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Relationship with God: Faith & Prayer Session 4
Relationship with God: Faith & Prayer Session 4
Relationship with God: Faith & Prayer Session 4
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Relationship with God: Faith & Prayer Session 4

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Jesus and Mary describe what truth, will and humility feel like, the science of prayer, and how to engage prayer. This seminar follows on from “Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 1”, “Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 2” and “Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 3”.
Document source filename: 20130623 Relationship With God - Faith & Prayer S4.
This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) and Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck) on 23rd June 2013 in Murgon, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Relationship with God series.

Release dateJul 26, 2016
Relationship with God: Faith & Prayer Session 4

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    Relationship with God - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Relationship With God:

    Faith & Prayer


    Jesus (AJ Miller) &

    Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck)

    Session 4

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 Divine Truth

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) and Mary Magdalene (Mary Luck) on 23rd June 2013 in Murgon, Queensland, Australia, as part of the Relationship with God series. In this seminar Jesus and Mary describe what truth, will and humility feel like, the science of prayer, and how to engage prayer. This seminar follows on from Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 1, Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 2 and Relationship with God - Faith and Prayer Session 3.

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    Table of Contents

    Faith & Prayer Session 4 Part 1

    1. Introduction

    2. Five primary qualities that are essential for soul growth

    3. What humility feels like

    3.1. Speaking truth with humility

    4. What truth feels like

    4.1. Divine Truth never compromises

    4.2. Divine Truth never forces itself

    4.3. Divine Truth results in freedom

    4.4. Sharing truth in a partner relationship

    4.5. Speaking truth with humility (continued)

    4.6. Being direct and firm with truth

    4.6.1. An example of AJ and Mary's relationship

    4.7. Truth is attractive

    4.7.1. An example of AJ and Mary's relationship

    4.8. Divine Truth builds upon itself

    4.9. Divine Truth is powerful and strong

    5. What will feels like

    6. The five primary qualities that are essential for soul growth are feelings

    6.1. An example of feeling will

    7. Having faith in error

    7.1. An example of AJ previously having faith in avoiding the experience of emotions

    7.2. An example of Mary's interactions with the media

    7.2.1. Interactions with David Millikan from Channel 7

    7.2.2. Placing guidelines for subsequent media interactions

    7.2.3. Engaging the media reluctantly

    7.2.4. Interactions with the media from New Zealand

    7.2.5. Mary's wardrobe choice for the interview with the New Zealand media

    7.3. Having faith in error prevents prayer

    8. Prayer requires a development of love, will, humility, faith and a desire for truth

    8.1. Examining personal growth

    9. The science of prayer

    9.1. Receiving Divine Love is dependent upon our will

    9.2. Prayer creates more humility

    9.3. Developing a sincere longing for God's Love

    9.3.1. An analogy of a child wanting a lolly

    10. Prayer requires a development of love, will, humility, faith and a desire for truth (continued)

    10.1. Developing the five qualities rather than focusing on addictions

    10.2. Developing the five qualities are essential for growth

    10.3. Fear prevents the development of the five qualities

    Faith & Prayer Session 4 Part 2

    11. The science of prayer (continued)

    11.1. God communicates through love

    11.1.1. Divine Love transforms the human soul

    11.1.2. Prioritising our relationship with God and our soulmate

    12. Audience questions

    12.1. God's Love cannot be lost once it is received

    12.2. Determining truth through a relationship with God

    13. The science of prayer (continued)

    13.1. Prayer opens the soul to God's Love

    13.1.1. The message about soul opening in the prayer given to James Padgett

    13.1.2. God influences operations around us to encourage the opening of our soul

    13.2. Prayer is a longing to give and receive love

    13.3. God is perfect in giving and receiving love

    13.3.1. An example of a participant who feels unable to give love to God

    13.4. The benefits of focusing on developing love between ourselves and God

    13.4.1. Experiencing ever expanding growth

    13.4.2. Soul growth through the reception of Divine Love is progressive

    13.4.3. Determining the source of error in relationships

    13.5. Prayer tugs on God's Soul

    14. How to engage prayer

    14.1. Allowing time to feel fears and connect to God

    14.2. Common methods used to avoid feeling fear

    14.3. Giving up addictions in order to develop a relationship with God

    14.3.1. An example of a participant attempting to give up all of his addictions at once

    14.4. Developing humility to experiencing fear

    14.5. An example of Mary developing her relationship with God

    14.5.1. Longing for God's Love compared to asking for truth or humility

    14.5.2. Feeling the need to be perfect before we can be loved

    14.6. Focusing on God's Love rather than error

    15. Closing words

    Faith & Prayer Session 4 Part 1

    1. Introduction

    Jesus: How are you this morning? Good? Yes? Very good.

