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Long ago a group of rogue scientists fled the Alliance worlds to escape persecution for their dangerous experiments. Settling on the planet Mystra, they continued their work in secret. The scientists had a dream. They wished to open a portal to another dimension. One night, they attempted to make their dream a reality with devastating consequences. The resulting cataclysm almost destroyed the world and created a barrier of destructive energy around the planet that destroys any ship that enters it.
Malycon, Duke of Cenchrea, and a direct descendant of one of those ancient scientists has a dream of his own. That dream is to return technology to Mystra and crown himself as the planet’s ruler. Obsessed with machines, he will do anything to accomplish his goal. The key to making his dream a reality lies with the starfarer Jasen. The science of Jasen’s people works on Mystra and Malycon will do anything to possess such power for himself.

Jasen and his companion Hawk have come to Mystra seeking answers. When unknown creatures of fiery death attacked. Three star systems perished but the planet Mystra survived. Convinced that there is a connection between the deadly energy field and the planet’s immunity to the Firehawks’ attack, Jasen seeks the machines responsible for the great cataclysm. His quest will take him north to the kingdom of Cenchrea and the duke’s secret laboratory hidden deep beneath Castle Cenchrea.
With the whole kingdom of Cenchrea looking for them Jasen, Hawk and Tivonna must do the impossible. To save the universe, Jasen and his allies must first liberate the kingdom of Cenchrea from a tyrant while keeping Jasen and his otherworldly technology out of a madman’s hands.
Meanwhile, deep in the heart of the nearby suns, something is stirring.

Release dateJul 15, 2016


Crystalphoenix is a research chemist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, with a penchant for the metaphysical. She lives in Kennesaw with two great roommates who encourage her to pursue a creative outlet (as in nags her to write), one spoiled dog and a tiger that masquerades as a Bengal cat who oversees her work.

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    Cenchrea - crystalphoenix


    Chronicles of Mystra: Book 2

    Copyright 2016 Crystalphoenix

    Published by Crystalphoenix at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    About Crystalphoenix

    Other books by Crystalphoenix

    Connect with Crystalphoenix


    Thank you to all my wonderful readers. I appreciate each of you. And of course thank you to my writing coaches Sheila, Sadie, Renee and Mary for making sure I keep writing and finish my projects on time. Thanks guys.

    Chapter 1

    King Arcus stood staring out his study window as the last glimmer of sunlight faded from the evening sky. It had been over a month since Tivonna and her two off-world allies had left Castle Aquilla to embark on their dangerous quest. He had heard nothing from them since. She was out there somewhere tonight. Was she safe or had some disaster already befallen the valiant trio? Arcus sighed and began to pace before the open window. It was maddening; this waiting and not knowing what was happening was driving him insane. He should never have let Tivonna go off alone like that. Arcus gave a wry chuckle. As if he could have stopped her from going. Tivonna was not a child. She was a grown woman, and an elemental at that. She was far from helpless nor was she alone. Both Jasen and Hawk were with her and they would do everything in their power to ensure his daughter’s safety. He was just being a foolish, overprotective father again.

    Arcus stopped pacing and gazed once more out into the night. Much had happened since the three adventurers had left for the northern wilds. Jasen had proved correct; executing Gaius would have been disastrous. Using the information gleaned from Gaius’s mind, the secret passages and spy holes had been located and sealed. Arcus had ordered Gaius watched and had discovered a vast spy network existed within his kingdom. It seemed that Gaius was the chief contact for all the duke’s spies within Aquilla. If Gaius had died, the duke would have been alerted and the spy network would have replaced him, with Arcus none the wiser. Instead, now the king knew his enemies and could use the duke’s own men against him. By feeding Malycon false information, Arcus could ensure that Aquilla’s true secrets remained hidden. Yes, better a known enemy, than an unknown one.

