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Born To Be Brothers: Southern Legacy, #3
Born To Be Brothers: Southern Legacy, #3
Born To Be Brothers: Southern Legacy, #3
Ebook229 pages3 hours

Born To Be Brothers: Southern Legacy, #3

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Set against the backdrop of Antebellum Charleston with the martial clash of brother against brother looming on the horizon--here is an absorbing, tantalizing saga of life during one of our country's most turbulent times--Southern Legacy Series.

Born To Be Brothers, Book Three

Each has chosen a different path, Tied by the bond of brothers!

The tie that bound the cousins, Cullen Smythe and Wade Montogmery, together has been strained...stretched to the breaking point and there is nothing Josephine can do. The bond once shared, once so strong, has been lost in the turmoil surrounding their lives...none larger than the war that looms on the horizon. The war will force the brothers to choose sides. Each will defend their beliefs and loyalties with courage and valor, but each will stand against each other. The world that once was will be no more.


This is a serial! The books in this series may have cliffhangers and hooks to make you want to continue to the next book. Do not begin if you don't want to become addicted to the series! Southern Legacy will consist of four books-- Belle of Charleston, Shadows of Magnolia, Born to Be Brothers and The Sun Rises. Enjoy!

Release dateJul 16, 2016
Born To Be Brothers: Southern Legacy, #3

Jerri Hines

A Southern gal with a fascination for history, bestselling author Jerri Hines writes historical suspense fiction and historical romance. Jerri believes in love and the power it holds, the reason she adds romance to her stories. She has lived the last thirty years near Boston with her Yankee husband.

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    Book preview

    Born To Be Brothers - Jerri Hines



    Book Three


    Jerri Hines

    Published by Magnolia Way

    Copyright 2015 by Jerri Hines

    Cover Art by Erin Dameron-Hill

    Edited by Faith Williams, The Atwater Group

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


    To my husband, Bob, for allowing me to follow my dream.

    In Memoriam

    To two lovely Southern ladies who were major influences in my life, my grandmothers: Mamie Lambert Dotson and Ruby Lee Caveness.


    I would like to give my heart-felt thanks to a dear friend, Elaine Raco Chase. True friends are indeed rare. I consider myself fortune to consider her one of mine.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a serial! The books in this series may have cliffhangers and hooks to make you want to continue to the next book. Do not begin if you don’t want to become addicted to the series! Southern Legacy will consist of four books—Belle of Charleston, Shadows of Magnolia, Born to Be Brothers, and The Sun Rises. Enjoy!

    HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you read the first books in the Southern Legacy Series, Belle of Charleston and Shadows of Magnolia, before reading Born to Be Brothers. This is a SERIAL! Born to Be Brothers begins where Shadows of Magnolia left off.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Why do men fight who were born to be brothers? ~ General James Longstreet, Battle of Gettysburg

    Chapter One

    Magnolia Bluff, Charleston

    Winter, 1860

    A LIGHT MIST HAD SETTLED over the dreary rain-swept landscape. Josephine leaned against the windowsill of the room that Wade had locked her into so long ago. She had lost track of time. It seemed an eternity while the hours slowly ticked away, and still, no word had come.

    Her eyes skimmed over the panorama of the plantation, but she was keenly aware of each rider who came up the long winding lane. She watched as one mesmerized, lost in her thoughts.

    Lifting her head up to God, she prayed. Oh, Lord, in your mercy, don’t let them die! Nothing mattered except that Cullen and Gillie lived.

    There would be no peace until she knew they were safe.

    Where...where had everything gone so wrong? She had been so anxious to return to Charleston after Andrew Montgomery had jilted her at the altar. On the journey back home from Philadelphia, she should have felt desolate.

    She hadn’t—no, far from it. She had never been happier because of Cullen Smythe and the love they shared.

    Instead, she had returned to Charleston with the bright hope and dream of the life before her. She had only herself to blame for the dilemma she found herself in now.

    Cullen wanted to marry before they had departed Philadelphia. It was she who had delayed the wedding ceremony because of that telegram!

    How was she to have known that Clayton Montgomery would have been so devious and cruel? The imposter had pretended to be her sick papa and tricked her into returning before she married Cullen.

    Upon her arrival, she had been devastated to discover that her papa had passed away. Clayton Montgomery had manipulated the situation to his advantage and his desire to keep Magnolia Bluff in his Southern family.

    Jo rose and walked over to the door. When she turned the handle, the door rattled but did not budge. Locked.

    Miss Jo, do ya need something? a voice asked through the barrier.

    Smothering a frustrated gasp, she pleaded, Amos, it has been long enough. Master Wade will understand if you let me out. I need to find out what is happening.

    Ah, can’t, Miss Jo, Amos answered. Master Wade don gave me orders.

    She grimaced; she wanted nothing more than to scream. Instead, she pounded on the door until her hands hurt. It got her nowhere. She had only succeeded in scaring the servants. Moments later, Jo heard a timid knock from one of the kitchen girls, who asked whether she had need of anything.

