.

    No! No! No! I was starting to panic as I knelt next to him. I pressed the towel to his abdomen where most of the blood seemed to be coming from. I fumbled for my cellphone in the pocket of my apron. Before I could dial, he reached up and grasped my wrist. I looked down at him startled.

    Don’t, he said in barely a whisper.

    I hesitated, confused. What? You need a doctor. You’re bleeding everywhere. He pulled me toward him. He acted like he wanted to say something. I leaned closer to him. Lation, I have to call … I started.

    His eyes seemed to change, making me hesitate even more. Suddenly, he lunged forward, making me yelp. He buried his face into my neck. The slight pinch, followed by a sudden rush of pleasure, made me gasp. My body went limp like I was suddenly paralyzed. He held me tightly against his body. My mind was foggy. I was trying to process what was happening. I was trying to rationalize it. I knew what it seemed like. The first thought that came to mind was vampire, but that was silly. I obviously watched too many movies.

    He suddenly released me. His eyes were closed, and blood ran down his chin. I’m sorry, he whispered.

    What … I mumbled, but I couldn’t think clearly enough to speak.

    I will clean this up. He slowly got to his feet, lifting me as he did.

    I was awake, but I felt paralyzed and groggy. He carried me back to the office and lay me on the couch. I wasn’t sure if I was hallucinating or not. Nothing was making sense. He went from being shot, to walking around like nothing was wrong.

    He brushed my hair out of my face. I’ll be back. He turned and walked out leaving me alone.

    I lay there for what seemed like hours, but I knew it was only minutes. I flexed my fingers when I started to feel like I could move again. I groaned as I sat up. I reached up, touching my neck. My pulse quickened when I felt two small punctures. I got to my feet, stumbling to the mirror. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from shrieking. I had a vampire bite on my neck, well … it looked like one anyway. It wasn’t possible. I kept repeating that to myself.

    Hailey? Lation’s hesitant voice made me jump. He was standing in the doorway watching me. His shirt still had blood on it, but he cleaned his face. I stumbled backwards into the mirror. I tripped, nearly falling, but he caught me by my arms. I looked up at him wide eyed. I know this seems out there … he started.

    You’re a … I trailed off.

    Vampire? Yes. He managed to keep his tone soft and soothing. I needed your blood to heal. I never would’ve taken it otherwise.

    I just looked at him. I didn’t know what to say. I realized I was standing there gripping his arms. What are you going to do to me?

    He smiled slightly. I’m not going to hurt you, but I am going to make you forget.

    I was suddenly confused again. Make me forget? How? My eyes darted around as I tried to think of a way to defend myself if I needed to. He had to be crazy … maybe I was crazy. I didn’t know anymore.

    He caught my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. Don’t be afraid, Hailey. I suddenly felt like I was falling. His eyes were so blue. The feeling of complete trust came over me. I was no longer confused or afraid. I was just … falling.

    Chapter 3

    Hailey! My stepmother’s voice startled me awake.

    I rolled, landing on the floor with a thud. I groaned as I tried to figure out what was going on.

    My father glared down at me. Why are you sleeping here? You had us worried sick. You were supposed to be home hours ago.

    I sat up, looking around. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was in the office of the coffee shop, but I didn’t remember lying down. Hell … I didn’t remember most of the night. I remembered Lation coming in for coffee but after that … nothing.

    My stepmother looked at me with her hands on her hips. Are you on drugs?

    I looked at her confused. What? No. I slowly climbed to my feet. I looked around, trying to focus.

    You have a curfew, young lady. You can’t just miss it and expect not to get in trouble. My father’s impatient tone indicated he really wasn’t happy with me.

    I scowled. I didn’t miss it on purpose; besides, I’m almost eighteen. Don’t you think you should lighten up?

    You know what? You’re grounded to the house until your birthday. School and work is all you get, he countered, pointing his finger at me.

    I rolled my eyes. Whatever, I muttered. I couldn’t think straight. I just wanted to go home.

    My stepmother continued to watch me with her disapproving look. Go get in the car. We’ll be out in a minute.

    I sighed as I walked out of the office. I knew there would be no arguing with them. They were ridiculously unreasonable. It wasn’t like I was out getting in trouble. I was sleeping … at least I think I was.

    I got in the backseat of my father’s car and waited. I pulled my cellphone out and looked at it. It was after midnight. I closed my eyes as I leaned back against the seat. I felt like I lost a couple of hours somewhere.

    After a few minutes, my parents came out and got in the car. My father drove toward the house. He glanced at me through the rearview mirror a couple times. I knew he thought I was up to no good, but I really wasn’t. I didn’t really know what was going on.

    I was relieved when we made it home. I went straight to my room in an attempt to avoid any more accusing looks and annoying talks.

    I went to pull my shirt over my head. As I did I realized it was green. It was the shirt I kept as a spare at the coffee shop. I wore a pink shirt to school and work. I must’ve changed it at some point, I just couldn’t remember when or what led me to change in the first place. I sat there and thought about it for a few minutes. I couldn’t think … it was doing nothing but giving me a headache. I cursed in annoyance, tossing the shirt into the laundry hamper. I finished undressing and climbed in bed. I just needed sleep, then maybe things would be clearer.

    I was looking into beautiful blue eyes. They were so blue they reminded me of the ocean. All I could think about was that feeling … I was falling. I couldn’t see his face, just his eyes. His perfect, blue eyes were clear, but the rest was blurry. I tried to focus on his face. I wanted to know who he was. I was intrigued and a little scared. His face slowly started to become clearer … it was Lation.

    I woke up startled. My chest was heaving. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I remembered everything. He was a vampire, and he bit me. I scrambled out of the bed. I fumbled through my dark room to my bathroom. I flipped my light on, looking in the mirror. There was nothing on my neck where the bite marks should’ve been. I was sure everything that happened was real. He said he was going to make me forget, and he did. I just didn’t forget for

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