    The king shook his head. He had been a fool. Aquilla had been at peace for generations and he had grown complacent, forgetting the stories of Mystra’s bloody history. Then, faction had vied with faction for possession of land and for control of the vital elementals. There had been those obsessed with controlling all the elementals, and thus becoming rulers of Mystra. He had been foolish to think that type of greed and lust for power was no longer a threat. Malycon was a dangerous and ruthless man. He was determined to rule Mystra, and would do anything to obtain his goal. Arcus had ignored him far too long. If not for Jasen’s intervention, he might never have realized Malycon’s true danger until it was too late. He owed the telepath much.

    Arcus gave a deep sigh. He had not shown his appreciation very well and was ashamed of his previous behavior. He was not a child to be spooked by old tales. He had always prided himself on being fair and open minded. Yet, when he had discovered Jasen was a telepath, he had discarded everything he knew of the man and condemned him as evil. When reason had returned, he realized how foolish his actions had been. Telepathy was a gift just like the gifts possessed by the elementals. Having power or talents did not automatically make a person any better or worse than any other. It was how a person exercised their abilities that governed the type of being they were. It was a matter of character. From all that he had heard of Jasen, as well as his own personal observations, the telepath was a man of impeccable character and having telepathic gifts did not change that. And what of Tivonna? She could never love a man who was unworthy of her. Jasen had done only what was necessary and had taken no pleasure or pride in his ability to manipulate others. He had conducted himself with both integrity and honor while within Aquilla’s borders.

    How could he have so quickly forgotten the lessons of the past? Mystra had been settled by races persecuted and hounded by others, as well as races near extinction due to past mistakes. All had come to Mystra for a second chance. They had sought a world where all could live freely without the hatreds and prejudices of their home worlds. He now saw that not all old fears and hatreds had been left behind. Arcus’s own world had nearly destroyed itself with racial wars. He had read the accounts of those dark times, and had vowed that such things would never happen in his kingdom. Yet, he himself had come close to doing the very thing that he abhorred. He had been ready to condemn Jasen because of what he was, with little regard to the man himself. Well, no more, Aquilla was a free kingdom. Anyone could live within her borders as long as they kept the law and gave fealty to her king. From now on, telepaths and all other races of beings were welcome in Aquilla. The next time Jasen visited Castle Aquilla he would receive a far different reception. The young starfarer would always have a place in Aquilla, a safe haven where his welcome was always assured.

    Arcus smiled to himself; besides, it was only fitting that a prince be comfortable in his own kingdom. If he knew that daughter of his, she would not let a catch like Jasen get away. Oh, it would not be an easy task. Jasen would not soon forget what had happened here; but given time, he was sure that Tivonna could win the young man over. Then, there was nature. Nothing could keep an elemental and her kiosan apart for long, no matter how stubborn the parties involved. Yes, it was only a matter of time before Aquilla had a Crown Prince, and that suited the king just fine. Now, that he no longer looked through the eyes of prejudice and hate, Arcus saw that Jasen was a fine young man and a perfect match for Tivonna. Once they reconciled their differences and put past mistakes and hurts behind them, they would be very happy together. There was one thing Arcus knew for certain, their lives would never be mundane. Being married to an elemental was quite a challenge, and he suspected that being married to a telepath, a star roving one at that; would be equally exciting, not to mention dangerous. Arcus just hoped they lived through their present ordeal to enjoy a future together.

    Well, worrying about what he could not change would not help anyone. He had great confidence in the three young adventurers. They would succeed. He would see his daughter again and he would have his chance to rectify things with Jasen. The king turned away from the window and headed for the study door. It was almost the dinner hour and Sivena would be waiting for him. All they could do now was wait.

    Malycon, Duke of Cenchrea, was in a foul mood. Servants and subjects treaded warily, hoping to escape their ruler’s notice. The people of Cenchrea feared the duke’s dark moods, for no one knew when or how he would react when the cold rage seized him. In the past, men, women, and children had perished to appease the duke’s anger. They had been the lucky ones. Others not so fortunate had served as subjects for his fiendish experiments.

    Jacob had been Malycon’s personal servant for many years, and had come to recognize the signs of the duke’s displeasure. Malycon sat at his desk staring broodingly at the stack of reports lying before him. His dark features were pulled into a fierce scowl, and he toyed absently with the dagger he kept on the desk as a paperweight. Suddenly, he leaped to his feet, jabbed the dagger into the polished desktop, and flung the reports to the floor.