    Jo wanted nothing more than to retort she wanted out! She had to see whether Cullen and Gillie were safe, but she realized she would only exude wasted energy. She was trapped in her room. Wade had seen to that.

    Her desperation worsened; she found it hard to breathe. How had it come to this?

    Only hours before, she had placed her faith in Wade’s word and married him. She hadn’t time to contemplate her actions. She had reacted in the only way possible to save Cullen and Gillie.

    Now Wade had his precious Magnolia Bluff. And...well, she would deal with her loss, knowing that somewhere in the world, Cullen was alive.

    With a heavy sigh, she remembered a time when marrying Wade Montgomery would have made her the happiest woman in Charleston. So handsome and debonair, he had completely disarmed her with his engaging smile and charm.

    She had fallen under his spell and thought herself in love with him. But that was before he deceived her...before he had married Clarissa...before she had met Cullen.

    Cullen! Her heart fluttered at the thought of the dark and brooding man who she loved...who had saved her more than once from certain scandal. He had been so certain that they would be together forever. It had not been meant to be.

    No one had foreseen the inconceivable actions of her cousin, Harry Lee—kidnapping Heyward and Gillie to force Jo’s hand. Why, in God’s good graces, would Harry Lee attempt such a thing?

    The answer came readily enough—revenge! Harry Lee wanted to inflict as much damage and hurt to Jo as he could. In the past, Harry Lee had tried schemes to get her inheritance. He wanted her dowry. He realized she would never agree to marry him on her own accord and wanted to force her into a marriage she would never survive. Of that fact, she had no doubt.

    Harry Lee scared her. He held little regard for human life and thought only of his selfish needs, no matter what he had to do to obtain them. She had known that the first time she had met him when she first arrived in Charleston. Harry Lee had almost killed Gillie.

    Her cousin had taunted the tiny slave girl before he dropped her over the railing at the Battery. It sickened her even now to remember.

    Aghast at the scene, Jo had tried to save the helpless young girl. Her efforts had almost cost her her own life, but Cullen had saved her. Brave, courageous Cullen...oh, how her heart wept at the thought of the danger he now faced.

    Outside, she heard a commotion and raced to the window. The lateness of the hour had cast shadows over the old oaks draped in gray moss. Caught in the time between dusk and dawn, the plantation stilled, like the quiet before a storm.

    A group of men had gathered around a rider in an intense discussion. Within minutes, Clayton Montgomery had mounted his horse and led a group of riders down the road. Something had happened!

    Jo shivered uncontrollably with the deadly worry that Cullen had been killed—or Gillie. Her stomach churned; her head throbbed.

    Anger swelled within her to be locked up in this room. She should be there. What if Gillie had need of her? What if Cullen was injured? What if? Oh, she was sick with worry!

    When she was a child, Jo hadn’t an inkling she was an heiress. No, while she lived under Grandpa Henry’s roof, she believed herself a poor relation and forced to live on the edge of the society her momma so desperately wanted her daughter to be a part.

    She had known it had been her momma’s dearest wish for her to grow up to be a lady. But she had been quite unaware that Grandpa Henry had been forced into caring for her.

    Moreover, Grandpa Henry greatly resented Jo’s presence, having disowned her momma, Lucinda, for marrying her papa, Brantley Wright, a notorious gambler. In all that time, Jo had never figured out what Harry Lee had known all along—her papa had made a deal with Grandpa Henry.

    Darkness descended with a silent somberness that shrouded the house. The rains dissipated, allowing a full moon to shine down on the quiet grounds. Jo stood longingly at the window. Closing her eyes, she could see his face so clearly.

    His dark eyes stared into hers as if he could see into her soul. One touch was all it took for her to melt into him...for his lips to claim hers. She still felt his kisses and the hope that lingered long after his lips broke from hers.

    It seemed like another lifetime. Now, Cullen was lost to her forever. Wade had to get there in time.

    Wariness and exhaustion overcame her. Jo lay down upon the bed. Her eyelids drifted closed, but it was a fretful sleep.

    Miss Jo...I hurt me!

    Gillie! Jo bolted up. Gillie, I’m coming!

    Abruptly, two strong hands grasped hold of her shoulders and gave her a slight shake. Consciousness returned as a face emerged from the haze. Wade.

    Jo, Jo.

    Let go of me. I have to go. Gillie...she needs me. Don’t you hear her?

    As she pushed back against Wade, she rose and stumbled. He immediately caught her and whirled her around in his arms.

    She isn’t here, Jo.

    Her limbs felt leaden. Not able to lift her gaze, she asked urgently, Dear God, don’t tell me...

    We got there in time. Cullen and Gillie live.

    Jo knew a moment of immense relief and collapsed against his chest. She wept. A minute...two—she had lost consciousness of time.

    Cullen. Her lip quivered at the mention of his name. Oh, thank the good Lord! I have to see him! Where is he? Downstairs?

    For a moment, Wade said nothing. She lifted her eyes to find his blue eyes reflected his concern for her. Slowly, the realization dawned upon her; there was something wrong. She wrenched herself out of his arms. She moved toward the door, but he would have none of it. In one quick movement, he blocked her exit.

