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Immortal Dance
Immortal Dance
Immortal Dance
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Immortal Dance

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Sam Wyatt is taking the vacation of a lifetime to Cliff Palace of Mesa Verde National Park. He knows so much about the ancient people who lived there that he wishes he could have been one of them instead of a modern-day man, lost in the rat race of corporate advertising. He wishes his life would have meaning.

A beloved princess of the Anasazi, Tiva knows her soul mate is out there somewhere, but with the Solstice Gathering only a week away she fears the wrong man will seek her hand. Determined to say no, she also realizes her one true love won’t just fall at her feet—until that’s exactly what happens. Yet, she and Sam come from different worlds. Ancient marriage rites and a jealous suitor stand in the way of happiness unless mortal and immortal blend and true love dances the fine line between the impossible and the what-must-be.

Release dateAug 11, 2016
Immortal Dance

Deena Remiel

It was the mystique of Arizona’s history and landscape that called to Deena and catapulted her career as a USA Today Bestselling Author. When she’s not writing urban fantasy or paranormal romance in the wee, small hours of the morning or in the deep, dark of night, Deena teaches language arts to gifted middle school students. She currently lives in Mesa, but New Jersey will always tug at her heartstrings.

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    Immortal Dance - Deena Remiel


    Remiel’s stories pull you in, captivate your heart, and make you beg for more.

    USA Today Bestselling Author Laura Wright

    "Deena Remiel’s Book Waitress series is a rare find. One part Buffy, another part Exorcist, with an extra large dash of hunky reporter, it’s bound to wind up on your favorite series list. It’s certainly on mine."

    —Rebecca Royce, Bestselling Author of the Westervelt Wolves

    Deena Remiel’s angelic world will make you swoon.

    —Erin Quinn, New York Times Bestselling Author

    [Deena’s writing] is always done in such wonderful layers. Intense emotions, beautiful descriptions, and wonderfully woven story. They all come together to form her addictive paranormal tales.

    —Kristina’s Books and More


    Sam Wyatt is taking the vacation of a lifetime to Cliff Palace of Mesa Verde National Park. He knows so much about the ancient people who lived there that he wishes he could have been one of them instead of a modern-day man, lost in the rat race of corporate advertising. He wishes his life would have meaning.

    A beloved princess of the Anasazi, Tiva knows her soul mate is out there somewhere, but with the Solstice Gathering only a week away she fears the wrong man will seek her hand. Determined to say no, she also realizes her one true love won’t just fall at her feet—until that’s exactly what happens. Yet, she and Sam come from different worlds. Ancient marriage rites and a jealous suitor stand in the way of happiness unless mortal and immortal blend and true love dances the fine line between the impossible and the what-must-be.



    Deena Remiel

    PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


    Copyright © 2016 Debra Rosenblum

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

    ISBN 978-1-944262-33-4

    E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar

    To those who dare to believe


    When the idea for the paranormal romance series, Love Among the Ruins, first percolated in my mind years ago, I dreamed of impossible romances, with swoony heroes and heroines, set in exotic, mysterious, or mythological places. I must thank Michelle Klayman for loving my series and giving me the platform to present it to you now. It takes a village to raise a book, so I’d also like to thank three people whose expertise in editing has polished Immortal Dance into the beauty she is today. JoAnne Soper-Cook, Tanya Reynolds, and Chris Keeslar, thank you for the time, care, and respect you gave to my baby throughout the entire publishing process. It has been an honor and pleasure working with you, and I can’t wait to work with you again. I thank my family for always being so supportive of a career that many times pulls me away from them. I thank you, my readers, for loving my stories and daring to believe right along with me.


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    About the Author

    Also by Deena Remiel


    Chapter One

    Tiva sat by the communal fire, contentedly weaving an intricate design into the basket she’d been making to commemorate her mother’s life. As she did so, she recalled the hours and days spent perfecting her skill of basket weaving, a craft important to her culture and village. Most baskets were for storage, but this one, this one would be most revered for the meaning attached. Laughter erupted to her left where a group of young girls tanned animal hides. Curious to see what had caused such an uproar, she set her basket aside and scurried over to her friends.

    And now she looks like the old haunted soul who lives in the Dark Pit.

    Another burst of laughter, only this time Tiva saw what had caused the commotion: Some bits of animal brains from the tanning mixture had spattered her best friend Sihu’s face. A small price to pay for the softest hide that would never harden, even after getting wet. She was speckled with the mess, and laughing, too.

    Better watch out. I will snatch you away from your home in the middle of the night to cook your flesh for a tasty meal and use your bones to pick my teeth, Sihu cackled while reaching out brain-covered fingers to taunt each of the girls in the circle. They shrieked and shrank back in horror and delight.

    Girls, Tiva admonished playfully. Sihu, you all know better than to make fun of our elders.

    One small girl stepped forward and wiped her watering eyes with a clean forearm. But, Tiva, do you not think it true? You must see the likeness.

    She frowned and considered. Yes, yes, I admit I do see a resemblance, too, but she would never do those things Sihu said. If you start spinning tales like that, one of them could be overheard and then be told to others as truth. Before you know it, we will have a terrible problem seeking out the real story and someone will be hurt in the process. Come with me to the stream to clean up, my silly friend.

    "Thank you. I am a mess, and I am sorry. I did not think a little playing around like that could cause any harm. But I see your point."

    Tiva inspected the hides while Sihu scraped off as much of the tanning mixture from her hands as she could.

    Race you there. Her dearest friend charged off, taking her by surprise. Always up for a challenge, Tiva tossed her slippers and bolted after the fleet-footed young woman. Step after step, her pace increased, and soon she ran past her shorter

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