    Clutching his cleaning cloth to his chest, Jacob froze, not daring to make a sound and risk drawing Malycon’s attention to himself. He studied his master intently. The duke’s face was flushed with anger and his body was rigid with barely controlled fury. Malycon stared at the dagger quivering in the desktop, and some of the tension slowly left his body. Taking his eyes from the dagger, he glanced up at Jacob.

    Bring me Tyr. The duke’s voice was cold and flat, a sign of anger the servant recognized only too well. Quickly, Jacob scurried from the room to obey, thankful to be away from his irate lord.

    With a muttered oath, Malycon began to pace restlessly. Nothing! It had been weeks and still the stranger eluded him. His spies could find out nothing. According to their reports, all was well. Yet, he knew that all was not well. He could feel it. Somehow, the off-worlders had managed to outwit his spies. They were loose on Mystra somewhere and he was determined to find them.

    The duke’s mental tirade was interrupted by a soft knock on the study door. Seating himself at the desk, Malycon reached into a drawer and removed a small packet containing a light green powder and placed it on the desktop before him. Then, leaning back in his chair, he addressed his caller. Come.

    In response to his invitation, the door opened and Tyr glided into the room. Malycon’s dark mood lightened at the sight of the beautiful elemental. Of all the people in Cenchrea, she alone did not fear him. She served him because she must. If given the opportunity, she would cheerfully squash him like a bug without a second thought. The duke smiled to himself. It was a chance she would never have. He owned and controlled her, despite her power. He alone of all the inhabitants of Mystra had found a way to bind the powerful elementals to his will; it was a victory he relished.

    You wished to see me?

    As always, Tyr’s tone was calm and composed. Malycon couldn’t help a momentary twinge of irritation. The delicate ivory features were as inscrutable as ever. The black eyes met his unflinchingly. No sign betrayed her thoughts or feelings. In all the years Tyr had served him, Malycon had never once been able to ruffle her calm, cool demeanor. It was a minor source of annoyance to him. He might have her obedience but he had not broken the proud woman before him. Never mind, as long as she obeyed. He did not care what she felt about him.

    What news have you of our rogue elemental? Have you located her yet?

    I have little to report. There has been one unscheduled use of elemental power in the Great Plains to the South, but the incident was not long enough for me to obtain a precise reading. It felt like Tivonna. She possesses the necessary power for such a working and, as far as I know, the Centaurs have no elementals of their own, nor have they requested aid from the council. However, I cannot be sure.

    So the Centaurs have chosen to defy me. They harbor an unknown elemental in their midst and did not inform me. How inconsiderate of them, such impudence. We will have to teach them a lesson, won’t we my dear?

    Tyr suppressed a shudder. When that mocking tone entered the duke’s voice, there was danger. She had long suspected that Malycon was mad. He was unpredictable and could change moods in an instant. She didn’t like the sound of this present line of thought.

    A lesson, my lord?

    Malycon gazed at the lovely elemental, his black eyes glittering. I want the strangers. I have given strict orders for all my subjects to search for them, and to bring them to me immediately if found. The Centaurs have disobeyed me. Instead of delivering them to me, they have chosen to conceal them from me and aid their escape. They will pay for their defiance. I will not tolerate disobedience! Yes, a storm I think, that should do nicely.

    Storm, my lord? Icy fear gripped Tyr’s heart, but she showed no outward sign of her panic. Surely, he couldn’t mean what she thought he meant. It was inconceivable.

    Yes, My Dear. I want you to create a storm and send it to the Centaur camp. If Tivonna is in the vicinity, she will use her powers to neutralize the storm and save her friends. When she does, you will be able to detect her use of power and discover her exact location. Correct? If she is no longer nearby, well, then the Centaurs will pay the price for their folly.

    No, I can’t. Tyr’s pale face drained of all color at the duke’s words. What you ask is forbidden. No elemental may use her powers in such a manner. It is unthinkable. I won’t do it!

    Malycon leaned forward and picked up the packet of greenish powder lying on the desktop

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