    Confused, she studied him. From the corner of her eye, Jo caught her reflection in the dressing mirror. What a sight she looked! Disheveled, her hair had fallen around her face. Her eyes were reddened and puffy; her dress wrinkled. She’d scare the saints.

    Give me a moment, and I’ll ready myself.

    Wade’s brow was harshly furrowed. Jo, stop.

    Wade, I swear if you don’t let me leave this room, I will scream. I have waited all day. I need to see make sure they are—


    She froze. Her tears ceased as a semblance of rational sense returned. Oh, Lord, Wade was her husband!

    Everything had changed. Suddenly, her hands shook; her legs trembled. In the crackling silence, she felt that urge once more to weep.

    He moved to her side and led her to the edge of the bed where they sat. He cleared his throat apologetically. For all intents and purposes, it is over. As I promised, they are both safe, Cullen and Gillie.

    To Jo, his voice resonated a calm, stabling force in a tone much like one talked to a young child. Sudden apprehension swept through her that there was more to his tale than he wanted to admit. Tell me everything, Wade. I have a right to know.

    In a slow, methodical manner, Wade began. Gillie was rescued but not before she was gravely injured. I’m sorry, truly, I am. Andrew has seen to her injuries. He is with her now. I sent her to Charleston.

    Wade, I have to go to her...I have to tell Miss Hazel. What of Heyward? Oh, this is all so confusing!

    As she attempted to rise, Wade grasped tight to her hand. She settled back down. He loosened his grip as he went on. Miss Hazel has gone with her family into Charleston. I won’t lie to you. Harry Lee inflicted damage to Gillie long before we realized she was within his control. Trust that Andrew is seeing to her welfare. She is in good hands. Andrew believes she will recover...but not here. It’s imperative they leave Charleston immediately.

    For goodness’ sakes, you can’t mean without me seeing her. That will never do—

    There is little choice, Jo. Gillie wasn’t the only one gravely injured. In his rescue attempt, Cullen stabbed Harry Lee, critically wounding him. He is hovering between life and death. I have been told they doubt Harry Lee will survive the night. If he dies, Cullen will be a wanted man. There aren’t many in these parts who will take kindly to what he did.

    He can’t leave...he wouldn’t just leave me. I have to go.

    No, Wade stated in a firm tone. You aren’t leaving the plantation as it stands. Not until I get the matter settled. I have to make peace with your family. For everyone’s sake.

    I am to be a prisoner? I think not.

    You are not a prisoner in your own home. You are understandably upset and need to rest. He took her by the shoulders to force her to look at him. I will stay with you until you sleep. We will talk more in the morning before I leave.

    Recoiling, she hissed, This is your doing! You have what you want...your precious Magnolia Bluff, but I won’t have it. I’m going to them. Gillie needs me...Cullen...Cullen would never leave me. He will come.

    Have you lost your mind? You are now my wife. Cullen will not come. I made certain he understood my position. I suppose now I need to make myself clear to you. You will have no further contact with Cullen, Wade commanded. You may write to Gillie, of course.

    Jo was speechless. Her heart sickened while anger churned within her being. Her tone went cold, and her body stiff. You are too kind. Now please leave me with my grief.

    Josephine, you know I will never leave you. Given time, you will see that everything will work out for the best. This is what your papa wanted. He realized that you and I are cast from the same mold...the same viewpoints and traditions. I gave your papa my solemn word that I would look after your welfare. He reached for her. I know you are hurt—

    Don’t touch me! You don’t know my pain...being ripped from the arms of the man I love. No one will love me the way Cullen did....touch me the way he one... Suddenly, she saw Wade’s expression harden.

    Love you? Touch you? Wade drawled slowly. Tell me, my bride, how exactly did my dear cousin touch you?

    Unable to find her voice, Jo lowered her gaze, experiencing the chill of a sober consciousness of the reality of her new world. It saddened her more than she ever expected. Cullen was gone...he wasn’t coming back. She was left alone to face her husband—her husband!

    There was no way to avoid the inevitable. Oh, Lord, he will shame me when he discovers the truth! She looked back up at his cold glare.

    Cullen touched me deeply...he touched my soul. We had planned to spend the rest of our lives together, Jo whispered as she tried desperately to contain her welling emotions. And we would have if I hadn’t been so cruelly tricked. Is it not enough you have gotten your precious plantation? Do you want to know if your wife is chaste? I’m afraid in that you will be disappointed. She swallowed hard. Moreover, the thought of anyone else touching me in that manner disgusts me.

    Wade’s temper flared at the obvious insinuation. His eyes blazed, and teeth bared, betraying his fury. Frightened, she edged off the bed and stumbled back against the wall. Immediately, he closed the gap between them.

    He grasped her arm gripped tightly and jerked her into a rough embrace. You gave yourself to him, he growled under his breath. For shame, after all your father did for you to be thought of as a lady.

    She pushed back against his chest and slapped him, hard across his face. She lifted her head in defiance. Shame is not what I feel. It was not that way.

    "What way is that, my dear? The way a man will tell you anything to get what he wants? You think he loves you?

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