    Mary: How did you find the talk yesterday? (See 20130622 Relationship With God - Faith & Prayer S3)

    Jesus: A lot of the times I feel like when I speak, I still am feeling confusion from your soul for many of you and there's a lot of intellect at play rather than just allowing yourself to feel about what is being said to you. That is generally the case and many of your questions are driven by your intellect through your fear. So if you could think about - before you ask a question today - whether it's driven by a fear you have or whether it's just a thirst for truth or a thirst for knowledge, that would be great because what we find generally is when we give answers to questions that are based around fear generally we get off topic, and it's better if we can stay on topic today because there's still a lot of material to cover about prayer, and we'd really like to finish that off.

    So for anyone listening this will be session four of the subject Faith & Prayer and we recommend to anybody who's listening on the Internet to these particular presentations that they go through session one, two, and three before they watch the last session - this session that we're doing today. This of course won't be the last session we do on these subjects but we want to try to cover most of the main points today about prayer, so that you feel pretty comfortable and confident about knowing what it's all about.

    Now I know that many of you feel you know already what it's all about and this is something that I continually struggle with. We were talking, myself, Luli and Raj a few weeks ago about how in many of my talks what I'm trying to do is use the English language to describe truths that the English language is not really suited for - and by the way there is no language suited for it on Earth either - all of these truths have to be transmitted through the language of love, as we started talking about last night. The problem that we have generally is that most of us are still pretty distorted with our viewpoints of love and so therefore it's very difficult for us to understand what's really going on much of the time.

    So the more sensitive you become to what is involved with love, the easier you will find God's Truth to understand from a soul perspective, and actually implement it from a soul perspective and that's what we'd like to recommend to you to do.

    Mary: One of the beautiful things about prayer and this path is that you're being delivered a lot of truth. When Jesus gets up here and just speaks he says a lot of truth and the beautiful thing about truth is that it naturally confronts the error inside of us and what I notice sometimes is when the truth starts confronting the error people go, Oh! Hang on! Hang on! Hang on! Hang on! (Mary motions putting her hand up) instead of just letting the error be confronted, feel that, and then have your question.

    Jesus: So do you understand what Mary's saying? Let the error be confronted: let the feeling that you have in that moment of confusion or whatever it is that particular feeling; let that feeling be felt rather than trying to prevent the feeling by gaining more knowledge. This is something that many of us do with God as well: we long for God's Love, we feel a little bit of God's Love and then all of a sudden an emotion is confronted and instead of allowing ourselves to have that emotional confrontation happen as a natural part of this process, we shut it down. We try to run away from it, we try to intellectually bamboozle ourselves out of it, or we even try to intellectually manipulate ourselves out of it actually. We have very strong desires generally to get out of truth in many cases and out of a state of humility.

    2. Five primary qualities that are essential for soul growth

    Jesus: I was thinking this morning perhaps the best way to introduce the morning would be to talk with you a little about what the feelings are of different things that we have already discussed with you yesterday. So if we look at the five primary things that we discussed yesterday.

    Mary: Does anyone remember what they were?

    Jesus: The first one?

    Audience: Humility.

    Jesus: Humility, yes.

    Audience: Truth and love.

    Jesus: Truth. What we'll do here is I'm just going to change the order around a bit. Will, faith and love.

    3. What humility feels like

    Jesus: So if you had to describe the feeling of humility, what would you describe it to be, if you had to describe the feeling?

    Participant Female: Soft?

    Jesus: So it's soft, I agree. So when you say soft, it's soft and accepting, yes. Good.

    Participant Female: I was going to say softening but there's a bit of peace with that softening as well.

    Jesus: So it's a sort of a peaceful feeling? When you say peaceful ...

    Mary: Is it really? (Laughs)

    Participant Female: I often don't feel that peacefulness so at the moment when I'm feeling humble that's the word

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